925 resultados para minority feminism


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Standard theories of decision-making involving delayed outcomes predict that people should defer a punishment, whilst advancing a reward. In some cases, such as pain, people seem to prefer to expedite punishment, implying that its anticipation carries a cost, often conceptualized as 'dread'. Despite empirical support for the existence of dread, whether and how it depends on prospective delay is unknown. Furthermore, it is unclear whether dread represents a stable component of value, or is modulated by biases such as framing effects. Here, we examine choices made between different numbers of painful shocks to be delivered faithfully at different time points up to 15 minutes in the future, as well as choices between hypothetical painful dental appointments at time points of up to approximately eight months in the future, to test alternative models for how future pain is disvalued. We show that future pain initially becomes increasingly aversive with increasing delay, but does so at a decreasing rate. This is consistent with a value model in which moment-by-moment dread increases up to the time of expected pain, such that dread becomes equivalent to the discounted expectation of pain. For a minority of individuals pain has maximum negative value at intermediate delay, suggesting that the dread function may itself be prospectively discounted in time. Framing an outcome as relief reduces the overall preference to expedite pain, which can be parameterized by reducing the rate of the dread-discounting function. Our data support an account of disvaluation for primary punishments such as pain, which differs fundamentally from existing models applied to financial punishments, in which dread exerts a powerful but time-dependent influence over choice.


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In order to clarify the major factors having confined the efficiencies of as-prepared crystalline silicon thin film (CSiTF) solar cells on the SSP (silicon sheets from powder) ribbons, QE (quantum efficiency) and Suns-V-oc study were performed on the epitaxial CSiTF solar cells fabricated on the SSP ribbons, the SSP ribbons after surface being zone melting recrystallized (ZMR) and single crystalline silicon (sc-Si) substrates. The results show that the epi-layers deposited on the SSP ribbons have rough surfaces, which not only increases the diffusion reflectance on the surfaces but also makes the anti-reflection coatings become structure-loosened, both of which would deteriorate the light trapping effect; in addition, the epi-layers deposited on the SSP ribbons possess poor crystallographic quality, so the heavy grain boundary (GB) recombination limits the diffusion length of the minority carriers in the epi-layers, which makes the as-prepared CSiTF solar cells suffer the worse spectra response at long-wavelength range. Nearly all the dark characteristic parameters of the CSiTF solar cells are far away from the ideal values. The performances of the CSiTF solar cells are especially affected by too high I-02 (the dark saturation current of space charge region) values and too low R-sh (parallel resistance) values. The higher 102 values are mainly caused by the heavy GB recombination resulting from the poor crystallographic qualities of the silicon active layers in the space charge regions, while the lower R-sh values are attributed to the electrical leakage at the un-passivated PN junction or solar cell edges after the solar cells are cut by the laser scriber.


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In this paper, recent progresses in optical analysis of dislocation-related physical properties in GaN-based epilayers are surveyed with a brief review. The influence of dislocations on both near-band edge emission and yellow luminescence (YL) is examined either in a statistical way as a function of dislocation density or focused on individual dislocation lines with a high spatial resolution. Threading dislocations may introduce non-radiative recombination centers and enhance YL, but their effects are affected by the structural and chemical environment. The minority carrier diffusion length may be dependent on either dislocation density or impurity doping as confirmed by the result of photovoltaic spectra. The in situ optical monitoring of the strain evolution process is employed during GaN heteroepitaxy using an AIN interlayer. A typical transition of strain from compression to tension is observed and its correlation with the reduction and inclination of threading dislocation lines is revealed. (c) 2007 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.


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We present a novel method for determining semiconductor parameters such as diffusion length L, lifetime tau and surface recombination velocity S of minority carriers by employing scanning electron microscopy (SEM). This new method is applicable to both electron beam induced current (EBIC and surface electron beam induced voltage (SEBIV) modes in SEM. The quantitative descriptions for EBIC and SEBIV signals are derived. The parameters L, S and tau can be directly extracted from the expressions for EBIC or SEBIV signals and their relaxation characteristics in experiment. As an example, the values of L, S and tau for n-p junction and p-Si crystal are determined by using the novel method in EBIC or SEBIV mode. The carrier diffusion length of a p-Si crystal is determined to be 8.74 mum in SEBIV mode. It is very close to the normal diffusion length of 7.41 mum of this sample. The novel method is proved to be very helpful for the quantitative characterization of semiconductor materials and devices. Especially, the SEBIV mode in SEM shows great potential for investigating semiconductor structures nondestructively.


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Interdigital metal-semiconductor-metal (MSM) ultraviolet photoconductive detectors have been fabricated on undoped GaN films grown by molecular beam epitaxy (MBE), Response dependence on wavelength, applied current, excitation powers and chopper frequency has been extensively investigated. It is shown that the photodetector's spectral response remained nearly constant for wavelengths above the band gap and dropped sharply by almost three orders of magnitude for wavelengths longer than the band gap. It increases linearly with the applied constant current, but very nonlinearly with illuminating power. The photodetectors showed high photoconductor gains resulting from trapping of minority carriers (holes) at acceptor impurities or defects. The results demonstrated the high quality of the GaN crystal used to fabricate these devices. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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We have studied the photovoltaic effect in cubic GaN on GaAs at room temperature. The photovoltaic spectra of cubic GaN epitaxial film were concealed by the photovoltaic effect from the GaAs substrate unless additional illumination of a 632.8 nm He-Ne laser beam was used to remove the interference of the GaAs absorption in the measurement. On the basis of the near-band-edge photovoltaic spectra of cubic GaN, we obtained the minority carrier diffusion lengths of about 0.32 and 0.14 mu m for two undoped n-type cubic GaN samples with background concentrations of 10(14) and 10(18) cm(-3), respectively. (C) 1999 American Institute of Physics. [S0003-6951(99)00450-7].


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When liquid phase epitaxy regrowth at 780 degrees C for 2 h is applied to the samples after molecular beam epitaxy, a decrease of the threshold current density in strained InGaAs/GaAs quantum well lasers by a factor of 3 to 4 is obtained. We suggest that this improvement is attributed to the reduction of nonradiative centers associated with deep levels at the three regions of the active region, the graded layer and the cladding layer. Indeed, a significant reduction of deep center densities has been observed by using minority and majority carrier injection deep level transient spectroscopy measurements. (C) 1998 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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Si thin films with different structures were deposited by plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition (PECVD), and characterized via Raman spectroscopy and Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy. The passivation effect of such different Si thin films on crystalline Si surface was investigated by minority carrier lifetime measurement via a method, called microwave photoconductive decay (mu PCD), for the application in HIT (heterojunction with intrinsic thin-layer) solar cells. The results show that amorphous silicon (a-Si:H) has a better passivation effect due to its relative higher H content, compared with microcrystalline (mu c-Si) silicon and nanocrystalline silicon (nc-Si). Further, it was found that H atoms in the form of Si-H bonds are more preferred than those in the form of Si-H-2 bonds to passivate the crystalline Si surface. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The photovoltaic conversion efficiency for monolithic GaInP/GaInAs/Ge triple-junction cell with various bandgap combination (300 suns, AM1.5d) was theoretically calculated. An impressive improvement on conversion efficiency was observed for a bandgap combination of 1.708, 1.194, and 0.67 eV. A theoretical investigation was carried out on the effect of dislocation on the metamorphic structure's efficiency by regarding dislocation as minority-carrier recombination center. The results showed that only when dislocation density was less than 1.6x10(6) cm(-2), can this metamorphic combination exhibit its efficiency advantage over the fully-matched combination. In addition, we also briefly evaluated the lattice misfit dependence of the dislocation density for a group of metamorphic triple-junction system, and used it as guidance for the choice of the proper cell structure.


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基于ISO/ IEC 10646和UNICODE国际标准,用传统的字体技术(如TrueType)来实现少数民族文字处理所面临的一个"瓶颈"问题是:"变形显现字符"不存在确定的码位.这也是多年来民文系统重复开发、互不兼容的根本原因.本文基于ICU的文字处理体系结构,阐述了完全支持Unicode标准的少数民族文字(本文主要指蒙古文字、维文、藏文等)的实现方法.文中首先介绍了少数民族文字的特点,分析其与拉丁文字、汉字在计算机输入、输出过程中的不同之处,并指出少数民族文字处理的难点.其次介绍了一种能满足少数民族文字处理需求的字体技术--OpenType.最后,阐述了文字处理引擎的工作原理,以及ICU中如何实现对少数民族文字的支持.


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OpenOffice.org作为当前最为活跃的办公套件开放源码项目,因其完成了MS Office近乎相同的功能,良好的兼容性,日益受到人们的关注并衍生出5个著名的中文办公套件发行版本。以OpenOffice.org为基础,以藏文为例,详细讲解了民文办公套件的实现方案。


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目前流行的各种大型数据库系统都缺乏对民族语言如藏、蒙、维文的支持。如何实现民文信息在数据库中存储、查询和检索等处理及支持各种基于民文的数据库应用,是一个重要问题。本文提出了一个数据库管理系统多民族语言支持框架,支持多民族语言、数据库客户端工具和应用编程接口;并在此框架下提出了一种符合ISO/IEC 14651语义的藏文排序方法,从而实现了PostgreSQL数据库对藏文信息处理的全面支持。并在Linux平台的PostgreSQL数据库系统上加以实现。


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A high energy shift of the band-band recombination has been observed in the photoluminescence (PL) spectra of the strained InP epilayer on GaAs by metalorganic chemical vapor deposit. The strain determined by PL peak is in good agreement with calculated thermal strain. The surface photovoltalic spectra gives the information about energy gap, lattice mismatching, and composition of heteroepilayers, diffusion length, surface, and interface recombination velocity of minority carriers of heteroepitaxy layers.


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The deep centers in AlGaAs/GaAs graded index-separate confinement heterostructure single quantum well (GRIN-SCHSQW) laser structures grown by MBE and MOCVD have been investigated using deep level transient spectroscopy (DLTS) technique, The majority and minority carrier DLTS spectra show that the deep (hole and electron) traps (Hi and E3), having large capture cross sections and concentrations, are observed in the graded n-AlxGa1-xAs layer of laser structures in addition to the well-known DX centers. For laser structures grown by MBE, the deep hole trap H1 and the deep electron trap E3 may be spatially localized in the interface regions of discontinuous variation Al mole fraction of the n-AlxGa1-xAs layer with x = 0.20-0.43. For laser structures grown by MOCVD, the deep electron trap E3 may be spatially localized in the n-AlxGa1-xAs layer with x = 0.18-0.30, and the DX center may be spatially localized in the interface regions of discontinuous variation Al mole fraction of the AlxGa1-xAs layer with x = 0.22-0.30.