972 resultados para orchard pests
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Podisus nigrispinus (Dallas) (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae) is a common natural predator of defoliating caterpillars in agricultural and forest systems. Insecticides acting as growth regulators of insect pests can indirectly affect their predators through consumption of contaminated prey. We examined the reproductive performance of P. nigrispinus fed on caterpillars of Anticarsia gemmatalis Hubner (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) reared on soybean leaves exposed to the chitin synthesis inhibitor, diflubenzuron. Caterpillars of A. gemmatalis were fed for 12 h with treated soybean leaves and offered to adults of the predator P. nigrispinus over five consecutive days. The fertility of P. nigrispinus was reduced when feeding on diflubenzuron treated caterpillars, especially at the beginning of the reproductive period, but recovered 3 weeks later. The effects of diflubenzuron ingestion on the life table parameters of P. nigrispinus included an increase in the period taken to double the population size, and reductions in the intrinsic rate of population increase, generation duration, and net reproductive rate. Diflubenzuron therefore had an indirect negative effect on the reproduction and the population dynamics of the non-target predator P. nigrispinus. Clearly, its use in integrated pest management requires further evaluation.
Baida, F.C., D.C. Santiago, L. H. I. Vidal, L. C. Baida, C. T. Stroze. 2011. Medicinal Plants' Hosting Ability for Nematode Suitability Meloidogyne incognita and M. javanica. Nematropica 41: 150-153.Medicinal plants can be attacked by pests, diseases and nematodes, which can compromise the quality and quantity of their healing properties and their yield. The aim of this study was to analyse the reaction of 15 medicinal plant species to the nematode Meloidogyne spp. The seedlings were produced by seed germination or cuttings under greenhouse conditions. A completely random experimental pattern of 15 treatments and 10 replications was chosen for the study. The seedlings were inoculated with approximately 5000 eggs + J(2)/plant 20 days after planting. Plant height and fresh and dry leaf weight, were measured 60 days after planting. The roots were collected, thoroughly washed and stained with Philoxine B and then processed to extract the eggs to determine the reproduction factor. For M. incognita the results showed that Chamomile was susceptible with RF = 1,64 making it a good host, and the other plants were resistant (RF < 1), and for M. javanica that all the plants showed resistance (RF < 1), Myrrh, Rue and Balsam demonstrating immunity (RF = 0).
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
The organic production systems based on natural processes do not allow the use of synthetic fertilizers with a high solubility, so it is required the use of technologies in accordance with the organic production legislation in order to make the technical, economical and environmental sustainable activities viable. To evaluate the effects of the usage of mineral and organic natural fertilizers, associated with liquid biofertilizers (BLE= enriched liquid biofertilizer and BF= leaf biofertilizers) on the production of the sugar apple fruit crop Annona squamosa L., replacing totally the chemical fertilizers, used by conventional farming systems, a nine year old orchard was driven in the irrigated plot n degrees 1295, irrigated project Nilo Coelho, district of Petrolina - PE. The experiment was carried out from September 2005 to February 2006. The experimental design was done through randomized blocks with eight treatments and four replications in plots of three plants each, with 96 plants in total. The treatments were the following: T(1) - plants with no fertilizer; T(2) - 60 g de N + 32 g de P(2)O(5) + 48 g de K(2)O; T(3) - 90g de N + 32 g de P(2)O(5) + 48 g de K(2)O; T(4) - 30 g de N + 32 g de P(2)O(5) + 48 g de K(2)O + 15 L de BLE + BF a 5 %; T(5) - 60g de N + 32 g de P(2)O(5) + 48 g de K(2)O + 30 L de BLE + BF a 5 %; T(6)- 90g de N + 32 g de P(2)O(5) + 48 g de K(2)O + 45 L de BLE + BF a 5 %; T(7) - 120g de N + 32 g de P(2)O(5) + 48 g de K(2)O + 60 L de BLE + BF a 5 %; T(8) - 150 g de N + 32 g de P(2)O(5) + 48 g de K(2)O + 75 L de BLE + BF a 5 % The fruit growth analyses (diameter and average length), total yield, productivity, average fruit weight, average number of fruits, fresh weight of the skin and pulp and dry weight of the fruits were used to evaluate the experiment. The results were relevant to the total production, fresh weight of the skin and dry weight of the fruits. The use of organominerals associated with liquid fertilizers increased significantly the productivity in values ranging from 10.44% (T(5) = 1.98 t ha(-1)) to 24.52 % (T(7) = 12.34 %). The treatment T(3) stood out (90g de N + 32g de P(2)O(5) + 48g de K(2)O) with a higher production than the control. The fruit weight increased in the fertilized treatments, with values increasing from treatment (T(2) = 5.26 %) to the treatment (T(7) = 12.34 %) in relation to the control. The fruit development was characterized by an average growth increase of 82 % in length and 84 % in diameter until the 56(th) day, with a sigmoidal growth pattern.
The spittlebugs are considered the most important pests in tropical pastures. The damages caused by these insects decrease the production of pastures. The objective this work was to study the population dynamics of Notozulia entreriana, from June 2007 to June 2008, and the correlation with meteorological and environmental factors (rainfall, temperature, daily solar radiation and pasture height). Therefore, sampled were made in three areas of grassland in the municipality of Marechal Candido Rondon-PR. Sampling of adults and nymphs was made. Also we determined which species of spittlebugs (Hemiptera: Cercopidae) occur in the western region of Parana State. The population fluctuation of N. entreriana showed four peaks during the period of favorable development - spring / summer. The daily solar radiation had a higher correlation with the population. Rainfall, temperature and pasture height had little correlation with the population dynamics. The species that occurred with greater abundance was N. entreriana, representing 88.4% of the total insects collected in western of Parana State.
The lacewings (Ceraeochrysa cincta) are important predators found associated to many pests in several agroecosystems. Eggs of Sitotroga cerealella and Anagasta kuehniella are used traditionally for massal rearing of these predators. Other foods can be used in substitution to the traditional ones, but little is known about the biology of lacewings and other alternative foods. So, this work was carried out to evaluate the effect of different diets on the post-embryonic development of C. cincta in laboratory. After been individualized in glass tubes, each larva was fed with S. cereallella and Diatraea saccharallis. It was evaluated the larvae duration, weight and viability in each instar, the duration, weight and viability of the pupa and pre-pupa stages and the duration of the post-embryonic period. It was adopted a completely randomized design with ten replications per treatment, each consisting of five eggs or larvae of C. cincta. Larvae were weighed 48 hours after hatching and 48 hours after each molt, and pre-pupae and pupae, 48 hours after starting these stages. There was no effect of the kind of food provided on the parameters evaluated. Therefore, D. saccharallis eggs can be used to feed C. cincta.
Nematodes cause extensive losses to sugarcane in Brazil and also in other producing regions. Meloidogyne incognita, M. javanica and Pratylenchus zeae are the key species for this culture worldwide. In the present study, the aggressiveness of M. javanica and M. incognita to sugarcane variety SP 911049 was evaluated comparatively,. The following parameters were compared: reproduction factor (RF) of these nematodes, effect of nematodes in the natural incidence of pests, and the influence on the development and technological characteristics of sugarcane. Considering the data of RF, biometrics, natural infestation of pests, mortality of plants, and technological variables, it was concluded that M. javanica was more aggressive to sugarcane, although its rate of multiplication was much smaller than the one of M. incognita.
Banana (Musa spp.) is one of the most consumed fruits in the world, and it is cultivated in many tropical countries. In Brazil, the productivity is low due to several factors such as the incidence of pests and diseases. The nematodes are among the most important problems found in the production of bananas. This research studied the reproduction of Meloidogyne incognita race 2, M. javanica and Pratylenchus coffeae in different cultivars of banana. The evaluation of the experiments with Meloidogyne spp. was carried out 120 days after the inoculation. The analyzed parameters were: number of gall, number of the external masses of eggs, number of eggs per gram of root, reproduction factor and number of juveniles in the soil. The evaluation of the experiment with P. coffeae was carried out 90 days after the inoculation; the final population was evaluated. The cultivars PV-0344, Maca, Grande Naine, FHIA 01, Thap Maeo and Prata Ana allowed greater multiplication of P. coffeae than Caipira, SH-3640 and FHIA-18. For M. javanica, the cultivars Calypso, Bucanneer, Grande Naine, PV-0344, Nanicao Magario, FHIA-02, SH-3640, Pacovan, and Prata Ana exhibited larger populations, decreasing in Maca. All cultivars allowed high multiplication rates of M. incognita.
The objective of this work was to study the population fluctuation of Meloidogyne enterolobii in a commercial orchard of 'Paluma' guava with five years of age, under micro sprinkler irrigation system and usual practices for this crop. In the orchard, located in the municipality of Vista Alegre do Alto (SP) Brazil and infested by M. enterolobii, five plants exhibiting nematode symptoms were selected for monthly sampling from July 2007 to June 2008. Two single samples of rhizosphere soil and guava roots were collected from each plant, with the aid of hoe to a depth of 20 cm on the projection of the trees, forming a composite sample per plant. In nematology laboratory of Faculdade de Ciencias Agrarias e Veterinarias Universidade Estadual Paulista, eggs and second stage juveniles (J2) of M. enterolobii were extracted from the samples and quantified. There was not a marked seasonal variation in the nematode population in soil or roots, possibly as a result of the guava vegetation stimulated by irrigation or the presence of invasive plants during the experimental period. However, the soil density reached a peak in January, corresponding to the month of elevated rainfall and temperatures. In roots, there were two significant peaks, in February and a major peak in August. There was a negative correlation between nematode populations in soil and roots.
Leafcutters are the highest evolved within Neotropical ants in the tribe Attini and model systems for studying caste formation, labor division and symbiosis with microorganisms. Some species of leafcutters are agricultural pests controlled by chemicals which affect other animals and accumulate in the environment. Aiming to provide genetic basis for the study of leafcutters and for the development of more specific and environmentally friendly methods for the control of pest leafcutters, we generated expressed sequence tag data from Atta laevigata, one of the pest ants with broad geographic distribution in South America. Results: The analysis of the expressed sequence tags allowed us to characterize 2,006 unique sequences in Atta laevigata. Sixteen of these genes had a high number of transcripts and are likely positively selected for high level of gene expression, being responsible for three basic biological functions: energy conservation through redox reactions in mitochondria; cytoskeleton and muscle structuring; regulation of gene expression and metabolism. Based on leafcutters lifestyle and reports of genes involved in key processes of other social insects, we identified 146 sequences potential targets for controlling pest leafcutters. The targets are responsible for antixenobiosis, development and longevity, immunity, resistance to pathogens, pheromone function, cell signaling, behavior, polysaccharide metabolism and arginine kynase activity. Conclusion: The generation and analysis of expressed sequence tags from Atta laevigata have provided important genetic basis for future studies on the biology of leaf-cutting ants and may contribute to the development of a more specific and environmentally friendly method for the control of agricultural pest leafcutters.
During the past 10 years, soybeans have reached a prominent position among crops in the world. A substantial contribution to world production has been achieved by tropical countries, due to favorable conditions for high yields. Two limitations keep commercial yields below those obtained in experimental results (above 3,000 kg/ha): one is the lack of local adapted varieties and the other is an adequate field production environment. Solutions must be obtained by local research data. Seedbed preparation is one of the most important production steps, since the other production practices are dependent on it. Conventional methods and minimum tillage, when soybeans follow another crop, are being used, with the problem of soil compaction and losses by erosion. Looking for superior strains of Rhizobium is crucial because nitrogen can be supplied by a proper symbiosis. The addition of limestone to the soil is a common practice used to raise the pH to proper levels. The use of fertilizers should be guided by local research findings. Chemical control of weeds, pests and diseases is needed to prevent yield losses, but possible effects on the environment should be considered. © 1981 American Oil Chemists' Society.
Leaf-cutting ants of the genera Acromyrmex and Atta are considered the principal polyphagous pests of the Neotropics. Although some members of these genera are of economic importance, have a broad geographic distribution, and are extremely good colonizers, others are endemic and closely interact with native ecosystems. Control is generally practiced against any colony, irrespective of its taxonomic status. Indiscriminate control coupled with habitat destruction threatens endemic species with extinction, and, through habitat simplification, favors other pest species. As nests of Atta are large, having several square meters of nest surface, the endemic taxa can be easily used as environmental indicators for natural ecosystems. Likewise, the pest species can be used to detect environmental disturbance. As these ants are keystone species and easily identified by nonspecialists, efforts should be made to integrate these into viable conservation programs.
The absence of natural enemies often allows exotic pests to reach densities that are much higher than normally occur in their native habitats. When Solenopsis fire ants were introduced into the United States, their numerous natural enemies were left behind in South America. To compare intercontinental fire ant densities, we selected 13 areas in South America and another 12 areas in North America. Sample areas were paired with weather stations and distributed across a broad range of climatic conditions. In each area, we measured fire ant densities at 5 preselected roadside sites that were at least 5 km apart. At each site, we also measured foraging activity, checked for polygyne colonies, and recorded various kinds of environmental data. In most areas, we also measured fire ant densities in lawns and grazing land. Fire ant populations along roadsides in North America were 4-7 times higher than fire ant populations in South America. Similar intercontinental differences were found in lawns and on grazing lands. These intercontinental differences in fire ant abundance were not associated with sampling conditions, seasonal variability, habitat differences, or the frequency of polygyny. Although several correlations were found with long-term weather conditions, careful inspection of the data suggests that these correlations were probably more coincidental than causal. Cultural differences in roadside maintenance may explain some of the intercontinental differences in fire ant abundance, but they did not account for equivalent intercontinental differences in grazing land and mowed lawns. Bait tests showed that competition with other ants was much more important in South America; however, we were not able to determine whether this was a major cause of intercontinental differences or largely a consequence of other factors such as the numerous pathogens and parasites that are found in South America. Because this study was correlational, we were unable to determine the cause(s) of the large intercontinental difference in fire ant abundance that we observed. However, we were able to largely exclude a number of possible explanations for the differences, including sampling, season, polygyny, climate, and aspects of habitat. By a process of elimination, escape from natural enemies remains among the most likely explanations for the unusually high densities of fire ants found in North America.
This work intended to calculate the rentability of the guava culture Paluma cv. in Monte Alto region-SP, estimating the costs of the implantation, maintenance, production and the gross income of this culture in the first three years of cultivation. The production system utilized refers to the cultural treatments usually used in this culture in the region. The costs estimates were based on the total operational costs methodology used by the Agricultural Economics Institute (I.E.A.). The results obtained showed that the implantation and maintenance costs of the culture, in the two first years was Rs7.402,31/alqueire. Considering the possibility that in guava orchard, on irrigated conditions, reach in the fourthy year a productivity of 80t/alqueire and that the current price is Rs0,20/kg, it is possible to estimate the gross income around of Rs16.000,00/alqueire, resulting in a net income of Rs9.497,06/alqueire.