990 resultados para native populations
The pumpkinseed Lepomis gibbosus, an omnivorous, nest guarding North American sunfish, was introduced into European waters about 100 years ago. To assess growth performance following introduction, we reviewed the available data for North American and European populations of pumpkinseed and compared the back-calculated age-specific growth for juveniles (standard length, SL, at age two) and adults (age two to five increment) as well as adult body size (SL at age five), von Bertalanffy growth model parameters and the index of growth (in length) performance (φ′). For continental comparisons of growth trajectory, mean growth curves for North American and Europe were calculated with the von Bertalanffy model using pooled data sets for each continent. Juvenile growth rate did not differ between European and North American pumpkinseed, but mean adult body size and adult growth rate were both significantly greater in North American than European populations. Adult body size decreased with increasing latitude (ANOVA) in North American populations, but this was not observed with adult growth rate. In contrast, adult body size tended to increase with latitude in European populations. Adult body size correlated significantly with φ′. The von Bertalanffy model described the overall growth patterns of North American and European populations reasonably well, but on the individual population level, length asymptotes were unrealistic (estimates that were > 20 % of the mean back-calculated size for the oldest age class) for a third of European populations and 80% of the North American populations. In contrast to North American pumpkinseed populations, somatic growth in European populations appears to be compromised by limited, but adequate, food resources, probably due to strong intraspecific interactions. This appears to be especially acute in adults, having potential ramifications for life span and reproductive allocation
We examined the genetic population structure of the european hake (Merluccius merluccius) using electrophoretically detectable population markers in 35 protein loci. Samples were collected from 7 locations in the Atlantic Ocean and Mediterranean Sea. Six loci were polymorphic using the 0.05 criterion of polymorphism. Sample heterozigosities ranged from 0.052 to 0.072 and averaged 0.0625. In this study, significant allele frequency differences were detected between Atlantic and Mediterranean populations in three polymorphic loci: GAPDH-1*, GPI-2* and SOD-1*. Two major genetic groups were considered: a North-Atlantic stock and the Mediterranean stock. The Nei genetic distance, D, (based on 33 loci) between samples from these two groups ranged from 0.002 to 0.006. Genetic differenciation between these areas appears to reflect the barrier effect of Strait of Gibraltar. On average over loci, 96.92 % of the total gene diversity was contained within samples, 0.23 % expressed differences among locations within areas, and 2.64 % differences between regions. A review of morphological variation together with the genetic data presented here suggest that the populations of hake from these areas are subdivided into two different stocks: the North-Atlantic stock and the Mediterranean stock. The most conservative approach to the management of these stocks is to consider the Atlantic and Mediterranean stocks independently from oneanother
In many species with internal fertilization, molecules transferred in the male ejaculate trigger and interact with physiological changes in females. It is controversial to what extent these interactions between the sexes act synergistically to mediate the female switch to a reproductive state or instead reflect sexual antagonism evolved as a by product of sexual selection on males. To address this question, we eliminated sexual selection by enforcing monogamy in populations of Drosophila melanogaster for 65 generations and then measured the expression of male seminal fluid protein genes and genes involved in the female response to mating. In the absence of sperm competition, male and female reproductive interests are perfectly aligned and any antagonism should be reduced by natural selection. Consistent with this idea, males from monogamous populations showed reduced expression of seminal fluid protein genes, 16% less on average than in polygamous males. Further, we identified 428 genes that responded to mating in females. After mating, females with an evolutionary history of monogamy exhibited lower relative expression of genes that were up regulated in response to mating and higher expression of genes that were down-regulated - in other words, their post-mating transcriptome appeared more virgin-like. Surprisingly, these genes showed a similar pattern even before mating, suggesting that monogamous females evolved to be less poised for mating and the accompanying receipt of male seminal fluid proteins. This reduced investment by both monogamous males and females in molecules involved in post-copulatory interactions points to a pervasive role of sexual conflict in shaping these interactions.
OBJECTIVE: To identify and quantify sources of variability in scores on the speech, spatial, and qualities of hearing scale (SSQ) and its short forms among normal-hearing and hearing-impaired subjects using a French-language version of the SSQ. DESIGN: Multi-regression analyses of SSQ scores were performed using age, gender, years of education, hearing loss, and hearing-loss asymmetry as predictors. Similar analyses were performed for each subscale (Speech, Spatial, and Qualities), for several SSQ short forms, and for differences in subscale scores. STUDY SAMPLE: One hundred normal-hearing subjects (NHS) and 230 hearing-impaired subjects (HIS). RESULTS: Hearing loss in the better ear and hearing-loss asymmetry were the two main predictors of scores on the overall SSQ, the three main subscales, and the SSQ short forms. The greatest difference between the NHS and HIS was observed for the Speech subscale, and the NHS showed scores well below the maximum of 10. An age effect was observed mostly on the Speech subscale items, and the number of years of education had a significant influence on several Spatial and Qualities subscale items. CONCLUSION: Strong similarities between SSQ scores obtained across different populations and languages, and between SSQ and short forms, underline their potential international use.
One of the main findings derived from the analysis of the Neandertal genome was the evidence for admixture between Neandertals and non-African modern humans. An alternative scenario is that the ancestral population of non-Africans was closer to Neandertals than to Africans because of ancient population substructure. Thus, the study of North African populations is crucial for testing both hypotheses. We analyzed a total of 780,000 SNPs in 125 individuals representing seven different North African locations and searched for their ancestral/derived state in comparison to different human populations and Neandertals. We found that North African populations have a significant excess of derived alleles shared with Neandertals, when compared to sub-Saharan Africans. This excess is similar to that found in non-African humans, a fact that can be interpreted as a sign of Neandertal admixture. Furthermore, the Neandertal's genetic signal is higher in populations with a local, pre-Neolithic North African ancestry. Therefore, the detected ancient admixture is not due to recent Near Eastern or European migrations. Sub-Saharan populations are the only ones not affected by the admixture event with Neandertals.
Postmating but prezygotic (PMPZ) interactions are increasingly recognized as a potentially important early-stage barrier in the evolution of reproductive isolation. A recent study described a potential example between populations of the same species: single matings between Drosophila montana populations resulted in differential fertilisation success because of the inability of sperm from one population (Vancouver) to penetrate the eggs of the other population (Colorado). As the natural mating system of D. montana is polyandrous (females remate rapidly), we set up double matings of all possible crosses between the same populations to test whether competitive effects between ejaculates influence this PMPZ isolation. We measured premating isolation in no-choice tests, female fecundity, fertility and egg-to-adult viability after single and double matings as well as second-male paternity success (P-2). Surprisingly, we found no PMPZ reproductive isolation between the two populations under a competitive setting, indicating no difficulty of sperm from Vancouver males to fertilize Colorado eggs after double matings. While there were subtle differences in how P-2 changed over time, suggesting that Vancouver males' sperm are somewhat less competitive in a first-male role within Colorado females, these effects did not translate into differences in overall P-2. Fertilisation success can thus differ dramatically between competitive and noncompetitive conditions, perhaps because the males that mate second produce higher quality ejaculates in response to sperm competition. We suggest that unlike in more divergent species comparisons, where sperm competition typically increases reproductive isolation, ejaculate tailoring can reduce the potential for PMPZ isolation when recently diverged populations interbreed.
Chez les patients cancéreux, les cellules malignes sont souvent reconnues et détruites par les cellules T cytotoxiques du patient. C'est pourquoi, depuis plusieurs années, des recherches visent à produire des vaccins sensibilisant les cellules de l'immunité adaptative, afin de prévenir certains cancers. Bien que les vaccins ciblant les cellules T CD8+ (cytotoxiques) ont une efficacité in-vitro élevée, un vaccin pouvant cibler les cellules T CD8+ et CD4+ aurait une plus grande efficacité (1-3). En effet, les cellules T helper (CD4+) favorisent la production et la maintenance des cellules T CD8+ mémoires à longue durée de vie. Il existe un grand nombre de sous-types de cellules T CD4+ et leur action envers les cellules cancéreuses est différente. Par exemple, les lymphocytes Treg ont une activité pro-tumorale importante (4) et les lymphocytes Th1 ont une activité anti-tumorale (5). Cependant, le taux naturel des différents sous-types de cellules T CD4+ spécifiques aux antigènes tumoraux est variable. De plus, une certaine flexibilité des différents sous-types de cellules T CD4+ a été récemment démontrée (6). Celle-ci pourrait être ciblée par des protocoles de vaccination avec des antigènes tumoraux administrés conjointement à des adjuvants définis. Pour cela, il faut approfondir les connaissances sur le rôle des cellules T CD4+ spécifiques aux antigènes dans l'immunité anti-tumorale et connaître précisément la proportion des sous-types de cellules T CD4+ activées avant et après la vaccination. L'analyse des cellules T, par la cytométrie de flux, est très souvent limité par le besoin d'un nombre très élevé de cellules pour l'analyse de l'expression protéique. Or dans l'analyse des cellules T CD4+ spécifiques aux antigènes tumoraux cette technique n'est souvent pas applicable, car ces cellules sont présentes en très faible quantité dans le sang et dans les tissus tumoraux. C'est pourquoi, une approche basée sur l'analyse de la cellule T individuelle a été mise en place afin d'étudier l'expression du profil génétique des cellules T CD8+ et CD4+. (7,8) Méthode : Ce nouveau protocole (« single cell ») a été élaboré à partir d'une modification du protocole PCR-RT, qui permet la détection spécifique de l'ADN complémentaire (ADNc) après la transcription globale de l'ARN messager (ARNm) exprimé par une cellule T individuelle. Dans ce travail, nous optimisons cette nouvelle technique d'analyse pour les cellules T CD4+, en sélectionnant les meilleures amorces. Tout d'abord, des clones à profils fonctionnels connus sont générés par cytométrie de flux à partir de cellules T CD4+ d'un donneur sain. Pour cette étape d'optimisation des amorces, la spécificité des cellules T CD4+ n'est pas prise en considération. Il est, donc, possible d'étudier et de trier ces clones par cytométrie de flux. Ensuite, grâce au protocole « single cell », nous testons par PCR les amorces des différents facteurs spécifiques de chaque sous-type des T CD4+ sur des aliquotes issus d'une cellule provenant des clones générés. Nous sélectionnons les amorces dont la sensibilité, la spécificité ainsi que les valeurs prédictives positives et négatives des tests sont les meilleures. (9) Conclusion : Durant ce travail nous avons généré de l'ADNc de cellules T individuelles et sélectionné douze paires d'amorces pour l'identification des sous-types de cellules T CD4+ par la technique d'analyse PCR « single cell ». Les facteurs spécifiques aux cellules Th2 : IL-4, IL-5, IL-13, CRTh2, GATA3 ; les facteurs spécifiques aux cellules Th1 : TNFα, IL-2 ; les facteurs spécifiques aux cellules Treg : FOXP3, IL-2RA ; les facteurs spécifiques aux cellules Th17 : RORC, CCR6 et un facteur spécifique aux cellules naïves : CCR7. Ces amorces peuvent être utilisées dans le futur en combinaison avec des cellules antigènes-spécifiques triées par marquage des multimères pMHCII. Cette méthode permettra de comprendre le rôle ainsi que l'amplitude et la diversité fonctionnelle de la réponse de la cellule T CD4+ antigène-spécifique dans les cancers et dans d'autres maladies. Cela afin d'affiner les recherches en immunothérapie oncologique. (8)
The profound crisis that has affected the Spanish economy since mid - 2008 has been characterized by significant job losses and a marked rise in the country´s unemployment rate. However, unemployment has had a differential impact on different population groups. Compared to native, immigrant workers have experienced higher rates of job loss. Against this backdrop, this paper examines the differences between immigrants and natives (distinguished by gender) in terms of their probability of suffering job loss in the downturn of late 2008 and 2009. Our results indicate that the higher rate of job loss among female immigrant workers can be fully explained by their lower endowment of human capital. By contrast, human capital endowment and over-representation in certain occupations, sectors and regions in which the crisis had greatest impact do not appear to be the only reason for the penalty suffered by immigrant males in terms of their chances of losing their job in the downturn.
CONTEXT: Compensatory increases in FGF23 with increasing phosphate intake may adversely impact health. However, population and clinical studies examining the link between phosphate intake and FGF23 levels have focused mainly on populations living in highly industrialized societies in which phosphate exposure may be homogenous. OBJECTIVE: Contrast dietary phosphate intake, urinary measures of phosphate excretion and FGF23 levels across populations that differ by level of industrialization. DESIGN: Cross-sectional analysis of three populations Setting: Maywood, IL, U.S., Mah|fe Island, Seychelles, and Kumasi, Ghana Participants: Adults with African ancestry aged 25-45 years Main Outcome: Fibroblast growth factor 23 (FGF23) levels Results: The mean age was 35.1 (6.3) years and 47.9% were male. Mean phosphate intake and fractional excretion of phosphate were significantly higher in the U.S. vs. Ghana while no significant difference in phosphate intake or fractional excretion of phosphate was noted between U.S. and Seychelles for men or women. Overall, median FGF23 values were 57.41 RU/ml (IQR 43.42, 75.09) in U.S., 42.49 RU/ml (IQR 33.06, 55.39) in Seychelles and 33.32 RU/ml (IQR 24.83, 47.36) in Ghana. In the pooled sample, FGF23 levels were significantly and positively correlated with dietary phosphate intake (r=0.11; P < 0.001), and the fractional excretion of phosphate (r=0.13; P < 0.001) but not with plasma phosphate levels (-0.001; P = 0.8). Dietary phosphate intake was significantly and positively associated with the fractional excretion of phosphate (r=0.23; P < 0.001). CONCLUSION: The distribution of FGF23 levels in a given population may be influenced by the level of industrialization, likely due to differences in access to foods preserved with phosphate additives.
Instructor and student beliefs, attitudes and intentions toward contributing to local open courseware (OCW) sites have been investigated through campus-wide surveys at Universidad Politecnica de Valencia and the University of Michigan. In addition, at the University of Michigan, faculty have been queried about their participation in open access (OA) publishing. We compare the instructor and student data concerning OCW between the two institutions, and introduce the investigation of open access publishing in relation to open courseware publishing.
Data about breeding populations of birds in the Antarctica are rare and fragmented. Thus, information about the status of the breeding populations of Antarctic birds is crucial given the current scenario of climate change, which is particularly acute in Antarctica. This paper presents new information about the populations of the Antarctic tern Sterna vittata, the kelp gull Larus dominicanus, the southern giant petrel Macronectes giganteus, the Antarctic skua Catharacta antarctica lonnbergi, the chinstrap penguin Pygoscelis antarctica and the gentoo penguin Pygoscelis papua on Byers Peninsula (Livingston Island, South Shetland Islands). We used line transects counts to estimate both densities and numbers of nests of the different species. We estimate that there are 398.96 birds km-2 of southern giant petrels (2793 individuals), 62.4 birds km-2 of Antarctic tern (3746 individuals) and 269.1 birds km-2 of kelp gull (1884 individuals). Furthermore, we found 15 nests of Antarctic skua in 25 km2, from which we can estimate that 6091 birds must breed on Byers Peninsula. We also censused two colonies of gentoo penguins (3000 and 1200 pairs) and 50 pairs of chinstrap. Compared to previous estimates, gentoo penguins seem to have increased whereas chinstrap penguin have decreased. Finally, the populations of Antarctic tern, southern giant petrel and kelp gull have stabilized or slightly increased.