917 resultados para pathogen induced defence responses induced resistance
In dieser Arbeit wurden zytotoxische Effekte sowie die inflammatorische Reaktionen des distalen respiratorischen Traktes nach Nanopartikelexposition untersucht. Besondere Aufmerksamkeit lag auch auf der Untersuchung unterschiedlicher zellulärer Aufnahmewege von Nanopartikeln wie z.B. Clathrin- oder Caveolae-vermittelte Endozytose oder auch Clathrin- und Caveolae-unabhängige Endozytose (mit möglicher Beteiligung von Flotillinen). Drei unterschiedliche Nanopartikel wurden hierbei gewählt: amorphes Silica (aSNP), Organosiloxan (AmorSil) und Poly(ethyleneimin) (PEI). Alle unterschiedlichen Materialien gewinnen zunehmend an Interesse für biomedizinische Forschungsrichtungen (drug and gene delivery). Insbesondere finden aSNPs auch in der Industrie vermehrt Anwendung, und stellen somit ein ernstzunehmendes Gesundheitsrisiko dar. Dieser wird dadurch zu einem begehrten Angriffsziel für pharmazeutische Verabreichungen von Medikamenten über Nanopartikel als Vehikel aber bietet zugleich auch eine Angriffsfläche für gesundheitsschädliche Nanomaterialien. Aus diesem Grund sollten die gesundheitsschädigenden Risiken, sowie das Schicksal von zellulär aufgenommenen NPs sorgfältig untersucht werden. In vivo Studien an der alveolaren-kapillaren Barriere sind recht umständlich. Aus diesem Grund wurde in dieser Arbeit ein Kokulturmodel benutzt, dass die Alveolar-Kapillare Barrier in vivo nachstellt. Das Model besteht aus dem humanen Lungenepithelzelltyp (z.B. NCI H441) und einem humanen microvasculären Endothelzelltyp (z.B. ISO-HAS-1), die auf entgegengesetzten Seiten eines Transwell-Filters ausgesät werden und eine dichte Barriere ausbilden. Die NP Interaktion mit Zellen in Kokultur wurde mit denen in konventioneller Monokultur verglichen, in der Zellen 24h vor dem Experiment ausgesät werden. Diese Studie zeigt, dass nicht nur die polarisierte Eigenschaft der Zellen in Kokultur sondern auch die unmittelbare Nähe von Epithel und Endothelzelle ausschlaggebend für durch aSNPs verursachte Effekte ist. Im Hinblick auf inflammatorische Marker (sICAM, IL-6, IL8-Ausschüttung), reagiert die Kokultur auf aSNPs empfindlicher als die konventionelle Monokultur, wohingegen die Epithelzellen in der Kokultur auf zytotoxikologischer Ebene (LDH-Ausschüttung) unempfindlicher auf aSNPs reagierten als die Zellen in Monokultur. Aufnahmestudien haben gezeigt, dass die Epithelzellen in Kokultur entschieden weniger NPs aufnehmen. Somit zeigen die H441 in der Kokultur ähnliche epitheliale Eigenschaften einer schützenden Barriere, wie sie auch in vivo zu finden sind. Obwohl eine ausreichende Aufnahme von NPs in H441 in Kokultur erreicht werden konnte, konnte ein Transport von NPs durch die epitheliale Schicht und eine Aufnahme in die endotheliale Schicht mit den gewählten Inkubationszeiten nicht gezeigt werden. Eine Clathrin- oder Caveolae-vermittelte Endozytose von NPs konnte mittels Immunfluoreszenz weder in der Mono- noch in der Kokultur nachgewiesen werden. Jedoch zeigte sich eine Akkumulation von NPs in Flotillin-1 und-2 enthaltende Vesikel in Epithelzellen aus beiden Kultursystemen. Ergebnisse mit Flotillin-inhibierten (siRNA) Epithelzellen, zeigten eine deutlich geringere Aufnahme von aSNPs. Zudem zeigte sich eine eine reduzierte Viabilität (MTS) von aSNP-behandelten Zellen. Dies deutet auf eine Beteiligung von Flotillinen an unbekannten (Clathrin oder Caveolae -unabhängig) Endozytosemechanismen und (oder) endosomaler Speicherung. Zusammenfassend waren die Aufnahmemechanismen für alle untesuchten NPs in konventioneller Monokultur und Kokultur vergleichbar, obwohl sich die Barriereeigenschaften deutlich unterscheiden. Diese Arbeit zeigt deutlich, dass sich die Zellen in Kokultur anders verhalten. Die Zellen erreichen hierbei einen höheren Differenzierungsgrad und eine Zellkommunikation mit anderen relevanten Zelltypen wird ermöglicht. Durch das Einbringen eines dritten relevanten Zelltyps in die Kokultur, des Alveolarmakrophagen (Zelllinie THP-1), welcher die erste Verteidigungsfront im Alveolus bildet, wird diese Aussage weiter bekräftigt. Erste Versuche haben gezeigt, dass die Triplekultur bezüglich ihrer Barriereeigenschaften und IL-8-Ausschüttung sensitiver auf z.B. TNF- oder LPS-Stimulation reagiert als die Kokultur. Verglichen mit konventionellen Monokulturen imitieren gut ausgebildete, multizelluräre Kokulturmodelle viel präziser das zelluläre Zusammenspiel im Körper. Darum liefern Nanopartikelinteraktionen mit dem in vitro-Triplekulturmodel aufschlussreichere Ergebnisse bezüglich umweltbedingter oder pharmazeutischer NP-Exposition in der distalen Lung als es uns bisher möglich war.
Friend murine leukemia Virus (FV) infection of immunocompetent mice is a well- established model to acquire further knowledge about viral immune suppression mechanisms, with the aim to develop therapeutics against retrovirus-induced diseases. Interestingly, BALB/c mice are infected by low doses of FV and die from FV-induced erythroleukemia, while C57/BL6 mice are infected by FV only at high viral dose, and remain persistently infected for their whole life. Due to the central role of dendritic cells (DC) in the induction of anti-viral responses, we asked for their functional role in the genotype-dependent sensitivity towards FV infection. In my PhD study I showed that bone marrow (BM)-derived DC differentiated from FV-infected BM cells obtained from FV-inoculated BALB/c (FV susceptible) and C57BL/6 (FV resistant) mice showed an increased endocytotic activity and lowered expression of MHCII and of costimulatory receptors as compared with non-infected control BMDC. FV-infected BMDC from either mouse strain were partially resistant towards stimulation-induced upregulation of MHCII and costimulators, and accordingly were poor T cell stimulators in vitro and in vivo. In addition, FV-infected BMDC displayed an altered expression profile of proinflammator cytokines and favoured Th2 polarization. Ongoing work is focussed on elucidating the functional role of proteins identified as differentially expressed in FV-infected DC in a genotype-dependent manner, which therefore may contribute to the differential course of FV infection in vivo in BALB/c versus C57BL/6 mice. So far, more than 300 proteins have been identified which are differently regulated in FV-infected vs. uninfected DC from both mouse strains. One of these proteins, S100A9, was strongly upregulated specifically in BMDC derived from FV-infected C57BL/6 BM cells. S100A9-/- mice were more sensitive towards inoculation with FV than corresponding wild type (WT) mice (both C57BL/6 background), which suggests a decisive role of this factor for anti-viral defense. In addition, FV-infected S100A9-/- BMDC showed lower motility than WT DC. The future work is aimed to further elucidate the functional importance of S100A9 for DC functions. To exploit the potential of DC for immunotherapeutic applications, in another project of this PhD study the usability of different types of functionalized nanoparticles
Glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) is the most common and most aggressive astrocytic tumor of the central nervous system (CNS) in adults. The standard treatment consisting of surgery, followed by a combinatorial radio- and chemotherapy, is only palliative and prolongs patient median survival to 12 to 15 months. The tumor subpopulation of stem cell-like glioma-initiating cells (GICs) shows resistance against radiation as well as chemotherapy, and has been suggested to be responsible for relapses of more aggressive tumors after therapy. The efficacy of immunotherapies, which exploit the immune system to specifically recognize and eliminate malignant cells, is limited due to strong immunosuppressive activities of the GICs and the generation of a specialized protective microenvironment. The molecular mechanisms underlying the therapy resistance of GICs are largely unknown. rnThe first aim of this study was to identify immune evasion mechanisms in GICs triggered by radiation. A model was used in which patient-derived GICs were treated in vitro with fractionated ionizing radiation (2.5 Gy in 7 consecutive passages) to select for a more radio-resistant phenotype. In the model cell line 1080, this selection process resulted in increased proliferative but diminished migratory capacities in comparison to untreated control GICs. Furthermore, radio-selected GICs downregulated various proteins involved in antigen processing and presentation, resulting in decreased expression of MHC class I molecules on the cellular surface and diminished recognition potential by cytotoxic CD8+ T cells. Thus, sub-lethal fractionated radiation can promote immune evasion and hamper the success of adjuvant immunotherapy. Among several immune-associated proteins, interferon-induced transmembrane protein 3 (IFITM3) was found to be upregulated in radio-selected GICs. While high expression of IFITM3 was associated with a worse overall survival of GBM patients (TCGA database) and increased proliferation and migration of differentiated glioma cell lines, a strong contribution of IFITM3 to proliferation in vitro as well as tumor growth and invasiveness in a xenograft model could not be observed. rnMultiple sclerosis (MS) is the most common autoimmune disease of the CNS in young adults of the Western World, which leads to progressive disability in genetically susceptible individuals, possibly triggered by environmental factors. It is assumed that self-reactive, myelin-specific T helper cell 1 (Th1) and Th17 cells, which have escaped the control mechanisms of the immune system, are critical in the pathogenesis of the human disease and its animal model experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE). It was observed that in vitro differentiated interleukin 17 (IL-17) producing Th17 cells co-expressed the Th1-phenotypic cytokine Interferon-gamma (IFN-γ) in combination with the two respective lineage-associated transcription factors RORγt and T-bet after re-isolation from the CNS of diseased mice. Pathogenic molecular mechanisms that render a CD4+ T cell encephalitogenic have scarcely been investigated up to date. rnIn the second part of the thesis, whole transcriptional changes occurring in in vitro differentiated Th17 cells in the course of EAE were analyzed. Evaluation of signaling networks revealed an overrepresentation of genes involved in communication between the innate and adaptive immune system and metabolic alterations including cholesterol biosynthesis. The transcription factors Cebpa, Fos, Klf4, Nfatc1 and Spi1, associated with thymocyte development and naïve T cells were upregulated in encephalitogenic CNS-isolated CD4+ T cells, proposing a contribution to T cell plasticity. Correlation of the murine T-cell gene expression dataset to putative MS risk genes, which were selected based on their proximity (± 500 kb; ensembl database, release 75) to the MS risk single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) proposed by the most recent multiple sclerosis GWAS in 2011, revealed that 67.3% of the MS risk genes were differentially expressed in EAE. Expression patterns of Bach2, Il2ra, Irf8, Mertk, Odf3b, Plek, Rgs1, Slc30a7, and Thada were confirmed in independent experiments, suggesting a contribution to T cell pathogenicity. Functional analysis of Nfatc1 revealed that Nfatc1-deficient CD4+ T cells were restrained in their ability to induce clinical signs of EAE. Nfatc1-deficiency allowed proper T cell activation, but diminished their potential to fully differentiate into Th17 cells and to express high amounts of lineage cytokines. As the inducible Nfatc1/αA transcript is distinct from the other family members, it could represent an interesting target for therapeutic intervention in MS.rn
Laser Shock Peening (LSP) is a technological process used to improve mechanical properties in metallic components. When a short and intense laser pulse irradiates a metallic surface, high pressure plasma is generated on the treated surface; elasto-plastic waves, then, propagate inside the target and create plastic strain. This surface treatment induces a deep compressive residual stresses field on the treated area and through the thickness; such compressive residual stress is expected to increase the fatigue resistance, and reduce the detrimental effects of corrosion and stress corrosion cracking.
BACKGROUND: Cytotoxic cells are involved in most forms of drug-induced skin diseases. Till now, no in vitro test addressed this aspect of drug-allergic responses. Our report evaluates whether drug-induced cytotoxic cells can be detected in peripheral blood of nonacute patients with different forms of drug hypersensitivity, and also whether in vitro detection of these cells could be helpful in drug-allergy diagnosis. METHODS: GranzymeB enzyme-linked immunosorbent spot-forming (ELISPOT) and cell surface expression of the degranulation marker CD107a were evaluated on peripheral blood mononuclear cells from 12 drug-allergic patients in remission state and 16 drug-exposed healthy controls. RESULTS: In 10/12 allergic patients culprit but not irrelevant drug elicited granzymeB release after 48-72 h stimulation. It was clearly positive in patients with high proliferative response to the drug, measured in lymphocyte transformation tests. In patients, who showed moderate or low proliferation and low drug-response in granzymeB ELISPOT, overnight preincubation with interleukin (IL)-7/IL-15 enhanced drug-specific granzymeB release and allowed to clearly identify the offending agent. CD107a staining was positive on CD4+/CD3+, CD8+/CD3+ T cells as well as CD56+/CD3- natural killer cells. None of the drug-exposed healthy donors reacted to the tested drugs and allergic patients reacted only to the offending, but not to tolerated drugs. CONCLUSION: GranzymeB ELISPOT is a highly specific in vitro method to detect drug-reacting cytotoxic cells in peripheral blood of drug-allergic patients even several years after disease manifestation. Together with IL-7/IL-15 preincubation, it may be helpful in indentifying the offending drug even in some patients with weak proliferative drug-response.
Curcumin exerts its anti-inflammatory activity via inhibition of nuclear factor κB. Oropharyngeal epithelia and residing bacteria closely interact in inflammation and infection. This in vitro model investigated the effects of curcumin on bacterial survival, adherence to, and invasion of upper respiratory tract epithelia, and studied its anti-inflammatory effect. We aimed to establish a model, which could offer insights into the host-pathogen interaction in cancer therapy induced mucositis.
Several studies have shown the presence of liver mitochondrial dysfunction during sepsis. TLR3 recognizes viral double-stranded RNA and host endogenous cellular mRNA released from damaged cells. TLR3 ligand amplifies the systemic hyperinflammatory response observed during sepsis and in sepsis RNA escaping from damaged tissues/cells may serve as an endogenous ligand for TLR3 thereby modulating immune responses. This study addressed the hypothesis that TLR3 might regulate mitochondrial function in cultured human hepatocytes. HepG2 cells were exposed to TLR-3 ligand (dsRNA--polyinosine-polycytidylic acid; Poly I:C) and mitochondrial respiration was measured. Poly I:C induced a reduction in maximal mitochondrial respiration of human hepatocytes which was prevented partially by preincubation with cyclosporine A (a mitochondrial permeability transition pore-opening inhibitor). Poly-I:C induced activation of NF-κB, and the mitochondrial dysfunction was accompanied by caspase-8 but not caspase-3 activation and by no major alterations in cellular or mitochondrial ultrastructure.
Sphingosine kinases (SK) catalyse the formation of sphingosine 1-phosphate, which is a key lipid mediator regulating cell responses such as proliferation, survival and migration. Here we have investigated the effect of targeted inhibition of SK-1 on cell damage and elucidated the mechanisms involved.
T-cells specific for foreign (e.g., viral) antigens can give rise to strong protective immune responses, whereas self/tumor antigen-specific T-cells are thought to be less powerful. However, synthetic T-cell vaccines composed of Melan-A/MART-1 peptide, CpG and IFA can induce high frequencies of tumor-specific CD8 T-cells in PBMC of melanoma patients. Here we analyzed the functionality of these T-cells directly ex vivo, by multiparameter flow cytometry. The production of multiple cytokines (IFNγ, TNFα, IL-2) and upregulation of LAMP-1 (CD107a) by tumor (Melan-A/MART-1) specific T-cells was comparable to virus (EBV-BMLF1) specific CD8 T-cells. Furthermore, phosphorylation of STAT1, STAT5 and ERK1/2, and expression of CD3 zeta chain were similar in tumor- and virus-specific T-cells, demonstrating functional signaling pathways. Interestingly, high frequencies of functionally competent T-cells were induced irrespective of patient's age or gender. Finally, CD8 T-cell function correlated with disease-free survival. However, this result is preliminary since the study was a Phase I clinical trial. We conclude that human tumor-specific CD8 T-cells can reach functional competence in vivo, encouraging further development and Phase III trials assessing the clinical efficacy of robust vaccination strategies.
Glutathione-S-transferase of the Pi class (GSTP1) is frequently overexpressed in a variety of solid tumors and has been identified as a potential therapeutic target for cancer therapy. GSTP1 is a phase II detoxification enzyme and conjugates the tripeptide glutathione to endogenous metabolites and xenobiotics, thereby limiting the efficacy of antitumor chemotherapeutic treatments. In addition, GSTP1 regulates cellular stress responses and apoptosis by sequestering and inactivating c-Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK). Thiazolides are a novel class of antibiotics for the treatment of intestinal pathogens with no apparent side effects on the host cells and tissue. Here we show that thiazolides induce a GSTP1-dependent and glutathione-enhanced cell death in colorectal tumor cell lines. Downregulation of GSTP1 reduced the apoptotic activity of thiazolides, whereas overexpression enhanced it. Thiazolide treatment caused strong Jun kinase activation and Jun kinase-dependent apoptosis. As a critical downstream target of Jun kinase we identified the pro-apoptotic Bcl-2 homolog Bim. Thiazolides induced Bim expression and activation in a JNK-dependent manner. Downregulation of Bim in turn significantly blocked thiazolide-induced apoptosis. Whereas low concentrations of thiazolides failed to induce apoptosis directly, they potently sensitized colon cancer cells to TNF-related apoptosis-inducing ligand- and chemotherapeutic drug-induced cell death. Although GSTP1 overexpression generally limits chemotherapy and thus antitumor treatment, our study identifies GSTP1 as Achilles' heel and thiazolides as novel interesting apoptosis sensitizer for the treatment of colorectal tumors.
The cannabinoid system (CS) is implicated in the regulation of hepatic fibrosis, steatosis and inflammation, with cannabinoid receptors 1 and 2 (CB1 and CB2) being involved in regulation of pro- and antifibrogenic effects. Daily cannabis smoking is an independent risk factor for the progression of fibrosis in chronic hepatitis C and a mediator of experimental alcoholic steatosis. However, the role and function of CS in alcoholic liver fibrosis (ALF) is unknown so far. Thus, human liver samples from patients with alcoholic liver disease (ALD) were collected for analysis of CB1 expression. In vitro, hepatic stellate cells (HSC) underwent treatment with acetaldehyde, Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol H(2)O(2), endo- and exocannabinoids (2-arachidonoylglycerol (2-AG) and [THC]), and CB1 antagonist SR141716 (rimonabant). In vivo, CB1 knockout (KO) mice received thioacetamide (TAA)/ethanol (EtOH) to induce fibrosis. As a result, in human ALD, CB1 expression was restricted to areas with advanced fibrosis only. In vitro, acetaldehyde, H(2)O(2), as well as 2-AG and THC, alone or in combination with acetaldehyde, induced CB1 mRNA expression, whereas CB1 blockage with SR141716 dose-dependently inhibited HSC proliferation and downregulated mRNA expression of fibrosis-mediated genes PCα1(I), TIMP-1 and MMP-13. This was paralleled by marked cytotoxicity of SR141716 at high doses (5-10 μmol/L). In vivo, CB1 knockout mice showed marked resistance to alcoholic liver fibrosis. In conclusion, CB1 expression is upregulated in human ALF, which is at least in part triggered by acetaldehyde (AA) and oxidative stress. Inhibition of CB1 by SR141716, or via genetic knock-out protects against alcoholic-induced fibrosis in vitro and in vivo.
Hypomagnesemia affects insulin resistance and is a risk factor for diabetes mellitus type 2 (DM2) and gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM). Two single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in the epithelial magnesium channel TRPM6 (V(1393)I, K(1584)E) were predicted to confer susceptibility for DM2. Here, we show using patch clamp analysis and total internal reflection fluorescence microscopy, that insulin stimulates TRPM6 activity via a phosphoinositide 3-kinase and Rac1-mediated elevation of cell surface expression of TRPM6. Interestingly, insulin failed to activate the genetic variants TRPM6(V(1393)I) and TRPM6(K(1584)E), which is likely due to the inability of the insulin signaling pathway to phosphorylate TRPM6(T(1391)) and TRPM6(S(1583)). Moreover, by measuring total glycosylated hemoglobin (TGH) in 997 pregnant women as a measure of glucose control, we demonstrate that TRPM6(V(1393)I) and TRPM6(K(1584)E) are associated with higher TGH and confer a higher likelihood of developing GDM. The impaired response of TRPM6(V(1393)I) and TRPM6(K(1584)E) to insulin represents a unique molecular pathway leading to GDM where the defect is located in TRPM6.
Stereotypies in captive animals typically occur under conditions that are stressful for the animals, and there is some anecdotal evidence that stress levels during early stereotypy development predict later stereotypy levels. Based on this and on the involvement of stress in the behavioural sensitization to psychostimulant drugs, it has been hypothesized that stereotypy development might be causally related to stress. To address this question further, we used mice of the commercial outbred stock CD-1 (ICR) and mice of two lines derived from the outbred CD-1 (ICR) strain by selective breeding for high (HR) and low (LR) stress reactivity, respectively, and examined whether genetically driven variation in stress reactivity is associated with variation in the expression of cage-induced stereotypies. From 21 days of age, 10 females of each line were housed in pairs under standard laboratory conditions until they were video recorded for stereotypic behaviour and tested for corticosterone responses in a stress reactivity test (SRT) at 12 weeks of age. As expected, HR females showed a significantly stronger corticosterone response in the SRT than LR females, while ICR females were intermediate. Unexpectedly, however, both HR and LR females showed very low levels of stereotypic behaviour, while ICR females developed the high levels of stereotypies typical for this strain of mouse. Consequently, there was no significant relationship between measures of acute corticosterone reactivity and stereotypy performance, but a trend for reduced recovery of the corticosterone response in the ICR line suggests that variation in recovery rather than the acute response might predict stereotypy levels in these mice. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Stereotypies are repetitive, unvarying, apparently purposeless behavioural patterns. They develop in animals kept in barren environments and are highly prevalent in laboratory mice (Mus musculus), yet their underlying mechanisms have remained elusive. In humans, stereotypies are associated with several psychiatric disorders and are thought to reflect dysfunction of inhibition of motor programs mediated by the corticostriatal circuitry, resulting in recurrent perseveration (=inappropriate repetition of behavioural responses). Several studies in captive animals of different species have reported a correlation between stereotypy performance and perseverative behaviour, indicating a similar dysfunction. To examine whether stereotypies in mice correlate with recurrent perseveration and whether they are causally related, we raised 40 female ICR CD-1 mice in either barren or enriched cages from three to either six or 16 weeks of age (2 x 2 factorial design) and assessed stereotypic behaviour in the home cage and recurrent perseveration on a two-choice guessing task. Enrichment significantly reduced stereotypic behaviour both at six and 16 weeks of age and recurrent perseveration increased with age. Although enriched housing reduced the number of repetitions in the guessing task significantly, there was no clear evidence for an effect on recurrent perseveration, and recurrent perseveration did not correlate positively with stereotypy level. These findings indicate either that this test did not measure recurrent perseveration or that cage stereotypies in these mice do not reflect behavioural disinhibition as measured by recurrent perseveration.
The single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) rs2542151 within the gene locus region encoding protein tyrosine phosphatase non-receptor type 2 (PTPN2) has been associated with Crohn's disease (CD), ulcerative colitis (UC), type-I diabetes, and rheumatoid arthritis. We have previously shown that PTPN2 regulates mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) signaling and cytokine secretion in human THP-1 monocytes and intestinal epithelial cells (IEC). Here, we studied whether intronic PTPN2 SNP rs1893217 regulates immune responses to the nucleotide-oligomerization domain 2 (NOD2) ligand, muramyl-dipeptide (MDP).