997 resultados para processing chain


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VVALOSADE is a research project of professor Anita Lukka's VALORE research team in the Lappeenranta University of Technology. The VALOSADE includes the ELO technology program of Tekes. SMILE is one of four subprojects of the VALOSADE. The SMILE study focuses on the case of the company network that is composed of small and micro-sized mechanical maintenance service providers and forest industry as large-scale customers. The basic principle of the SMILE study is the communication and ebusiness in supply and demand networks. The aim of the study is to develop ebusiness strategy, ebusiness model and e-processes among the SME local service providers, and onthe other hand, between the local service provider network and the forest industry customers in a maintenance and operations service business. A literature review, interviews and benchmarking are used as research methods in this qualitative case study. The first SMILE report, 'Ebusiness between Global Company and Its Local SME Supplier Network', concentrated on creating background for the SMILE study by studying general trends of ebusiness in supply chains and networks of different industries. This second phase of the study concentrates on case network background, such as business relationships, information systems and business objectives; core processes in maintenance and operations service network; development needs in communication among the network participants; and ICT solutions to respond needs in changing environment. In the theory part of the report, different ebusiness models and frameworks are introduced. Those models and frameworks are compared to empirical case data. From that analysis of the empirical data, therecommendations for the development of the network information system are derived. In process industry such as the forest industry, it is crucial to achieve a high level of operational efficiency and reliability, which sets up great requirements for maintenance and operations. Therefore, partnerships or strategic alliances are needed between the network participants. In partnerships and alliances, deep communication is important, and therefore the information systems in the network also are critical. Communication, coordination and collaboration will increase in the case network in the future, because network resources must be optimised to improve competitive capability of the forest industry customers and theefficiency of their service providers. At present, ebusiness systems are not usual in this maintenance network. A network information system among the forest industry customers and their local service providers actually is the only genuinenetwork information system in this total network. However, the utilisation of that system has been quite insignificant. The current system does not add value enough either to the customers or to the local service providers. At present, thenetwork information system is the infomediary that share static information forthe network partners. The network information system should be the transaction intermediary, which integrates internal processes of the network companies; the network information system, which provides common standardised processes for thelocal service providers; and the infomediary, which share static and dynamic information on right time, on right partner, on right costs, on right format and on right quality. This study provides recommendations how to develop this system in the future to add value to the network companies. Ebusiness scenarios, vision, objectives, strategies, application architecture, ebusiness model, core processes and development strategy must be considered when the network information system will be developed in the next development step. The core processes in the case network are demand/capacity management, customer/supplier relationship management, service delivery management, knowledge management and cash flow management. Most benefits from ebusiness solutions come from the electrifying of operational level processes, such as service delivery management and cash flow management.


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VALOSADE (Value Added Logistics in Supply and Demand Chains) on Lappeenrannan teknillisen yliopiston ja sielläprofessori Anita Lukan VALORE -tutkimusryhmän toteuttama tutkimusprojekti, jonka rahoittaja on ollut Tekes. Projekti on osa Tekesin ELO - Elektronisen liiketoiminnan logistiikka - teknologiaohjelmaa. Tutkimusta rahoittivat Tekesin lisäksi neljä yritystä, jotka toimivat myös tutkimustyön kohteina ja toimivat tarpeen mukaan yhteistyössä tutkijoiden kanssa. Yritysten toimialat ovat metsäteollisuus, laitevalmistaja, joka tarjoaa myös tuotteilleen jälkimarkkinapalveluja sekä kaksi logistiikkapalveluyritystä. Tämä työraportti liittyy VALOSADE - tutkimusprojektin osaprojektiin Costfix (Paper Mill Process - from Fixed Costs into Variable Costs). Costfix - projektin tavoitteena on tutkia ja löytää paperiteollisuudelle uusia toimintamalleja, jotka mahdollistavat kiinteiden kustannusten muuttamisen muuttuviksi. Merkittävä tutkimuksen osa-alue on myös tutkimuskohteiden liike-toiminnan nykytilan aiempaa tarkempi selvittäminen. Tämä työraportti käsittelee kunnossapidon materiaalilogistiikan osalta tehtaan sisällä tapahtuvaa toimintaa, josta tässä tutkimuksessa käytetään nimitystä tehdaslogistiikka. Nykytilaselvityksen perusteella nykyinen prosessiteollisuudessa ja myös pääsääntöisesti valmistavassa teollisuudessa yleisesti vallitseva teollisuusyrityksen käyttöinvestointia ylläpitävän palveluprosessin toimintarakenne, johtamistapa ja prosessin operatiivisten tehtävien toimenkuvat eivät tue ko. palvelukokonaisuuden tehokasta ja tuloksellista toteuttamista. Nykymuotoinen toimintamalli pikemminkin rajoittaa toimintaprosessin kokonaishallintaa ja sen tehostamiseksi investoitujen uusien teknisten ratkaisujen ja teknologian käyttöönottoa. Lisäksi yleisesti vallitseva toimintakulttuuri (mm. arvokäsitykset, uskomukset sekä toiminnan ja tavoitteiden taustalla olevat motiivit) sekä vaikeuttaa nykyisen ja tulevan kilpailutilanteen edellyttämien tehokkuus- ja tuottavuustavoitteiden toteutumista että hidastaa uudistusten onnistumista edellyttävän muutoksen etenemistä yrityksen sisällä. Tutkimuksen tulokset vahvistivat osaltaan sen, että tehdas- ja toimintokeskeinen johtaminen aiheuttavat palveluprosessin eri tehtäville asetettujen tavoitteiden ja perustehtäväkäsityksen välille ristiriitoja, joista seuraa sekä suoria että välillisiä vaikutuksia teollisuusyrityksen tuotantoprosessin toiminnan laatuun ja tuotantolaitteiden käyttövarmuuteen. Palvelukokonaisuuteen kuuluvien eri toimintaprosessien tehtävät on jaettu ristiriitaisesti toiminnoille siten, että erityisestikunnossapidon teknisten toimihenkilöitten hoidettavana on sekä ihmisen henkilökohtaisen kapasiteettirajan ylittävä että toisistaan liian suuri erilaisia osaamisia ja ymmärrystä edellyttävä tehtävämäärä. Nykytilan palvelutuotannossa esiintyvien ongelmien seuraukset ja perussyyt osoittavat, että merkittävästi pääomia sitovan valmistavan teollisuuden (mm. prosessiteollisuus) käyttö-omaisuutta ylläpitävän palveluprosessin hallinta on ulkoistettava tehdastasolta itsenäisesti hoidettavaksi liiketoimintakokonaisuudeksi, jonka operatiivinen johtaminen tapahtuu toimintaprosesseittain konsernin ylätasolta käsin. Johtamismallissa painottuu prosessijohtaminen ja oman vastuualueen toimintaprosessin asiantuntemus. Lisäksi ihmisen osaamiseen, ymmärrykseen ja toimintatapaan perustuva palvelu edellyttää johtamiselta henkilöjohtamistaitoa ja osaamisen johtamista. Liiketoiminnan uudenlainen keskittyminen, verkostoituminen ja globalisoituminen edellyttävät johdoltamyös erilaisten toimintaverkostojen ja sidosryhmien toiminnan ja tarpeen ymmärtämistä. Tutkimustulosten perusteella myös palveluprosesseissa toimivien toimihenkilöitten tehtäväkuvia on muutettava radikaalisti ja osa uusista toimenkuvista edellyttää lisäksi henkilöitten osaamistason aktiivista parantamista. Tässä raportissa esitetään toimintamalli, jossa kuvataan tutkimuksen pohjalta luotu palvelukokonaisuuden johtamismalli ja palveluprosessien eri tehtävätasot tehtävineen. Kuvattu johtamismalli on ollut jo yleisesti käytössä yksittäisillä palvelualoilla, mutta tässä esitetty malli on valmistavan yrityksen teknisiin tukipalveluihin muokattu sovellus.


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Résumé: Le développement rapide de nouvelles technologies comme l'imagerie médicale a permis l'expansion des études sur les fonctions cérébrales. Le rôle principal des études fonctionnelles cérébrales est de comparer l'activation neuronale entre différents individus. Dans ce contexte, la variabilité anatomique de la taille et de la forme du cerveau pose un problème majeur. Les méthodes actuelles permettent les comparaisons interindividuelles par la normalisation des cerveaux en utilisant un cerveau standard. Les cerveaux standards les plus utilisés actuellement sont le cerveau de Talairach et le cerveau de l'Institut Neurologique de Montréal (MNI) (SPM99). Les méthodes de recalage qui utilisent le cerveau de Talairach, ou celui de MNI, ne sont pas suffisamment précises pour superposer les parties plus variables d'un cortex cérébral (p.ex., le néocortex ou la zone perisylvienne), ainsi que les régions qui ont une asymétrie très importante entre les deux hémisphères. Le but de ce projet est d'évaluer une nouvelle technique de traitement d'images basée sur le recalage non-rigide et utilisant les repères anatomiques. Tout d'abord, nous devons identifier et extraire les structures anatomiques (les repères anatomiques) dans le cerveau à déformer et celui de référence. La correspondance entre ces deux jeux de repères nous permet de déterminer en 3D la déformation appropriée. Pour les repères anatomiques, nous utilisons six points de contrôle qui sont situés : un sur le gyrus de Heschl, un sur la zone motrice de la main et le dernier sur la fissure sylvienne, bilatéralement. Evaluation de notre programme de recalage est accomplie sur les images d'IRM et d'IRMf de neuf sujets parmi dix-huit qui ont participés dans une étude précédente de Maeder et al. Le résultat sur les images anatomiques, IRM, montre le déplacement des repères anatomiques du cerveau à déformer à la position des repères anatomiques de cerveau de référence. La distance du cerveau à déformer par rapport au cerveau de référence diminue après le recalage. Le recalage des images fonctionnelles, IRMf, ne montre pas de variation significative. Le petit nombre de repères, six points de contrôle, n'est pas suffisant pour produire les modifications des cartes statistiques. Cette thèse ouvre la voie à une nouvelle technique de recalage du cortex cérébral dont la direction principale est le recalage de plusieurs points représentant un sillon cérébral. Abstract : The fast development of new technologies such as digital medical imaging brought to the expansion of brain functional studies. One of the methodolgical key issue in brain functional studies is to compare neuronal activation between individuals. In this context, the great variability of brain size and shape is a major problem. Current methods allow inter-individual comparisions by means of normalisation of subjects' brains in relation to a standard brain. A largerly used standard brains are the proportional grid of Talairach and Tournoux and the Montreal Neurological Insititute standard brain (SPM99). However, there is a lack of more precise methods for the superposition of more variable portions of the cerebral cortex (e.g, neocrotex and perisyvlian zone) and in brain regions highly asymmetric between the two cerebral hemipsheres (e.g. planum termporale). The aim of this thesis is to evaluate a new image processing technique based on non-linear model-based registration. Contrary to the intensity-based, model-based registration uses spatial and not intensitiy information to fit one image to another. We extract identifiable anatomical features (point landmarks) in both deforming and target images and by their correspondence we determine the appropriate deformation in 3D. As landmarks, we use six control points that are situated: one on the Heschl'y Gyrus, one on the motor hand area, and one on the sylvian fissure, bilaterally. The evaluation of this model-based approach is performed on MRI and fMRI images of nine of eighteen subjects participating in the Maeder et al. study. Results on anatomical, i.e. MRI, images, show the mouvement of the deforming brain control points to the location of the reference brain control points. The distance of the deforming brain to the reference brain is smallest after the registration compared to the distance before the registration. Registration of functional images, i.e fMRI, doesn't show a significant variation. The small number of registration landmarks, i.e. six, is obvious not sufficient to produce significant modification on the fMRI statistical maps. This thesis opens the way to a new computation technique for cortex registration in which the main directions will be improvement of the registation algorithm, using not only one point as landmark, but many points, representing one particular sulcus.


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Abstract The research problem in the thesis deals with improving the responsiveness and efficiency of logistics service processes between a supplier and its customers. The improvement can be sought by customizing the services and increasing the coordination of activities between the different parties in the supply chain. It is argued that to achieve coordination the parties have to have connections on several levels. In the framework employed in this research, three contexts are conceptualized at which the linkages can be planned: 1) the service policy context, 2) the process coordination context, and 3) the relationship management context. The service policy context consists of the planning methods by which a supplier analyzes its customers' logistics requirements and matches them with its own operational environment and efficiency requirements. The main conclusion related to the service policy context is that it is important to have a balanced selection of both customer-related and supplier-related factors in the analysis. This way, while the operational efficiency is planned a sufficient level of service for the most important customers is assured. This kind of policy planning involves taking multiple variables into the analysis, and there is a need to develop better tools for this purpose. Some new approaches to deal with this are presented in the thesis.The process coordination context and the relationship management context deal with the issues of how the implementation of the planned service policies can be facilitated in an inter-organizational environment. Process coordination includes typically such mechanisms as control rules, standard procedures and programs, but inhighly demanding circumstances more integrative coordination mechanisms may be necessary. In the thesis the coordination problems in third-party logistics relationship are used as an example of such an environment. Relationship management deals with issues of how separate companies organize their relationships to improve the coordination of their common processes. The main implication related to logistics planning is that by integrating further at the relationship level, companies can facilitate the use of the most efficient coordination mechanisms and thereby improve the implementation of the selected logistics service policies. In the thesis, a case of a logistics outsourcing relationship is used to demonstrate the need to address the relationship issues between the service provider andthe service buyer before the outsourcing can be done.The dissertation consists of eight research articles and a summarizing report. The principal emphasis in the articles is on the service policy planning context, which is the main theme of six articles. Coordination and relationship issues are specifically addressed in two of the papers.


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Microphthalmia with linear skin defects (MLS) syndrome is an X-linked male-lethal disorder also known as MIDAS (microphthalmia, dermal aplasia, and sclerocornea). Additional clinical features include neurological and cardiac abnormalities. MLS syndrome is genetically heterogeneous given that heterozygous mutations in HCCS or COX7B have been identified in MLS-affected females. Both genes encode proteins involved in the structure and function of complexes III and IV, which form the terminal segment of the mitochondrial respiratory chain (MRC). However, not all individuals with MLS syndrome carry a mutation in either HCCS or COX7B. The majority of MLS-affected females have severe skewing of X chromosome inactivation, suggesting that mutations in HCCS, COX7B, and other as-yet-unidentified X-linked gene(s) cause selective loss of cells in which the mutated X chromosome is active. By applying whole-exome sequencing and filtering for X-chromosomal variants, we identified a de novo nonsense mutation in NDUFB11 (Xp11.23) in one female individual and a heterozygous 1-bp deletion in a second individual, her asymptomatic mother, and an affected aborted fetus of the subject's mother. NDUFB11 encodes one of 30 poorly characterized supernumerary subunits of NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase, known as complex I (cI), the first and largest enzyme of the MRC. By shRNA-mediated NDUFB11 knockdown in HeLa cells, we demonstrate that NDUFB11 is essential for cI assembly and activity as well as cell growth and survival. These results demonstrate that X-linked genetic defects leading to the complete inactivation of complex I, III, or IV underlie MLS syndrome. Our data reveal an unexpected role of cI dysfunction in a developmental phenotype, further underscoring the existence of a group of mitochondrial diseases associated with neurocutaneous manifestations.


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Magneto-active polymers are a class of smart materials commonly manufactured by mixing micron-sized iron particles in a rubber-like matrix. When cured in the presence of an externally applied magnetic field, the iron particles arrange themselves into chain-like structures that lend an overall anisotropy to the material. It has been observed through electron micrographs and X-ray tomographs that these chains are not always perfect in structure, and may have dispersion due to the conditions present during manufacturing or some undesirable material properties. We model the response of these materials to coupled magneto-mechanical loading in this paper using a probability based structure tensor that accounts for this imperfect anisotropy. The response of the matrix material is decoupled from the chain phase, though still being connected through kinematic constraints. The latter is based on the definition of a 'chain deformation gradient' and a 'chain magnetic field'. We conclude with numerical examples that demonstrate the effect of chain dispersion on the response of the material to magnetoelastic loading.


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We performed a number of tests with the aim to develop an effective extraction method for the analysis of carotenoid content in maize seed. Mixtures of methanol–ethyl acetate (6:4, v/v) and methanol–tetrahydrofuran (1:1, v/v) were the most effective solvent systems for carotenoid extraction from maize endosperm under the conditions assayed. In addition, we also addressed sample preparation prior to the analysis of carotenoids by liquid chromatography (LC). The LC response of extracted carotenoids and standards in several solvents was evaluated and results were related to the degree of solubility of these pigments. Three key factors were found to be important when selecting a suitable injection solvent: compatibility between the mobile phase and injection solvent, carotenoid polarity and content in the matrix.


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The synthesis of a membrane-bound MalE ,B-galactosidase hybrid protein, when induced by growth of Escherichia coli on maltose, leads to inhibition of cell division and eventually a reduced rate of mass increase. In addition, the relative rate of synthesis of outer membrane proteins, but not that of inner membrane proteins, was reduced by about 50%o. Kinetic experiments demonstrated that this reduction coincided with the period of maximum synthesis of the hybrid protein (and another maltose-inducible protein, LamB). The accumulation of this abnormal protein in the envelope therefore appeared specifically to inhibit the synthesis, the assembly of outer membrane proteins, or both, indicating that the hybrid protein blocks some export site or causes the sequestration of some limiting factor(s) involved in the export process. Since the MalE protein is normally located in the periplasm, the results also suggest that the synthesis of periplasmic and outer membrane proteins may involve some steps in common. The reduced rate of synthesis of outer membrane proteins was also accompanied by the accumulation in the envelope of at least one outer membrane protein and at least two inner membrane proteins as higher-molecular-weight forms, indicating that processing (removal of the N-terminal signal sequence) was also disrupted by the presence of the hybrid protein. These results may indicate that the assembly of these membrane proteins is blocked at a relatively late step rather than at the level of primary recognition of some site by the signal sequence. In addition, the results suggest that some step common to the biogenesis of quite different kinds of envelope protein is blocked by the presence of the hybrid protein.


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The sol-gel synthesis of bulk silica-based luminescent materials using innocuous hexaethoxydisilane and hexamethoxydisilane monomers, followed by one hour thermal annealing in an inert atmosphere at 950oC-1150oC, is reported. As-synthesized hexamethoxydisilane-derived samples exhibit an intense blue photoluminescence band, whereas thermally treated ones emit stronger photoluminescence radiation peaking below 600 nm. For hexaethoxydisilane-based material, annealed at or above 1000oC, a less intense photoluminescence band, peaking between 780 nm and 850 nm that is attributed to nanocrystalline silicon is observed. Mixtures of both precursors lead to composed spectra, thus envisaging the possibility of obtaining pre-designed spectral behaviors by varying the mixture composition.


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Psychophysical studies suggest that humans preferentially use a narrow band of low spatial frequencies for face recognition. Here we asked whether artificial face recognition systems have an improved recognition performance at the same spatial frequencies as humans. To this end, we estimated recognition performance over a large database of face images by computing three discriminability measures: Fisher Linear Discriminant Analysis, Non-Parametric Discriminant Analysis, and Mutual Information. In order to address frequency dependence, discriminabilities were measured as a function of (filtered) image size. All three measures revealed a maximum at the same image sizes, where the spatial frequency content corresponds to the psychophysical found frequencies. Our results therefore support the notion that the critical band of spatial frequencies for face recognition in humans and machines follows from inherent properties of face images, and that the use of these frequencies is associated with optimal face recognition performance.


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Operatiivisen tiedon tuottaminen loppukäyttäjille analyyttistä tarkastelua silmällä pitäen aiheuttaa ongelmia useille yrityksille. Diplomityö pyrkii ratkaisemaan ko. ongelman Teleste Oyj:ssä. Työ on jaettu kolmeen pääkappaleeseen. Kappale 2 selkiyttää On-Line Analytical Processing (OLAP)- käsitteen. Kappale 3 esittelee muutamia OLAP-tuotteiden valmistajia ja heidän arkkitehtuurejaan sekä tyypillisten sovellusalueiden lisäksi huomioon otettavia asioita OLAP käyttöönoton yhteydessä. Kappale 4, tuo esille varsinaisen ratkaisun. Teknisellä arkkitehtuurilla on merkittävä asema ratkaisun rakenteen kannalta. Tässä on sovellettu Microsoft:n tietovarasto kehysrakennetta. Kappaleen 4 edetessä, tapahtumakäsittelytieto muutetaan informaatioksi ja edelleen loppukäyttäjien tiedoksi. Loppukäyttäjät varustetaan tehokkaalla ja tosiaikaisella analysointityökalulla moniulotteisessa ympäristössä. Vaikka kiertonopeus otetaan työssä sovellusesimerkiksi, työ ei pyri löytämään optimaalista tasoa Telesten varastoille. Siitä huolimatta eräitä parannusehdotuksia mainitaan.


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Diplomityössä on käsitelty paperin pinnankarkeuden mittausta, joka on keskeisimpiä ongelmia paperimateriaalien tutkimuksessa. Paperiteollisuudessa käytettävät mittausmenetelmät sisältävät monia haittapuolia kuten esimerkiksi epätarkkuus ja yhteensopimattomuus sileiden papereiden mittauksissa, sekä suuret vaatimukset laboratorio-olosuhteille ja menetelmien hitaus. Työssä on tutkittu optiseen sirontaan perustuvia menetelmiä pinnankarkeuden määrittämisessä. Konenäköä ja kuvan-käsittelytekniikoita tutkittiin karkeilla paperipinnoilla. Tutkimuksessa käytetyt algoritmit on tehty Matlab® ohjelmalle. Saadut tulokset osoittavat mahdollisuuden pinnankarkeuden mittaamiseen kuvauksen avulla. Parhaimman tuloksen perinteisen ja kuvausmenetelmän välillä antoi fraktaaliulottuvuuteen perustuva menetelmä.


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This thesis gives an overview of the use of the level set methods in the field of image science. The similar fast marching method is discussed for comparison, also the narrow band and the particle level set methods are introduced. The level set method is a numerical scheme for representing, deforming and recovering structures in an arbitrary dimensions. It approximates and tracks the moving interfaces, dynamic curves and surfaces. The level set method does not define how and why some boundary is advancing the way it is but simply represents and tracks the boundary. The principal idea of the level set method is to represent the N dimensional boundary in the N+l dimensions. This gives the generality to represent even the complex boundaries. The level set methods can be powerful tools to represent dynamic boundaries, but they can require lot of computing power. Specially the basic level set method have considerable computational burden. This burden can be alleviated with more sophisticated versions of the level set algorithm like the narrow band level set method or with the programmable hardware implementation. Also the parallel approach can be used in suitable applications. It is concluded that these methods can be used in a quite broad range of image applications, like computer vision and graphics, scientific visualization and also to solve problems in computational physics. Level set methods and methods derived and inspired by it will be in the front line of image processing also in the future.