953 resultados para reinforced yield stress
BACKGROUND: Increasing the appropriateness of use of upper gastrointestinal (GI) endoscopy is important to improve quality of care while at the same time containing costs. This study explored whether detailed explicit appropriateness criteria significantly improve the diagnostic yield of upper GI endoscopy. METHODS: Consecutive patients referred for upper GI endoscopy at 6 centers (1 university hospital, 2 district hospitals, 3 gastroenterology practices) were prospectively included over a 6-month period. After controlling for disease presentation and patient characteristics, the relationship between the appropriateness of upper GI endoscopy, as assessed by explicit Swiss criteria developed by the RAND/UCLA panel method, and the presence of relevant endoscopic lesions was analyzed. RESULTS: A total of 2088 patients (60% outpatients, 57% men) were included. Analysis was restricted to the 1681 patients referred for diagnostic upper GI endoscopy. Forty-six percent of upper GI endoscopies were judged to be appropriate, 15% uncertain, and 39% inappropriate by the explicit criteria. No cancer was found in upper GI endoscopies judged to be inappropriate. Upper GI endoscopies judged appropriate or uncertain yielded significantly more relevant lesions (60%) than did those judged to be inappropriate (37%; odds ratio 2.6: 95% CI [2.2, 3.2]). In multivariate analyses, the diagnostic yield of upper GI endoscopy was significantly influenced by appropriateness, patient gender and age, treatment setting, and symptoms. CONCLUSIONS: Upper GI endoscopies performed for appropriate indications resulted in detecting significantly more clinically relevant lesions than did those performed for inappropriate indications. In addition, no upper GI endoscopy that resulted in a diagnosis of cancer was judged to be inappropriate. The use of such criteria improves patient selection for upper GI endoscopy and can thus contribute to efforts aimed at enhancing the quality and efficiency of care. (Gastrointest Endosc 2000;52:333-41).
BACKGROUND: Nitrosative stress takes place in endothelial cells (EC) during corneal acute graft rejection. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the potential role of peroxynitrite on corneal EC death. METHODS: The effect of peroxynitrite was evaluated in vivo. Fifty, 250, and 500 microM in 1.5 microL of the natural or denatured peroxynitrite in 50 microM NaOH, 50 microM NaOH alone, or balanced salt solution were injected into the anterior chamber of rat eyes (n=3/group). Corneal toxic signs after injection were assessed by slit-lamp, in vivo confocal imaging, pachymetry, and EC count. The effect of peroxynitrite was also evaluated on nitrotyrosine and leucocyte elastase inhibitor/LDNase II immunohistochemistry. Human corneas were incubated with peroxynitrite and the effect on EC viability was evaluated. A specific inducible nitric oxide synthase inhibitor (iNOS) was administered systemically in rats undergoing allogeneic corneal graft rejection and the effect on EC was evaluated by EC count. RESULTS: Rat eyes receiving as little as 50 microM peroxynitrite showed a specific dose-dependent toxicity on EC. We observed an intense nitrotyrosine staining of human and rat EC exposed to peroxynitrite associated with leucocyte elastase inhibitor nuclear translocation, a noncaspase dependent apoptosis reaction. Specific inhibition of iNOS generation prevented EC death and enhanced EC survival of the grafted corneas. However, inhibition of iNOS did not have a significant influence on the incidence of graft rejection. CONCLUSION: Nitrosative stress during acute corneal graft rejection in rat eyes induces a noncaspase dependent apoptotic death in EC. Inhibition of nitric oxide production during the corneal graft rejection has protective effects on the corneal EC survival.
AIM/HYPOTHESIS: Endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress, which is involved in the link between inflammation and insulin resistance, contributes to the development of type 2 diabetes mellitus. In this study, we assessed whether peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor (PPAR)β/δ prevented ER stress-associated inflammation and insulin resistance in skeletal muscle cells. METHODS: Studies were conducted in mouse C2C12 myotubes, in the human myogenic cell line LHCN-M2 and in skeletal muscle from wild-type and PPARβ/δ-deficient mice and mice exposed to a high-fat diet. RESULTS: The PPARβ/δ agonist GW501516 prevented lipid-induced ER stress in mouse and human myotubes and in skeletal muscle of mice fed a high-fat diet. PPARβ/δ activation also prevented thapsigargin- and tunicamycin-induced ER stress in human and murine skeletal muscle cells. In agreement with this, PPARβ/δ activation prevented ER stress-associated inflammation and insulin resistance, and glucose-intolerant PPARβ/δ-deficient mice showed increased phosphorylated levels of inositol-requiring 1 transmembrane kinase/endonuclease-1α in skeletal muscle. Our findings demonstrate that PPARβ/δ activation prevents ER stress through the activation of AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK), and the subsequent inhibition of extracellular-signal-regulated kinase (ERK)1/2 due to the inhibitory crosstalk between AMPK and ERK1/2, since overexpression of a dominant negative AMPK construct (K45R) reversed the effects attained by PPARβ/δ activation. CONCLUSIONS/INTERPRETATION: Overall, these findings indicate that PPARβ/δ prevents ER stress, inflammation and insulin resistance in skeletal muscle cells by activating AMPK.
Exogenous administration of glucocorticoids is a widely used and efficient tool to investigate the effects of elevated concentrations of these hormones in field studies. Because the effects of corticosterone are dose and duration-dependent, the exact course of plasma corticosterone levels after exogenous administration needs to be known. We tested the performance of self-degradable corticosterone pellets (implanted under the skin) in elevating plasma corticosterone levels. We monitored baseline (sampled within 3min after capture) total corticosterone levels and investigated potential interactions with corticosteroid-binding-globulin (CBG) capacity and the endogenous corticosterone response to handling in Eurasian kestrel Falco tinnunculus and barn owl Tyto alba nestlings. Corticosterone pellets designed for a 7-day-release in rodents elevated circulating baseline total corticosterone during only 2-3 days compared to placebo-nestlings. Highest levels occurred 1-2days after implantation and levels decreased strongly thereafter. CBG capacity was also increased, resulting in a smaller, but still significant, increase in baseline free corticosterone levels. The release of endogenous corticosterone as a response to handling was strong in placebo-nestlings, but absent 2 and 8 days after corticosterone pellet implantation. This indicates a potential shut-down of the hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenal axis after the 2-3 days of elevated baseline corticosterone levels. 20 days after pellet implantation, the endogenous corticosterone response to handling of nestlings implanted with corticosterone pellets attained similar levels as in placebo-nestlings. Self-degradable pellets proved to be an efficient tool to artificially elevate circulating baseline corticosterone especially in field studies, requiring only one intervention. The resulting peak-like elevation of circulating corticosterone, the concomitant elevation of CBG capacity, and the absence of an endogenous corticosterone response to an acute stressor have to be taken into account.
En aquest projecte es presenta la realització d’un sistema d’assaig de la corrosió sota tensió (stress corrosion cracking, SCC) i un estudi de l’efecte de l’SCC sobre dos acers d’eina per matrius d’estampació en calent. L’SCC és la formació i propagació d’esquerdes en un material degut a la interacció de tres factors: un medi corrosiu, un material susceptible i una tensió estàtica aplicada. Aquestes esquerdes són difícils de detectar i poden provocar fallades catastròfiques inesperades i, en concret, s’ha detectat aquest fenomen en matrius refrigerades d’estampació en calent. Es pretén dissenyar i construir un dispositiu d’assaig SCC per tal d’utilitzar-lo per l’estudi dels materials 1.2367 i 1.2343 en condicions d’aigua de xarxa, aigua destil·lada i inhibidor. Aquests assaigs es realitzen a les temperatures de 40 i 80ºC ja que un estudi previ ha simulat les condicions de temperatura als canals de refrigeració de les matrius d’estampació en calent i s’ha vist que aquestes són les temperatures assolides. La raó d’estudiar aquests materials és perquè són dos acers d’eina per treball en calent convencionals, usats en l’àmbit de les matrius refrigerades d’estampació en calent i en general en processos de conformat en calent (forja, moldeig). S’estudia el comportament a tracció d’aquests materials en aquestes condicions comparant-lo amb el mateix assaig però en condicions en aire, i s’avaluen les diferències en la tensió màxima, la ductilitat, el mecanisme de fractura o l’esquerdament sofert. Es fa un estudi fractogràfic de les mostres mitjançant microscòpia electrònica de rastreig (SEM) i un estudi de les superfícies laterals i del secondary cracking mitjançant microscòpia òptica. Es comparen els diferents resultats obtinguts i es determina en quines condicions s’ha desenvolupat SCC i en quines no, en quina intensitat i quines opcions hi ha per evitar-lo.
We examine whether and how main central banks responded to episodes of financial stress over the last three decades. We employ a new methodology for monetary policy rules estimation, which allows for time-varying response coefficients as well as corrects for endogeneity. This flexible framework applied to the U.S., U.K., Australia, Canada and Sweden together with a new financial stress dataset developed by the International Monetary Fund allows not only testing whether the central banks responded to financial stress but also detects the periods and type of stress that were the most worrying for monetary authorities and to quantify the intensity of policy response. Our findings suggest that central banks often change policy
INTRODUCTION: We set out to determine if insertion of a retropubic tension-free vaginal tape (TVT) sling at the time of pelvic organ prolapse surgery improves continence outcomes in women with pre-operative occult stress incontinence (OSI) or asymptomatic urodynamic stress incontinence (USI). METHODS: We conducted a randomised controlled study of prolapse surgery with or without a TVT midurethral sling. The pre- and post-operative assessment at 6 months included history, physical examination and urodynamic testing. Quality of life (QOL) and treatment success was assessed with the UDI-6 SF, IIQ-7 SF and a numerical success score. The primary outcome was symptomatic stress urinary incontinence (SUI) requiring continence surgery (TVT) at 6 months. Long-term follow-up continued to a minimum of 24 months. Secondary outcomes were quality of life parameters. RESULTS: Eighty women received prolapse surgery alone (n = 43) or prolapse surgery with concurrent TVT (n = 37). Six months following prolapse surgery 3 out of 43 (7 %) patients in the no TVT group requested sling surgery compared with 0 out of 37 (0 %) in the TVT group (ARR 7 % [95 %CI: 3 to 19 %], p = 0.11). After 24 months there was one further participant in the no TVT group who received a TVT for treatment of SUI compared with none in the TVT group (4 out of 43, 9.3 % versus 0 out of 37; ARR 9.3 % [95 %CI: -1 to 22 %], p = 0.06). Both groups showed improvement in QOL difference scores for within-group analysis, without difference between groups. CONCLUSION: These results support a policy that routine insertion of a sling in women with OSI at the time of prolapse repair is questionable and should be subject to shared decision-making between clinician and patient.
Although stress has been a longstanding issue in organizations and management studies, it has never been studied in relation to Public Service Motivation. This article therefore aims to integrate PSM into the job demands-job resources model of stress in order to determine whether PSM might contribute to stress in public organizations. Drawing upon original data from a questionnaire in a Swiss municipality, this study unsurprisingly shows that "red tape" is an antecedent of stress perception, whereas satisfaction with organizational support, positive feedback, and recognition significantly decrease the level of perceived stress. Astonishingly, the empirical results show that PSM is positively and significantly related to stress perception. By increasing individuals' expectations towards their jobs, PSM might thus contribute to increased pressure on public agents. Ultimately, this article investigates the "dark side" of PSM, which has been neglected by the literature thus far.
Combustion-derived and manufactured nanoparticles (NPs) are known to provoke oxidative stress and inflammatory responses in human lung cells; therefore, they play an important role during the development of adverse health effects. As the lungs are composed of more than 40 different cell types, it is of particular interest to perform toxicological studies with co-cultures systems, rather than with monocultures of only one cell type, to gain a better understanding of complex cellular reactions upon exposure to toxic substances. Monocultures of A549 human epithelial lung cells, human monocyte-derived macrophages and monocyte-derived dendritic cells (MDDCs) as well as triple cell co-cultures consisting of all three cell types were exposed to combustion-derived NPs (diesel exhaust particles) and to manufactured NPs (titanium dioxide and single-walled carbon nanotubes). The penetration of particles into cells was analysed by transmission electron microscopy. The amount of intracellular reactive oxygen species (ROS), the total antioxidant capacity (TAC) and the production of tumour necrosis factor (TNF)-a and interleukin (IL)-8 were quantified. The results of the monocultures were summed with an adjustment for the number of each single cell type in the triple cell co-culture. All three particle types were found in all cell and culture types. The production of ROS was induced by all particle types in all cell cultures except in monocultures of MDDCs. The TAC and the (pro-)inflammatory reactions were not statistically significantly increased by particle exposure in any of the cell cultures. Interestingly, in the triple cell co-cultures, the TAC and IL-8 concentrations were lower and the TNF-a concentrations were higher than the expected values calculated from the monocultures. The interplay of different lung cell types seems to substantially modulate the oxidative stress and the inflammatory responses after NP exposure. [Authors]
The provenance, half-life and biological activity of malondialdehyde (MDA) were investigated in Arabidopsis thaliana. We provide genetic confirmation of the hypothesis that MDA originates from fatty acids containing more than two methylene-linked double bonds, showing that tri-unsaturated fatty acids are the in vivo source of up to 75% of MDA. The abundance of the combined pool of free and reversibly bound MDA did not change dramatically in stress, although a significant increase in the free MDA pool under oxidative conditions was observed. The half-life of infiltrated MDA indicated rapid metabolic turnover/sequestration. Exposure of plants to low levels of MDA using a recently developed protocol powerfully upregulated many genes on a cDNA microarray with a bias towards those implicated in abiotic/environmental stress (e.g. ROF1 and XERO2). Remarkably, and in contrast to the activities of other reactive electrophile species (i.e. small vinyl ketones), none of the pathogenesis-related (PR) genes tested responded to MDA. The use of structural mimics of MDA isomers suggested that the propensity of the molecule to act as a cross-linking/modifying reagent might contribute to the activation of gene expression. Changes in the concentration/localisation of unbound MDA in vivo could strongly affect stress-related transcription.
Desarrollo de una aplicación para la empresa CCSAgresso, con el objetivo de evaluar el rendimiento en una máquina, mediante los datos aportados por pruebas de simulación. Cada prueba de simulación está contenida en un fichero de texto, cuya lectura y almacenamiento en la base de datos son la base de la aplicación. Los objetivos son poder introducir, actualizar, gestionar y mostrar esos valores de la base de datos con una aplicación sencilla, intuitiva y que realice todas las operaciones que necesita el usuario.
Objectives: To determine characteristics of older patients referred to a geriatric outpatient clinic; 2) to determine the prevalence of geriatric syndromes in this population; 3) to identify main recommendations made to referring primary care physicians. Design: Cross-sectional analysis Setting: Outpatient clinic of the service of geriatric medicine at the University of Lausanne Medical Center, Lausanne, Switzerland. Participants: Community-dwelling patients aged 65 and over referred to the clinic. Measurements: Demographics, social, functional and health status data, main diagnoses identified and recommendations made for primary care physicians were collected prospectively. Results: Subjects (N=206, mean age 79.7±7.6 years, 57.3% women, 48.5% living alone, 36.9% receiving formal home care) were referred by primary care physicians (76%), hospitalists (18%), or family members (7%). Main reasons for referral were request for comprehensive assessment, cognitive evaluation, and mobility assessment (45.2%, 26.2%, and 15.5%, respectively). 21.4% of patients are independent in Lawton's Instrumental ADL and 47.1% are independent in Katz's Basic ADL, and 57.3% of patients reported having fallen once or more over the last year. Overall, 76.2% of patients had gait and balance impairment, 72.8% cognitive impairment, 57.3% polypharmacy (≥6 drugs; median 6.5±3.9, IQR 4-8), 54.4% affective disorder, 48.3% osteoporosis, 45.1% urinary incontinence and 33.8% orthostatic hypotension. Polymorbidity (≥6 geriatric syndromes) was present in 58.3% of referred patients. On average, patients received 10.6±4.0 recommendations, including fall prevention interventions (85.2 % of patients: walking aid adaptation in 48.1%, vitamin D prescription in 59.7%, home hazards assessment in 59.2%, and exercise prescription in 53.4%), referral to a memory clinic (45.6%), and treatment modifications (69.9 % of all patients and 81.6% of patients with polypharmacy, mostly psychotropic drugs discontinuation). Conclusions: Polymorbidity was frequent in these older outpatients, with polypharmacy, mobility and cognitive impairments being most prevalent. Outpatient geriatric consultation is a good opportunity to identify geriatric syndromes and propose interventions to prevent or delay functional decline.
This study compared adherence (persistence and execution) during pregnancy and postpartum in HIV-positive women having taken part in the adherence-enhancing program of the Community Pharmacy of the Department of Ambulatory Care and Community Medicine in Lausanne between 2004 and 2012. This interdisciplinary program combined electronic drug monitoring and semi-structured, repeated motivational interviews. This was a retrospective, observational study. Observation period spread over from first adherence visit after last menstruation until 6 months after childbirth. Medication-taking was recorded by electronic drug monitoring. Socio-demographic and delivery data were collected from Swiss HIV Cohort database. Adherence data, barriers and facilitators were collected from pharmacy database. Electronic data were reconciled with pill-count and interview notes in order to include reported pocket-doses. Execution was analyzed over 3-day periods by a mixed effect logistic model, separating time before and after childbirth. This model allowed us to estimate different time slopes for both periods and to show a sudden fall associated with childbirth. Twenty-five pregnant women were included. Median age was 29 (IQR: 26.5, 32.0), women were in majority black (n_17,68%) and took a cART combining protease and nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors (n_24,96%). Eleven women (44%) were ART-naı¨ve at the beginning of pregnancy. Twenty women (80%) were included in the program because of pregnancy. Women were included at all stages of pregnancy. Six women (24%) stopped the program during pregnancy, 3 (12%) at delivery, 4 (16%) during postpartum and 12 (48%) stayed in program at the end of observation time. Median number of visits was 4 (3.0, 6.3) during pregnancy and 3 (0.8, 6.0) during postpartum. Execution was continuously high during pregnancy, low at beginning of postpartum and increased gradually during the 6 months of postpartum. Major barriers to adherence were medication adverse events and difficulties in daily routine. Facilitators were motivation for promoting child-health and social support. The dramatic drop and very slow increase in cART adherence during postpartum might result in viral rebound and drug resistance. Although much attention is devoted to pregnant women, interdisciplinary care should also be provided to women in the community during first trimester of postpartum to support them in sustaining cART adherence.