916 resultados para nodo trave colonna, Midas FEA
The effect of isothermal aging on the harmonic vibration durability of Sn3.0Ag0.5Cu solder interconnects is examined. Printed wiring assemblies with daisy-chained leadless chip resistors (LCRs) are aged at 125°C for 0, 100, and 500 hours. These assemblies are instrumented with accelerometers and strain gages to maintain the same harmonic vibration profile in-test, and to characterize PWB behavior. The tested assemblies are excited at their first natural frequencies until LCRs show a resistance increase of 20%. Dynamic finite element models are employed to generate strain transfer functions, which relate board strain levels observed in-test to respective solder strain levels. The transfer functions are based on locally averaged values of strains in critical regions of the solder and in appropriate regions of the PWB. The vibration test data and the solder strains from FEA are used to estimate lower-bound material fatigue curves for SAC305 solder materials, as a function of isothermal pre-aging.
Theoretical ecology predicts that heterogeneous habitats allow more species to co-exist in a given area. In the deep sea, biodiversity is positively linked with ecosystem functioning, suggesting that deep-seabed heterogeneity could influence ecosystem functions and the relationships between biodiversity and ecosystem functioning (BEF). To shed light on the BEF relationships in a heterogeneous deep seabed, we investigated variations in meiofaunal biodiversity, biomass and ecosystem efficiency within and among different seabed morphologies (e.g., furrows, erosional troughs, sediment waves and other depositional structures, landslide scars and deposits) in a narrow geo-morphologically articulated sector of the Adriatic Sea. We show that distinct seafloor morphologies are characterized by highly diverse nematode assemblages, whereas areas sharing similar seabed morphologies host similar nematode assemblages. BEF relationships are consistently positive across the entire region, but different seabed morphologies are characterised by different slope coefficients of the relationship. Our results suggest that seafloor heterogeneity, allowing diversified assemblages across different habitats, increases diversity and influence ecosystem processes at the regional scale, and BEF relationships at smaller spatial scales. We conclude that high-resolution seabed mapping and a detailed analysis of the species distribution at the habitat scale are crucial for improving management of goods and services delivered by deep-sea ecosystems.
El modelo de investigación y pronóstico climático (WRF) es un sistema completamente funcional de modelado que permite realizar investigación atmosférica y predicción meteorológica. WRF fue desarrollado con énfasis en la eficiencia, portabilidad, facilidad de mantenimiento, escalabilidad y productividad, lo que ha permitido que sea implementado con éxito en una amplia variedad de equipos HPC. Por esta razón, el tamaño de los problemas a los que WRF da soporte ha incrementado, por lo que el entendimiento de la dependencia del WRF con los diversos elementos de clúster, como la CPU, interconexiones y librerías, son cruciales para permitir predicciones eficientes y de alta productividad. En este contexto, el presente manuscrito estudia la escalabilidad de WRF en un equipo HPC, tomando en consideración tres parámetros: número de CPUs y nodos, comunicaciones y librerías. Para esto, dos benchmarks son llevados a cabo sobre un clúster de alto rendimiento dotado de una red GigaEthernet, los cuales permiten establecer la relación entre escalabilidad y los tres parámetros estudiados, y particularmente demuestran la sensibilidad del WRF a la comunicación inter-nodo. Dicho factor es esencial para mantener la escalabilidad y el aumento de la productividad al añadir nodos en el clúster.
Tese (doutorado)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Ciências Humanas, Departamento de Geografia, Programa de Pós Graduação em Geografia, 2015.
Según la teoría económica el mecanismo de precios es una herramienta adecuada para solucionar el problema de congestión vehicular. El objetivo de este artículo es diagnosticar el grado de congestión vehicular de la ciudad de Medellín (Colombia) y proponer alternativas que den solución a dicho problema desde la óptica de la teoría económica. A diferencia de otros estudios, esta investigación analizó la relación entre el gasto de las familias en transporte y la elección de transporte (público o privado) a través la metodología de elasticidades. Se encontró evidencia a favor de la hipótesis de los precios como mecanismos para desincentivar el uso del automóvil privado, pues a medida que aumenta el nivel de gasto en transporte (asociado a un supuesto peaje urbano), la probabilidad de usar transporte privado disminuye, mientras que la probabilidad de utilizar transporte público aumenta.
Polymetallic nodule mining at abyssal depths in the Clarion Clipperton Fracture Zone (Eastern Central Pacific) will impact one of the most remote and least known environments on Earth. Since vast areas are being targeted by concession holders for future mining, large-scale effects of these activities are expected. Hence, insight into the fauna associated with nodules is crucial to support effective environmental management. In this study video surveys were used to compare the epifauna from sites with contrasting nodule coverage in four license areas. Results showed that epifaunal densities are more than two times higher at dense nodule coverage (>25 versus ≤10 individuals per 100 m2), and that taxa such as alcyonacean and antipatharian corals are virtually absent from nodule-free areas. Furthermore, surveys conducted along tracks from trawling or experimental mining simulations up to 37 years old, suggest that the removal of epifauna is almost complete and that its full recovery is slow. By highlighting the importance of nodules for the epifaunal biodiversity of this abyssal area, we urge for cautious consideration of the criteria for determining future preservation zones.
This thesis work deals with a mathematical description of flow in polymeric pipe and in a specific peristaltic pump. This study involves fluid-structure interaction analysis in presence of complex-turbulent flows treated in an arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian (ALE) framework. The flow simulations are performed in COMSOL 4.4, as 2D axial symmetric model, and ABAQUS 6.14.1, as 3D model with symmetric boundary conditions. In COMSOL, the fluid and structure problems are coupled by monolithic algorithm, while ABAQUS code links ABAQUS CFD and ABAQUS Standard solvers with single block-iterative partitioned algorithm. For the turbulent features of the flow, the fluid model in both codes is described by RNG k-ϵ. The structural model is described, on the basis of the pipe material, by Elastic models or Hyperelastic Neo-Hookean models with Rayleigh damping properties. In order to describe the pulsatile fluid flow after the pumping process, the available data are often defective for the fluid problem. Engineering measurements are normally able to provide average pressure or velocity at a cross-section. This problem has been analyzed by McDonald's and Womersley's work for average pressure at fixed cross section by Fourier analysis since '50, while nowadays sophisticated techniques including Finite Elements and Finite Volumes exist to study the flow. Finally, we set up peristaltic pipe simulations in ABAQUS code, by using the same model previously tested for the fl uid and the structure.
Póster presentado en el XIV Congreso Nacional de Materiales (CNMAT) en Gijón (España), del 8 al 10 de Junio de 2016
Póster presentado en el XIV Congreso Nacional de Materiales (CNMAT) en Gijón (España), del 8 al 10 de Junio de 2016
168 p.
FEA simulation of thermal metal cutting is central to interactive design and manufacturing. It is therefore relevant to assess the applicability of FEA open software to simulate 2D heat transfer in metal sheet laser cuts. Application of open source code (e.g. FreeFem++, FEniCS, MOOSE) makes possible additional scenarios (e.g. parallel, CUDA, etc.), with lower costs. However, a precise assessment is required on the scenarios in which open software can be a sound alternative to a commercial one. This article contributes in this regard, by presenting a comparison of the aforementioned freeware FEM software for the simulation of heat transfer in thin (i.e. 2D) sheets, subject to a gliding laser point source. We use the commercial ABAQUS software as the reference to compare such open software. A convective linear thin sheet heat transfer model, with and without material removal is used. This article does not intend a full design of computer experiments. Our partial assessment shows that the thin sheet approximation turns to be adequate in terms of the relative error for linear alumina sheets. Under mesh resolutions better than 10e−5 m , the open and reference software temperature differ in at most 1 % of the temperature prediction. Ongoing work includes adaptive re-meshing, nonlinearities, sheet stress analysis and Mach (also called ‘relativistic’) effects.
Una de las modalidades comunicativas presentes en nuestra sociedad altamente tecnificada es el lenguaje publicitario, con el que diariamente nos topamos a través de sus múltiples mensajes. Para lograr esa aceptación, los autores de los mensajes publicitarios se sirven de una herramienta tan antigua como eficaz como es la persuasión, aunque con ello se refuercen los estereotipos de género. Si tenemos en cuenta que en la mayoría de los mensajes publicitarios aparecen personajes de ambos géneros, debemos considerar que estas figuras se configuran como modelos, aunque sea en el ámbito simbólico, de lo que es la masculinidad y la feminidad, aspecto que adquiere capital importancia por los valores que transmiten al sector social más proclive a ser persuadido por estos mensajes al carecer de instrumentos conceptuales adecuados para descodificarlos y ser, por tanto, críticos ante los mismos.La presente comunicación analiza las atribuciones y valores que jóvenes universitarios realizan sobre las representaciones de la mujer y el hombre en una selección de anuncios publicitarios gráficos.
We presented a model that estimates the bioconcentration factor (BCF) of pesticides in potatoes supposing that the pesticide in the soil solution is absorbed by the potato by passive diffusion, following Fick?s second law. The pesticides in the model are nonionic organic substances, traditionally used in potato crops that degrade in the soil according to a first order kinetic equation. This presents an expression that relates BCF with the pesticide elimination rate by the potato, with the pesticide accumulation rate within the potato, with the rate of growth of the potato and with the pesticide degradation rate in the soil. BCF was estimated supposing steady state equilibrium of the quotient between the pesticide concentration in the potato and the pesticide concentration in the soil solution. It is suggested that a negative correlation exists between the pesticide BCF and the soil sorption partition coefficient. The model was built based on the work of Trapp et al. (2007), [Diffusion of PAH in Potato and Carrot Slices and Applications for a Potato Model] in which an expression to calculate the diffusivity of persistent organic substances in potatoes is presented. The model consists in adding to the expression of Trapp et al. (2007) the hypothesis that the pesticide degrades in the soil. The value of BCF suggests which pesticides should be monitored in potatoes.
Neste artigo, pretende-se desenvolver uma versão desagregada da abordagem pós-Keynesiana para o crescimento econômico, mostrando que de fato esse modelo pode ser tratado como um caso particular do modelo Pasinettiano de mudança estrutural e crescimento econômico. Utilizando-se o conceito de integração vertical, torna-se possível conduzir a análise iniciada por Kaldor (1956) e Robinson (1956, 1962), e seguido por Dutt (1984), Rowthorn (1982) e, posteriormente, Bhaduri e Marglin (1990) em um modelo multi-sectorial em que há aumentos da demanda e produtividade em ritmos diferentes em cada setor. Ao adotar essa abordagem, é possível mostrar que a dinâmica de mudança estrutural está condicionada não apenas aos padrões de demanda de evolução das preferências e da difusão do progresso tecnológico, mas também com as características distributivas da economia, que podem dar origem a diferentes regimes setoriais de crescimento econômico. Além disso, é possível determinar a taxa natural de lucro que faz com que a taxa de mark-up seja constante ao longo do tempo. _________________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACT
Neste artigo os modelos de crescimento e alocação de investimento a la Feldman-Mahalanobis são estendidos para considerar a análise de decisões de alocação de investimento no contexto do modelo de crescimento pós-Keynesiano. Ao adotar essa abordagem é possível introduzir características distributivas no modelo de Feldman-Mahalanobis que nos permitem determinar a taxa de alocação de investimentos de acordo com as decisões de equilíbrio entre investimento e poupança. Finalmente, uma condição adicional é adicionada ao modelo de crescimento pós-keynesiano, a fim de caracterizar plenamente o caminho de equilíbrio em uma versão estendida deste, onde bens de capital também são necessários para produzir bens de capital. _________________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACT