983 resultados para pictures


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Parallax is a live contemporary dance work that incorporates 3D animation, stereoscopic illusions and dance. This work was performed within the Melbourne Fringe Festival at the Substation, Newport. Within this work the stereoscopic illusion creates a new choreographic palette that can be used to manipulate human physicality via animated bodies that appear within the performance space. The stereoscopic image is released from the wall and placed within the dancing environment the image becomes another body within the dance space that can be manipulated in ways that would be impossible for a real physical body. In turn, the dancing body is positioned within the digital environment. The performer’s abilities have not changed, but the space around the dancer can be manipulated with imagery that transforms the place of the dancer within time and space. The stereoscopic illusion and live dance are melded creating a new experience of choreography one that takes the infinite possibilities of 3D animation and places them directly within choreography. Thematically this performance draws on the historical events revolving around the development of the stereoscope in the 1830s and the seminal ideas of the virtual that surfaced at this time. In the early 1830s Charles Wheatstone drew on the ideas and writings of Euclid and Leonardo da Vinci and discovered binocular vision through the use of his stereoscope box. It was this box that became the entertainment sensation of this time becoming a standard parlour entertainment. Unlike now where imagery of people are everywhere in the 1830s these types of imagery were novel. The stereoscopic pictures often showed content of people doing ordinary tasks such as chopping wood, doing the washing or simply standing in front of their house. In Parallax a Victorian woman is transported from her hallway to virtual worlds where she encounters, Euclid’s ancient Greek column, a di Vinci sphere and one of the first stereoscopic images drawn by Charles Wheatstone’s a stick figure cube.


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The objective of this work is to recognize all the frontal faces of a character in the closed world of a movie or situation comedy, given a small number of query faces. This is challenging because faces in a feature-length film are relatively uncontrolled with a wide variability of scale, pose, illumination, and expressions, and also may be partially occluded. We develop a recognition method based on a cascade of processing steps that normalize for the effects of the changing imaging environment. In particular there are three areas of novelty: (i) we suppress the background surrounding the face, enabling the maximum area of the face to be retained for recognition rather than a subset; (ii) we include a pose refinement step to optimize the registration between the test image and face exemplar; and (iii) we use robust distance to a sub-space to allow for partial occlusion and expression change. The method is applied and evaluated on several feature length films. It is demonstrated that high recall rates (over 92%) can be achieved whilst maintaining good precision (over 93%).


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Plain English Summary
• Some people with disability find pictures help them to plan for their future.
• Picture My Future is a project run by Deakin University.
• It supported 29 people with a disability to use photos and pictures to tell others about what they like and what they want.


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 This article presents SOR, a vehicular social network to enable social communications and interactions among users on the road during their highway travels. Motivated by the limited connection to Internet contents and services, the essential goal of SOR is to encourage distributed users on the road to spontaneously contribute as the information producer, assembler, and distributer in order to provide timely and localized infotainments to each other through low-cost inter-vehicle communications. To be specific, SOR enables individual users to maintain a personal blog, similar to one on Facebook and Twitter, over which users can create and share personal content information to the public such as travel blogs with pictures and videos. By accessing each other's SOR blogs and commenting on interesting topics, passengers can exchange messages and initiate social interactions. In the specific highway environment, SOR addresses two challenges in the context of vehicular social communications. First, vehicular social communications tend to be frequently interrupted by diverse vehicle mobility and intermittent intervehicle connections, which is annoying to users. To address this issue, SOR adopts a proactive mechanism by estimating the connection time between peer vehicles, and recommending vehicles with relatively long-lasting and stable intervehicle connections for social communications. Second, as users on the road are typically strangers to each other, they are reluctant to disclose personal information to others. This makes it challenging to identify users of shared interests and accordingly restricts the scale of users' social interactions. To remedy that, SOR provides a secured solution to protect sensitive user information during social communications. Lastly, we use simulations to verify the performance of SOR. © 2015 IEEE.


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Travellers in vehicles often have strong willingness to share their travel experience and exchange information to each other through social networks2, such as Facebook and Twitter. This, however, can be costly due to the limited connections to Internet on the road. In this paper we develop Verse to facilitate the social communications among vehicle travellers on highways. Verse enables passengers on-board vehicles to share the content information, such as travel blogs with pictures, among each other using the impromptu wireless inter-vehicle communications. Unlike traditional online social networks, which are built upon the reliable IP networks, vehicular social networks face fundamental challenges in that: 1) users are anonymous and strangers to each other and hard to identify potential friends of shared interests, and 2) users communicate through intermittent and unreliable inter-vehicle connections. On addressing the two challenges, Verse implements a friend recommendation function, which helps passengers efficiently identify potential social friends with both shared interests and relatively reliable wireless connections. In addition, Verse is equipped with a social-aware rate control scheme towards efficient utilization of network bandwidth. Using extensive simulations, we show that the friend recommendation function of Verse can effectively predict the mobility of vehicles to assist the social communication, and the social-aware rate control scheme quickly and efficiently adapts the vehicle’s transmission rate according to their social impacts.


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Android is a new generation of an open operating system directed at mobile devices that are carried every day. The openness of this architecture is leading to new applications and opportunities including a host of multimedia services, new interfaces and browsers, multitasking including support for wireless local, personal and wide area networking services. Security with mobility and wireless connectivity thus becomes even more important with all these exciting developments. Vital security issues such as leakage of private information, file stealing and spambots abound in networks in practice and Android networks continue to be subject to these same families of vulnerabilities. This paper provides a demonstration of such vulnerabilities in spite of the best efforts of designers and implementers. In particular it describes examples of data leakage and file stealing (address books, contact lists, SMS messages, pictures) as well as demonstrating how Android devices can create spambots. © 2013 IEEE.


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 Touch-screen devices have been enthusiastically adopted by schools across Australia and Canada. Their ease of use means that they are accessible by very young children, and these children often have free access to these devices in their home, however the devices tend to be ‘domesticated’ in the school context (O’Mara and Laidlaw, 2011). In the short period of their availability, a plethora of educational applications have been developed for these devices. This paper addresses emergent themes from our 2011-2013 Canadian/Australian project, Literacy learning in playful spaces: using multi-modal strategies to develop narrative with young learners, funded by the Canadian Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (Insight Development Grant). In our analysis of the discourse around the introduction of portable touch screen devices into school literacy classes (published texts, teacher interviews, classroom observations), we noted that much of the public discourse is slanted towards the idea of “teacher-proofing” the curriculum. Initially the teachers we have been working with saw the apps themselves as complete, as doing all the work and the discourse around the devices was around what apps are “best”, and “is there an app for that?” It was only with more experience and time that teachers were able to harness the range of affordances of the devices—their capacity for recording audio, video, pictures etc., and start to categorise the apps themselves. In this paper we suggest ways in which current literacy models might be used to develop a repertoire of pedagogical discourse around these devices, providing language and framings for teachers to think about how these new tools might best be used to enhance literacy teaching and learning. O’Mara, J. & Laidlaw, L. (2011). Living in the iWorld: Two literacy researchers reflect on the changing texts and literacy practices of childhood. English Teaching: Practice and Critique 10 (4): 149-159. Available: http://edlinked.soe.waikato.ac.nz/research/journal/view.php?article=true&id=754&p=1


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Breakfast cereals substantially contribute to daily energy and nutrient intakes among children. In New Zealand, new regulations are being implemented to restrict nutrition and health claims to products that meet certain 'healthy' criteria. This study investigated the difference in nutritional quality, labelling and promotion between 'healthy' and 'less healthy' breakfast cereals, and between breakfast cereals intended for children compared with other breakfast cereals on the New Zealand market. The cross-sectional data collection involved taking pictures of the nutrition information panel (NIP) and front-of pack (FoP) for all breakfast cereals (n = 247) at two major supermarkets in Auckland in 2013. A nutrient profiling tool was used to classify products into 'healthy'/'less healthy'. In total 26% of cereals did not meet the 'healthy' criteria. 'Less healthy' cereals were significantly higher in energy density, sugar and sodium content and lower in protein and fibre content compared with 'healthy' cereals. Significantly more nutrition claims (75%) and health claims (89%) featured on 'healthy' compared with 'less healthy' cereals. On the 'less healthy' cereals, nutrition claims (65%) were more predominant than health claims (17%). Of the 52 products displaying promotional characters, 48% were for 'cereals for kids', and of those, 72% featured on 'less healthy' cereals. In conclusion, most breakfast cereals met the 'healthy' criteria; however, 'cereals for kids' were 'less healthy' and displayed more promotional characters than other cereal categories. Policy recommendations include: food composition targets set or endorsed by government, strengthening and enforcing current regulations on health and nutrition claims, considering the application of nutrient profiling for nutrition claims in addition to health claims, introducing an interpretative FoP labelling system and restricting the use of promotional characters on 'less healthy' breakfast cereals.


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Children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) have high levels of anxiety. It is unclear whether they exhibit threat-related attentional biases commensurate with anxiety disorders as manifest in non-ASD populations, such as facilitated attention toward, and difficulties disengaging engaging from, threatening stimuli. Ninety children, 45 cognitively able with ASD and 45 age, perceptual-IQ, and gender matched typically developing children, aged 7–12 years, were administered a visual dot probe task using threatening facial pictures. Parent-reported anxiety symptoms were also collected. Children with ASD showed similarly high levels of anxiety compared with normative data from an anxiety disordered sample. Children with ASD had higher levels of parent-reported anxiety but did not show differences in disengaging from, or facilitated attention toward, threatening facial stimuli compared with typically developing children. In contrast to previously published studies of anxious children, in this study there were no differences in attentional biases in children with ASD meeting clinical cutoff for anxiety and those who did not. There were no correlations between attentional biases and anxiety symptoms and no gender differences. These findings indicate the cognitive mechanisms underlying anxiety in cognitively able children with ASD could differ from those commonly found in anxious children which may have implications for both understanding the aetiology of anxiety in ASD and for anxiety interventions


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OBJECTIVE: To test for the presence of sex-based differences in perception (the notion that men and women "think" differently, and that differences in perception are biologically based) among healthcare professionals. DESIGN: Prospective survey. SETTING AND PARTICIPANTS: 90 medical personnel at a tertiary care hospital in Newcastle, NSW. INTERVENTION: Healthcare professionals were shown two pictures that could be interpreted as depicting either a young or an old person, and a word that could be seen as geometric shapes. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: The effects of sex, age, seniority, and specialisation in relation to the first impression of the image, the ability to change one's perception, and the speed of perception. RESULTS: Contrary to popular opinion, male physicians were more likely to perceive the older figures, and just as likely as women to be able to change their perception. Surgeons and junior staff were more likely to see, as well as being faster to form, an impression requiring abstract thought, and were more able to change their perceptions. CONCLUSIONS: Traditional sex stereotypes do not apply to medical personnel, but other age-based stereotypes, and professional rivalries (medical versus surgical) may have some empiric basis.


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Charles W. Merideth is shown looking at pictures in a group at an event in the Atrium Building at City Tech. Charles W. Merideth was the sixth president of the City Tech. He was formerly installed on October 19, 1990. Before coming to City Tech, Merideth had a long career in science and higher education. Under Merideth, the College expanded the number of baccalaureate programs offered by the College.


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We live in a world full of social media and portable technology that allows for the effortless access to, and sharing of, information. While this constant connection can be viewed as a benefit by some, there have been recent, sometimes embarrassing, instances throughout the world that show just how quickly any expectation of privacy can be destroyed. From pictures of poorly dressed shoppers at a grocery store to customers recording interactions with their servers at restaurants, the internet is full of media (all with the potential to go viral) created and posted without consent of all parties captured. This risk to privacy is not just limited to retail and restaurants, as being in any situation amongst people puts you at risk, including being in an academic classroom. Anyone providing in-class instruction, be they professor or librarian, can be at risk for this type of violation of privacy. In addition, the students in the class are also at risk for being unwittingly captured by their classmates. To combat this, colleges and universities are providing recommendations to faculty regarding this issue, such as including suggested syllabus statements about classroom recording by students. In some instances, colleges and universities have instituted formal policies with strict penalties for violators. An overview of current privacy law as it relates to an academic setting is discussed as well as recent, newsworthy instances of student recording in the classroom and the resulting controversies. Additionally, there is a discussion highlighting various recommendations and formal policies that have been issued and adopted by colleges and universities around the country. Finally, advice is offered about what librarians can do to educate students, faculty, and staff about the privacy rights of others and the potential harm that could come from posting to social media and the open web images and video of others without their consent.