995 resultados para sequential methods


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Energy research is to a large extent materials research, encompassing the physics and chemistry of materials, including their synthesis, processing toward components and design toward architectures, allowing for their functionality as energy devices, extending toward their operation parameters and environment, including also their degradation, limited life, ultimate failure and potential recycling. In all these stages, X-ray and electron spectroscopy are helpful methods for analysis, characterization and diagnostics for the engineer and for the researcher working in basic science.This paper gives a short overview of experiments with X-ray and electron spectroscopy for solar energy and water splitting materials and addresses also the issue of solar fuel, a relatively new topic in energy research. The featured systems are iron oxide and tungsten oxide as photoanodes, and hydrogenases as molecular systems. We present surface and subsurface studies with ambient pressure XPS and hard X-ray XPS, resonant photoemission, light induced effects in resonant photoemission experiments and a photo-electrochemical in situ/operando NEXAFS experiment in a liquid cell, and nuclear resonant vibrational spectroscopy (NRVS). (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Structural dynamics of dendritic spines is one of the key correlative measures of synaptic plasticity for encoding short-term and long-term memory. Optical studies of structural changes in brain tissue using confocal microscopy face difficulties of scattering. This results in low signal-to-noise ratio and thus limiting the imaging depth to few tens of microns. Multiphoton microscopy (MpM) overcomes this limitation by using low-energy photons to cause localized excitation and achieve high resolution in all three dimensions. Multiple low-energy photons with longer wavelengths minimize scattering and allow access to deeper brain regions at several hundred microns. In this article, we provide a basic understanding of the physical phenomena that give MpM an edge over conventional microscopy. Further, we highlight a few of the key studies in the field of learning and memory which would not have been possible without the advent of MpM.


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The sparse recovery methods utilize the l(p)-normbased regularization in the estimation problem with 0 <= p <= 1. These methods have a better utility when the number of independent measurements are limited in nature, which is a typical case for diffuse optical tomographic image reconstruction problem. These sparse recovery methods, along with an approximation to utilize the l(0)-norm, have been deployed for the reconstruction of diffuse optical images. Their performancewas compared systematically using both numerical and gelatin phantom cases to show that these methods hold promise in improving the reconstructed image quality.


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The electronic structure of Nd1-xYxMnO3 (x-0-0.5) is studied using x-ray absorption near-edge structure (XANES) spectroscopy at the Mn K-edge along with the DFT-based LSDA+U and real space cluster calculations. The main edge of the spectra does not show any variation with doping. The pre-edge shows two distinct features which appear well-separated with doping. The intensity of the pre-edge decreases with doping. The theoretical XANES were calculated using real space multiple scattering methods which reproduces the entire experimental spectra at the main edge as well as the pre-edge. Density functional theory calculations are used to obtain the Mn 4p, Mn 3d and O 2p density of states. For x=0, the site-projected density of states at 1.7 eV above Fermi energy shows a singular peak of unoccupied e(g) (spin-up) states which is hybridized Mn 4p and O 2p states. For x=0.5, this feature develops at a higher energy and is highly delocalized and overlaps with the 3d spin-down states which changes the pre-edge intensity. The Mn 4p DOS for both compositions, show considerable difference between the individual p(x), p(y) and p(z)), states. For x=0.5, there is a considerable change in the 4p orbital polarization suggesting changes in the Jahn-Teller effect with doping. (C) 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Objective identification and description of mimicked calls is a primary component of any study on avian vocal mimicry but few studies have adopted a quantitative approach. We used spectral feature representations commonly used in human speech analysis in combination with various distance metrics to distinguish between mimicked and non-mimicked calls of the greater racket-tailed drongo, Dicrurus paradiseus and cross-validated the results with human assessment of spectral similarity. We found that the automated method and human subjects performed similarly in terms of the overall number of correct matches of mimicked calls to putative model calls. However, the two methods also misclassified different subsets of calls and we achieved a maximum accuracy of ninety five per cent only when we combined the results of both the methods. This study is the first to use Mel-frequency Cepstral Coefficients and Relative Spectral Amplitude - filtered Linear Predictive Coding coefficients to quantify vocal mimicry. Our findings also suggest that in spite of several advances in automated methods of song analysis, corresponding cross-validation by humans remains essential.


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A number of ecosystems can exhibit abrupt shifts between alternative stable states. Because of their important ecological and economic consequences, recent research has focused on devising early warning signals for anticipating such abrupt ecological transitions. In particular, theoretical studies show that changes in spatial characteristics of the system could provide early warnings of approaching transitions. However, the empirical validation of these indicators lag behind their theoretical developments. Here, we summarize a range of currently available spatial early warning signals, suggest potential null models to interpret their trends, and apply them to three simulated spatial data sets of systems undergoing an abrupt transition. In addition to providing a step-by-step methodology for applying these signals to spatial data sets, we propose a statistical toolbox that may be used to help detect approaching transitions in a wide range of spatial data. We hope that our methodology together with the computer codes will stimulate the application and testing of spatial early warning signals on real spatial data.


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We develop a communication theoretic framework for modeling 2-D magnetic recording channels. Using the model, we define the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) for the channel considering several physical parameters, such as the channel bit density, code rate, bit aspect ratio, and noise parameters. We analyze the problem of optimizing the bit aspect ratio for maximizing SNR. The read channel architecture comprises a novel 2-D joint self-iterating equalizer and detection system with noise prediction capability. We evaluate the system performance based on our channel model through simulations. The coded performance with the 2-D equalizer detector indicates similar to 5.5 dB of SNR gain over uncoded data.


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In this article, we analyse several discontinuous Galerkin (DG) methods for the Stokes problem under minimal regularity on the solution. We assume that the velocity u belongs to H-0(1)(Omega)](d) and the pressure p is an element of L-0(2)(Omega). First, we analyse standard DG methods assuming that the right-hand side f belongs to H-1(Omega) boolean AND L-1(Omega)](d). A DG method that is well defined for f belonging to H-1(Omega)](d) is then investigated. The methods under study include stabilized DG methods using equal-order spaces and inf-sup stable ones where the pressure space is one polynomial degree less than the velocity space.


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In this article, we prove convergence of the weakly penalized adaptive discontinuous Galerkin methods. Unlike other works, we derive the contraction property for various discontinuous Galerkin methods only assuming the stabilizing parameters are large enough to stabilize the method. A central idea in the analysis is to construct an auxiliary solution from the discontinuous Galerkin solution by a simple post processing. Based on the auxiliary solution, we define the adaptive algorithm which guides to the convergence of adaptive discontinuous Galerkin methods.


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This study considers linear filtering methods for minimising the end-to-end average distortion of a fixed-rate source quantisation system. For the source encoder, both scalar and vector quantisation are considered. The codebook index output by the encoder is sent over a noisy discrete memoryless channel whose statistics could be unknown at the transmitter. At the receiver, the code vector corresponding to the received index is passed through a linear receive filter, whose output is an estimate of the source instantiation. Under this setup, an approximate expression for the average weighted mean-square error (WMSE) between the source instantiation and the reconstructed vector at the receiver is derived using high-resolution quantisation theory. Also, a closed-form expression for the linear receive filter that minimises the approximate average WMSE is derived. The generality of framework developed is further demonstrated by theoretically analysing the performance of other adaptation techniques that can be employed when the channel statistics are available at the transmitter also, such as joint transmit-receive linear filtering and codebook scaling. Monte Carlo simulation results validate the theoretical expressions, and illustrate the improvement in the average distortion that can be obtained using linear filtering techniques.


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Lime stabilization prevails to be the most widely adopted in situ stabilization method for controlling the swell-shrink potentials of expansive soils despite construction difficulties and its ineffectiveness in certain conditions. In addition to the in situ stabilization methods presently practiced, it is theoretically possible to facilitate in situ precipitation of lime in soil by successive permeation of calcium chloride (CaCl2 ) and sodium hydroxide (NaOH) solutions into the expansive soil. In this laboratory investigation, an attempt is made to study the precipitation of lime in soil by successive mixing of CaCl2 and NaOH solutions with the expansive soil in two different sequences.Experimental results indicated that in situ precipitation of lime in soil by sequential mixing of CaCl2 and NaOH solutions with expansive soil developed strong lime-modification and soil-lime pozzolanic reactions. The lime-modification reactions together with the poorly de- veloped cementation products controlled the swelling potential, reduced the plasticity index, and increased the unconfined compressive strength of the expansive clay cured for 24 h. Comparatively, both lime-modification reactions and well-developed crystalline cementation products (formed by lime-soil pozzolanic reactions) contributed to the marked increase in the unconfined compressive strength of the ex-pansive soil that was cured for 7–21 days. Results also show that the sequential mixing of expansive soil with CaCl2 solution followed by NaOH solution is more effective than mixing expansive soil with NaOH solution followed by CaCl2 solution. DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)MT .1943-5533.0000483. © 2012 American Society of Civil Engineers.


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Knowledge of the plasticity associated with the incipient stage of chip formation is useful toward developing an understanding of the deformation field underlying severe plastic deformation processes. The transition from a transient state of straining to a steady state was investigated in plane strain machining of a model material system-copper. Characterization of the evolution to a steady-state deformation field was made by image correlation, hardness mapping, load analysis, and microstructure characterization. Empirical relationships relating the deformation heterogeneity and the process parameters were found and explained by the corresponding effects on shear plane geometry. The results are potentially useful to facilitate a framework for process design of large strain deformation configurations, wherein transient deformation fields prevail. These implications are considered in the present study to quantify the efficiency of processing methods for bulk ultrafine-grained metals by large strain extrusion machining and equal channel angular pressing.


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Our work is motivated by impromptu (or ``as-you-go'') deployment of wireless relay nodes along a path, a need that arises in many situations. In this paper, the path is modeled as starting at the origin (where there is the data sink, e.g., the control center), and evolving randomly over a lattice in the positive quadrant. A person walks along the path deploying relay nodes as he goes. At each step, the path can, randomly, either continue in the same direction or take a turn, or come to an end, at which point a data source (e.g., a sensor) has to be placed, that will send packets to the data sink. A decision has to be made at each step whether or not to place a wireless relay node. Assuming that the packet generation rate by the source is very low, and simple link-by-link scheduling, we consider the problem of sequential relay placement so as to minimize the expectation of an end-to-end cost metric (a linear combination of the sum of convex hop costs and the number of relays placed). This impromptu relay placement problem is formulated as a total cost Markov decision process. First, we derive the optimal policy in terms of an optimal placement set and show that this set is characterized by a boundary (with respect to the position of the last placed relay) beyond which it is optimal to place the next relay. Next, based on a simpler one-step-look-ahead characterization of the optimal policy, we propose an algorithm which is proved to converge to the optimal placement set in a finite number of steps and which is faster than value iteration. We show by simulations that the distance threshold based heuristic, usually assumed in the literature, is close to the optimal, provided that the threshold distance is carefully chosen. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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This paper considers cooperative spectrum sensing algorithms for Cognitive Radios which focus on reducing the number of samples to make a reliable detection. We propose algorithms based on decentralized sequential hypothesis testing in which the Cognitive Radios sequentially collect the observations, make local decisions and send them to the fusion center for further processing to make a final decision on spectrum usage. The reporting channel between the Cognitive Radios and the fusion center is assumed more realistically as a Multiple Access Channel (MAC) with receiver noise. Furthermore the communication for reporting is limited, thereby reducing the communication cost. We start with an algorithm where the fusion center uses an SPRT-like (Sequential Probability Ratio Test) procedure and theoretically analyze its performance. Asymptotically, its performance is close to the optimal centralized test without fusion center noise. We further modify this algorithm to improve its performance at practical operating points. Later we generalize these algorithms to handle uncertainties in SNR and fading. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Today's programming languages are supported by powerful third-party APIs. For a given application domain, it is common to have many competing APIs that provide similar functionality. Programmer productivity therefore depends heavily on the programmer's ability to discover suitable APIs both during an initial coding phase, as well as during software maintenance. The aim of this work is to support the discovery and migration of math APIs. Math APIs are at the heart of many application domains ranging from machine learning to scientific computations. Our approach, called MATHFINDER, combines executable specifications of mathematical computations with unit tests (operational specifications) of API methods. Given a math expression, MATHFINDER synthesizes pseudo-code comprised of API methods to compute the expression by mining unit tests of the API methods. We present a sequential version of our unit test mining algorithm and also design a more scalable data-parallel version. We perform extensive evaluation of MATHFINDER (1) for API discovery, where math algorithms are to be implemented from scratch and (2) for API migration, where client programs utilizing a math API are to be migrated to another API. We evaluated the precision and recall of MATHFINDER on a diverse collection of math expressions, culled from algorithms used in a wide range of application areas such as control systems and structural dynamics. In a user study to evaluate the productivity gains obtained by using MATHFINDER for API discovery, the programmers who used MATHFINDER finished their programming tasks twice as fast as their counterparts who used the usual techniques like web and code search, IDE code completion, and manual inspection of library documentation. For the problem of API migration, as a case study, we used MATHFINDER to migrate Weka, a popular machine learning library. Overall, our evaluation shows that MATHFINDER is easy to use, provides highly precise results across several math APIs and application domains even with a small number of unit tests per method, and scales to large collections of unit tests.