999 resultados para projeto de trabalho
TProducts must follow specifications in order to attend demands requested. In terms of rolled aluminum, one of the most significant items for customers is coil thickness. This is because only a tiny variation in thickness might cause a serious problem on customer's manufacturing line. Thereby, this research aims to analyze through design of experiments which factors and how they affect the thickness of aluminum coils. The response variable of the experiment is the thickness of aluminum coil, tensile strenght and yield strenght are the factors of the experiment and trimmers machines were considered as blocking. Data were obtained through tensile tests. The result of the experiment states that, according to the analysis of variance (ANOVA), while there is significant difference between the two levels of tensile strength, there is not any difference between the two levels of yield strength and trimmers machines. The thickness of the aluminum coils with high values of tensile strength tends to be thicker when compared with low values of tensile strength
In this paper are discussed the main project stages of an atmospheric storage tank with floating roof. It emphasizes the calculations of the bottom, the shell and the floating roof, discussing its stages and conditions, based on the technical standards of the project. The storage tanks are static equipment working under low pressure and has an essential importance for the operation of a process plant. This paper has the purpose of obtaining the dimensions and materials of each component of the tank through the calculations and prove them with results obtained by numerical simulation by finite elements with the help of Autodesk Inventor software, consolidating the project
It's devised in this work the starting project for the implementation of a residential condominium, focused in the use of technics and technologies to attain sustainability, also stretching to the pilot project for the model house. It's highlighted the methods for exploitation and reuse of water, energy conservation and reduction of environmental impacts. The proposal is to demonstrate the possibility of the use of simple, but effective, ecology technics to make an environmentally sustainable and economically viable project. The main motivators for this work is the growing hydric crisis faced by São Paulo state and the unpaired importance of the sustainability concept as the fundamental term to surmount the challenge of supplying the needs of the current generation without jeopardizing the future of the next generations
In this work, the author looks forward to develop a new method capable of incorporate the concepts of the Reliability Theory and Ruin Probability in Deep Foundations, in order to do a better quantification of the uncertainties, which is intrinsic in all geotechnical projects, meanly because we don't know all the properties of the materials that we work with. Using the methodologies of Decourt Quaresma and David Cabral, resistance surfaces have been developed utilizing the data achieved from the Standard Penetration Tests performed in the field of study, in conjecture with the loads defined in the executive project of the piles. The construction of resistance surfaces shows to be a very useful tool for decision making, no matter in which phase it is current on, projecting or execution. The surfaces were developed by Kriging (using the software Surfer® 12), making it easier to visualize the geotechnical profile of the field of study. Comparing the results, the conclusion was that a high safety factor doesn't mean higher security. It is fundamental to consider the loads and resistance of the piles in the whole field, carefully choosing the project methodology responsible to define the diameter and length of the piles
This work aims to understand the multimedia Learning Objects (LO's) developed within the CONDIGITAL project, subsidized by the federal government. The CONDIGITAL aimed to encourage the production and the use of media in teaching in high school classrooms. This work presents a reflection on the contribution of media to the construction of significant learning of student users. The research was conducted through a literature study. Therefore, it was considered the work of some researchers related to the study of the potential of these technologies in education, such as Valente (1995), Tauroco (2007) and Mussoi (2010). These readings made possible to discern some common evaluation criteria that may be used as parameters to analyze the quality of these media as educational tools. The theme of exploration is guided by a research on the motivation of the mentioned project and on its amplitude and its results, which is directed later to the LO's developed by UNICAMP team, particularly in the Mathematics productions developed by the M³ project, some of the which are presented and evaluated in this monograph
In this work, the project of a new experimental facility to be installed at the Aerodynamics Division of the Institute of Aeronautics and Space is presented. This new facility will provide means to perform experimental campaigns to analyze the flow behavior at different rocket nozzle concepts using cold gas that will be obtained from a modification of the Pilot Transonic Wind Tunnel air system. The new installation will enable less expensive experiments in a more secure environment, since the cold gas experimental procedures do not demand fuel storage and burn and security procedures are much less severe. Furthermore, experiments can be carried with different types of sensors, commonly used in wind tunnel tests. Also, the optical access is facilitated enabling the use of optical techniques for the characterization of flow properties inside the nozzles, such as pressure and temperature sensitive painting. The full project design and the operation conditions will be showed, as also some technical considerations about the flor behavior in the facility
In all segments, the companies are looking for the highest productivity with the lowest possible cost, and in the construction industry, the thinking is the same. Over time, techniques that generate more productivity supplanted previous techniques; an example is the CAD technology that replaced free drawings in projects execution. However, the Computer Aided Design (CAD) technology does not deal with certain factors that permeate the entire project. It is required the use of other techniques to supply this need in traditional projects. For example, a software for schedule management, another for assets management and a person who makes calculations for estimates and budgets. The BIM (Building Information Modeling) technology aims to integrate all this information, facilitating the communication among members of a work team and reducing the time required to carry out the project. This work is a applied research, a descriptive research, carried out through modeling and simulation, processes inherent in the use of BIM, a survey was also used only to contextualization. BIM was used for a soccer stadium roof project, in order to verify the feasibility of such use through the analysis of: BIM tools, difficulties encountered and implications of BIM use, and comparison of traditional methods and the use of BIM. To aid the contextualization, a survey was conducted to verify the use of BIM in medium and small companies
This work intends to know the most types of ignition systems, studying its history, the way it works, applications and some examples. The assembly of a distributor less ignition system is also required. All vehicles powered by internal combustion engines need an ignition system that allows this engine to ignite the air-fuel mixture using its ignition system in the best possible manner. The main goal of an ignition system is to obtain a spark having enough energy to start the chemical reaction of the oxygen and the fuel. It took a study dealing with the various types of ignition systems since their creation at the beginning of the last century until 2015. The work starts studying the high tension magneto ignition system and later together with the low tension ignition system, going on with the conventional ignition system and finally accomplishing with the various types of electronic ignition systems. It was studied and implemented an electronic circuit to power a double spark ignition system also known as wasted spark ignition system. This circuit was assembled with an electric pulse generator and powered mechanically by a dc electric motor of the variable rpm type
Through a current and practical approach, this work aims to demonstrate how a speed reducer would behave in a real situation, but using a digital environment. Therefore, first, it was made the modeling of each component of the reducer, driven by gears. Completed the modeling of the components, it was possible to realize the connection between them and thus characterize the work as a speed reducer; and using properly sized and shaped reducer, we could finally demonstrate the operation of the same, the very Autodesk Inventor ™ 2014 environment
This research is part of the field of teacher training, especially developed the topic of continuing education. There is, according to the literature, the importance of this training for teachers as a sort of continuum, trajectory in which the teacher will (re) building their knowledge throughout their lives, in order to provide knowledge and values that add to your practice teaching. However, often the training activities are designed for knowledge transmitter model forming agent for the teacher, disregarding the different contexts of school communities, this strategy which hardly reaches the real needs of teachers in their daily lives. It is evident, too, the need to provide, in training moments, spaces to engage in dialogue and reflect on the teachers profession today, (re) building thus their teacher identity. In this context, the objective of this research is to examine whether the continued formation is configured as a collective construction and as a space for reflection on what it means to be a teacher. The research is characterized by a qualitative approach, and to collect data, we used the semi-structured interview technique. Participants were five teachers in the areas of Physical Education, History, English, Portuguese and Mathematics, a state school Treble city education (SP). The results show the importance of continuing education for teachers, which provides reflections, discussions, acquisition of knowledge and skills that contribute to its performance, motivating and developing strategies to enable them to face the challenges of everyday life and reflect collectively on what it means to be a teacher. It was concluded that continuing education for this group of teachers is configured as a space for collective construction, which together with other teachers rethink, reflect and continuously reconstruct their practices and objectives, and enables reflection on the teaching profession constantly. It will be essential, therefore...
This work deals in a general way, the history and advantages of steel buildings, as well as its increasing usage in Brazil in the last century. This work also generally describes some types and its uses of metal frame. It also demonstrates the use of the NBR 8800: 2008 standard and its calculation methods through the scale out materials regulated in Brazil for an industrial warehouse project small and simple portico metal frame. Given that the construction requirements include a locational influence following the normative indications of the NBR 6123, for the winding scale out, since this effect combined with the permanent loads must be seriously evaluated due to the shape type effort about acting simultaneous axial force and bending moments obeying the limitations applied to the structure according to NBR 8800. As it has been explained the calculations that ensures mechanical stability and suggesting an analysis of the efficiency of the used materials
PIBID's subproject from the Letras course at a public university from the interior of Sao Paulo has, as a vision, the teaching of languages in a different way, where the culture is something to be known, not only mentioned, and, because of that, students feel close to the language learning process, for the language is not something to be learned just as grammar, it is, in fact, to be learned as something more complex than that, making the connection between student and language and its values. The students have, as an objective the knowledge and formation in teaching, by participation in public schools where they could put the theory learned during the Letras course in the university in practice with students that could benefit from learning new languages. The public school, mentioned in this research, offered the opportunity for the PIBID students to participate in a project that already existed in this school, where the students were supposed to produce a script based in a tale, and with the script, they were supposed to produce a short movie and a trailer. In 2014, in the first year of the participation of PIBID in the project, PIBID students were asked to choose a tale in the languages that are currently part of the subproject, for the students could use as a base to the production of the short movie. This project is called Luz, Câmera… Action! and the main objective of this research was to verify the participation of PIBID in the project. For such, it was used a semi-structured open questionnaire, which sought to investigate how students and supervisors from the school understood and analyzed PIBID's participation in the project
The objective of this paper is to realize the preliminary cogeneration project, to be applied on the output of a float glass furnace, aiming the energetic use of the furnace's by-products in other relevant applications on the site. It was analyzed the main points where the cycle could be installed and also the available technologies to energy recovery. After, it was chosen the installation point and the technology to be projected, evaluated the electric power generated and the cycle efficiency. Finally it was evaluated economical indicators in order to verify the project's economical feasibility
The object of this study is a glass heating machine for rolling process, designed in 2006 and which is manufactured regularly. By customer request it is intended to increase the production capacity of this machine. However, initial tests have shown that the existing heat exchanger cannot supply the necessary thermal energy demand. A study of the thermal characteristics of the equipment was performed in order to obtain the required information to study alternatives for expanding its capacity taking into account space limitations and the need to rationalize costs, avoiding unnecessary oversizing
TProducts must follow specifications in order to attend demands requested. In terms of rolled aluminum, one of the most significant items for customers is coil thickness. This is because only a tiny variation in thickness might cause a serious problem on customer's manufacturing line. Thereby, this research aims to analyze through design of experiments which factors and how they affect the thickness of aluminum coils. The response variable of the experiment is the thickness of aluminum coil, tensile strenght and yield strenght are the factors of the experiment and trimmers machines were considered as blocking. Data were obtained through tensile tests. The result of the experiment states that, according to the analysis of variance (ANOVA), while there is significant difference between the two levels of tensile strength, there is not any difference between the two levels of yield strength and trimmers machines. The thickness of the aluminum coils with high values of tensile strength tends to be thicker when compared with low values of tensile strength