977 resultados para radioactive iodine


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The reactions of the low-temperature polymorph of copper(I) cyanide (LT-CuCN) with concentrated aqueous alkali-metal halide solutions have been investigated. At room temperature, KX (X = Br and I) and CsX (X = Cl, Br, and I) produce the addition products K[Cu-2(CN)(2)Br](H2O)-H-. (I), K-3[Cu-6(CN)(6)I-3](.)2H(2)O (II), Cs[Cu-3(CN)(3)Cl] (III), Cs[Cu-3(CN)(3)Br] (IV), and Cs-2[Cu-4(CN)(4)I-2](H2O)-H-. (V), with 3-D frameworks in which the -(CuCN)- chains present in CuCN persist. No reaction occurs, however, with NaX (X = Cl, Br, I) or KCl. The addition compounds, I-V, reconvert to CuCN when washed. Both low- and high-temperature polymorphs of CuCN (LT- and HT-CuCN) are produced, except in the case of Cs[Cu-3(CN)(3)Cl] (III), which converts only to LT-CuCN. Heating similar AX-CuCN reaction mixtures under hydrothermal conditions at 453 K for 1 day produces single crystals of I-V suitable for structure determination. Under these more forcing conditions, reactions also occur with NaX (X = Cl, Br, I) and KCl. NaBr and KCl cause some conversion of LT-CuCN into HT-CuCN, while NaCl and NaI, respectively, react to form the mixed-valence Cu(I)/Cu(II) compounds [Cu-II(OH2)(4)][Cu-4(I)(CN)(6)], a known phase, and [Cu-II(OH2)(4)][Cu-4(I)(CN)(4)I-2] (VI), a 3-D framework, which contains infinite -(CuCN)- chains. After 3 days of heating under hydrothermal conditions, the reaction between KI and CuCN produces [Cu-II(OH2)(4)][Cu-2(I)(CN)I-2](2) (VII), in which the CuCN chains are broken into single Cu-CN-Cu units, which in turn are linked into chains via iodine atoms and then into layers via long Cu-C and Cu-Cu interactions.


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Reaction of diiodine with cis-Ru(bpy)(2)Cl-2 in methanol at room temperature yields a thermally stable intercalate cis-Ru(bpy)(2)Cl-2 center dot 1.7I(2) (1) which has been characterised by X-ray crystallography. Iodine is leeched from 1 as it reacts with acetone at room temperature. (C) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Gas phase vibrational spectra of BrHI- and BrDI- have been measured from 6 to 17 mum (590-1666 cm-1) using tunable infrared radiation from the free electron laser for infrared experiments in order to characterize the strong hydrogen bond in these species. BrHI-.Ar and BrDI-.Ar complexes were produced and mass selected, and the depletion of their signal due to vibrational predissociation was monitored as a function of photon energy. Additionally, BrHI- and BrDI- were dissociated into HBr (DBr) and I- via resonant infrared multiphoton dissociation. The spectra show numerous transitions, which had not been observed by previous matrix studies. New ab initio calculations of the potential-energy surface and the dipole moment are presented and are used in variational ro-vibrational calculations to assign the spectral features. These calculations highlight the importance of basis set in the simulation of heavy atoms such as iodine. Further, they demonstrate extensive mode mixing between the bend and the H-atom stretch modes in BrHI- and BrDI- due to Fermi resonances. These interactions result in major deviations from simple harmonic estimates of the vibrational energies. As a result of this new analysis, previous matrix-isolation spectra assignments are reevaluated. (C) 2004 American Institute of Physics.


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Citrus flavonoids have been investigated for their biological activity, with both anti-inflammatory and -carcinogenic effects being reported. However, little information is known on the bioavailability of these compounds in vivo. The objectives of this study were to determine the tissue distribution of naringenin after gastric gavage of [H-3]-naringenin to rats. Unlabelled naringenin was also used to quantify the levels of naringenin and its major metabolites in tissues and eliminated in the urine and faeces. Significant radioactivity was detected in the plasma as well as all tissues examined 2 h post-gavage. After 18 h, higher levels of radioactivity were retained in plasma and tissues (55% of the administered radioactivity). Investigation of the nature of metabolites, using unlabelled naringenin, revealed that the glucuronides were the major components in plasma, tissues and urine, in addition to the colonic metabolite 3-(4- hydroxyphenyl) propionic acid, detected in the urine. The aglycone was the form extensively retained in tissues after 18 h post-gavage. Total identified metabolites detected after 18 h in most tissues were only 1-5% of the levels detected after 2 h. However, the brain, lungs and heart retained 27, 20 and 11%, respectively, relative to the total metabolites detected at 2 h. While radioactive detection suggests increased levels of breakdown products of naringenin after 18 h versus 2 h, the products identified using unlabelled naringenin are not consistent with this, suggesting that a predominant proportion of the naringenin breakdown products at 18 h are retained as smaller decomposition molecules which cannot yet be identified.


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A radionuclide source term model has been developed which simulates the biogeochemical evolution of the Drigg low level waste (LLW) disposal site. The DRINK (DRIgg Near field Kinetic) model provides data regarding radionuclide concentrations in groundwater over a period of 100,000 years, which are used as input to assessment calculations for a groundwater pathway. The DRINK model also provides input to human intrusion and gaseous assessment calculations through simulation of the solid radionuclide inventory. These calculations are being used to support the Drigg post closure safety case. The DRINK model considers the coupled interaction of the effects of fluid flow, microbiology, corrosion, chemical reaction, sorption and radioactive decay. It represents the first direct use of a mechanistic reaction-transport model in risk assessment calculations.


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Considered as one of the most available radionuclide in soileplant system, 36Cl is of potential concern for long-term management of radioactive wastes, due to its high mobility and its long half-life. To evaluate the risk of dispersion and accumulation of 36Cl in the biosphere as a consequence of a potential contamination, there is a need for an appropriate understanding of the chlorine cycling dynamics in the ecosystems. To date, a small number of studies have investigated the chlorine transfer in the ecosystem including the transformation of chloride to organic chlorine but, to our knowledge, none have modelled this cycle. In this study, a model involving inorganic as well as organic pools in soils has been developed and parameterised to describe the biogeochemical fate of chlorine in a pine forest. The model has been evaluated for stable chlorine by performing a range of sensitivity analyses and by comparing the simulated to the observed values. Finally a range of contamination scenarios, which differ in terms of external supply, exposure time and source, has been simulated to estimate the possible accumulation of 36Cl within the different compartments of the coniferous stand. The sensitivity study supports the relevancy of the model and its compartments, and has highlighted the chlorine transfers affecting the most the residence time of chlorine in the stand. Compared to observations, the model simulates realistic values for the chlorine content within the different forest compartments. For both atmospheric and underground contamination scenarios most of the chlorine can be found in its organic form in the soil. However, in case of an underground source, about two times less chlorine accumulates in the system and proportionally more chlorine leaves the system through drainage than through volatilisation.


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Four new 6,6′-bis(1,2,4-triazin-3-yl)-2,2′-bipyridine (BTBP) ligands, which contain either additional alkyl groups on the pyridine rings or seven-membered aliphatic rings attached to the triazine rings, have been synthesized, and the effects of the additional alkyl substitution in the 4- and 4′-positions of the pyridine rings on their extraction properties with LnIII and AnIII cations in simulated nuclear waste solutions have been studied. The speciation of ligand 13 with some trivalent lanthanide nitrates was elucidated by 1H NMR spectroscopic titrations and ESI-MS. Although 13 formed both 1:1 and 1:2 complexes with LaIII and YIII, only 1:2 complexes were observed with EuIII and CeIII. Quite unexpectedly, both alkyl-substituted ligands 12 and 13 showed lower solubilities in certain diluents than the unsubstituted ligand CyMe4-BTBP. Compared to CyMe4-BTBP, alkyl-substitution was found to decrease the rates of metal-ion extraction of the ligands in both 1-octanol and cyclohexanone. A highly efficient (DAm > 10) and selective (SFAm/Eu > 90) extraction was observed for 12 and 13 in cyclohexanone and for 13 in 1-octanol in the presence of a phase-transfer agent. The implications of these results for the design of improved extractants for radioactive waste treatment are discussed.


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The waste materials generated in the nuclear fuel cycle are very varied,ranging from the tailings arising from mining and processing uranium ore, depleted uranium in a range of chemical forms, to a range of process wastes of differing activities and properties. Indeed, the wastes generated are intimately linked to the options selected in operating the nuclear fuel cycle, most obviously to the management of spent fuel. An open fuel cycle implies the disposal of highly radioactive spent fuel, whereas a closed fuel cycle generates a complex array of waste streams. On the other hand, a closed fuel cycle offers options for waste management, for example reduction in highly active waste volume, decreased radiotoxicity, and removal of fissile material. Many technological options have been proposed or explored, and each brings its own particular mix of wastes and environmental challenges.


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The removal of the most long-lived radiotoxic elements from used nuclear fuel, minor actinides, is foreseen as an essential step toward increasing the public acceptance of nuclear energy as a key component of a low-carbon energy future. Once removed from the remaining used fuel, these elements can be used as fuel in their own right in fast reactors or converted into shorter-lived or stable elements by transmutation prior to geological disposal. The SANEX process is proposed to carry out this selective separation by solvent extraction. Recent efforts to develop reagents capable of separating the radioactive minor actinides from lanthanides as part of a future strategy for the management and reprocessing of used nuclear fuel are reviewed. The current strategies for the reprocessing of PUREX raffinate are summarized, and some guiding principles for the design of actinide-selective reagents are defined. The development and testing of different classes of solvent extraction reagent are then summarized, covering some of the earliest ligand designs right through to the current reagents of choice, bis(1,2,4-triazine) ligands. Finally, we summarize research aimed at developing a fundamental understanding of the underlying reasons for the excellent extraction capabilities and high actinide/lanthanide selectivities shown by this class of ligands and our recent efforts to immobilize these reagents onto solid phases.


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Agonist-induced internalization of somatostatin receptors (ssts) determines subsequent cellular responsiveness to peptide agonists and influences sst receptor scintigraphy. To investigate sst2A trafficking, rat sst2A tagged with epitope was expressed in human embryonic kidney cells and tracked by antibody labeling. Confocal microscopical analysis revealed that stimulation with sst and octreotide induced internalization of sst2A. Internalized sst2A remained sequestrated within early endosomes, and 60 min after stimulation, internalized sst2A still colocalized with beta-arrestin1-enhanced green fluorescence protein (EGFP), endothelin-converting enzyme-1 (ECE-1), and rab5a. Internalized (125)I-Tyr(11)-SST-14 was rapidly hydrolyzed by endosomal endopeptidases, with radioactive metabolites being released from the cell. Internalized (125)I-Tyr(1)-octreotide accumulated as an intact peptide and was released from the cell as an intact peptide ligand. We have identified ECE-1 as one of the endopeptidases responsible for inactivation of internalized SST-14. ECE-1-mediated cleavage of SST-14 was inhibited by the specific ECE-1 inhibitor, SM-19712, and by preventing acidification of endosomes using bafilomycin A(1). ECE-1 cleaved SST-14 but not octreotide in an acidic environment. The metallopeptidases angiotensin-1 converting enzyme and ECE-2 did not hydrolyze SST-14 or octreotide. Our results show for the first time that stimulation with SST-14 and octreotide induced sequestration of sst2A into early endosomes and that endocytosed SST-14 is degraded by endopeptidases located in early endosomes. Furthermore, octreotide was not degraded by endosomal peptidases and was released as an intact peptide. This mechanism may explain functional differences between octreotide and SST-14 after sst2A stimulation. Moreover, further investigation of endopeptidase-regulated trafficking of neuropeptides may result in novel concepts of neuropeptide receptor inactivation in cancer diagnosis.


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Single crystals of four erbium-chromium sulfides have been grown by chemical vapor transport using iodine as the transporting agent. Single-crystal X-ray diffraction reveals that in Er(3)CrS(6) octahedral sites are occupied exclusively by Cr(3+) cations, leading to one-dimensional CrS(4)(5-) chains of edge-sharing octahedra, while in Er(2)CrS(4), Er(3+), and Cr(2+) cations occupy the available octahedral sites in an ordered manner. By contrast, in Er(6)Cr(2)S(11) and Er(4)CrS(7), Er(3+) and Cr(2+) ions are disordered over the octahedral sites. In Er(2)CrS(4), Er(6)Cr(2)S(11), and Er(4)CrS(7), the network of octahedra generates an anionic framework constructed from M(2)S(5) slabs of varying thickness, linked by one-dimensional octahedral chains. This suggests that these three phases belong to a series in which the anionic framework may be described by the general formula [M(2n+1)S(4n+3)](x-), with charge balancing provided by Er(3+) cations located in sites of high-coordination number within one-dimensional channels defined by the framework. Er(4)CrS(7), Er(6)Cr(2)S(11), and Er(2)CrS(4) may thus be considered as the n = 1, 2, and infinity members of this series. While Er(4)CrS(7) is paramagnetic, successive magnetic transitions associated with ordering of the chromium and erbium sub-lattices are observed on cooling Er(3)CrS(6) (T(C)(Cr) = 30 K; T(C)(Er) = 11 K) and Er(2)CrS(4) (T(N)(Cr) = 42 K, T(N)(Er) = 10 K) whereas Er(6)Cr(2)S(11) exhibits ordering of the chromium sub-lattice only (T(N) = 11.4 K).


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The weekly dependence of pollutant aerosols in the urban environment of Lisbon (Portugal) is inferred from the records of atmospheric electric field at Portela meteorological station (38°47′N,9°08′W). Measurements were made with a Bendorf electrograph. The data set exists from 1955 to 1990, but due to the contaminating effect of the radioactive fallout during 1960 and 1970s, only the period between 1980 and 1990 is considered here. Using a relative difference method a weekly dependence of the atmospheric electric field is found in these records, which shows an increasing trend between 1980 and 1990. This is consistent with a growth of population in the Lisbon metropolitan area and consequently urban activity, mainly traffic. Complementarily, using a Lomb–Scargle periodogram technique the presence of a daily and weekly cycle is also found. Moreover, to follow the evolution of theses cycles, in the period considered, a simple representation in a colour surface plot representation of the annual periodograms is presented. Further, a noise analysis of the periodograms is made, which validates the results found. Two datasets were considered: all days in the period, and fair-weather days only.


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Direct effects of soil or its constituents on human health are through its ingestion, inhalation or absorption. The soil contains many infectious organisms that may enter the human body through these pathways, but it also provides organisms on which our earliest antibiotics are based. Indirect effects of soil arise from the quantity and quality of food that humans consume. Trace elements can have both beneficial and toxic effects on humans, especially where the range for optimal intake is narrow. We focus on four trace elements (iodine, iron, selenium and zinc) whose deficiencies have substantial effects on human health. As the world’s population increases issues of food security become more pressing, as does the need to sustain soil fertility and minimize its degradation. Lack of adequate food and food of poor nutritional quality lead to differing degrees of under-nutrition, which in turn causes ill health. Soil and land are finite resources and agricultural land is under severe competition from other uses. Relationships between soil and health are often difficult to extricate because of the many confounding factors present. Nevertheless, recent scientific understanding of soil processes and factors that affect human health are enabling greater insight into the effects of soil on our health. Multidisciplinary research that includes soil science, agronomy, agricultural sustainability, toxicology, epidemiology and the medical sciences will facilitate the discovery of new antibiotics, a greater understanding of how materials added to soil used for food production affect health and deciphering of the complex relationships between soil and human health.


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Activity concentrations of dissolved U-234, U-238, Ra-226 and Ra-228 were determined in ground waters fromtwo deep wells drilled in Morungaba Granitoids (Southern Brazil). Sampling was done monthly for little longer than 1 year. Significant disequilibrium between U-238, U-234 and Ra-226 were observed in all samples. The variation of U-238 and U-234 activity concentrations and U-234/U-238 activity ratios is related to seasonal changes. Although the distance between the two wells is short (about 900m), systematic differences of activity concentrations of U isotopes, as well as of U-234/U-238, Ra-226/U-234 and Ra-228/Ra-226 activity ratios were noticed, indicating distinct host rock-water interactions. Slightly acidic ground water percolation through heterogeneous host rock, associated with different recharge processes, may explain uranium and radium isotope behavior. (c) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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In vivo and in vitro assays were performed with S91 murine melanoma cells aiming to investigate the effects of testosterone and photoperiod on tumor growth and melanogenesis (tyrosinase activity). In vivo assays were performed by inducing melanoma tumors in castrated mice receiving increasing concentrations of testosterone and submitted to varying photoperiod regimens. The results demonstrated that the increase of melanin content was higher in animals submitted to the longest days, thus demonstrating the importance of photoperiod length in melanin synthesis. Increase in tumor growth and protein content was observed in testosterone-treated animals submitted to 12L:12D; in testosterone-treated animals submitted to 4L:20D and 20L:4D tumor growth was significantly smaller. In S91 cultured cells, testosterone increased cell proliferation and reduced tyrosinase activity in a dose-dependent manner. Radioactive binding assays demonstrated that the hormone was acting through low affinity testosterone receptors, since the presence of aromatase inhibitor did not affect the binding assay in a statistically significant way, and all the in vitro experiments were performed in the presence of the inhibitor. Our in vivo data added to the in vitro results corroborate the hypothesis that S91 melanoma cells directly respond to testosterone and that this effect is modulated by light.