961 resultados para pitch controller


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A power filter is necessary to connect the output of a power converter to the grid so as to reduce the harmonic distortion introduced in the line current and voltage by the power converter. Many a times, a transformer is also present before the point of common coupling. Magnetic components often constitute a significant part of the overall weight, size and cost of the grid interface scheme. So, a compact inexpensive design is desirable. A higher-order LCL-filter and a transformer are increasingly being considered for grid interconnection of the power converter. This study proposes a design method based on a three-winding transformer, that generates an integrated structure that behaves as an LCL-filter, with both the filter inductances and the transformer that are merged into a single electromagnetic component. The parameters of the transformer are derived analytically. It is shown that along with a filter capacitor, the transformer parameters provide the filtering action of an LCL-filter. A single-phase full-bridge power converter is operated as a static compensator for performance evaluation of the integrated filter transformer. A resonant integrator-based single-phase phase locked loop and stationary frame AC current controller are employed for grid frequency synchronisation and line current control, respectively.


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Before installation, a voltage source converter is usually subjected to heat-run test to verify its thermal design and performance under load. For heat-run test, the converter needs to be operated at rated voltage and rated current for a substantial length of time. Hence, such tests consume huge amount of energy in case of high-power converters. Also, the capacities of the source and loads available in the research and development (R&D) centre or the production facility could be inadequate to conduct such tests. This paper proposes a method to conduct heat-run tests on high-power, pulse width modulated (PWM) converters with low energy consumption. The experimental set-up consists of the converter under test and another converter (of similar or higher rating), both connected in parallel on the ac side and open on the dc side. Vector-control or synchronous reference frame control is employed to control the converters such that one draws certain amount of reactive power and the other supplies the same; only the system losses are drawn from the mains. The performance of the controller is validated through simulation and experiments. Experimental results, pertaining to heat-run tests on a high-power PWM converter, are presented at power levels of 25 kVA to 150 kVA.


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In the present work, we experimentally study and demarcate the stall flutter boundaries of a NACA 0012 airfoil at low Reynolds numbers (Re similar to 10(4)) by measuring the forces and flow fields around the airfoil when it is forced to oscillate. The airfoil is placed at large mean angle of attack (alpha(m)), and is forced to undergo small amplitude pitch oscillations, the amplitude (Delta alpha) and frequency (f) of which are systematically varied. The unsteady loads on the oscillating airfoil are directly measured, and are used to calculate the energy transfer to the airfoil from the flow. These measurements indicate that for large mean angles of attack of the airfoil (alpha(m)), there is positive energy transfer to the airfoil over a range of reduced frequencies (k=pi fc/U), indicating that there is a possibility of airfoil excitation or stall flutter even at these low Re (c=chord length). Outside this range of reduced frequencies, the energy transfer is negative and under these conditions the oscillations would be damped. Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) measurements of the flow around the oscillating airfoil show that the shear layer separates from the leading edge and forms a leading edge vortex, although it is not very clear and distinct due to the low oscillation amplitudes. On the other hand, the shear layer formed after separation is found to clearly move periodically away from the airfoil suction surface and towards it with a phase lag to the airfoil oscillations. The phase of the shear layer motion with respect to the airfoil motions shows a clear difference between the exciting and the damping case.


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We have demonstrated novel concept of utilizing the photomechanical actuation in carbon nanotubes (CNTs) to tune and reversibly switch the Bragg wavelength. When fiber Bragg grating coated with CNTs (CNT-FBG) is exposed externally to a wide range of optical wavelengths, e. g., ultraviolet to infrared (0.2-200 mu m), a strain is induced in the CNTs which alters the grating pitch and refractive index in the CNT-FBG system resulting in a shift in the Bragg wavelength. This novel approach will find applications in telecommunication, sensors and actuators, and also for real time monitoring of the photomechanical actuation in nanoscale materials. (C) 2013 AIP Publishing LLC.


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The twin demands of energy-efficiency and higher performance on DRAM are highly emphasized in multicore architectures. A variety of schemes have been proposed to address either the latency or the energy consumption of DRAMs. These schemes typically require non-trivial hardware changes and end up improving latency at the cost of energy or vice-versa. One specific DRAM performance problem in multicores is that interleaved accesses from different cores can potentially degrade row-buffer locality. In this paper, based on the temporal and spatial locality characteristics of memory accesses, we propose a reorganization of the existing single large row-buffer in a DRAM bank into multiple sub-row buffers (MSRB). This re-organization not only improves row hit rates, and hence the average memory latency, but also brings down the energy consumed by the DRAM. The first major contribution of this work is proposing such a reorganization without requiring any significant changes to the existing widely accepted DRAM specifications. Our proposed reorganization improves weighted speedup by 35.8%, 14.5% and 21.6% in quad, eight and sixteen core workloads along with a 42%, 28% and 31% reduction in DRAM energy. The proposed MSRB organization enables opportunities for the management of multiple row-buffers at the memory controller level. As the memory controller is aware of the behaviour of individual cores it allows us to implement coordinated buffer allocation schemes for different cores that take into account program behaviour. We demonstrate two such schemes, namely Fairness Oriented Allocation and Performance Oriented Allocation, which show the flexibility that memory controllers can now exploit in our MSRB organization to improve overall performance and/or fairness. Further, the MSRB organization enables additional opportunities for DRAM intra-bank parallelism and selective early precharging of the LRU row-buffer to further improve memory access latencies. These two optimizations together provide an additional 5.9% performance improvement.


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We present a novel concept of a threaded fastener that is resistant to loosening under vibration. The anti-loosening feature does not use any additional element and is based on modifying the geometry of the thread in the bolt. In a normal nut and bolt combination, the axial motion of the nut or bolt is linearly related to the rotation by a constant pitch. In the proposed concept, the axial motion in the bolt is chosen to be a cubic function of the rotation, while for the nut, the axial motion remains linearly related to the rotation. This mismatch results in interference during the tightening process and additional torque required to overcome this interference gives rise to the enhanced anti-loosening property. In addition, the cubic curve is designed to ensure that the mismatch results in stresses and deformation in the elastic region of the chosen material. This ensures that the nut can be removed and reused while maintaining a repeatable anti-loosening property in the threaded fastener. A finite element analysis demonstrates the feasibility of this concept.


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In this paper we propose a linear time-varying model for diphthong synthesis based on linear interpolation of formant frequencies. We, thence, determine the timbre just-noticeable difference (JND) for diphthong /a I/ (as in ‘buy’) with a constant pitch excitation through perception experiment involving four listeners and explore the phonetic JND of the diphthong. Their JND responses are determined using 1-up-3-down procedure. Using the experimental data, we map the timbre JND and phonetic JND onto a 2-D region of percentage change of formant glides. The timbre and phonetic JND contours for constant pitch show that the phonetic JND region encloses timbre JND region and also varies across listeners. The JND is observed to be more sensitive to ending vowel /I/ than starting vowel /a/ in some listeners and dependent on the direction of perturbation of starting and ending vowels.


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Using the recently developed model predictive static programming (MPSP), a suboptimal guidance logic is presented in this paper for formation flying of small satellites. Due to the inherent nature of the problem formulation, MPSP does not require the system dynamics to be linearized. The proposed guidance scheme is valid both for high eccentricity chief satellite orbits as well as large separation distance between chief and deputy satellites. Moreover, since MPSP poses the desired conditions as a set of `hard constraints', the final accuracy level achieved is very high. The proposed guidance scheme has been tested successfully for a variety of initial conditions and for a variety of formation commands as well. Comparison with standard Linear Quadratic Regulator (LQR) solution (which serves as a guess solution for MPSP) and another nonlinear controller, State Dependent Riccati Equation (SDRE) reveals that MPSP guidance achieves the objective with higher accuracy and with lesser amount of control usage as well.


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In this paper, we study the collective motion of individually controlled planar particles when they are coupled through heterogeneous controller gains. Two types of collective formations, synchronization and balancing, are described and analyzed under the influence of these heterogeneous controller gains. These formations are characterized by the motion of the centroid of the group of particles. In synchronized formation, the particles and their centroid move in a common direction, while in balanced formation the movement of particles possess a fixed location of the centroid. We show that, by selecting suitable controller gains, these formations can be controlled significantly to obtain not only a desired direction of motion but also a desired location of the centroid. We present the results for N-particles in synchronized formation, while in balanced formation our analysis is confined to two and three particles.


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Epoch is defined as the instant of significant excitation within a pitch period of voiced speech. Epoch extraction continues to attract the interest of researchers because of its significance in speech analysis. Existing high performance epoch extraction algorithms require either dynamic programming techniques or a priori information of the average pitch period. An algorithm without such requirements is proposed based on integrated linear prediction residual (ILPR) which resembles the voice source signal. Half wave rectified and negated ILPR (or Hilbert transform of ILPR) is used as the pre-processed signal. A new non-linear temporal measure named the plosion index (PI) has been proposed for detecting `transients' in speech signal. An extension of PI, called the dynamic plosion index (DPI) is applied on pre-processed signal to estimate the epochs. The proposed DPI algorithm is validated using six large databases which provide simultaneous EGG recordings. Creaky and singing voice samples are also analyzed. The algorithm has been tested for its robustness in the presence of additive white and babble noise and on simulated telephone quality speech. The performance of the DPI algorithm is found to be comparable or better than five state-of-the-art techniques for the experiments considered.


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We propose a framework for developing and reasoning about hybrid systems that are comprised of a plant with multiple controllers, each of which controls the plant intermittently. The framework is based on the notion of a ``conflict tolerant'' specification for a controller, and provides a modular way of developing and reasoning about such systems. We propose a novel mechanism of defining conflict-tolerant specifications for general hybrid systems, using ``acceptor'' and ``advisor'' components. We also give a decision procedure for verifying whether a controller satisfies its conflict-tolerant specification, in the special case when the components are modeled using initialized rectangular hybrid automata.


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Automatic and accurate detection of the closure-burst transition events of stops and affricates serves many applications in speech processing. A temporal measure named the plosion index is proposed to detect such events, which are characterized by an abrupt increase in energy. Using the maxima of the pitch-synchronous normalized cross correlation as an additional temporal feature, a rule-based algorithm is designed that aims at selecting only those events associated with the closure-burst transitions of stops and affricates. The performance of the algorithm, characterized by receiver operating characteristic curves and temporal accuracy, is evaluated using the labeled closure-burst transitions of stops and affricates of the entire TIMIT test and training databases. The robustness of the algorithm is studied with respect to global white and babble noise as well as local noise using the TIMIT test set and on telephone quality speech using the NTIMIT test set. For these experiments, the proposed algorithm, which does not require explicit statistical training and is based on two one-dimensional temporal measures, gives a performance comparable to or better than the state-of-the-art methods. In addition, to test the scalability, the algorithm is applied on the Buckeye conversational speech corpus and databases of two Indian languages. (C) 2014 Acoustical Society of America.


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In several systems, the physical parameters of the system vary over time or operating points. A popular way of representing such plants with structured or parametric uncertainties is by means of interval polynomials. However, ensuring the stability of such systems is a robust control problem. Fortunately, Kharitonov's theorem enables the analysis of such interval plants and also provides tools for design of robust controllers in such cases. The present paper considers one such case, where the interval plant is connected with a timeinvariant, static, odd, sector type nonlinearity in its feedback path. This paper provides necessary conditions for the existence of self sustaining periodic oscillations in such interval plants, and indicates a possible design algorithm to avoid such periodic solutions or limit cycles. The describing function technique is used to approximate the nonlinearity and subsequently arrive at the results. Furthermore, the value set approach, along with Mikhailov conditions, are resorted to in providing graphical techniques for the derivation of the conditions and subsequent design algorithm of the controller.


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Formation flying of small spacecraft provides a way to improve the resolution by aperture distribution. This requires autonomous control of relative position and relative attitude. The present work addresses the formation control using a PID controller to maintain both relative position and relative attitude. To avoid continuous pulsing due to noise, a dead-band has been provided in the position loop. PID control has been selected to maintain the formation in the presence of unmodeled disturbances. Simulations show that the proposed controller meets the required translational and rotational relative motions even in the presence of disturbances.


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The basic requirement for an autopilot is fast response and minimum steady state error for better guidance performance. The highly nonlinear nature of the missile dynamics due to the severe kinematic and inertial coupling of the missile airframe as well as the aerodynamics has been a challenge for an autopilot that is required to have satisfactory performance for all flight conditions in probable engagements. Dynamic inversion is very popular nonlinear controller for this kind of scenario. But the drawback of this controller is that it is sensitive to parameter perturbation. To overcome this problem, neural network has been used to capture the parameter uncertainty on line. The choice of basis function plays the major role in capturing the unknown dynamics. Here in this paper, many basis function has been studied for approximation of unknown dynamics. Cosine basis function has yield the best response compared to any other basis function for capturing the unknown dynamics. Neural network with Cosine basis function has improved the autopilot performance as well as robustness compared to Dynamic inversion without Neural network.