979 resultados para pre-image attack


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Fingerprints are used for identification in forensics and are classified into Manual and Automatic. Automatic fingerprint identification system is classified into Latent and Exemplar. A novel Exemplar technique of Fingerprint Image Verification using Dictionary Learning (FIVDL) is proposed to improve the performance of low quality fingerprints, where Dictionary learning method reduces the time complexity by using block processing instead of pixel processing. The dynamic range of an image is adjusted by using Successive Mean Quantization Transform (SMQT) technique and the frequency domain noise is reduced using spectral frequency Histogram Equalization. Then, an adaptive nonlinear dynamic range adjustment technique is utilized to determine the local spectral features on corresponding fingerprint ridge frequency and orientation. The dictionary is constructed using spatial fundamental frequency that is determined from the spectral features. These dictionaries help in removing the spurious noise present in fingerprints and reduce the time complexity by using block processing instead of pixel processing. Further, dictionaries are used to reconstruct the image for matching. The proposed FIVDL is verified on FVC database sets and Experimental result shows an improvement over the state-of-the-art techniques. (C) 2015 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V.


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The polyhedral model provides an expressive intermediate representation that is convenient for the analysis and subsequent transformation of affine loop nests. Several heuristics exist for achieving complex program transformations in this model. However, there is also considerable scope to utilize this model to tackle the problem of automatic memory footprint optimization. In this paper, we present a new automatic storage optimization technique which can be used to achieve both intra-array as well as inter-array storage reuse with a pre-determined schedule for the computation. Our approach works by finding statement-wise storage partitioning hyper planes that partition a unified global array space so that values with overlapping live ranges are not mapped to the same partition. Our heuristic is driven by a fourfold objective function which not only minimizes the dimensionality and storage requirements of arrays required for each high-level statement, but also maximizes inter statement storage reuse. The storage mappings obtained using our heuristic can be asymptotically better than those obtained by any existing technique. We implement our technique and demonstrate its practical impact by evaluating its effectiveness on several benchmarks chosen from the domains of image processing, stencil computations, and high-performance computing.


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We address the problem of denoising images corrupted by multiplicative noise. The noise is assumed to follow a Gamma distribution. Compared with additive noise distortion, the effect of multiplicative noise on the visual quality of images is quite severe. We consider the mean-square error (MSE) cost function and derive an expression for an unbiased estimate of the MSE. The resulting multiplicative noise unbiased risk estimator is referred to as MURE. The denoising operation is performed in the wavelet domain by considering the image-domain MURE. The parameters of the denoising function (typically, a shrinkage of wavelet coefficients) are optimized for by minimizing MURE. We show that MURE is accurate and close to the oracle MSE. This makes MURE-based image denoising reliable and on par with oracle-MSE-based estimates. Analogous to the other popular risk estimation approaches developed for additive, Poisson, and chi-squared noise degradations, the proposed approach does not assume any prior on the underlying noise-free image. We report denoising results for various noise levels and show that the quality of denoising obtained is on par with the oracle result and better than that obtained using some state-of-the-art denoisers.


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Displacement estimation is a key step in the evaluation of tissue elasticity by quasistatic strain imaging. An efficient approach may incorporate a tracking strategy whereby each estimate is initially obtained from its neighbours' displacements and then refined through a localized search. This increases the accuracy and reduces the computational expense compared with exhaustive search. However, simple tracking strategies fail when the target displacement map exhibits complex structure. For example, there may be discontinuities and regions of indeterminate displacement caused by decorrelation between the pre- and post-deformation radio frequency (RF) echo signals. This paper introduces a novel displacement tracking algorithm, with a search strategy guided by a data quality indicator. Comparisons with existing methods show that the proposed algorithm is more robust when the displacement distribution is challenging.


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We report a detailed study of surface-bound chemical vapor deposition of carbon nanotubes and nanofibers from evaporated transition metal catalysts exposed to ammonia diluted acetylene. We show that a reduction of the Fe/Co catalyst film thickness below 3 nm results into a transition from large diameter (> 40 nm), bamboo-like nanofibers to small diameter (similar to 5 nm) multi-walled carbon nanotubes. The nanostructuring of ultrathin catalyst films critically depends on the gas atmosphere, with the resulting island distribution initiating the carbon nucleation. Compared to purely thermal chemical vapor deposition, we find that, for small diameter nanotube growth, DC plasma assistance is detrimental to graphitization and sample homogeneity and cannot prevent an early catalyst poisoning. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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En el presente trabajo se evaluó EX-ante la factibilidad técnica y financiera de una propuesta de desarrollo ganadero para la finca "El Garabato" planteada por los socios de la Cooperativa Ezequiel N24 en el Municipio de Tola, Departamento de Rivas. Para ello se realizó un diagnóstico general de la finca, donde se determinó los recursos disponibles y las características propias del sistema productivo, basados en esto se estimaron los diferentes coeficientes técnicos así como las posibles fuentes de ingresos y egresos, permitiendo realizar las proyecciones del hato así como las proyecciones financieras, Dentro de los aspectos técnicos se determinó la composición de las pasturas donde el 69% de los pastos son naturalizados, el 23% son pastos mejorados y el 8% está conformado por pastos naturales. Los canales de comercialización en la zona del proyecto para la leche están representados por los manteros, el Proyecto Juan Agustín Guillén de la Tienda Campesina y el Centro de Acopio de La Selecta. En el caso de la carne por los intermediarios (matarifes) y productores dedicados a la crianza y engorde de novillos. Al considerar las inversiones en pastura que conlleva la propuesta, la distribución de pastos varia, ocupando los pastos mejorados el 41%, el 3% por pastos naturales y el 56% corresponden a pastos naturalizados. A la par de esto el área ganadera se incrementa en 64 mz. como consecuencia de la reducción del área agricola por la misma cantidad de mz. Las disponibilidades de pastos se ven mejoradas por las inversiones, disminuyendo el déficit de alimento a partir del segundo año. El uso de la Caña de Azúcar más urea, durante el verano permitirá mejorar la oferta de alimento para esta época, resultando menores pérdidas en la producción. Como efecto de la propuesta se producirá un incremento promedio anual de 7.18% del hato total, este incremento se da esperando que los índices de mortalidad de adultos y terneros disminuyan de un 4 al. 2% y de 14 al 7% respectivamente y que la tasa de descarte de vacas se mantenga en 12%1 considerando que la finca mantenga un 67% en tasa de natalidad. Al estructurar los gastos se encontró que en el año base los gastos de mano de obra representan el 71%, la suplementación el 8%, los gastos en manejo fueron de 8%, impuestos 7%, mantenimiento de equipo e infraestructura de 4% y gastos varios de 1%, con el proyecto esta estructura de gastos se ve un poco alterada al disminuir los gastos por mano de obra a un 63% e incrementarse los gastos por suplementacion y gastos varios a 12% y 6% respectivamente, el resto de los gastos presentan leves modificaciones. En los ingresos del año base la producción de leche representa el 46%, la producción de carne el 53% y el 1% corresponde a otros ingresos. Con el proyecto el aporte en los ingresos por producción de leche asciende a 62% y en producción de carne es de 34%, en otros ingresos representa el 4% al finalizar el sexto año. De las inversiones que se realizaran el 60% ésta destinado para pastos y el 40% corresponde a inversiones en infraestructura. El monto total de la inversión asciende a C$96,905.70 de los cuales el 71% será solicitado en préstamo y el restante 29% será asumido por la Cooperativa. Del análisis financiero resultó que la propuesta de los socios con uso de financiamiento para las inversiones a una tasa de interés del 12.5% presenta un VAN de C$41996.65 y una TIR de 15.16%. En cambió la realización de la propuesta con recursos propios presentó resultados superiores al anterior siendo el VAN de C$18,506.01 y una TIR de 18.01%•. Considerando estos resultados la propuesta es rentable, pero debido al déficit de efectivo que se presenta en los primeros años podría alterar la realización de las inversiones, ésta situación puede compensarse haciendo uso de otros recursos de la Cooperativa.


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Con el objetivo de caracterizar la curva de lactancia y evaluar el comportamiento reproductivo se analizaron los registros mensuales (N=10) de vaquillas Holstein bajo la implementación y falta de implementación de medidas de manejo pre-parto en la Empresa Agropecuaria “San Ignacio” Mateare, Nicaragua. Para caracterizar la curva de lactancia, se utilizó el modelo de Wood (1967) de forma linealizada Ln Yx = Lna + b Lnx - ex , donde Yx es la producción diaria en el período x, a representa la producción inicial, b el ascenso al pico, c el descenso de producción, a partir del mismo se generaron la Persistencia (S), Rendimiento al pico (RP), Tiempo al pico (TP), también se evaluó el Intervalo parto - concepción (IPC) y el Número de servicios por concepción (NSPC) . Al presentar problemas reproductivos la proporción de curvas atípicas encontradas en este Trabajo fue de 40%. Al analizar la curva de lactancia del grupo experimental se observa un a= 11.00212 kg, b = 0.083528 kg, e = 0.00407148 kg, RP = 12.790 kg, TP = 29.54 días, S = 6.126. El grupo testigo presenta un a = 6.4384 kg, b = 0.193048 kg, e = 0.00466974 kg, RP = 9.49 kg, TP = 34.32 días, S = 6.421. En el análisis de varianza se encontró que el RP tiene diferencia significativa entre los tratamientos a un nivel de significancia (P<0.05). Los parámetros reproductivos IPC y NSPC para el grupo experimental fueron de 243.6 días y 3 servicios respectivamente, el grupo testigo presentó un IPC = 221.8 días y NSPC = 3.6 servicios .


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A new particle image technique was developed to analyze the dispersion of tracer particles in an internally circulating fluidized bed (ICFB). The movement course and the concentration distribution of tracer particles in the bed were imaged and the degree of inhomogeneity of tracer particles was analyzed. The lateral and axial dispersion coefficients of particles were calculated for various zones in ICFB. Results indicate that the lateral diffusion coefficient in the fluidized bed with uneven air distribution is significantly higher than that in uniform bubbling beds with even air distribution. The dispersion coefficients are different along bed length and height.


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This paper proposes to use an extended Gaussian Scale Mixtures (GSM) model instead of the conventional ℓ1 norm to approximate the sparseness constraint in the wavelet domain. We combine this new constraint with subband-dependent minimization to formulate an iterative algorithm on two shift-invariant wavelet transforms, the Shannon wavelet transform and dual-tree complex wavelet transform (DTCWT). This extented GSM model introduces spatially varying information into the deconvolution process and thus enables the algorithm to achieve better results with fewer iterations in our experiments. ©2009 IEEE.


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In winter, natural ventilation can be achieved either through mixing ventilation or upward displacement ventilation (P.F. Linden, The fluid mechanics of natural ventilation, Annual Review of Fluid Mechanics 31 (1999) pp. 201-238). We show there is a significant energy saving possible by using mixing ventilation, in the case that the internal heat gains are significant, and illustrate these savings using an idealized model, which predicts that with internal heat gains of order 0.1 kW per person, mixing ventilation uses of a fraction of order 0.2-0.4 of the heat load of displacement ventilation assuming a well-insulated building. We then describe a strategy for such mixing natural ventilation in an atrium style building in which the rooms surrounding the atrium are able to vent directly to the exterior and also through the atrium to the exterior. The results are motivated by the desire to reduce the energy burden in large public buildings such as hospitals, schools or office buildings centred on atria. We illustrate a strategy for the natural mixing ventilation in order that the rooms surrounding the atrium receive both pre-heated but also sufficiently fresh air, while the central atrium zone remains warm. We test the principles with some laboratory experiments in which a model air chamber is ventilated using both mixing and displacement ventilation, and compare the energy loads in each case. We conclude with a discussion of the potential applications of the approach within the context of open plan atria type office buildings.


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This article presents a new method for acquiring three-dimensional (3-D) volumes of ultrasonic axial strain data. The method uses a mechanically-swept probe to sweep out a single volume while applying a continuously varying axial compression. Acquisition of a volume takes 15-20 s. A strain volume is then calculated by comparing frame pairs throughout the sequence. The method uses strain quality estimates to automatically pick out high quality frame pairs, and so does not require careful control of the axial compression. In a series of in vitro and in vivo experiments, we quantify the image quality of the new method and also assess its ease of use. Results are compared with those for the current best alternative, which calculates strain between two complete volumes. The volume pair approach can produce high quality data, but skillful scanning is required to acquire two volumes with appropriate relative strain. In the new method, the automatic quality-weighted selection of image pairs overcomes this difficulty and the method produces superior quality images with a relatively relaxed scanning technique.