946 resultados para places
La recerca que aquí es presenta es centra en tres objectius. Primerament, obtenir informació d’altres experiències de mentoria d’alumnat immigrat desenvolupades en altres països (Alemanya, Àustria, Eslovènia, Estats Units, Israel, Noruega, Suècia, Suïssa, etc.) amb l’objectiu d’elaborar un marc teòric sòlid que ajudi a argumentar científicament el projecte "Rossinyol". Aquest objectiu s’ha treballat mitjançant la recerca bibliogràfica i documental a nivell nacional, estatal i internacional. Posteriorment, realitzar una primera anàlisi dels ímputs que aporta el projecte Rossinyol al territori on es porta a terme. Mitjançant l’elaboració i passi d’una entrevista a mentors, mestres (dels mentorats) i enllaços territorials (persones del territori que es posen en contacte amb les escoles per seleccionar els mentorats –entre d’altres tasques-) s’ha analitzat: els punts forts i febles del projecte, els possibles efectes de la mentoria en el mentorat i el tipus de relacions que s’han establert entre els agents que participen en el projecte. Finalment, establir uns criteris d’avaluació que permetin donar pautes per desenvolupar aquest projecte –o projectes similars de mentoria- en altres llocs del nostre país. En aquest apartat del treball s’ha elaborat una proposta d’indicadors amb el conseqüent instrument per, en una fase posterior, recollir informació que permetin fer un seguiment acurat, objectiu i extens del projecte.
The Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC) isa global and comprehensive legal framework for reducing demand for tobacco (e.g. price measures; ban on smoking in enclosed places; contents of tobacco products; packaging and labeling; advertising, promotion and sponsorship; liability, tobacco cessation, etc.) and supply (e.g. illicit trade; sales to/by minors, etc.). Adopted in 2003, the FCTC has been ratified by 174 countries so far. Switzerland has signed the treaty in 2004 but ratification will necessitate the implementation of stronger tobacco control measures at the national level. The FCTC is a priority of any strategy to reduce noncommunicable diseases in populations. Broad implementation of the FCTC has the potential to prevent a substantial proportion of the billion of tobacco-related deaths expected in the 21st
BACKGROUND: Supervised injection services (SISs) have been developed to promote safer drug injection practices, enhance health-related behaviors among people who inject drugs (PWID), and connect PWID with external health and social services. Nevertheless, SISs have also been accused of fostering drug use and drug trafficking. AIMS: To systematically collect and synthesize the currently available evidence regarding SIS-induced benefits and harm. METHODS: A systematic review was performed via the PubMed, Web of Science, and ScienceDirect databases using the keyword algorithm [("SUPERVISED" OR "SAFER") AND ("INJECTION" OR "INJECTING" OR "SHOOTING" OR "CONSUMPTION") AND ("FACILITY" OR "FACILITIES" OR "ROOM" OR "GALLERY" OR "CENTRE" OR "SITE")]. RESULTS: Seventy-five relevant articles were found. All studies converged to find that SISs were efficacious in attracting the most marginalized PWID, promoting safer injection conditions, enhancing access to primary health care, and reducing the overdose frequency. SISs were not found to increase drug injecting, drug trafficking or crime in the surrounding environments. SISs were found to be associated with reduced levels of public drug injections and dropped syringes. Of the articles, 85% originated from Vancouver or Sydney. CONCLUSION: SISs have largely fulfilled their initial objectives without enhancing drug use or drug trafficking. Almost all of the studies found in this review were performed in Canada or Australia, whereas the majority of SISs are located in Europe. The implementation of new SISs in places with high rates of injection drug use and associated harms appears to be supported by evidence.
PURPOSE: To explore detainees and staff's attitudes towards tobacco use, in order to assist prison administrators to develop an ethically acceptable tobacco control policy based on stakeholders' opinion. DESIGN: Qualitative study based on in-depth semi-structured interviews with 31 prisoners and 27 staff prior (T1) and after the implementation (T2) of a new smoke-free regulation (2009) in a Swiss male post-trial prison consisting of 120 detainees and 120 employees. RESULTS: At T1, smoking was allowed in common indoor rooms and most working places. Both groups of participants expressed the need for a more uniform and stricter regulation, with general opposition towards a total smoking ban. Expressed fears and difficulties regarding a stricter regulation were increased stress on detainees and strain on staff, violence, riots, loss of control on detainees, and changes in social life. At T2, participants expressed predominantly satisfaction. They reported reduction in their own tobacco use and a better protection against second-hand smoke. However, enforcement was incomplete. The debate was felt as being concentrated on regulation only, leaving aside the subject of tobacco reduction or cessation support. CONCLUSION: Besides an appropriate smoke-free regulation, further developments are necessary in order to have a comprehensive tobacco control policy in prisons.
If childcare policy has become topical in most OECD countries over the last ten years or so, actual developments display huge cross-national variations. Countries like Sweden and Denmark spend around 2 per cent of GDP on this service, and provide affordable childcare places to most children below school age. At the other extreme, in Southern Europe, only around 10 per cent of this age group has access to formal daycare. Against this background, this article aims to account for cross-national variations in childcare services. It distinguishes two dependent variables: the coverage rate and the proportion of GDP spent subsidising childcare services. Using a mix of cross-sectional and pooled times-series methods, it tests a series of hypotheses concerning the determinants of the development of this policy. Its main conclusion for the coverage rate is that key factors are public spending and wage dispersion (both positive). For spending, key factors are the proportion of women in parliaments (positive) and spending on age-related policies (negative).
This report is published in accordance with the Accountable Government Act to improve decision-making and increase accountability to stakeholders and citizens. This report contains performance information regarding our primary programs including, the Youth Leadership Forum, the College Leadership Forum, the State Access Grant and the Client Assistance Program. Major accomplishments this year include continuation of our core programs, a key role in the Iowa Great Places initiative and providing Cultural Competency training to governmental and non-governmental agencies.
As a guide for librarians, library policy makers and the local level, community leaders, local and state policy makers, and library customers across the state, these recommendations create a vision of libraries as friendly, welcoming places where Iowans can access inform ation in person or on-lin e, ob tain, an d use ideas and truste d info rmatio n tha t will enhance their quality of life. This report specifies the steps to achieving this vision and creates an environment of opportunity to m ove s teadily toward the new system.
Multi-national societies present a complex setting for the politics of immigration, as migration’s linguistic, economic and cultural effects may coincide with existing contestation over nationhood between sub-units and the central state. Empirically, though, political actors only sometimes, and in some places, explicitly connect the politics of immigration to the stakes of multi-level politics. With reference to Canada, Belgium and the United Kingdom, this paper examines the conditions under which political leaders link immigration to ongoing debate about governance in multi-national societies. The paper argues that the distribution of policy competencies in the multi-level system is less important for shaping immigration and integration politics than is the perceived impact (positive or negative) on the sub-unit’s societal culture or its power relationship with the center. Immigration and integration are more often politicized where center and sub-unit hold divergent views on migration and its place in national identity.
En français (Fouet des 'fascinateurs' hérétiques) dont l'objectif est de prouver la réalité du sabbat des sorciers, dans le contexte du début de la répression de la sorcellerie démoniaque et des contestations qu'elle suscite dans certains lieux et milieux. Il y démontre en particulier la réalité des apparitions démoniaques et expose les moyens de ses protéger des assauts des démons. Il illustre son propos au moyen d'exemples scripturaires et surtout de récits des premiers martyrs et des Pères du désert empruntés au Speculum historiale de Vincent de Beauvais, qu'il recopie textuellement ou résume. Nicolas Jacquier montre ainsi une bonne connaissance d'ensemble de cette oeuvre. En Anglais "An attentive reader of Vincent de Beauvais' Speculum historiale in the XVth century : the Burgundian inquisitor Nicolas Jacquier and the reality of demonic apparitions." In 1458, the Dominican inquisitor Nicolas Jacquier writes his Flagellum hereticorum fascinariorum (Scourge of Heretical Witches), which aims at proving the reality of the witches' Sabbath. He pens this work in the context of the onset of the repression of diabolical witchcraft and the disputes which arise from it in certain places and circles. He in particular demonstrates the reality of demonic apparitions and exposes the means by which one is to protect oneself from the assaults of demons. He illustrates his subject by means of scriptural examples, making particular reference to the narratives of the first martyrs and of the Fathers of the desert borrowed from Vincent de Beauvais' Speculum historiale, that he either reproduces word for word, or summarizes. Nicolas Jacquier thus demonstrates a good knowledge of the entirety of this work.
OBJECTIVE: To assess the determinants of opinions regarding tobacco control policies in the Swiss general population. METHODS: Cross-sectional study conducted between 2003 and 2006 on a random sample of adult residents of Lausanne, Switzerland, aged 35-75 years (2601 women and 2398 men). Nine questions on smoking policies were applied. RESULTS: Ninety-five percent of responders supported policies that would help smokers to quit, 92% no selling of tobacco to subjects aged less than 16 years, 87% a smoking ban in public places and 86% a national campaign against smoking. A further 77% supported a total ban on tobacco advertising, 74% the reimbursement of nicotine replacement therapies and 70% an increase in the price of cigarettes. A lower support was found for two non-evidence-based interventions total ban of tobacco sales (35%) and promotion of light cigarettes (22%). Never smokers, women, physically active subjects, teetotallers and subjects with lower educational level were more likely to favour stronger measures while no differences were found between age groups. Reimbursement of nicotine replacement therapies was favoured more by current smokers and inactive subjects. CONCLUSION: The vast majority of responders supported the recommended tobacco control policies. Opinions regarding specific interventions vary according to the policy and subjects' characteristics.
This thesis concerns organizing a workshop about interaction in the various communities represented by Helsinki city's social welfare department. There were seventeen workshops altogether and they were organized in different communities; for example, in a children's daycare centre. The aim was to gain experience in the planning and organizing of these kinds of workshop. The workshops focused on dealing with interactive quetions arising out of the very community which was taking part in the workshop. These questions were discussed and handled using a technique called forum-statues. This means that the problems arising from the community were presented as living pictures to the group. There was also a short theoretical element concerning interactions between people, self-esteem, the different phases in developing a group, and the effects of conflicts in groups. There was a high degree of interest in the research and places were soon filled. The workshops consisted of a warming part with a lot of playing, a deepening part with questions arising out of the group, and a relaxation and feedback part at the end. The basis of the workshop was similar for all seventeen workshops. The athmosphere in workshops was discussive and open. The participants were engouraged to express there opinions and point of views. Feedback from the participantswas very positive. The participants obtained new points of view, according there fellow workers, and the community spirit improved. Shortage of time was, unfortunately, a problem. With more time, it would have been possible to go deeper into the problems of interaction within the community. Ceratinly, the research proved that there would be great demand for this kind of workshop in future.
Tämä insinöörityö tehtiin ABB Oy, Drivesin Product AC -tulosyksikön tuotekehitysosastolle Helsingissä. Työssä kehitettiin taajuusmuuttajien suorituskyvyn automaattinen testausympäristö. ABB:n taajuusmuuttajien suorituskykytestejä ei ole aikaisemmin automatisoitu. Testit on tehty käsin ja niiden suorittamiseen ja tulosten käsittelyyn on kulunut paljon aikaa. Automaattisella testauksella pyrittiin testien suorittamiseen ja tulosten käsittelyyn kuluvan ajan huomattavaan pienentymiseen. Työssä ei ollut tarkoituksena tehdä suorituskykytestejä vaan kehittää automaattinen testausympäristö eli suorituskykytestipenkki, jossa suorituskykytestit on mahdollista suorittaa. Työssä keskityttiin taajuusmuuttajan nopeus- ja momenttisäätäjien suorituskykyyn. Työ toteutettiin suunnittelu- ja ohjelmointityönä. Testausympäristön laitteisto perustuu ABB:n tuotekehityslaboratorioiden olemassaoleviin testipaikkoihin. Testausympäristössä käytetään taajuusmuuttajien lisäksi pääasiassa kolmivaiheisia oikosulkumoottoreita. Lisäksi laitteistoon kuuluu ACS800-sarjan taajuusmuuttaja kuormakäyttönä, momenttianturi ja takometri eli kierrosnopeusmittari. Ohjelmointi tehtiin National Instrumentsin LabVIEW-ohjelmointiympäristön versiolla 8.0. Testausympäristön käyttöliittymänä toimii saman yrityksen TestStand-testausohjelmiston versio 3.5. Testattavien taajuusmuuttajien ohjausta ja momenttianturin lukemista varten ohjelmoitiin virtuaali-instrumentteja. Virtuaali-instrumentteja kutsutaan TestStand-testisekvensseistä. Testisekvenssit luodaan TestStandin sekvenssieditorilla ja suoritetaan sekvenssieditorissa tai operaattorin käyttöliittymässä. Työn tuloksena syntyi taajuusmuuttajien suorituskyvyn automaattinen testausympäristö. Testausympäristöä voidaan hyödyntää sekä nykyisen että seuraavan sukupolven taajuusmuuttajien testauksessa. Sillä on mahdollista suorittaa yleisimmät taajuusmuuttajien suorituskykytestit, kuten nopeus- ja momenttisäätöjen staattinen ja dynaaminen tarkkuus, hyvin kattavasti. Testit voidaan automaattisesti suorittaa koko testikäytön sallimalla pyörimisnopeus- ja kuormitusalueella. Näytteenottotaajuus voi olla enintään 1 kHz luettaessa pyörimisnopeutta ACS800-sarjan taajuusmuuttajan kautta ja momenttianturia samanaikaisesti. Virtuaali-instrumenteista koostuvia testisekvenssejä voidaan vapaasti muokata ja kehittää testejä edelleen tai luoda kokonaan uusia testejä. Testausympäristö perustuu teollisuudessa yleisesti käytettyihin ohjelmistoihin ja tarjoaa hyvät mahdollisuudet jatkokehitykselle.
La realització d’aquest treball s’ha centrat principalment en intentar trobar resposta a la següent pregunta: “Hi ha inadequació entre l’oferta i la demanda en el mercat de les llars d’infants a Barcelona?”. Per tal de desenvolupar aquest tema, s’han estudiat diferents aspectes que han servit per entendre aquest mercat i per tenir una petitanoció de la seva extraordinària complexitat.Primerament, s’han treballat i descrit els assumptes relacionats amb l’oferta de llars d’infants, com ara la situació actual en què es troba Barcelona, les restriccions que existeixen a la creació de noves llars d’infants, així com els costos i beneficis que determinen el nivell d’oferta de places. A més a més, s’ha comparat l’oferta pública amb la privada amb l’ajuda de diverses taules obtingudes mitjançant el treball de camp realitzat explicat més endavant i finalment s’ha estudiat per què no creix més l’oferta donat l’excés de demanda que hi ha en aquest mercat.En segon lloc, com era d’esperar, es parla de la demanda a les llars d’infants. En aquest apartat es pot trobar la descripció de l’estat actual de la demanda a Barcelona, es detalla tot el procés d’obtenció de dades per tal de trobar la demanda en els diversosdistrictes i s’explica breument el fenomen de la demanda amagada.En tercer lloc, es troba la part principal del treball, allà on es dóna resposta a lapregunta formulada a l’inici del treball. Es posen en comú l’oferta i la demanda, es creenambdues corbes i se n’estudia el desequilibri i les seves possibles causes.En un quart punt es tracta sobre l’efecte que té aquest desequilibri entre oferta idemanda sobre el mercat laboral de la dona i quins en són els principals perjudicats en lasocietat actual.Finalment, es fan diferents propostes per tal de donar una solució al desequilibriexistent entre l’oferta i la demanda de llars d’infants a Barcelona. Es pretén esbrinar la manera mitjançant la qual es podria millorar aquesta diferència entre oferta i demanda i, per tant, poder assolir un punt més proper a l’equilibri teòric que el que hi ha actualment.Pel que fa a la metodologia seguida, s’ha realitzat un treball de camp que ha consistit en demanar informació a un nombre prou significatiu de llars d’infants de laciutat de Barcelona per tal d’aconseguir amb certa fiabilitat algunes de les dades que nohan estat possibles de trobar, com per exemple la demanda en excés mitjana per districte.Amb aquesta ajuda, s’han pogut realitzar tota una sèrie de taules estadístiques molt útils pel desenvolupament del treball.Les fonts d’informació utilitzades han estat nombroses, entre les quals es troben:primerament, l’Administració (a tots els nivells: Ajuntament de Barcelona, Diputació de Barcelona, Generalitat de Catalunya i Estat); en segon lloc, diversos articles de diaris i revistes que han servit per conèixer la importància que té aquest tema avui en dia en la societat; finalment, els testimonis de propietaris d’algunes llars d’infants de la ciutat de Barcelona i altres persones relacionades amb aquest àmbit com ara treballadors o mares i pares d’infants de zero a tres anys.
El principal objectiu d’aquest estudi és fer un anàlisi sobre l’estat del negoci de l’esquí alpí al Pirineu català. El treball tracta des de diferents punts de vista com el climatològic, el purament econòmic o fins i tot el social, les diverses problemàtiques de les estacions d’esquí a Catalunya.En primer lloc, l’estudi es centra en la climatologia del Pirineu, observant les dades dels darrers anys i algun model de futur per constatar el descens de precipitacions i l’augment de temperatures i veure com pot evolucionar en el futur, analitzant també l’hipotètic impacte que causaria en les estacions d’esquí. Posteriorment, s’analitza detingudament l’estat general de les estacions d’esquí, comparant nombre de visitants, places hoteleres, cotes, domini esquiable o remuntadors, entre d’altres aspectes. La segona gran part de l’estudi es centra en l’anàlisi concret d’una estació, la de Vallter 2000, explicant-ne les condicions concretes i analitzant-ne l’evolució de clients o dies d’obertura i la situació econòmica de l’estació. A continuació, es fa un breu anàlisi del context internacional per poder comparar la situació del Pirineu català amb altres zonesdel Pirineu i amb els Alps. Finalment, com a conclusió, es presenten una sèrie d’alternatives, discernint entre les que podrien ser viables, que bàsicament van destinades a aconseguir una major injecció de capital, basant-se sobretot en diversificar les activitats i en integrar les activitats secundàries, i les que s’han considerat inviables, que contemplaven mesures com l’ampliació de les estacions cap a cotes més altes, l’augment dels canons de neu o la contractació d’assegurances climàtiques, descartades majoritàriament per requerir una inversió excessivament elevada.
Many metropolitan areas have experienced extreme boom-bust cycles over the past century. Some places, like Detroit, grew enormously as industrial powerhouses and then declined, while other older cities, like Boston, seem quite resilient. Education does a reasonable job of explaining urban resilience. In this paper, we present a simple model where education increases the level of entrepreneurship. In this model, human capital spillovers occur at the city level because skilled workers produce more product varieties and thereby increase labor demand. We decompose empirically the causes of the connection between skills and urban success and find that skills are associated with growth in productivity or entrepreneurship, not with growth in quality of life, at least outside of the West. We also find that skills seem to have depressed housing supply growth in the West, but not in other regions, which supports the view that educated residents in that region have fought for tougher land-use controls. We also present evidence that skills have had a disproportionately large impact on unemployment during the current recession.