975 resultados para n (2 aminophenyl) 4 (3 pyridinylmethoxycarbonylaminomethyl)benzamide


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Objectives were to evaluate the role of canonical WNT signaling in development of the preimplantation embryo. Signaling was activated with 2-Amino-4-(3,4-(methylenedioxy)benzylamino)-6-(3-methoxyphenyl)pyrimidine (AMBMP) and inhibited with Dickkopf-related protein 1 (DKK1). Treatment of bovine embryos with AMBMP at day 5 after insemination decreased development to the blastocyst stage at day 7 and reduced numbers of trophectoderm and inner cell mass cells. At high concentrations, AMBMP caused disorganization of the inner cell mass. DKK1 blocked actions of AMBMP but did not affect development in the absence of AMBMP. Examination of gene expression in day 6 morulae by microarray revealed expression of 16 WNT genes and other genes involved in WNT signaling; differences in relative expression were confirmed by PCR for 7 genes. In conclusion, the preimplantation embryo possesses a functional WNT signaling system and activation of the canonical pathway can inhibit embryonic development.


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Pós-graduação em Biotecnologia - IQ


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Esta pesquisa objetivou desenvolver um modelo estatístico de previsão de vazão para Marabá - PA, bem como avaliar a estrutura dinâmica atmosférica associada aos extremos do regime hidrológico da bacia do rio Tocantins. O modelo hidrológico de regressão linear múltipla utilizou as séries de observações fluviométricas e pluviométricas obtidas no banco de dados da ANA. Os testes de validação do modelo estatístico com coeficiente de Nash acima de 0,9 e erro padrão de 1,5 % e 5% nos períodos de cheia e estiagem, respectivamente, permitem que as previsões de vazão em Marabá possam ser geradas com antecedência de 2 a 4 (3 a 5) dias para o período da cheia (estiagem). Através da técnica de composições considerando todos os anos com registro de vazão acima/muito acima e abaixo/muito abaixo do normal, obtidos pela metodologia dos percentis, investigaram-se as características regionais da precipitação e a estrutura dinâmica atmosférica em cada mês (Novembro a Abril). As composições dos anos com vazão acima/muito acima mostraram que a precipitação sobre a bacia foi acima do normal em todos os meses, sendo que os padrões de grande escala indicaram a configuração associada ao fenômeno La Niña no Pacífico e condições de resfriamento no Atlântico Sul; intensificação tanto do ramo ascendente zonal da célula de Walker como do ramo ascendente meridional da célula de Hadley; intensificação da Alta da Bolívia posicionada mais a leste e anomalias negativas de ROL associadas à atuação conjunta da ZCAS e ZCIT. Inversamente, as composições dos anos com vazão abaixo/muito abaixo evidenciaram a predominância de precipitação abaixo do normal em toda bacia hidrográfica, a qual se associou com as condições de aquecimento (El Niño) sobre o Pacífico, Atlântico sul aquecido, célula de Walker e Hadley com enfraquecimento dos movimentos ascendentes, posicionamento da Alta da Bolívia mais a oeste com anomalias positivas de ROL indicando inibição da atividade convectiva tropical. Adicionalmente, uma análise quantitativa dos impactos sócio-econômicos sobre os principais núcleos da cidade de Marabá revelou que aproximadamente 10 mil pessoas (5% da população) são atingidas pela cheia do rio Tocantins com custos nas operações de enchente acima de R$ 500.000,00, considerando o caso de 2005.


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This work reports on the infrared-to-visible CW frequency upconversion from planar waveguides based on Er3+-Yb3+-doped 100-xSiO(2)-xTa(2)O(5) obtained by a sol-gel process and deposited onto a SiO2-Si substrate by dip-coating. Surface morphology and optical parameters of the planar waveguides were analyzed by atomic force microscopy and the m-line technique. The influence of the composition on the electronic properties of the glass-ceramic films was followed by the band gap ranging from 4.35 to 4.51 eV upon modification of the Ta2O5 content. Intense green and red emissions were detected from the upconversion process for all the samples after excitation at 980 nm. The relative intensities of the emission bands around 550 nm and 665 nm, assigned to the H-2(11/2) -> I-4(15/2), S-4(3/2) -> I-4(15/2), and F-4(9/2) -> I-4(15/2) transitions, depended on the tantalum oxide content and the power of the laser source at 980 nm. The upconversion dynamics were investigated as a function of the Ta2O5 content and the number of photons involved in each emission process. Based on the upconversion emission spectra and 1931CIE chromaticity diagram, it is shown that color can be tailored by composition and pump power. The glass ceramic films are attractive materials for application in upconversion lasers and near infrared-to-visible upconverters in solar cells.


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[EN] In order to establish the potential role of Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba) in the recycling of bioactive elements, we have quantified the release of iron, phosphate, and ammonia by these organisms along the Antarctic Peninsula sector of the Southern Ocean. The experimental results suggested that the presence of krill has a significant impact on ambient iron concentrations, as large amounts of this trace element were released by the krill (22–689 nmol Fe g Dry Weight−1 h−1, equivalent to 0.2 to 4.3 nmol Fe L−1 d−1). Half of this iron release occurred within the first hour of the experiment, and differences in iron and phosphate release rates (3.1 to 14.0 μmol PO43− g DW−1 h−1) seemed to reflect differences in food availability. These results identify krill as a major node in iron cycling in the Southern Ocean, potentially influencing iron residence time in the upper water column of this region.


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Die vorliegende Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit der Synthese arenoanellierter Naphthothiete und Benzobisthiete, sowie mit der Umsetzung der aus diesen Thieten thermisch generierbaren Valenzisomeren (Thiochinonmethide). Diese Thiochinonmethide sind hochreaktive Diensysteme, die mit zahlreichen Dienophilen (homo- und hetero-Doppel- und Dreifachbindungssysteme) nach Diels-Alder abreagieren, die dabei entstehenden S-Heterocyclennnen im Sechsring noch weitere Heteroatome (N, P, O, S) enthalten. Daraus resultiert ein großes Potential der Arenothiete zur Synthese neuer Thioheterocyclen. Durch die erstmals gelungene Synthese der beiden Benzobisthiete 2H,3H-Benzo[1,2-b:4,3-b']bisthiet und 1H,4H-Benzo[2,1-b:3,4-b']bisthiet mit gewinkelter Anellierungsgeometrie hat das synthetische Spektrum der aus Arenothieten darstellbaren Thioheterocyclen nochmal eine deutliche Erweiterung erfahren.

Die Darstellung der Arenothiete erfolgt in einer mehrstufigen Synthese, in deren finalem Schritt sie mittels Blitz-Vakuum-Pyrolyse aus Arylhydroxymethylthiolen gebildet werden, dabei wird das Edukt mittels molekularer Strömung in den "Reaktor" eingebracht. Da die Arylhydroxymethylthiole in der Regel nur eine sehr geringe Flüchtigkeit haben, waren die Arenothiete meist nur in geringen Mengen darstellbar. Daher wurde in dieser Arbeit sowohl die Synthese neuer Arenothiete (gewinkelte Benzobisthiete) als auch eine Optimierung der bisherigen Synthesemethode angestrebt; diese erfolgt bevorzugt durch Variation der Pyrolyseedukte in Richtung zu potentiell höherflüchtigen Verbindungen.

Im Rahmen dieser Versuche war die Darstellung zweier Arenothiete ausgehend von cyclischen O,S-Acetalen als alternative Pyrolysevorstufen erfolgreich.

Ein besonderes Interesse speziell an Benzobisthieten begründet sich in ihrer generellen Fähigkeit zum Aufbau von bandartigen Strukturen durch Oligo- und Poly-Diels-Alder-Reaktionen. Durch die Synthese einiger Modellverbindungen konnte ihre prinzipielle Eignung zum Aufbau von Bandstrukturen auch für die beiden Benzobisthiete belegt werden.


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Introduzione Attualmente i principali punti critici del trattamento dell’HCC avanzato sono: 1) la mancanza di predittori di risposta alla terapia con sorafenib, 2) lo sviluppo resistenze al sorafenib, 3) la mancanza di terapie di seconda linea codificate. Scopo della tesi 1) ricerca di predittori clinico-laboratoristici di risposta al sorafenib in pazienti ambulatoriali con HCC; 2) valutazione dell’impatto della sospensione temporanea-definitiva del sorafenib in un modello murino di HCC mediante tecniche ecografiche; 3) valutazione dell’efficacia della capecitabina metronomica come seconda linea dell’HCC non responsivo a sorafenib. Risultati Studio-1: 94 pazienti con HCC trattato con sorafenib: a presenza di metastasi e PVT-neoplastica non sembra inficiare l’efficacia del sorafenib. AFP basale <19 ng/ml è risultata predittrice di maggiore sopravvivenza, mentre lo sviluppo di nausea di una peggiore sopravvivenza. Studio -2: 14 topi con xenografts di HCC: gruppo-1 trattato con placebo, gruppo-2 trattato con sorafenib con interruzione temporanea del farmaco e gruppo-3 trattato con sorafenib con sospensione definitiva del sorafenib. La CEUS targettata per il VEGFR2 ha mostrato al giorno 13 valori maggiori di dTE nel gruppo-3 confermato da un aumento del VEGFR2 al Western-Blot. I tumori del gruppo-2 dopo 2 giorni di ritrattamento, hanno mostrato un aumento dell’elasticità tissutale all’elastonografia. Studio-3:19 pazienti trattati con capecitabina metronomica dopo sorafenib. Il TTP è stato di 5 mesi (95% CI 0-10), la PFS di 3,6 mesi (95% CI 2,8-4,3) ed la OS di 6,3 mesi (95% CI 4-8,6). Conclusioni Lo sviluppo di nausea ed astenia ed AFP basale >19, sono risultati predittivi di una minore risposta al sorafenib. La sospensione temporanea del sorafenib in un modello murino di HCC non impedisce il ripristino della risposta tumorale, mentre una interruzione definitiva tende a stimolare un “effetto rebound” dell’angiogenesi. La capecitabina metronomica dopo sorafenib ha mostrato una discreta attività anti-neoplastica ed una sicurezza accettabile.


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Excess adiposity is associated with increased risks of developing adult malignancies. To inform public health policy and guide further research, the incident cancer burden attributable to excess body mass index (BMI >or= 25 kg/m(2)) across 30 European countries were estimated. Population attributable risks (PARs) were calculated using European- and gender-specific risk estimates from a published meta-analysis and gender-specific mean BMI estimates from a World Health Organization Global Infobase. Country-specific numbers of new cancers were derived from Globocan2002. A ten-year lag-period between risk exposure and cancer incidence was assumed and 95% confidence intervals (CI) were estimated in Monte Carlo simulations. In 2002, there were 2,171,351 new all cancer diagnoses in the 30 countries of Europe. Estimated PARs were 2.5% (95% CI 1.5-3.6%) in men and 4.1% (2.3-5.9%) in women. These collectively corresponded to 70,288 (95% CI 40,069-100,668) new cases. Sensitivity analyses revealed estimates were most influenced by the assumed shape of the BMI distribution in the population and cancer-specific risk estimates. In a scenario analysis of a plausible contemporary (2008) population, the estimated PARs increased to 3.2% (2.1-4.3%) and 8.6% (5.6-11.5%), respectively, in men and women. Endometrial, post-menopausal breast and colorectal cancers accounted for 65% of these cancers. This analysis quantifies the burden of incident cancers attributable to excess BMI in Europe. The estimates reported here provide a baseline for future modelling, and underline the need for research into interventions to control weight in the context of endometrial, breast and colorectal cancer.


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PURPOSE: To compare the effects on heart rate (HR), on left ventricular (LV) or arterial pressures, and the general safety of a non-ionic low-osmolar contrast medium (CM) and a non-ionic iso-osmolar CM in patients undergoing cardiac angiography (CA) or peripheral intra-arterial digital subtraction angiography (IA-DSA). MATERIALS AND METHODS: Two double-blind, randomized studies were conducted in 216 patients who underwent CA (n=120) or peripheral IA-DSA (n=96). Patients referred for CA received a low-osmolar monomeric CM (iomeprol-350, n=60) or an iso-osmolar dimeric CM (iodixanol-320; n=60). HR and LV peak systolic and end-diastolic pressures were determined before and after the first injection during left and right coronary arteriography and left ventriculography. Monitoring for all types of adverse event (AE) was performed for 24 h following the procedure. t-tests were performed to compare CM for effects on HR. Patients referred for IA-DSA received iomeprol-300 (n=49) or iodixanol-320 (n=47). HR and arterial blood pressure (BP) were evaluated before and after the first 4 injections. Monitoring for AE was performed for 4 h following the procedure. Repeated-measures ANOVA was used to compare mean HR changes across the first 4 injections, whereas changes after the first injection were compared using t-tests. RESULTS: No significant differences were noted between iomeprol and iodixanol in terms of mean changes in HR during left coronary arteriography (p=0.8), right coronary arteriography (p=0.9), and left ventriculography (p=0.8). In patients undergoing IA-DSA, no differences between CM were noted for effects on mean HR after the first injection (p=0.6) or across the first 4 injections (p=0.2). No significant differences (p>0.05) were noted in terms of effects on arterial BP in either study or on LV pressures in patients undergoing CA. Non-serious AE considered possibly CM-related (primarily headache and events affecting the cardiovascular and digestive systems) were reported more frequently by patients undergoing CA and more frequently after iodixanol (14/60 [23.3%] and 2/47 [4.3%]; CA and IA-DSA, respectively) than iomeprol (10/60 [16.7%] and 1/49 [2%], respectively). CONCLUSIONS: Iomeprol and iodixanol are safe and have equally negligible effects on HR and LV pressures or arterial BP during and after selective intra-cardiac injection and peripheral IA-DSA. CLINICAL APPLICATION: Iomeprol and iodixanol are safe and equally well tolerated with regard to cardiac rhythm and clinical preference should be based on diagnostic image quality alone.


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OBJECTIVES Retrospectively, we assessed the likelihood that peri-implantitis was associated with a history of systemic disease, periodontitis, and smoking habits. METHODS Data on probing pocket depth (PPD), bleeding on probing (BOP), and radiographic bone levels were obtained from individuals with dental implants. Peri-implantitis was defined as described by Sanz & Chapple 2012. Control individuals had healthy conditions or peri-implant mucositis. Information on past history of periodontitis, systemic diseases, and on smoking habits was obtained. RESULTS One hundred and seventy-two individuals had peri-implantitis (mean age: 68.2 years, SD ± 8.7), and 98 individuals (mean age: 44.7 years, SD ± 15.9) had implant health/peri-implant mucositis. The mean difference in bone level at implants between groups was 3.5 mm (SE mean ± 0.4, 95% CI: 2.8, 4.3, P < 0.001). A history of cardiovascular disease was found in 27.3% of individuals with peri-implantitis and in 3.0% of individuals in the implant health/peri-implant mucositis group. When adjusting for age, smoking, and gender, odds ratio (OR) of having peri-implantitis and a history of cardiovascular disease was 8.7 (95% CI: 1.9, 40.3 P < 0.006), and odds ratio of having a history of periodontitis was 4.5 (95% CI 2.1, 9.7, P < 0.001). Smoking or gender did not significantly contribute to the outcome. CONCLUSIONS In relation to a diagnosis of peri-implantitis, a high likelihood of comorbidity was expressed by a history of periodontitis and a history of cardiovascular disease.


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1. Einleitung 2. Determinanten der Wahlbeteiligung 2.1 Umweltfaktoren 2.2 Genetische Faktoren 2.3 Wirkungsmechanismen 3. Forschungsdesign, Methode und Daten 3.1 Das methodische Vorgehen 3.2 Der Datensatz 3.3 Operationalisierung 4. Analyse: Persönlichkeit, Drittvariablen und Wahlteilnahme 4.1 Regressionsmodelle 4.2 Strukturgleichungsmodell 4.3 Totale Effekte der einzelnen Mechanismen auf die Wahlteilnahme 5. Schlussbetrachtungen


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Based upon high-resolution thermal-infrared Moderate-Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) satellite imagery in combination with ERA-Interim atmospheric reanalysis data, we derived long-term polynya parameters such as polynya area, thin-ice thickness distribution and ice-production rates from daily cloud-cover corrected thin-ice thickness composites. Our study is based on a thirteen year investigation period (2002-2014) for the austral winter (1 April to 30 September) in the Antarctic Southern Weddell Sea. The focus lies on coastal polynyas which are important hot spots for new-ice formation, bottom-water formation and heat/moisture release into the atmosphere. MODIS has the capability to resolve even very narrow coastal polynyas. Its major disadvantage is the sensor limitation due to cloud cover. We make use of a newly developed and adapted spatial feature reconstruction scheme to account for cloud-covered areas. We find the sea-ice areas in front of Ronne and Brunt Ice Shelf to be the most active with an annual average polynya area of 3018 ± 1298 and 3516 ± 1420 km2 as well as an accumulated volume ice production of 31 ± 13 and 31 ± 12 km**3, respectively. For the remaining four regions, estimates amount to 421 ± 294 km**2 and 4 ± 3 km**3 (Antarctic Peninsula), 1148 ± 432 km**2 and 12 ± 5 km**3 (Iceberg A23A), 901 ± 703 km**2 and 10 ± 8 km**3 (Filchner Ice Shelf) as well as 499 ± 277 km**2 and 5 ± 2 km**3 (Coats Land). Our findings are discussed in comparison to recent studies based on coupled sea-ice/ocean models and passive-microwave satellite imagery, each investigating different parts of the Southern Weddell Sea.


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The (231Pa/230Th)xs,0 records obtained from two cores from the western (MD97-2138; 1°25'S, 1424'E, 1900 m) and eastern (ODP Leg 138 Site 849, 0°11.59'N, 110°31.18'W, 3851 m) equatorial Pacific display similar variability over the last 85000 years, i.e. from isotopic stages 1 to 5a, with systematically higher values during the Holocene, isotopic stage 3 and isotopic stage 5a, and lower values, approaching the production rate ratio of the two isotopes (0.093), during the colder periods corresponding to isotopic stages 2 and 4. We have also measured the 230Th-normalized biogenic preserved and terrigenous fluxes, as well as major and trace elements concentrations, in both cores. The (231Pa/230Th)xs,0 results combined with the changes in preserved carbonate and opal fluxes at the eastern site indicate lower productivity in the eastern equatorial Pacific during glacial periods. The (231Pa/230Th)xs,0 variations in the western equatorial Pacific (WEP) also seem to be controlled by productivity (carbonate and/or opal). The generally high (231Pa/230Th)xs,0 ratios (>0.093) of the profile could be due to opal and/or MnO2 in the sinking particles. The profiles of (231Pa/230Th)xs,0 and 230Th-normalized fluxes indicate a decrease in exported carbonate, and possibly opal, during isotopic stages 2 and 4 in MD97-2138. Using 230Th-normalized flux, we also show that sediments from the two cores were strongly affected by sediment redistribution by bottom currents suggesting a control of mass accumulation rates by sediment focusing variability.