991 resultados para organic laboratory safety


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The main object of the present paper is to furnish a brief account to the knowledgement of Protozoa parasitic in common Brazilian frog of the genus Leptodactylus for general students in Zoology and for investigators that use this frog as a laboratory animal. Hepatozoon leptodactyli (Haemogregarina leptodactyli) was found in two species of frogs - Leptodactylus ocellatus and L. pentadactylus - in which develop schizogony whereas sporogony occurs in the leech Haementeria lutzi as was obtainded in experimental conditions. Intracellular forms have been found in peripheral circulation, chiefly in erythrocytes, but we have found them in leukocytes too. Tissue stages were found in frog, liver, lungs, spleen, gut, brain and heart. The occurence of hemogregarine in the Central Nervous System was recorded by Costa & al,(13) and Ball (2). Some cytochemical methods were employed in attempt to differentiate gametocytes from trophozoites in the peripheral blood and to characterize the cystic membrane as well. The speorogonic cycle was developed in only one specie of leech. A brief description of the parasite is given.


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Observations were made on 100 female Aedes fluviatilis (Lutz) maintained individually from the first blood meal onwards and allowed one blood meal during each oviposition cycle, 5% dextrose solution been supplied throughout life. The average length of live was 49.9 ± 17.8 days; the logarithm of the mortality rate increased proportionately to physiological age. The insects took an average of 7.3 ± 3.2 blood meals and produced a mean of 7.9 ± 3.7 clutches of eggs. There was a progressive decrease, proportional to advancing physiological age, in the mean numbers of eggs laid in successive oviposition cycles, in the intervals between blood feeding oviposition, and in the numbers of larvae that hatched. Delayed oviposition, transient sterility and a total loss of fertility were also recorded.


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For the development of laboratory experiments on the competitive interacitons between freshwater snail populations, special snail rooms were set up in the main building of the Research Center "Aggeu Magalhães". In the current paper, the first of a series on this subject, the general methodology of the laboratory work is described in detail. Using indoor cement channels in which a uniform seminatural environment was created, interactions of freshwater snail populations can be studied with minimal interference of the usual variables. Controlled indoor environmental techniques, as described in the current paper, may also be utilized in different types of experiments in malacology, and represent a substantial technical advance in malacological work.


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Experiments reported in the current paper, carried out under semi-field conditions created in the laboratory, have shown that b. straminea has competitive superiority when compared with B. glabrata. The former species has shown higher capabilities of both dispersal and vagility. In addition, B. straminea was able to compete sucessfully with B. glabrata.


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Biomphalaria glabrata and B. straminea were submitted to an out-door laboratory experiment for testing their comparative ability to resist desiccation. Results have shown that B. straminea is significantly higher resistant than B. glabrata. After five months under such distressing condition the survival ratios were: B. glabrata 8.1 per cent and B. straminea 18.4 per cent.


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A closed Lutzomyia longipalpis colony, from Ceará has been used to transmit Leishmania chagasi isolated from a fox in Pará state. The last time this colony was successfully used in similar transmission experiments was eight years (64 generations) ago indicating that this colony of Lu. longipalpis has fully maintained its vectorial capacity in spite of such a long period of maintainance in the laboratory.


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As a preparatory stage for a study aiming at identifying the species and subspecies of local Leishmania in naturally infected sandflies through immunoradiometric assay with monoclonal antibodies, we tried to obtain experimental infections of phlebotomines with well characterized stocks of parasites, in order to test the effectiveness of the method.


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A study of the courship and copulation behaviour of Panstrongylus megistus was carried out in the laboratory. fifty-five newly-fed virgin couples were used. Experiments were performed during the day (9:00 to 12:00 a.m.) and at night (7:00 to 10:00 p.m). Behaviour was recorded by direct observation and was found to consist of the following sequence of behavioral patterns: the male approached the female and jumped on her or mounted her; he took on a dorsolateral position and immobilized the female dorsally and ventrally with his three pairs of legs; the male genital was placed below those of the female; the paramers of the male immobilized the female's genitals; copulation started. The couple joined by the iniciative of the male. The female could be receptive and accept copulation, or nonreceptive and reject the male. Copulation occurred more often on the occasion of the first attempt by the male. Duration of copulation was X = 29.3 ± 9.3 min (CV = 83%). No behavioral differences were observed couples tested during the day or at night.


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To determine in influence of feeding, lighting and time of day on the copulating behavior of Panstrongylus megistus, 480 insect pairs were divided into four groups of 120 each and tested in the following respective situations: without food deprivation (F.D.), with five days of F.D., with ten days of F.D., and with 20 days of F. D. The tests were performed between 9:00 a.m. to 12:00a.m. and 7:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m., with light (700-1400 lux) and in the dark (1.4-2.8 lux) and behavior was recorded by the time sampling technique. Mating spped (MS) and duration of copulation (DC) were also calculated for each situation. The maximum frequency of copulation was observed after five days of F.D., at night, in the dark (n = 16), and the minimum was observed for recently-fed pairs, at night, with light (n = 4). Males approached females more often than females approached males. MS was lowest in pairs with twenty days of F.D., at night, with light (X = 23.0 ± 16.0 minutes), and highest in recently-fed pairs, during the day, with light (X = 2.9 ± 2.5 minutes). DC was shortest in recently-fed insects, during the day, in the dark (X = 23.5 ± 6.7 minutes), and longest in recently-fed animals, at night, in the dark (X = 38.3 ± 6.9 minutes).


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A study of the effect of mating in the fecundity and fertility of females of P. megistus fed on pigeon blood every 14 days, was carried out in the laboratory. Two groups were constituted: I - females which mated only once; II - females which stayed always with the males. Only 56.7% of group I females laid fertile eggs, while as much as 90% of group II females laid fertile eggs. The duration of the fertile oviposition was greater in the females which stayed always with the males. Some females of this group were able to mate up to seven times throughout their life-span. This fact render useless sterile males in the control of these insects. It is suggested that the components of pigeon's blood used for feeding the triatomines could have an influence upon the fecundity and fertility of the female sof the two groups.


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Using three columns of different depths (1.10m, 8.40m and 10.40m), we investigated the possibility of Biomphalaria glabrata moving towards deep regions. In the 1.10m column, we noted that locomotion can occur in two manners: 1) when the foot is in contact with the substrate: a) sliding descent; b) sliding ascent; c) creeping descent; d) creeping ascent, 2) when the foot is not in contact with the substrate: a) sudden descent without emission of air bules; b) sudden descent with emission of air bules; c) sudden ascent. In the 8.40m column containing food on the bottom (experimental group), the snails remained longer at this depth when compared to those of the group which received no food (control). The sliding behavior was characteristic of locomotion occurring at 0 to 1m both in upward and downward directions. Creeping behavior was typical for the ascent of the snails that reached deeper levels. When the snails were creeping, the shell remained hanging as if it were heavier, a fact that may have been due to water entering the pulmonary chamber. In the 10.40m column, the snails slid downward to a depth of 4m or descended suddenly all the way to the bottom. Ascent occurred by creeping from the bottom to the surface. In the 8.40m and 10.40m columns, copulation, feeding and oviposition occurred at the deepest levels.


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A laboratory study was conducted on the fecundity, fertility and life span of Panstrongylus megistus pairs and on the fecundity and life span of P. megistus virgin females submitted to starvation after the last moulting. Of the mated females, 22.2% laid eggs, 4.4% of which were fertile. Females resisted starvation more than males. Of the starved virgin females, only 10% laid eggs, with a low egg-laying rate (0.47) per female. Resistance to starvation was lower in virgin than in mated females.