902 resultados para organizing


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This paper aims at analyzing the history of science content of three general chemistry textbooks used in Brazilian universities: the translations of Kotz and Treichel's Chemistry & Chemical Reactivity, Atkins and Jones's Chemical Principles, and Garritz and Chamizo's Química. Results revealed different trends for the inclusion of history of science in chemistry teaching. Kotz & Treichel and Atkins & Jones used history mainly as curiosity and ornament. Garritz & Chamizo adopted the historical approach as one of the organizing axis of their textbook. Nevertheless, the historical content of the three textbooks may be criticized from current historiographical standpoint.


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Classical Pavlovian fear conditioning to painful stimuli has provided the generally accepted view of a core system centered in the central amygdala to organize fear responses. Ethologically based models using other sources of threat likely to be expected in a natural environment, such as predators or aggressive dominant conspecifics, have challenged this concept of a unitary core circuit for fear processing. We discuss here what the ethologically based models have told us about the neural systems organizing fear responses. We explored the concept that parallel paths process different classes of threats, and that these different paths influence distinct regions in the periaqueductal gray - a critical element for the organization of all kinds of fear responses. Despite this parallel processing of different kinds of threats, we have discussed an interesting emerging view that common cortical-hippocampal-amygdalar paths seem to be engaged in fear conditioning to painful stimuli, to predators and, perhaps, to aggressive dominant conspecifics as well. Overall, the aim of this review is to bring into focus a more global and comprehensive view of the systems organizing fear responses.


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Crenicichla chicha, new species, occurs in clear, fast-running waters with rocky substrates in the rio Papagaio and tributaries. It is distinguished from all other Crenicichla species by the combination of two character states: infraorbitals 3 and 4 co-ossified (vs. separated) and 66-75 scales in the row immediately above to that containing the lower lateral line (E1 row scales). Crenicichla chicha shares a smooth preopercular margin, co-ossification of infraorbitals 3 and 4, and some color features with C. hemera from the adjacent rio Aripuanã drainage, rio Madeira basin. It differs from Crenicichla hemera in more E1 scales (66-75 vs. 58-65) and presence of a conspicuous black narrow stripe running from infraorbital 3 obliquely caudoventrad toward the preopercular margin vs. a rounded and faint suborbital marking present on infraorbitals 3-4. Examination of the type series and additional material from the rio Aripuanã confirms that Crenicichla guentheri Ploeg, 1991 is a junior subjective synonym of C. hemera Kullander, 1990.


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Maternal aggression is under the control of a wide variety of factors that prime the females for aggression or trigger the aggressive event. Maternal attacks are triggered by the perception of sensory cues from the intruder, and here we have identified a site in the hypothalamus of lactating rats that is highly responsive to the male intruder—the ventral premammillary nucleus (PMv). The PMv is heavily targeted by the medial amygdalar nucleus, and we used lesion and immediate-early gene studies to test our working hypothesis that the PMv signals the presence of a male intruder and transfers this information to the network organizing maternal aggression. PMv-lesioned dams exhibit significantly reduced maternal aggression, without affecting maternal care. The Fos analysis revealed that PMv influences the activation of hypothalamic and septal sites shown to be mobilized during maternal aggression, including the medial preoptic nucleus (likely to represent an important locus to integrate priming stimuli critical for maternal aggression), the caudal two-thirds of the hypothalamic attack area (comprising the ventrolateral part of the ventromedial hypothalamic nucleus and the adjacent tuberal region of the lateral hypothalamic area, critical for the expression of maternal aggression), and the ventral part of the anterior bed nuclei of the stria terminalis (presently discussed as being involved in controlling neuroendocrine and autonomic responses accompanying maternal aggression). These findings reveal an important role for the PMv in detecting the male intruder and how this nucleus modulates the network controlling maternal aggression.


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A suinocultura destaca-se na economia brasileira. Contudo, avaliando-se o consumo interno da carne suína in natura, observa-se uma estagnação em patamares baixos. O artigo tem como objetivo analisar as principais iniciativas adotadas pelo Sistema Agroindustrial (SAG) da carne suína no Brasil visando sinalizar qualidade aos consumidores. Devido à marcante assimetria de informações, ressalta-se a importância da organização da cadeia produtiva, melhor direcionando esforços para a expansão do mercado interno. Este trabalho sugere ações visando aprimorar a coordenação deste SAG com vistas à melhoria na qualidade da carne ao consumidor e à redução da informalidade.


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Discotic molecules comprising a rigid aromatic core and flexible side chains have been promisingly applied in OLEDs as self-organizing organic semiconductors. Due to their potentially high charge carrier mobility along the columns, device performance can be readily improved by proper alignment of columns throughout the bulk. In the present work, the charge mobility was increased by 5 orders of magnitude due to homeotropic columnar ordering induced by the boundary interfaces during thermal annealing in the mesophase. State-of-the-art diodes were fabricated using spin-coated films whose homeotropic alignment with formation of hexagonal germs was observed by polarizing optical microscopy. The photophysical properties showed drastic changes at the mesophase-isotropic transition, which is supported by the gain of order observed by X-ray diffraction. The electrical properties were investigated by modeling the current−voltage characteristics by a space-charge-limited current transport with a field dependent mobility.


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[ES] Esta aplicación surgió de la necesidad real del equipo de desarrolladores encargados de llevar a cabo el proceso de despliegue de aplicaciones web en empresas que siguen modelos de desarrollo iterativos, con grandes procesos de despliegue que deben ser aplicados con bastante frecuencia. El objetivo fundamental del proyecto es proporcionar a estos usuarios una aplicación que sirva de ayuda en el proceso de despliegue y centralice toda la información importante y útil que debe ser comprobada de manera constante y automatice todas aquellas tareas triviales que constituyen una pérdida de tiempo para los encargados del proceso de despliegue y disminuyen la concentración en el propio proceso y los detalles importantes y por lo tanto la calidad final del proceso de despliegue. La aplicación desarrollada será útil para la organización y control del proceso y además ofrecerá beneficios en cuanto a comunicación entre aquellos interesados en la nueva versión a desplegar. De modo general, la aplicación ofrecerá una forma de monitorizar los distintos estados de la nueva versión y mantendrá un sistema de rastreo de todos los eventos sucedidos durante la etapa de despliegue e información relacionada, además de automatizar tantas tareas como sea posible.


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[ES]El spam, o correo no deseado enviado masivamente, es una amenaza que afecta al correo electrónico y otros medios de comunicación telemática. Su alto volumen de circulación genera pérdidas temporales y económicas considerables. Se presenta una solución a este problema: un sistema inteligente híbrido de filtrado antispam, basado en redes neuronales artificiales (RNA) no supervisadas. Consta de una etapa de preprocesado y de otra de procesado, basadas en distintos modelos de computación: programada (con 2 fases: manual y computacional) y neuronal (mediante mapas autoorganizados de Kohonen, SOM), respectivamente. Este sistema ha sido optimizado usando, como cuerpo de datos, ham de “Enron Email” y spam de dos fuentes diferentes. Se analiza la calidad y el rendimiento del mismo mediante diferentes métricas.


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Il lavoro svolto in questa tesi verte sullo sviluppo e l'integrazione del modello teorico conosciuto come Biochemical Tuple Spaces for Self-Organizing Coordination, in breve BTSSOC, in una piattaforma completa, chiamata BTSSOC-Cellulat, per la simulazione di sistemi biochimici, sviluppata utilizzando i linguaggi Java, Prolog, TuCSoN e ReSpecT.


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Freimaurer verwenden eine spezielle Art von Kommunikation: Zeichensprache, Metaphern, Symbole, Neologismen, Fachsprachen, rituelle 'Reisen' usw. Untersucht werden soll hier der masonische Anspruch, eine 'Universalsprache' zu besitzen. Das Gerüst dieser Dissertation ist ein Vergleich der ganzen Bandbreite der Freimaurerei - Orden für Männer, Frauen, Jugendliche, Farbige, sowie quasi-masonische Freizeitclubs - mit nachahmerischen Fraternitäten, wie z.B. den frühen amerikanischen Versicherungsgesellschaften und deren Kommunikationsmodellen. Die experimentelle Methode der Autorin schließt die Erforschung freimaurerischer und anderer bruderschaftlicher Quellen der letzten drei Jahrhunderte ein, sowie Besuche freimaurerischer Institutionen und Interviews mit Freimaurern. Diese Aktivitäten führten zu dem Ergebnis, daß - während die Symbole allgemein anwendbar sind - die schriftliche Freimaurersprache nicht in allen Ländern uniform ist. Die ethischen Lehren, die aus der symbolischen Freimaurerkommunikation gezogen werden sollen, haben einen internationalen Standard erreicht. So ist die Freimaurersprache seit der offiziellen Gründung der Freimaurerei im Jahre 1717 immer noch lebendig. Die rituelle Phraseologie der frühen nordamerikanischen Gewerkschaften und Versicherungsgesellschaften hingegen ist entweder verloren gegangen oder stellt nur noch pompöse Worthülsen dar, die sich um ein weltliches Thema - wie Versicherungen - ranken.


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Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit ist die Aufklärung von Struktur und Dynamik komplexer supramolekularer Systeme mittels Festkörper NMR Spektroskopie. Die Untersuchung von pi-pi Wechselwirkungen, welche einen entscheidenden Einfluss auf die strukturellen und dynamischen Eigenschaften supra- molekularer Systeme haben, hilft dabei, die Selbst- organisationsprozesse dieser komplexen Materialien besser zu verstehen. Mit dipolaren 1H-1H and 1H-13C Wiedereinkopplungs NMR Methoden unter schnellem MAS können sowohl 1H chemische Verschiebungen als auch dipolare 1H-1H und 1H-13C Kopplungen untersucht werden, ohne dass eine Isotopenmarkierung erforderlich ist. So erhält man detaillierte Informationen über die Struktur und die Beweglichkeit einzelner Molekül- segmente. In Verbindung mit sogenannten nucleus independent chemical shift (NICS) maps (berechnet mit ab-initio Methoden) lassen sich Abstände von Protonen relativ zu pi-Elektronensystemen bestimmen und so Strukturvorschläge ableiten. Mit Hilfe von homo- und heteronuklearen dipolaren Rotationsseitenbandenmustern könnenaußerdem Ordnungs- parameter für verschiedene Molekülsegmente bestimmt werden. Die auf diese Weise gewonnenen Informationen über die strukturellen und dynamischen Eigenschaften supramolekularer Systeme tragen dazu bei, strukturbestimmende Molekül- einheiten und Hauptordnungsphänomene zu identifizieren sowie lokale Wechselwirkungen zu quantifizieren, um so den Vorgang der Selbstorganisation besser zu verstehen.


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In the last decades, the increasing significance of “projectivization” (Lundin & Steinthórsson, 2003) has stimulated considerable interest in project-based organizations as new economic actors able to introduce a new logic of organizing work and weakening boundaries in favour of networks of collaborations. In these contexts, work is often delegated to project teams. Deciding whom to put on a project team is one of the biggest challenges faced by a project manager; in particular which characteristics rely on to compose and match effective teams. We address this issue, focusing on the individual flexibility (Raudsepp, 1990), as team composition variable that affects project team performance. Thus, the research question investigated is: Is it better to compose project teams with flexible team members or not flexible project team members to achieve higher levels of project performance? The temporary nature of PBOs involves that after achieving the purpose for which team members are enrolled, they are disbanded but their relationships remain, allowing them to be involved in future projects (Starkey, Barnatt & Tempest, 2000). Pre-existing relationships together with the current relationships create a network of relationships that yields some implications for project teams as well as for team members. We address this issue, exploring the following research question: To what extent is the individual flexibility influenced by the network structure? The conceptual framework is used to articulate the research questions investigated with respect to the Television drama serials production. Their project-team organizing combined with their capacity to dissolve and recreate over time make it an interesting field to develop. We contribute to the organizational literature, providing a clear operationalization of individual flexibility construct and its role on affecting project performance. Second, we contribute to the organizational network literature addressing the effects yielded by the network structure-structural holes and network closure- on the individual flexibility.


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Synthetic Biology is a relatively new discipline, born at the beginning of the New Millennium, that brings the typical engineering approach (abstraction, modularity and standardization) to biotechnology. These principles aim to tame the extreme complexity of the various components and aid the construction of artificial biological systems with specific functions, usually by means of synthetic genetic circuits implemented in bacteria or simple eukaryotes like yeast. The cell becomes a programmable machine and its low-level programming language is made of strings of DNA. This work was performed in collaboration with researchers of the Department of Electrical Engineering of the University of Washington in Seattle and also with a student of the Corso di Laurea Magistrale in Ingegneria Biomedica at the University of Bologna: Marilisa Cortesi. During the collaboration I contributed to a Synthetic Biology project already started in the Klavins Laboratory. In particular, I modeled and subsequently simulated a synthetic genetic circuit that was ideated for the implementation of a multicelled behavior in a growing bacterial microcolony. In the first chapter the foundations of molecular biology are introduced: structure of the nucleic acids, transcription, translation and methods to regulate gene expression. An introduction to Synthetic Biology completes the section. In the second chapter is described the synthetic genetic circuit that was conceived to make spontaneously emerge, from an isogenic microcolony of bacteria, two different groups of cells, termed leaders and followers. The circuit exploits the intrinsic stochasticity of gene expression and intercellular communication via small molecules to break the symmetry in the phenotype of the microcolony. The four modules of the circuit (coin flipper, sender, receiver and follower) and their interactions are then illustrated. In the third chapter is derived the mathematical representation of the various components of the circuit and the several simplifying assumptions are made explicit. Transcription and translation are modeled as a single step and gene expression is function of the intracellular concentration of the various transcription factors that act on the different promoters of the circuit. A list of the various parameters and a justification for their value closes the chapter. In the fourth chapter are described the main characteristics of the gro simulation environment, developed by the Self Organizing Systems Laboratory of the University of Washington. Then, a sensitivity analysis performed to pinpoint the desirable characteristics of the various genetic components is detailed. The sensitivity analysis makes use of a cost function that is based on the fraction of cells in each one of the different possible states at the end of the simulation and the wanted outcome. Thanks to a particular kind of scatter plot, the parameters are ranked. Starting from an initial condition in which all the parameters assume their nominal value, the ranking suggest which parameter to tune in order to reach the goal. Obtaining a microcolony in which almost all the cells are in the follower state and only a few in the leader state seems to be the most difficult task. A small number of leader cells struggle to produce enough signal to turn the rest of the microcolony in the follower state. It is possible to obtain a microcolony in which the majority of cells are followers by increasing as much as possible the production of signal. Reaching the goal of a microcolony that is split in half between leaders and followers is comparatively easy. The best strategy seems to be increasing slightly the production of the enzyme. To end up with a majority of leaders, instead, it is advisable to increase the basal expression of the coin flipper module. At the end of the chapter, a possible future application of the leader election circuit, the spontaneous formation of spatial patterns in a microcolony, is modeled with the finite state machine formalism. The gro simulations provide insights into the genetic components that are needed to implement the behavior. In particular, since both the examples of pattern formation rely on a local version of Leader Election, a short-range communication system is essential. Moreover, new synthetic components that allow to reliably downregulate the growth rate in specific cells without side effects need to be developed. In the appendix are listed the gro code utilized to simulate the model of the circuit, a script in the Python programming language that was used to split the simulations on a Linux cluster and the Matlab code developed to analyze the data.


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Le caratteristiche istologiche, immunologiche e fisiologiche della cute in età pediatrica sono responsabili di quadri dermatologici differenti nel bambino rispetto all’adulto, per cui la dermatologia pediatrica sta acquisendo sempre maggiore importanza come branca specifica nell’ambito sia della dermatologia generale che della pediatria. Il problema cruciale che si incontra nel management delle dermatosi pediatriche è legato alle difficoltà diagnostiche incontrate, che comportano spesso la necessità di eseguire una biopsia cutanea. Mentre gli studi epidemiologici relativi alla frequenza delle patologie dermatologiche pediatriche siano ampiamente riportati in letteratura, i dati e le revisioni relative alla chirurgia pediatrica dermatologica, nell’ambito dei servizi di Dermatologia Pediatrica, sono ridotti. Nell’arco dei tre anni di dottorato, la mia attività è stata finalizzata a valutare la possibilità di organizzare un servizio ambulatoriale per i prelievi bioptici in età pediatrica, con il solo ausilio di anestetici topici e locali. Durante i tre anni di Dottorato di Ricerca sono stati eseguiti 296 prelievi. Le biopsie eseguite sono state suddivise in 3 gruppi: biopsie diagnostiche su patologie dermatologiche (108 pz, 36%), biopsie su neoformazioni cutanee (174 pz, 59 %) e biopsie su lesioni follicolari ( 14 pz, 5%). Di ciascun gruppo sono state valutate le patologie riscontrate, l’età, il sesso, l’impiego di anestetico topico associato ad anestetico locale. In 180 (61%) pazienti dopo la biopsia si è proceduto all’applicazione di punti di sutura. Si sono valutati inoltre i vantaggi e gli svantaggi di tale attività ambulatoriale rispetto ai prelievi eseguiti avvalendosi di una sedazione profonda.


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Im Mittelpunkt der vorliegenden Arbeit standen Untersuchungen zu strukturellen Ordnungs- und Unordnungsphänomenen an natürlichen, substitutionellen Mischkristallen. Aufgrund der enormen Vielfalt an potentiellen Austauschpartnern wurden hierfür Vertreter der Biotit-Mischkristallreihe "Phlogopit-Annit" ausgewählt. Ihr modulartiger Aufbau ermöglichte die gezielte Beschreibung von Verteilungsmustern anionischer und kationischer Merkmalsträger innerhalb der Oktaederschicht der Biotit-Mischkristalle. Basierend auf der postulierten Bindungsaffinität zwischen Mg2+ und F- einerseits und Fe2+ und OH- andererseits, wurde die strukturelle Separation einer Fluor-Phlogopit-Komponente als primäre Ausprägungsform des Mg/F-Ordnungsprinzips abgeleitet. Im Rahmen dieser Modellvorstellung koexistieren im makroskopisch homogenen Biotit-Mischkristall Domänen zweier chemisch divergenter Phasen nebeneinander: Eine rein Mg2+/F- - führende Phlogopit-Phase und eine Wirtskristallphase, die mit fortschreitender Separation bzw. Entmischung der erstgenannten Phase sukzessive reicher an einer hydroxylführenden eisenreichen Annit-Komponente wird. Zwecks numerischer Beschreibung diverser Stadien der Entmischungsreaktion wurden die Begriffe der "Relativen" und "Absoluten Domänengröße" eingeführt. Sie stellen ein quantitatives Maß zur Beurteilung der diskutierten Ordnungsphänomene dar. Basierend auf einem sich stetig ändernden Chemismus der Wirtskristallphase kann jeder Übergangszustand zwischen statistischer Verteilung und vollständiger Ordnung durch das korrespondierende Verteilungsmuster der interessierenden Merkmalsträger ( = Nahordnungskonfiguration und Besetzungswahrscheinlichkeit) charakterisiert und beschrieben werden. Durch mößbauerspektroskopische Untersuchungen konnten die anhand der entwickelten Modelle vorhergesagten Ausprägungsformen von Ordnungs-/Unordnungsphänomenen qualitativ und quantitativ verifiziert werden. Es liessen sich hierbei zwei Gruppen von Biotit-Mischkristallen unterscheiden. Eine erste Gruppe, deren Mößbauer-Spektren durch den OH/F-Chemismus als dominierendes Differenzierungsmerkmal geprägt wird, und eine zweite Gruppe, deren Mößbauer-Spektren durch Gruppierungen von höherwertigen Kationen und Vakanzen ( = Defektchemie) geprägt wird. Auf der Basis von Korrelationsdiagrammen, die einen numerischen und graphischen Bezug zwischen absoluter und relativer Domänengröße einerseits und experimentell zugänglichem Mößbauer-Parameter A (= relativer Flächenanteil, korrespondierend mit der Besetzungswahrscheinlichkeit einer bestimmten Nahordnungs-konstellation) andererseits herstellen, konnten für die erste Gruppe die Volumina der beiden miteinander koexistierenden Komponenten "Hydroxyl-Annit reicher Wirtskristall" und "Fluor-Phlogopit" exakt quantifiziert werden. Das Spektrum der untersuchten Proben umfasste hierbei Kristallspezies, die einerseits durch geringe bis mittlere Mg2+/F- - bzw. Fe2+/OH- -Ordnungsgrade gekennzeichnet sind, andererseits eine nahezu vollständige Ordnung der interessierenden Merkmalsträger Mg2+, Fe2+, OH- und F- widerspiegeln. Desweiteren konnte der Nachweis geführt werden, dass für ausgewählte Proben eine quantitative Bestimmung der Defektvolumina möglich ist.