994 resultados para range extension


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We study the long-range quantum correlations in the anisotropic XY model. By first examining the thermodynamic limit, we show that employing the quantum discord as a figure of merit allows one to capture the main features of the model at zero temperature. Furthermore, by considering suitably large site separations we find that these correlations obey a simple scaling behavior for finite temperatures, allowing for efficient estimation of the critical point. We also address ground-state factorization of this model by explicitly considering finite-size systems, showing its relation to the energy spectrum and explaining the persistence of the phenomenon at finite temperatures. Finally, we compute the fidelity between finite and infinite systems in order to show that remarkably small system sizes can closely approximate the thermodynamic limit.


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The dimensions and cavity sizes of the molecular capsules with the general formula [V10O18L4]10− can be controlled modularly through the nature of the bifunctional, rigid organophosphonate ligands L1 and L2 (L1 = bis(4-phosphonatophenyl)ethyne and L2 = bis(4-phosphonatophenyl)butadiyne); the solution stability of the molecular entities as demonstrated by ESI-MS studies permits their assembly on the Au(111) surface on a sub-monolayer scale giving rise to a 2D supramolecular structure that is comparable to the packing arrangements of the capsules in the crystal structures.


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We investigate periodic optomechanical arrays as reconfigurable platforms for engineering the coupling between multiple mechanical and electromagnetic modes and for exploring many-body phonon dynamics. Exploiting structural resonances in the coupling between light fields and collective motional modes of the array, we show that tunable effective long-range interactions between mechanical modes can be achieved. This paves the way towards the implementation of controlled phononic walks and heat transfer on densely connected graphs as well as the coherent transfer of excitations between distant elements of optomechanical arrays.


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Electron-excitation collision strengths have been calculated for transitions between the ten lowest levels of Ca XVII (2sS, 2s2p P, 2s2p P, 2pP 2p D, 2pS ). At high impact energies, where all the channels are open, the calculation was carried out in the LS-coupling approximation by means of the R-matrix method. Transitions between the fine structure levels were then determined by application of a unitary transformation to the LS-coupled K-matrices. At low impact energies, where some of the channels may be closed, an extension of the R-matrix method was employed to take account of relativistic effects directly in the scattering equations. In general, results are in good agreement with recent distorted-wave calculations. Electron-excitation rates are given for a range of electron temperatures.


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We provide insight into the quantum correlations structure present in strongly correlated systems beyond the standard framework of bipartite entanglement. To this aim we first exploit rotationally invariant states as a test bed to detect genuine tripartite entanglement beyond the nearest neighbor in spin-1/2 models. Then we construct in a closed analytical form a family of entanglement witnesses which provides a sufficient condition to determine if a state of a many-body system formed by an arbitrary number of spin-1/2 particles possesses genuine tripartite entanglement, independently of the details of the model. We illustrate our method by analyzing in detail the anisotropic XXZ spin chain close to its phase transitions, where we demonstrate the presence of long-range multipartite entanglement near the critical point and the breaking of the symmetries associated with the quantum phase transition.


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OBJECTIVE: The present work was planned to report the incidence of calcification and ossification of an isolated cranial dural fold. The form, degree of severity and range of extension of such changes will be described. Involvement of the neighboring brain tissue and blood vessels, whether meningeal or cerebral, will also be determined. The results of this study might highlight the occasional incidence of intracranial calcification and ossification in images of the head and their interpretation, by radiologists and neurologists, to be of dural or vascular origin.

METHODS: Two human formalin-fixed cadavers, one middle-aged female another older male, were investigated at the Anatomy Laboratory, College of Medicine, King Faisal University, Dammam, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia during the period from 2000 to 2003. In each cadaver, the skullcap was removed and the convexity of the cranial dura mater, as well as the individual dural folds, were carefully examined for any calcification or ossification. The meningeal and cerebral blood vessels together with the underlying brain were grossly inspected for such structural changes. Calcified or ossified tissues, when identified, were subjected to histological examination to confirm their construction.

RESULTS: The female cadaver showed a calcified parietal emissary vein piercing the skullcap and projecting into the scalp. The latter looked paler and deficient in hair on its right side. The base of the stump was surrounded by a granular patch of calcification. The upper convex border of the falx cerebri was hardened and it presented granules, plaques and a cauliflower mass, which all proved to be osseous in structure. The meningeal and right cerebral vessels were mottled with calcium granules. The underlying temporal and parietal lobes of the right cerebral hemisphere were degenerated. The male cadaver also revealed a calcified upper border of the falx cerebri and superior sagittal sinus. Osseous granules and plaques, similar to those of the first specimen, were also identified but without gross changes in the underlying brain.

CONCLUSION: Calcification or ossification of an isolated site of the cranial dura mater and the intracranial blood vessels might occur. These changes should be kept in mind while interpreting images of the skull and brain. Clinical assessment and laboratory investigations are required to determine whether these changes are idiopathic, traumatic, or as a manifestation of a generalized disease such as hyperparathyroidism, vitamin D-intoxication, or chronic renal failure.


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The European hare (Lepus europaeus) has declined throughout its native range but invaded numerous regions where it has negatively impacted native wildlife. In southern Sweden, it replaces the native mountain hare (L. timidus) through competition and hybridisation. We investigated temporal change in the invasive range of the European hare in Ireland, and compared its habitat use with the endemic Irish hare (L. timidus hibernicus). The range of the European hare was three times larger and its core range twice as large in 2012–2013 than in 2005. Its rate of radial range expansion was 0.73 km year−1 with its introduction estimated to have occurred ca. 1970. Both species utilised improved and rough grasslands and exhibited markedly similar regression coefficients with almost every land cover variable examined. Irish hares were associated with low fibre and high sugar content grass (good quality grazing) whilst the invader had a greater tolerance for low quality forage. European hares were associated with habitat patch edge density, suggesting it may be more suited to using hedgerows as diurnal resting sites than the Irish hare. Consequently, the invader had a wider niche breadth than the native but their niche overlap was virtually complete. Given the impact of the European hare on native species elsewhere, and its apparent pre-adaption for improved grasslands interspersed with arable land (a habitat that covers 70 % of Ireland), its establishment and range expansion poses a significant threat to the ecological security of the endemic Irish hare, particularly given their ecological similarities.


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Establishing how invasive species impact upon pre-existing species is a fundamental question in ecology and conservation biology. The greater white-toothed shrew (Crocidura russula) is an invasive species in Ireland that was first recorded in 2007 and which, according to initial data, may be limiting the abundance/distribution of the pygmy shrew (Sorex minutus), previously Ireland’s only shrew species. Because of these concerns, we undertook an intensive live-trapping survey (and used other data from live-trapping, sightings and bird of prey pellets/nest inspections collected between 2006 and 2013) to model the distribution and expansion of C. russula in Ireland and its impacts on Ireland’s small mammal community. The main distribution range of C. russula was found to be approximately 7,600 km2 in 2013, with established outlier populations suggesting that the species is dispersing with human assistance within the island. The species is expanding rapidly for a small mammal, with a radial expansion rate of 5.5 km/yr overall (2008–2013), and independent estimates from live-trapping in 2012–2013 showing rates of 2.4–14.1 km/yr, 0.5–7.1 km/yr and 0–5.6 km/yr depending on the landscape features present. S. minutus is negatively associated with C. russula. S. minutus is completely absent at sites where C. russula is established and is only present at sites at the edge of and beyond the invasion range of C. russula. The speed of this invasion and the homogenous nature of the Irish landscape may mean that S. minutus has not had sufficient time to adapt to the sudden appearance of C. russula. This may mean the continued decline/disappearance of S. minutus as C. russula spreads throughout the island.


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The insect pathogen Beauveria bassiana, Metarhizium anisopliae and Paecilomyces farinosos can be effective biocontrol agents when relative humidity (RH) is close to 100%. At reduced water availability, germination of propagules, and therefore host infection, cannot occur. Cultures of B. bassiana, M. anisopliae and P. farinosus were grown under different conditions to obtain conidia with a modified polyol and trehalose content. Conidia with higher intracellular concentrations of glycerol and erythritol germinated both more quickly and at lower water activity (a(w)) than those from other treatments. In contrast, conidia containing up to 235.7 mg trehalose g-1 germinated significantly (P < 0 05) more slowly than those with an equivalent polyol content but less trehalose, regardless of water availability. Conidia from control treatments did not germinate below 0.951 - 0.935 a(w) (≡ 95.1 - 93.5% RH). In contrast, conidia containing up to 164.6 mg glycerol plus erythritol g-1 germinated down to 0.887 a(w) (≡ 88.7% RH). These conidia germinated below the water availability at which mycelial growth ceases (0.930 - 0.920 a(w)). Germ tube extension rates reflected the percentage germination of conidia, so the most rapid germ tube growth occurred after treatments which produced conidia containing the most glycerol and erythritol. This study shows for the first time that manipulating polyol content can extend the range of water availability over which fungal propagules can germinate. Physiological manipulation of conidia may improve biological control of insect pests in the field.


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On formal credit markets, access to formal credit and reasonable credit terms of smallholder farmers
in rural sub-Saharan Africa is limited due to adverse selection. Financial institutions operating in
rural areas often cannot distinguish between borrowers (farmers) that are creditworthy and those that
are not, thus, allocate limited resource to agriculture to reduce credit risk. In the presence of limited business quality signaling by smallholder farmers, financial institutions shall demand for collateral and/or offer unfavorable contract terms. Moreover, agricultural productivity of rural sub-Saharan
Africa, dominated by subsistence or small-scale farmers, is also negatively impacted by the adverse
effect of climate change. A strategy that may make the farming practices of smallholder farmer’s
climate resilient and profitable may also improve smallholder farmer's access to formal credit. This
study investigates to what extent participating in ecosystem and extension services (EES) programs
signals business quality of smallholders, thus granting them credit accessibility. We collected data
on 210 smallholder farmers in 2013, comprising farmers that receive payments for ecosystem
services (PES) and farm management training from the International Small Group Tree Planting
Program (TIST) Kenya to test the aforementioned theory empirically. We use game theory,
particularly a screening and sorting model, to illustrate the prospects for farmers with EES to access
formal credit and to improve their credit terms given that they receive PES and banking services
training. Furthermore, the PES’ long term duration (10 – 30 years) generates stable cash-flow which
may be perceived as collateral substitute. Results suggest that smallholder farmers in the TIST
program were less likely to be credit constraint compared to non-TIST farmers. Distance to market,
education, livestock and farm income are factors that determine access to credit from microfinance
institutions in rural Kenya. Amongst farmers that have obtained loans, those keeping business records
enjoy more favorable formal credit conditions. These farmers were observed to pay ca. 5 percent less
interest rate in microfinance charges. For TIST farmers, this type of farm management practices may
be attributed to the banking services and other training they receive within the program. While the
availability of classical collateral (farmlands) and PES may reduce interest rate, the latter was found
to be statistically insignificant. This research underlines the importance of an effective extension
services in rural areas of developing countries and the need to improve gains from conservation
agriculture and ensuing PES. The benefits associated with EES and PES may encompass agricultural


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A complete nucleotide sequence of the new Pseudomonas aeruginosa Luz24likevirus phiCHU was obtained. This virus was shown to have a unique host range whereby it grew poorly on the standard laboratory strain PAO1, but infected 26 of 46 clinical isolates screened, and strains harboring IncP2 plasmid pMG53. It was demonstrated that phiCHU has single strand interruptions in its genome. Analysis of the phiCHU genome also suggested that recombination event(s) participated in the evolution of the leftmost portion of the genome, presumably encoding early genes.


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Cystic Fibrosis (CF) is a genetic disease featuring a chronic cycle of inflammation and infection in the airways of sufferers. Mutations lead to altered ion transport, which in turn causes dehydrated airways and reduced mucociliary clearance which predisposes the patient to infection, resulting in a severe immune response and tissue destruction (1). Airway dehydration is primarily caused by the hyperabsorption of sodium by the epithelial sodium channel (ENaC) (2). ENaC is activated by the action of a number of predominantly trypsin-like Channel Activating Proteases (CAPs) including prostasin, matriptase and furin (3). Additional proteases known to activate ENaC include human airway trypsin (3), plasmin, neutrophil elastase and chymotrypsin (4).

Activity profiling is a valuable technique which involves the use of small inhibitory molecules called Activity-Based Probes (ABPs) which can be used to covalently label the active site of proteases and provide a range of information regarding its structure, catalytic mechanism, location and function within biological systems. The development of novel ABPs for CAPs, would enhance understanding of the role of these proteases in CF airways disease and in particular their role in ENaC activation and airway dehydration. This project investigates the application of a range of novel broad-spectrum ABPs targeting the various subclasses of serine proteases, to include those proteases involved in ENaC activation. Additionally, the application of more selective ABPs in detecting specific serine proteases is investigated.

Compounds were synthesised by Solid-Phase Peptide Synthesis (SPPS) using a standard Fmoc/tBu strategy. Kinetic evaluation of synthesised ABPs against various serine proteases was determined by fluorogenic steady-state enzyme assays. Furthermore, application of ABPs and confirmation of irreversible nature of the compounds was carried out through SDS-PAGE and electroblotting techniques.

Synthesised compounds showed potent irreversible inhibition of serine proteases within their respective targeting class (NAP855 vs Trypsin k3/Ki = 2.60 x 106 M-1 min-1, NFP849 vs Chymotrypsin k3/Ki = 1.28 x 106 M-1 min-1 and NVP800 vs Neutrophil Elastase k3/Ki = 6.41 x 104 M-1 min-1). Furthermore ABPs showed little to no cross-reactivity between classes and so display selectivity between classes. The irreversible nature of compounds was further demonstrated through labelling of proteases, followed by separation and detection via SDS-PAGE and electroblotting techniques. Targeted labelling of active proteases only, was demonstrated by failure of ABPs to detect previously inactivated proteases. Extension of the substrate recognition site within probes resulted in an increased potency and selectivity in the detection of the target proteases. Successful detection of neutrophil elastase from CF sputum samples by NVP800, demonstrated the application of compounds within biological samples and their potential use in identifying further proteases involved in ENaC activation and airway dehydration in CF patients.


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Transportation accounts for 22% of greenhouse gas emissions in the UK, and increases to 25% in Northern Ireland. Surface transport carbon dioxide emissions, consisting of road and rail, are dominated by cars. Demand for mobility is rising rapidly and vehicle numbers are expected to more than double by 2050. Car manufacturers are working towards reducing their carbon footprint through improving fuel efficiency and controlling exhaust emissions. Fuel efficiency is now a key consideration of consumers purchasing a new vehicle. While measures have been taken to help to reduce pollutants, in the future, alternative technologies will have to be used in the transportation industry to achieve sustainability. There are currently many alternatives to the market leader, the internal combustion engine. These alternatives include hydrogen fuel cell vehicles and electric vehicles, a term which is widely used to cover battery electric vehicles, plug-in hybrid electric vehicles and extended-range electric vehicles. This study draws direct comparisons measuring the differing performance in terms of fuel consumption, carbon emissions and range of a typical family saloon car using different fuel types. These comparisons will then be analysed to see what effect switching from a conventionally fuelled vehicle to a range extended electric vehicle would have not only on the end user, but also the UK government.


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Using low-energy electron-diffraction (LEED) formalism, we demonstrate theoretically that LEED I-V spectra are characterized mainly by short-range order. We also show experimentally that diffuse LEED (DLEED) I-V spectra can be accurately measured from a disordered system using a video-LEED system even at very low coverage. These spectra demonstrate that experimental DLEED I-V spectra from disordered systems may be used to determine local structures. As an example, it is shown that experimental DLEED I-V spectra from K/Co {1010BAR} at potassium coverages of 0.07, 0.1, and 0.13 monolayer closely resemble calculated and experimental LEED I-V spectra for a well-ordered Co{1010BAR}-c(2X2)-K superstructure, leading to the conclusion that at low coverages, potassium atoms are located in the fourfold-hollow sites and that there is no large bond-length change with coverage.