968 resultados para pk-yrittäjyys
Based on the time-dependent Gross-Pitaevskii equation we study the evolution of a collapsing and exploding Bose-Einstein condensate in different trap symmetries to see the effect of confinement on collapse and subsequent explosion, which can be verified in future experiments. We make a prediction for the evolution of the shape of the condensate and the number of atoms in it for different trap symmetries (cigar to pancake) as well as in the presence of an optical lattice potential. We also make a prediction for the jet formation in different cases when the collapse is suddenly terminated by changing the scattering length to zero via a Feshbach resonance. In addition to the usual global collapse to the center of the condensate, in the presence of an optical-lattice potential one could also have in certain cases independent collapse of parts of the condensate to local centers, which could be verified in experiments.
Using the exclusive decay B-s(0)-->J/psi(mu(+)mu(-))phi(K+K-), we report the most precise single measurement of the B-s(0) lifetime. The data sample corresponds to an integrated luminosity of approximately 220 pb(-1) collected with the D0 detector at the Fermilab Tevatron Collider in 2002-2004. We reconstruct 337 signal candidates, from which we extract the B-s(0) lifetime, tau(B-s(0))=1.444(-0.090)(+0.098)(stat)+/-0.020(sys) ps. We also report a measurement for the lifetime of the B-0 meson using the exclusive decay B-0-->J/psi(mu(+)mu(-))K-*0(892)(K(+)pi(-)). We reconstruct 1370 signal candidates, obtaining tau(B-0)=1.473(-0.050)(+0.052)(stat)+/-0.023(sys) ps, and the ratio of lifetimes, tau(B-s(0))/tau(B-0)=0.980(-0.071)(+0.076)(stat)+/-0.003(sys).
We present a measurement of the W boson pair-production cross section in p(p) over bar collisions at a center-of-mass energy of root s=1.96 TeV. The data, collected with the Run II D0 detector at Fermilab, correspond to an integrated luminosity of 224-252 pb(-1) depending on the final state (ee, e mu, or mu mu). We observe 25 candidates with a background expectation of 8.1 +/- 0.6(stat)+/- 0.6(syst)+/- 0.5(lum) events. The probability for an upward fluctuation of the background to produce the observed signal is 2.3x10(-7), equivalent to 5.2 standard deviations. The measurement yields a cross section of 13.8(-3.8)(+4.3)(stat)(-0.9)(+1.2)(syst)+/- 0.9(lum) pb, in agreement with predictions from the standard model.
Coupled intersubband plasmon-phonon modes are studied in a multisubband parabolic quantum wire at room temperatures. These modes are found by calculating the spectral weight function which is related to the inelastic Raman spectra. We use a 13 subband model. The plasmon-phonon coupling strongly modifies the dispersion relation of the intersubband modes in the vicinity of the optical phonon frequency omega(LO). Extra modes show up as a result of the electron-phonon interaction. We carefully study the density and temperature dependence of these extra modes. We also show that coupled intersubband plasmon-phonon modes should be observed for temperatures as high as 300 K.
We report the first direct search for the Kaluza-Klein (KK) modes of Randall-Sundrum gravitons using dielectron, dimuon, and diphoton events observed with the D0 detector operating at the Fermilab Tevatron p (p) over bar Collider at root s = 1: 96 TeV. No evidence for resonant production of gravitons has been found in the data corresponding to an integrated luminosity of approximate to 260 pb(-1). Lower limits on the mass of the first KK mode at the 95% C. L. have been set between 250 and 785 GeV, depending on its coupling to standard model particles.
Assuming that supersymmetry is realized with parameters in the hyperbolic branch/focus point region of the minimal supergravity model, we show that by searching for multijet+E-T(miss) events with tagged b jets the reach of experiments at the LHC may be extended by as much as 20% from current projections. The reason for this is that gluino decays to third generation quarks are enhanced because the lightest neutralino has substantial Higgsino components. Although we were motivated to perform this analysis because the hyperbolic branch/focus point region is compatible with the recent determination of the relic density of cold dark matter, our considerations may well have a wider applicability since decays of gluinos to third generation quarks are favored in a wide variety of models.
We have performed a search for neutral Higgs bosons produced in association with bottom quarks in p (p) over bar collisions, using 260 pb(-1) of data collected with the D0 detector in Run II of the Fermilab Tevatron Collider. The cross sections for these processes are enhanced in many extensions of the standard model (SM), such as in its minimal supersymmetric extension at large tan beta. The results of our analysis agree with expectations from the SM, and we use our measurements to set upper limits on the production of neutral Higgs bosons in the mass range of 90 to 150 GeV.
We implement a cutoff-independent regularization of four-fermion interactions to calculate the color-superconducting gap parameter in quark matter. The traditional cutoff regularization has difficulties for chemical potentials mu of the order of the cutoff Lambda, predicting in particular a vanishing gap at mu similar to Lambda. The proposed cutoff-independent regularization predicts a finite gap at high densities and indicates a smooth matching with the weak coupling QCD prediction for the gap at asymptotically high densities.
Wisdom has recently unveiled a new relativistic effect, called spacetime swimming, where quasirigid free bodies in curved spacetimes can speed up, slow down or deviate their falls by performing local cyclic shape deformations. We show here that for fast enough cycles this effect dominates over a nonrelativistic related one, named here space swinging, where the fall is altered through nonlocal cyclic deformations in Newtonian gravitational fields. We expect, therefore, to clarify the distinction between both effects leaving no room to controversy. Moreover, the leading contribution to the swimming effect predicted by Wisdom is enriched with a higher order term and the whole result is generalized to be applicable in cases where the tripod is in large redshift regions.
A search for the production of neutral Higgs bosons Phi decaying into tau(+)tau(-) final states in p (p) over bar collisions at a center-of-mass energy of 1.96 TeV is presented. The data, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of approximately 325 pb(-1), were collected by the D0 experiment at the Fermilab Tevatron Collider. Since no excess compared to the expectation from standard model processes is found, limits on the production cross section times branching ratio are set. The results are combined with those obtained from the D0 search for Phi b((b) over bar)-> b (b) over barb((b) over bar) and are interpreted in the minimal supersymmetric standard model.
Limits are set on anomalous WW gamma and WWZ trilinear gauge couplings using W+W--> e(+)nu(e)e(-)(nu) over bar (e), W+W--> e(+/-)nu(e)mu(-/+)nu(mu), and W+W-->mu(+)nu(mu)mu(-)(nu) over bar (mu) events. The data set was collected by the Run II D0 detector at the Fermilab Tevatron Collider and corresponds to approximately 250 pb(-1) of integrated luminosity at root s=1.96 TeV. Under the assumption that the WW gamma couplings are equal to the WWZ couplings and using a form factor scale of Lambda=2.0 TeV, the combined 95% C.L. one-dimensional coupling limits from all three channels are -0.32
We present a search for a neutral particle, pair produced in pp collisions at root s=1.96 TeV, which decays into two muons and lives long enough to travel at least 5 cm before decaying. The analysis uses approximate to 380 pb(-1) of data recorded with the D0 detector. The background is estimated to be about one event. No candidates are observed, and limits are set on the pair-production cross section times branching fraction into dimuons + X for such particles. For a mass of 10 GeV and lifetime of 4x10(-11) s, we exclude values greater than 0.14 pb (95% C.L.). These results are used to limit the interpretation of NuTeV's excess of dimuon events.
We work on some general extensions of the formalism for theories which preserve the relativity of inertial frames with a nonlinear action of the Lorentz transformations on momentum space. Relativistic particle models invariant under the corresponding deformed symmetries are presented with particular emphasis on deformed dilatation transformations. The algebraic transformations relating the deformed symmetries with the usual (undeformed) ones are provided in order to preserve the Lorentz algebra. Two distinct cases are considered: a deformed dilatation transformation with a spacelike preferred direction and a very special relativity embedding with a lightlike preferred direction. In both analysis we consider the possibility of introducing quantum deformations of the corresponding symmetries such that the spacetime coordinates can be reconstructed and the particular form of the real space-momentum commutator remains covariant. Eventually feasible experiments, for which the nonlinear Lorentz dilatation effects here pointed out may be detectable, are suggested.
We apply the general principles of effective field theories to the construction of effective interactions suitable for few- and many-body calculations in a no-core shell model framework. We calculate the spectrum of systems with three and four two-component fermions in a harmonic trap. In the unitary limit, we find that three-particle results are within 10% of known semianalytical values even in small model spaces. The method is very general, and can be readily extended to other regimes, more particles, different species (e.g., protons and neutrons in nuclear physics), or more-component fermions (as well as bosons). As an illustration, we present calculations of the lowest-energy three-fermion states away from the unitary limit and find a possible inversion of parity in the ground state in the limit of trap size large compared to the scattering length. Furthermore, we investigate the lowest positive-parity states for four fermions, although we are limited by the dimensions we can currently handle in this case.
The usefulness of a scale-independent approach to identify Efimov states in three-body systems is shown by comparing such an approach with a realistic calculation in the case of three helium atoms. We show that the scaling limit is realized in practice in this case, and suggest its application to study other similar systems, including the case where two kinds of atoms are mixed. We also consider the observed large scattering length of the Rb-87 dimer to estimate the critical value of the ground-state energy of the corresponding trimer (greater than or equal to 1.5 mK), in order to allow for one Efimov state above the ground state.