999 resultados para opiskelijaliikkeet - Saksan liittotasavalta - 1960-luku - 1970-luku
Suomen Etnomusikologisen Seuran 30-vuotisjuhlaseminaarissa pidetty esitelmä.
This summary of legislation enacted by the General Assembly has been prepared for the use of legislators and other interested parties. The summary of each legislative enactment has been assigned to a major subject category. This compilation provides interested persons with quick reference to legislation enacted in specific areas and generally informs persons of the contents and effective date of the legislation. NOTE: This is a large file and may take a few minutes to load.
This paper was prepared for presentation at the Workshop for Iowa School Superintendents, June 8, 1970. Contains information and graphs on population changes of towns, employment estimates, farm and manufacturing impacts and 1980 projected populations.
This report is concerned with the prediction of the long-time creep and shrinkage behavior of concrete. It is divided into three main areas. l. The development of general prediction methods that can be used by a design engineer when specific experimental data are not available. 2. The development of prediction methods based on experimental data. These methods take advantage of equations developed in item l, and can be used to accurately predict creep and shrinkage after only 28 days of data collection. 3. Experimental verification of items l and 2, and the development of specific prediction equations for four sand-lightweight aggregate concretes tested in the experimental program. The general prediction equations and methods are developed in Chapter II. Standard Equations to estimate the creep of normal weight concrete (Eq. 9), sand-lightweight concrete (Eq. 12), and lightweight concrete (Eq. 15) are recommended. These equations are developed for standard conditions (see Sec. 2. 1) and correction factors required to convert creep coefficients obtained from equations 9, 12, and 15 to valid predictions for other conditions are given in Equations 17 through 23. The correction factors are shown graphically in Figs. 6 through 13. Similar equations and methods are developed for the prediction of the shrinkage of moist cured normal weight concrete (Eq. 30}, moist cured sand-lightweight concrete (Eq. 33}, and moist cured lightweight concrete (Eq. 36). For steam cured concrete the equations are Eq. 42 for normal weight concrete, and Eq. 45 for lightweight concrete. Correction factors are given in Equations 47 through 52 and Figs., 18 through 24. Chapter III summarizes and illustrates, by examples, the prediction methods developed in Chapter II. Chapters IV and V describe an experimental program in which specific prediction equations are developed for concretes made with Haydite manufactured by Hydraulic Press Brick Co. (Eqs. 53 and 54}, Haydite manufactured by Buildex Inc. (Eqs. 55 and 56), Haydite manufactured by The Cater-Waters Corp. (Eqs. 57 and 58}, and Idealite manufactured by Idealite Co. (Eqs. 59 and 60). General prediction equations are also developed from the data obtained in the experimental program (Eqs. 61 and 62) and are compared to similar equations developed in Chapter II. Creep and Shrinkage prediction methods based on 28 day experimental data are developed in Chapter VI. The methods are verified by comparing predicted and measured values of the long-time creep and shrinkage of specimens tested at the University of Iowa (see Chapters IV and V) and elsewhere. The accuracy obtained is shown to be superior to other similar methods available to the design engineer.
General equations are presented for predicting loss of prestress and camber of both composite and non- composite prestressed concrete structures. Continuous time functins of all parameters needed to solve the equations are given, and sample results included. Computed prestress loss and camber are compared with experimental data for normal weight and lightweight concrete. Methods are also presented for predicting the effect of non-prestressed tension steel in reducing time-dependent loss of prestress and camber, and for the determination of short-time deflections of uncracked and cracked prestressed members. Comparisons with experimental results are indicated for these partially prestressed methods.
Many specifications for coarse aggregates, that are to be used in highway construction, limit the percentage of wear when tested by AASHO T-96 "Resistance to Abrasion of Coarse Aggregate by use of the Los Angeles Machine". This test consists of placing a 5000 gram sample of the aggregate in a "hollow steel cylinder, closed at both ends, having an inside diameter of 28 inches and an inside length of 20 inches. The cylinder - - - shall be mounted in such a manner that it may be rotated with the axis in a horizontal position. - A removable steel shelf, projecting radially 3-1/2 inches into the cylinder and extending its full length, shall be mounted along one element of the interior surface of the cylinder."
This manual provides a set of procedural rules and regulations for use in functionally classifying all roads and streets in Iowa according to the character of service they are intended to provide. Functional classification is a requirement of House File 394 (Functional Highway Classification Bill) enacted by the 63rd General Assembly of the Iowa Legislature. Functional classification is defined in this Bill as: "The grouping of roads and streets into systems according to the character of service they will be expected to provide, and the assignment of jurisdiction over each class to the governmental unit having primary interest in each type of service."
Joint Publications from Iowa Engineering Experiment Station - Bulletin No. 190 and Iowa Highway Research Board - Bulletin No. 19. This bulletin is a report on the development of bituminous paving mixtures containing various local materials and asphaltic binders. The laboratory investigations described in this bulletin were performed as part of Iowa Highway Research Board project HR-20, "Treating Loess, Fine Sands, and Limestone Dusts With Liquid Binders." This project was awarded to the Iowa Engineering Experiment Station of Iowa State University in 1952, and continued to June, 1958.