989 resultados para mutant mouse


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Nitric oxide is implicated in the pathogenesis of various neuropathologies characterized by oxidative stress. Although nitric oxide has been reported to be involved in the exacerbation of oxidative stress observed in several neuropathologies, existent data fail to provide a holistic description of how nitrergic pathobiology elicits neuronal injury. Here we provide a comprehensive description of mechanisms contributing to nitric oxide induced neuronal injury by global transcriptomic profiling. Microarray analyses were undertaken on RNA from murine primary cortical neurons treated with the nitric oxide generator DETA-NONOate (NOC-18, 0.5 mM) for 8–24 hrs. Biological pathway analysis focused upon 3672 gene probes which demonstrated at least a ±1.5-fold expression in a minimum of one out of three time-points and passed statistical analysis (one-way anova, P < 0.05). Numerous enriched processes potentially determining nitric oxide mediated neuronal injury were identified from the transcriptomic profile: cell death, developmental growth and survival, cell cycle, calcium ion homeostasis, endoplasmic reticulum stress, oxidative stress, mitochondrial homeostasis, ubiquitin-mediated proteolysis, and GSH and nitric oxide metabolism. Our detailed time-course study of nitric oxide induced neuronal injury allowed us to provide the first time a holistic description of the temporal sequence of cellular events contributing to nitrergic injury. These data form a foundation for the development of screening platforms and define targets for intervention in nitric oxide neuropathologies where nitric oxide mediated injury is causative.


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Aims/hypothesis We determined whether high-glucose-induced beta cell dysfunction is associated with oxidative stress in the DBA/2 mouse, a mouse strain susceptible to islet failure.

Materials and methods Glucose- and non-glucose-mediated insulin secretion from the islets of DBA/2 and control C57BL/6 mice was determined following a 48-h exposure to high glucose. Flux via the hexosamine biosynthesis pathway was assessed by determining O-glycosylated protein levels. Oxidative stress was determined by measuring hydrogen peroxide levels and the expression of anti-oxidant enzymes.

Results Exposure to high glucose levels impaired glucose-stimulated insulin secretion in DBA/2 islets but not C57BL/6 islets, and this was associated with reduced islet insulin content and lower ATP levels than in C57BL/6 islets. Exposure of islets to glucosamine for 48 h mimicked the effects of high glucose on insulin secretion in the DBA/2 islets. High glucose exposure elevated O-glycosylated proteins; however, this occurred in islets from both strains, excluding a role for O-glycosylation in the impairment of DBA/2 insulin secretion. Additionally, both glucosamine and high glucose caused an increase in hydrogen peroxide in DBA/2 islets but not in C57BL/6 islets, an effect prevented by the antioxidant N-acetyl-l-cysteine. Interestingly, while glutathione peroxidase and catalase expression was comparable between the two strains, the antioxidant enzyme manganese superoxide dismutase, which converts superoxide to hydrogen peroxide, was increased in DBA/2 islets, possibly explaining the increase in hydrogen peroxide levels.

Conclusions/interpretation Chronic high glucose culture caused an impairment in glucose-stimulated insulin secretion in DBA/2 islets, which have a genetic predisposition to failure, and this may be the result of oxidative stress.


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Aims/hypothesis Insulin hypersecretion may be an independent predictor of progression to type 2 diabetes. Identifying genes affecting insulin hypersecretion are important in understanding disease progression. We have previously shown that diabetes-susceptible DBA/2 mice congenitally display high insulin secretion. We studied this model to map and identify the gene(s) responsible for this trait.

Methods Intravenous glucose tolerance tests followed by a genome-wide scan were performed on 171 (C57BL/6 × DBA/2) × C57BL/6 backcross mice.

Results A quantitative trait locus, designated hyperinsulin production-1 (Hip1), was mapped with a logarithm of odds score of 7.7 to a region on chromosome 13. Production of congenic mice confirmed that Hip1 influenced the insulin hypersecretion trait. By studying appropriate recombinant inbred mouse strains, the Hip1 locus was further localised to a 2 Mb interval, which contained only nine genes. Expression analysis showed that the only gene differentially expressed in islets isolated from the parental strains was Nnt, which encodes the mitochondrial proton pump, nicotinamide nucleotide transhydrogenase (NNT). We also found in five mouse strains a positive correlation (r 2  = 0.90, p < 0.01) between NNT activity and first-phase insulin secretion, emphasising the importance of this enzyme in beta cell function. Furthermore, of these five strains, only those with high NNT activity are known to exhibit severe diabetes after becoming obese.

Conclusions/interpretation Insulin hypersecretion is associated with increased Nnt expression. We suggest that NNT must play an important role in beta cell function and that its effect on the high insulin secretory capacity of the DBA/2 mouse may predispose beta cells of these mice to failure.


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Aims/hypothesis Islet transplantation is a potential cure for diabetes; however, rates of graft failure remain high. The aim of the present study was to determine whether amyloid deposition is associated with reduced beta cell volume in islet grafts and the recurrence of hyperglycaemia following islet transplantation.

Methods We transplanted a streptozotocin-induced mouse model of diabetes with 100 islets from human IAPP (which encodes islet amyloid polypeptide) transgenic mice that have the propensity to form islet amyloid (n = 8–12) or from non-transgenic mice that do not develop amyloid (n = 6–10) in sets of studies that lasted 1 or 6 weeks.

Results Plasma glucose levels before and for 1 week after transplantation were similar in mice that received transgenic or non-transgenic islets, and at that time amyloid was detected in all transgenic grafts and, as expected, in none of the non-transgenic grafts. However, over the 6 weeks following transplantation, plasma glucose levels increased in transgenic but remained stable in non-transgenic islet graft recipients (p < 0.05). At 6 weeks, amyloid was present in 92% of the transgenic grafts and in none of the non-transgenic grafts. Beta cell volume was reduced by 30% (p < 0.05), beta cell apoptosis was twofold higher (p < 0.05), and beta cell replication was reduced by 50% (p < 0.001) in transgenic vs non-transgenic grafts. In summary, amyloid deposition in islet grafts occurs prior to the recurrence of hyperglycaemia and its accumulation over time is associated with beta cell loss.

Conclusions/interpretation Islet amyloid formation may explain, in part, the non-immune loss of beta cells and recurrence of hyperglycaemia following clinical islet transplantation.


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Aims/hypothesis Supraphysiological levels of the amyloidogenic peptide human islet amyloid polypeptide have been associated with beta cell endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress. However, in human type 2 diabetes, levels of human IAPP are equivalent or decreased relative to matched controls. Thus, we sought to investigate whether ER stress is induced during amyloidogenesis at physiological levels of human IAPP.

Methods Islets from human IAPP transgenic mice that develop amyloid, and non-transgenic mice that do not, were cultured for up to 7 days in 11.1, 16.7 and 33.3 mmol/l glucose. Pancreases from human IAPP transgenic and non-transgenic mice and humans with or without type 2 diabetes were also evaluated. Amyloid formation was determined histologically. ER stress was determined in islets by quantifying mRNA levels of Bip, Atf4 and Chop (also known as Ddit3) and alternate splicing of Xbp1 mRNA, or in pancreases by immunostaining for immunoglobulin heavy chain-binding protein (BIP), C/EBP homologous protein (CHOP) and X-box binding protein 1 (XBP1).

Results Amyloid formation in human IAPP transgenic islets was associated with reduced beta cell area in a glucose- and time-dependent manner. However, amyloid formation was not associated with significant increases in expression of ER stress markers under any culture condition. Thapsigargin treatment, a positive control, did result in significant ER stress. Amyloid formation in vivo in pancreas samples from human IAPP transgenic mice or humans was not associated with upregulation of ER stress markers.

Conclusions/interpretation Our data suggest that ER stress is not an obligatory pathway mediating the toxic effects of amyloid formation at physiological levels of human IAPP.


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Aims/hypothesis In type 2 diabetes, aggregation of islet amyloid polypeptide (IAPP) into amyloid is associated with beta cell loss. As IAPP is co-secreted with insulin, we hypothesised that IAPP secretion is necessary for amyloid formation and that treatments that increase insulin (and IAPP) secretion would thereby increase amyloid formation and toxicity. We also hypothesised that the unique properties of the glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) receptor agonist exendin-4 to maintain or increase beta cell mass would offset the amyloid-induced toxicity.

Methods Islets from amyloid-forming human IAPP transgenic and control non-transgenic mice were cultured for 48 h in 16.7 mmol/l glucose alone (control) or with exendin-4, potassium chloride (KCl), diazoxide or somatostatin. Human IAPP and insulin release, amyloid deposition, beta cell area/islet area, apoptosis and AKT phosphorylation levels were determined.

Results In control human IAPP transgenic islets, amyloid formation was associated with increased beta cell apoptosis and beta cell loss. Increasing human IAPP release with exendin-4 or KCl increased amyloid deposition. However, while KCl further increased beta cell apoptosis and beta cell loss, exendin-4 did not. Conversely, decreasing human IAPP release with diazoxide or somatostatin limited amyloid formation and its toxic effects. Treatment with exendin-4 was associated with an increase in AKT phosphorylation compared with control and KCl-treated islets.

Conclusions/interpretation IAPP release is necessary for islet amyloid formation and its toxic effects. Thus, use of insulin secretagogues to treat type 2 diabetes may result in increased islet amyloidogenesis and beta cell death. However, the AKT-associated anti-apoptotic effects of GLP-1 receptor agonists such as exendin-4 may limit the toxic effects of increased islet amyloid.


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The increasing production of genetically-modified mouse models has necessitated studies to determine the inherent physiological characteristics of commonly used mouse strains. In this study we examined insulin secretory function in response to an intravenous bolus of glucose or glucose plus arginine in anesthetized C57BL/6, DBA/2 and 129T2 mice fed either a control or high fat diet for 6 weeks. The results show that 129T2 mice had higher fasting plasma glucose levels and lower fasting plasma insulin levels compared with C57BL/6 and DBA/2 mice regardless of diet. Furthermore, 129T2 mice were glucose intolerant and secreted significantly less insulin in response to glucose and glucose plus arginine irrespective of diet compared with the other two strains of mice. DBA/2 mice hypersecreted insulin in response to glucose and glucose plus arginine compared with C57BL/6 and 129T2 mice. Moreover while first phase insulin secretion was appropriately increased in response to the high fat diet in C57BL/6 and 129T2 mice, this was not the case for DBA/2 mice. Mean islet area was decreased in response to a high fat diet in DBA/2 mice, while there was no dietary effect on the other two strains. This study highlights the inherent genetic differences that exist among seemingly normal strains of mice that are commonly used to make transgenic and knockout mice. Understanding these differences will provide researchers with the information to choose the appropriate genetic background on which to express their particular genetic alteration.


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Type 2 diabetes is characterized by islet dysfunction resulting in hyperglycemia, which can then lead to further deterioration in islet function. A possible mechanism for hyperglycemia-induced islet dysfunction is the accumulation of advanced glycation end products (AGE). The DBA/2 mouse develops pancreatic islet dysfunction when exposed to a high glucose environment and/or obesity-induced insulin resistance. To determine the biochemical cause of dysfunction, DBA/2 and C57BL/6 control islets were incubated in 11.1 mM or 40 mM glucose in the absence or presence of the AGE inhibitor aminoguanidine (AG) for 10 days. Basal (2.8 mM glucose) insulin release was increased in both DBA/2 and C57BL/6 islets incubated with 40 mM vs 11.1 mM glucose for 10 days. Chronic exposure to hyperglycemia decreased glucose (20 mM)-stimulated insulin secretion in DBA/2 but not in C57BL/6 islets. AG significantly increased fold-induced insulin release in high glucose cultured DBA/2 mouse islets, but did not affect C57BL/6 islet function. DBA/2 islet glucokinase was significantly reduced following 40 mM glucose culture, compared with 11.1 mM glucose cultured DBA/2 islets and 40 mM glucose cultured C57BL/6 islets. Incubation of islets with AG resulted in a normalization of DBA/2 islet glucokinase levels. In conclusion, chronic high glucose-induced increases in AGE can result in islet dysfunction and this is associated with reduced glucokinase levels in a mouse model with susceptibility to islet failure.


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We have identified the tRNAs which are incorporated into both wild-type human immunodeficiency virus type 1 strain IIIB (HIV-1IIIB) produced in COS-7 cells transfected with HIV-1 proviral DNA and mutant, noninfectious HIV-1Lai particles produced in a genetically engineered Vero cell line. The mutant proviral DNA contains nucleotides 678 to 8944; i.e., both long terminal repeats and the primer binding site are absent. As analyzed by two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, both mutant and wild-type HIV-1 contain four major-abundance tRNA species, which include tRNA(1,2Lys), tRNA(3Lys) (the putative primer for HIV-1 reverse transcriptase) and tRNA(Ile). Identification was accomplished by comparing the electrophoretic mobilities and RNase T1 digests with those of tRNA(3Lys) and tRNA(1,2Lys) purified from human placenta and comparing the partial nucleotide sequence at the 3' end of each viral tRNA species with published tRNA sequences. Thus, the absence of the primer binding site in the mutant virus does not affect tRNA(Lys) incorporation into HIV-1. However, only the wild-type virus contains tRNA(3Lys) tightly associated with the viral RNA genome. The identification of the tightly associated tRNA as tRNA(3Lys) is based upon an electrophoretic mobility identical to that of tRNA(3Lys) and the ability of this RNA to hybridize with a tRNA(3Lys)-specific DNA probe. In addition to the four wild-type tRNA species, the mutant HIV-1-like particle contains two tRNA(His) species and three tRNA-sized species that we have been unable to identify. Their absence in wild-type virus makes it unlikely that they are required for viral infectivity.


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Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) particles produced in COS-7 cells transfected with HIV type 1 (HIV-1) proviral DNA contain 8 molecules of tRNA(3Lys) per 2 molecules of genomic RNA and 12 molecules of tRNA1,2Lys per 2 molecules of genomic RNA. When COS-7 cells are transfected with a plasmid containing both HIV-1 proviral DNA and a human tRNA3Lys gene, there is a large increase in the amount of cytoplasmic tRNA3Lys per microgram of total cellular RNA, and the tRNA3Lys content in the virus increases from 8 to 17 molecules per 2 molecules of genomic RNA. However, the total number of tRNALys molecules per 2 molecules of genomic RNA remains constant at 20; i.e., the viral tRNA1,2Lys content decreases from 12 to 3 molecules per 2 molecules of genomic RNA. All detectable tRNA3Lys is aminoacylated in the cytoplasm of infected cells and deacylated in the virus. When COS-7 cells are transfected with a plasmid containing both HIV-1 proviral DNA and a mutant amber suppressor tRNA3Lys gene (in which the anticodon is changed from TTT to CTA), there is also a large increase in the relative concentration of cytoplasmic tRNA3Lys, and the tRNA3Lys content in the virus increases from 8 to 15 molecules per 2 molecules of genomic RNA, with a decrease in viral tRNA1,2Lys from 12 to 5 molecules per 2 molecules of genomic RNA. Thus, the total number of molecules of tRNALys in the virion remains at 20. The alteration of the anticodon has little effect on the viral packaging of this mutant tRNA in spite of the fact that it no longer contains the modified base mcm 5s2U at position 34, and its ability to be aminoacylated is significantly impaired compared with that of wild-type tRNA3Lys. Viral particles which have incorporated either excess wild-type tRNA3Lys or mutant suppressor tRNA3Lys show no differences in viral infectivity compared with wild-type HIV-1.


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Traditional practical classes in many countries are being rationalised to reduce costs. The challenge for university educators is to provide students with the opportunity to reinforce theoretical concepts by running something other than a traditional practical program. One alternative is to replace wet labs with comparable computer simulations. These virtual experiments involve no harm to animals and require little ongoing expenditure. This study documents second-year physiology students' perceptions of and attitudes to simulations by incorporating several computer simulations into the practical program. Computer simulations met the conceptual and, to some extent, the motivational goals of university practical programs. While students enjoyed both wet labs and computer-simulated exercises, overwhelmingly the wet lab provided the more memorable and stimulating learning experience. Based on this study, students suggested that computer simulations could be effectively used to complement rather than replace practical classes where students gain laboratory skills.


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The paper presents the Visual Mouse (VM), a novel and simple system for interaction with displays via hand gestures. Our method includes detecting bare hands using the fast SIFT (Scale-Invariant Feature Transform) algorithm saving long training time of the Adaboost algorithm, tracking hands based on the CAMShift algorithm, recognizing hand gestures in cluttered background via Principle Components Analysis (PCA) without extracting clear-cut hand contour, and defining simple and robustly interpretable vocabularies of hand gestures, which are subsequently used to control a computer mouse. The system provides a fast and simple interaction experience without the need for more expensive hardware and software.