1000 resultados para municipal board


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Suihku/viira-nopeussuhde on perälaatikon huulisuihkun ja viiran välinen nopeusero. Se vaikuttaa suuresti paperin ja kartongin loppuominaisuuksiin, kuten formaatioon sekä kuituorientaatioon ja näin ollen paperin lujuusominaisuuksiin. Tämän johdosta on erityisen tärkeää tietää todellinen suihku/viira-nopeussuhde paperin- ja kartonginvalmistuksessa. Perinteinen suihku/viira-nopeussuhteen määritysmenetelmä perustuu perälaatikon kokonaispaineeseen. Tällä menetelmällä kuitenkin todellinen huulisuihkun nopeus saattaa usein jäädä tietämättä johtuen mahdollisesta virheellisestä painemittarin kalibroinnista sekä laskuyhtälön epätarkkuuksista. Tämän johdosta on kehitetty useita reaaliaikaisia huulisuihkun mittausmenetelmiä. Perälaatikon parametrien optimaaliset asetukset ovat mahdollista määrittää ja ylläpitää huulisuihkun nopeuden “on-line” määrityksellä. Perälaatikon parametrejä ovat mm. huulisuihku, huuliaukon korkeusprofiili, reunavirtaukset ja syöttövirtauksen tasaisuus. Huulisuihkun nopeuden on-line mittauksella paljastuu myös muita perälaatikon ongelmakohtia, kuten mekaaniset viat, joita on perinteisesti tutkittu aikaa vievillä paperin ja kartongin lopputuoteanalyyseillä.


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Tämän tutkimuksen päätavoitteena oli arvioida, voidaanko opetusministeriön vahvistamia opetustoimen yksikköhintoja pitää taloudellisuuden mittarina. Tutkimukseni kohdistui peruskoulun ja lukion valtionosuuden oppilaskohtaisiin laskennallisiin yksikköhintoihin ja musiikkiopiston muun koulutuksen ja työväenopiston opetustuntikohtaisiin laskennallisiin yksikköhintoihin. Julkinen talous pyrkii toiminnassaan myös mahdollisimman tehokkaisiin ja taloudellisiin ratkaisuihin. Toiminnan taloudellisuuden määrittämiseen tarvitaan mittareita ja vertailutietoa analysointia varten. Tutkimuksen tavoitteisiin pyrittiin toiminta-analyyttisellä tutkimusotteella, mutta siinä on nähtävissä myös käsiteanalyyttisiä piirteitä. Opetustoimen valtion rahoituksen muuttuessa laskennalliseksi, valtionhallinto kumosi vanhoja sääntöjä, puhuttiin ´normipurusta´. Aikaisempi valtionosuus perustui toteutuneisiin kustannuksiin. Uudistuksella haluttiin korostaa kuntien itsenäisyyttä, taloudellista omavastuisuutta ja tehokkuutta palvelujen järjestämisessä. Lisäksi kustannuksissa oletettiin syntyvän säätöjä, joiden oli määrä koitua kuntien hyväksi, kun valtionosuus ei määräytynyt hyväksyttyjen menojen mukaan. Taloudellisuus merkitsee yksikkökustannusten tunnistamista ja analysointia. Kunnan taloustavoitteita on pyrittävä mittaamaan tunnusluvuilla. Niille on asetettava hyväksyttävät tavoitearvot. Tunnuslukujen arvot eivät sellaisenaan kerro, miten hyvä tai huono toiminnan tulos on. Vasta niiden vertailu ja analysointi antavat kuvan tästä. Kuntien oppilaskohtainen yksikköhinta soveltuu hyvin peruskoulun ja lukion taloudellisuuden mittariksi. Samoin opetustuntikohtainen yksikköhinta musiikkiopiston ja kansalaisopiston taloudellisuuden mittariksi. Kuntien keskinäinen kustannusvertailu ja analysointi antavat hyvän pohjan löytää kustannusten taloudellisuuden taso.


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El treball desenvolupa en cinc capítols la recerca, l'estudi de dades i les conclusions de la hipòtesi de treball inicial: es possible implementar un nou programa d'arts visuals de qualitat a Rubí? A través de l'estudi detallat, l'anàlisi de dates quantitatives i qualitatives, les entrevistes a responsables de centres d'arts visuals de tota Catalunya i amb la realitat de gestió de les arts visuals del municipi de Rubí, es tracta d'arribar a unes conclusions que condueixen al plantejament d'un nou model de gestió per a l'Ajuntament de Rubí.


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Corrosion reduces the lifetime of municipal solid waste incineration (MSWI) superheater tubes more than any other cause. It can be minimized by the careful selection of those materials that are most resistant to corrosion under operating conditions. Since thousands of different materials are already known and many more are developed every year, here the selection methodology developed by Prof. Ashby of the University of Cambridge was used to evaluate the performance of different materials to be used as MSWI superheater tubes. The proposed materials can operate at steam pressures and temperatures over 40 bars and 400ºC, respectively. Two case studies are presented: one makes a balanced selection between mechanical properties and cost per thermal unit; and the other focuses on increasing tube lifetime. The balanced selection showed that AISI 410 martensitic stainless steel (wrought, hard tempered) is the best candidate with a good combination of corrosion resistance, a relatively low price (0.83-0.92 e/kg) and a good thermal conductivity (23-27 W/m K). Meanwhile, Nitronic 50/XM-19 stainless steel is the most promising candidate for longterm selection, as it presents high corrosion resistance with a relatively low price (4.86-5.14 e/kg) compared to Ni-alloys.


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Functional advantages and drawbacks are commonly mentioned to rationally justify or condemn municipality amalgamations. However, many consolidation projects are resisted by local governments or citizens on the grounds that amalgamation would dampen local identity. A municipality's name change is probably the most visible sign of the loss of community bond experienced by citizens at amalgamation time. This article aims to put a value on this loss by measuring citizen willingness to pay for their city name. This methodological approach innovates upon the literature on municipal amalgamation and place branding by exploiting the versatility of the so-called contingent valuation method (CVM). CVM confronts respondents, in a survey setting, with a hypothetical market in which a characteristic of interest is exchanged. Here the characteristic is the possibility to retain one's city name for an amalgamated jurisdiction. The article presents the estimates provided by a survey conducted in four Swiss cities.


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Background.- The main goals of the European Board of Physical and Rehabili-tation Medicine (EBPRM), founded in 1991 as the third speciality board of theUnion of European Medical Specialists (UEMS), are to harmonize pre-graduate,post-graduate and continuous medical education in physical and rehabilitationmedicine (PRM) all over Europe. The harmonization of curricula of the medi-cal specialities and the assessment of medical specialists has become one of thepriorities of the UEMS and its working groups to which the EBPRM contributes.Action.- The EBPRM will continue to promote a specific minimal undergraduatecurriculum on PRM including issues like disability, participation and handicapto be taught all over Europe as a basis for general medical practice. The EBPRMwill also expand the existing EBPRM postgraduate curriculum into a detailedcatalogue of learning objectives. This catalogue will serve as a tool to boostharmonization of the national curricula across Europe as well as to structurethe content of the MCQ examination. It would be a big step forward towardsharmonization of European PRM specialist training if an important number ofcountries would use the certifying MCQ examination of the Board as a part ofthe national assessments for PRM specialists.


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Background .- Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine (PRM) is a very demanding medical speciality. To ensure high standard of research and care in PRM all across Europe, it is crucial to attract gifted trainees and offer them high quality education. At undergraduate level, many medical schools in Europe omit to offer teaching on disabled persons and on basic PRM knowledge. Thus PRM is hardly known to medical students. For postgraduate trainees access to evidence-based knowledge as well as teaching of research methodology specific to PRM, rehabilitation methodology, disability management and team building also need to be strengthened to increase the visibility of PRM. Action .- To address these issues the EBPRM proposes presently a specific undergraduate curriculum in PRM including the issues of disability, participation and handicap as a basis for general medical practice and postgraduate rehabilitation training. For PRM trainees many educational documents are now available on the EBPRM website. A growing number of educational sessions for PRM trainees take place during international and national PRM Congresses which can be accessed at low cost. Educational papers published regularly in European rehabilitation journals and European PRM Schools are offered free or at very low cost to trainees.


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All the experimental part of this final project was done at Laboratoire de Biotechnologie Environnementale (LBE) from the École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), Switzerland, during 6 months (November 2013- May 2014). A fungal biofilter composed of woodchips was designed in order to remove micropollutants from the effluents of waste water treatment plants. Two fungi were tested: Pleurotus ostreatus and Trametes versicolor in order to evaluate their efficiency for the removal of two micropollutants: the anti-inflammatory drug naproxen and the antibiotic sulfamethoxazole,. Although Trametes versicolor was able to degrade quickly naproxen, this fungus was not any more active after one week of operation in the filter. Pleurotus ostreatus was, on contrary, able to survive more than 3 months in the filter, showing good removal efficiencies of naproxen and sulfamethoxazole during all this period, in tap water but also in real treated municipal wastewater. Several other experiments have provided insight on the removal mechanisms of these micropollutants in the fungal biofilter (degradation and adsorption) and also allowed to model the removal trend. Fungal treatment with Pleurotus ostreatus grown on wood substrates appeared to be a promising solution to improve micropollutants removal in wastewater.


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El present estudi s’emmarca en una investigació centrada en les persones grans de 65 a 84 anys del municipi de Canovelles. L’objectiu d’aquesta recerca és conèixer les principals motivacions i barreres d’aquest col·lectiu a l’hora d’anar al Complex Esportiu Municipal – Thalassa. Lligat amb els objectius marcats, la finalitat és relacionar els resultats amb possibles propostes de millora, per tal de minimitzar les barreres i potenciar les motivacions. Per obtenir els resultats s’ha passat un qüestionari a 40 persones demanant les raons per les quals van o no al complex. Un cop analitzats podem extreure, a tall de conclusions, que la principal motivació va relacionada amb temes de salut i la principal barrera amb temes econòmic, el cost mensual de la instal·lació per un abonat.


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El projecte té com a objectiu la construcció d’una nau destinada a laconservació i comercialització de fruita, en concret poma de diferents varietats(Golden, RedDelicious, Royal Gala, Granny Smith i Fuji) amb tota la maquinària i les instal•lacionsnecessàries per a un correcte tractament, conservació, classificació i comercialització de lafruita.Es construirà un edifici de 3.005 m² dels quals 1.020 m² seran per al desenvolupamentdel procés productiu, 1.700 m² seran per a les cambres de conservació, i 285 m² seran perals locals de personal, oficines i sales tècniques. La parcel•la on s'ubicarà la nau industrial es troba ubicada en una zona industrial alquilòmetre 5,7 de la carretera GI-653, és propietat del promotor, té una superfície d'11.400m² i disposa de tots els serveis necessaris per exercir l'activitat


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Aquest treball intenta explicar, de forma detallada, tots els materials, obres i processos que s’han de dur a terme per a la construcción d’una nova explotació d’engreix porcí. L’explotació que es projecta tindrà capacitat per a 4.000 places, i s’ubicarà al terme municipal de La Puebla de Castro, província d’Osca. Es tracta d’un projecte d’enginyeria on es descriu el disseny i el càlcul de les diferents edificacions i instal·lacions que formaran part de la futura explotació. Alhora, es realitzen diversos estudis com el de l’impacte ambiental o el de protecció contra incendis, per a complir el que estableix el Codi Tècnic de l’Edificació; i poder sol·licitar la llicència d’activitat per posar en funcionament l’explotació.


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The objective of this project was to develop firmware for both the Arduino-compatible boards of the Smart Citizen initiative, and for the RTX4100 low-power WiFi.


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L'objecte del projecte és la optimització de la explotació agrària d'un conjunt de parcel·les ubicades al terme municipal de Castelldans, a la partida coneguda popularment com 'La Devesa', a petició d’un promotor particular, propietari en aquell moment de les parcel·les implicades. El conjunt de la superfície afectada (16,12 ha) s'identifica en el projecte com a ‘Finca La Devesa‘. Alguns dels aspectes que es tracten en el projecte són: la construcció d'un magatzem agrícola; la construcció d'una bassa per a l'abastiment d'aigua de reg; la instal·lació d'un sistema de reg per goter; la plantació de 15 ha de fruiters de llavor i l'explotació dels fruiters de llavor, acollint-se a la normativa vigent de producció integrada.


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Este artículo analiza el proceso de implementación de una plataforma municipal basada en el catastro para la recogida sistemática de datos para el diseño y monitoreo de las políticas públicas mediante el uso de aplicaciones de software libre en las ciudades mozambiqueñas de Manhiça, Inhambane y Maxixé, apuntando elementos para discernir en qué medida el uso de software libre es determinante o no en el éxito en la implementación de este tipo de plataformas.