923 resultados para metal trace analysis
New monometallic complex salts of the form X-2[M(L)(2)] [M = Ni2+, X = (CH3)(2)NH2+(1); M = Ni2+, X = (CH3)(4)N+ (2); M = Ni2+, X = (C2H5)(4)N+(3); M = Ni2+, X = (C3H7)(4)N+(4); M = Ni2+; X = (C6H13)(4)N+) (5); M = Pd2+,X = (CH3)(2)NH2+(6); M = Pd2+, X= (C2H5)(4)N+(7); M = Pd2+, X= (C3H7)(4)N+(8); M = Pd2+, X = (C6H13)(4)N+ (9); M = Pt2+, X = (CH3)(2)NH2+(10); L = p-tolylsulfonyldithiocarbimate (CH3C6H4SO2N=CS22 )] have been prepared and characterized by elemental analysis, IR, H-1 and C-13 NMR and UV-Vis spectroscopy; 1, 3, 4 and 5 by X-ray crystallography. In 1, 3, 4 and 5, the Ni atom is four coordinate with a square planar environment being bonded to four sulfur atoms from two bidentate ligands. All the salts are weakly conducting (sigma(rt) = 10 (7) to 10 (14) Scm (1)) because of the lack of significant S center dot center dot center dot S intermolecular interactions between complex anions [M(L)(2)](2) in the solid state however, they show behavior of semiconductors in the temperature range 353-453 K. All the Pd(II) and Pt(II) salts exhibited phtotolumeniscent emissions near visible region in solution at room temperature.
Analysis of observed ozone profiles in Northern Hemisphere low and middle latitudes reveals the seasonal persistence of ozone anomalies in both the lower and upper stratosphere. Principal component analysis is used to detect that above 16 hPa the persistence is strongest in the latitude band 15–45°N, while below 16 hPa the strongest persistence is found over 45–60°N. In both cases, ozone anomalies persist through the entire year from November to October. The persistence of ozone anomalies in the lower stratosphere is presumably related to the wintertime ozone buildup with subsequent photochemical relaxation through summer, as previously found for total ozone. The persistence in the upper stratosphere is more surprising, given the short lifetime of Ox at these altitudes. It is hypothesized that this “seasonal memory” in the upper stratospheric ozone anomalies arises from the seasonal persistence of transport-induced wintertime NOy anomalies, which then perturb the ozone chemistry throughout the rest of the year. This hypothesis is confirmed by analysis of observations of NO2, NOx, and various long-lived trace gases in the upper stratosphere, which are found to exhibit the same seasonal persistence. Previous studies have attributed much of the year-to-year variability in wintertime extratropical upper stratospheric ozone to the Quasi-Biennial Oscillation (QBO) through transport-induced NOy (and hence NO2) anomalies but have not identified any statistical connection between the QBO and summertime ozone variability. Our results imply that through this “seasonal memory,” the QBO has an asynchronous effect on ozone in the low to midlatitude upper stratosphere during summer and early autumn.
Large changes in the extent of northern subtropical arid regions during the Holocene are attributed to orbitally forced variations in monsoon strength and have been implicated in the regulation of atmospheric trace gas concentrations on millenial timescales. Models that omit biogeophysical feedback, however, are unable to account for the full magnitude of African monsoon amplification and extension during the early to middle Holocene (˜9500–5000 years B.P.). A data set describing land-surface conditions 6000 years B.P. on a 1° × 1° grid across northern Africa and the Arabian Peninsula has been prepared from published maps and other sources of palaeoenvironmental data, with the primary aim of providing a realistic lower boundary condition for atmospheric general circulation model experiments similar to those performed in the Palaeoclimate Modelling Intercomparison Project. The data set includes information on the percentage of each grid cell occupied by specific vegetation types (steppe, savanna, xerophytic woods/scrub, tropical deciduous forest, and tropical montane evergreen forest), open water (lakes), and wetlands, plus information on the flow direction of major drainage channels for use in large-scale palaeohydrological modeling.
Lowland heath is an internationally important habitat type that has greatly declined in abundance throughout Western Europe. In recent years this has led to a growing interest in the restoration of heathland on agricultural land. This generally requires the use of chemical treatments to return soil chemical conditions to those appropriate for the support of heathland ecosystems. However, the potential for negative impacts on the environment due to the potential of these treatments to increase the availability of trace metals via raised soil acidity requires investigation. A large-scale field study investigated the effect of two chemical treatments used in heathland restoration, elemental sulphur and ferrous sulphate, on soil acidity and whether it is possible to predict the effect of the treatments on availability of two potentially toxic cations (Al and Cd) in the soil along with their subsequent accumulation in the shoots of the grass Agrostis capillaris. Results showed that both treatments decreased soil pH, but that only elemental sulphur produced a pH similar to heathland soil. The availability of Al, measured by extraction with 1 M ammonium nitrate, could not be predicted by soil pH, depth in the soil and total Al concentration in the soil. By contrast, availability of Cd could be predicted from these three variables. Concentrations of both Al and Cd in the shoots of A. capillaris showed no significant relationship with the extractable concentration in the soil. Results are discussed in light of the possible environmental impacts of the chemical restoration techniques.
An inappropriate prosthetic fit could cause stress over the interface implant/bone. The objective of this study was to compare stresses transmitted to implants from frameworks cast using different materials and to investigate a possible correlation between vertical misfits and these stresses. Fifteen one-piece cast frameworks simulating bars for fixed prosthesis in a model with five implants were fabricated and arranged into three different groups according to the material used for casting: CP Ti (commercially pure titanium), Co-Cr (cobalt-chromium) or Ni-Cr-Ti (nickel-chromium-titanium) alloys. Each framework was installed over the metal model with all screws tightened to a 10 N cm torque and then, vertical misfits were measured using an optical microscope. The stresses transmitted to implants were measured using quantitative photoelastic analysis in values of maximum shear stress (T), when each framework was tightened to the photoelastic model to a 10 N cm standardized torque. Stress data were statistically analyzed using one-way ANOVA and Tukey`s test and correlation tests were performed using Pearson`s rank correlation (alpha = 0.05). Mean and standard deviation values of vertical misfit are presented for CP Ti (22.40 +/- 9.05 mu m), Co-Cr (66.41 +/- 35.47 mu m) and Ni-Cr-Ti (32.20 +/- 24.47 mu m). Stresses generated by Co-Cr alloy (tau = 7.70 +/- 2.16 kPa) were significantly higher than those generated by CP Ti (tau = 5.86 +/- 1.55 kPa, p = 0.018) and Ni-Cr-Ti alloy (tau =5.74 +/- 3.05 kPa, p = 0.011), which were similar (p = 0.982). Correlations between vertical misfits and stresses around the implants were not significant as for any evaluated materials. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
This study compared splinted and non-splinted implant-supported prosthesis with and without a distal proximal contact using a digital image correlation method. An epoxy resin model was made with acrylic resin replicas of a mandibular first premolar and second molar and with threaded implants replacing the second premolar and first molar. Splinted and non-splinted metal-ceramic screw-retained crowns were fabricated and loaded with and without the presence of the second molar. A single-camera measuring system was used to record the in-plane deformation on the model surface at a frequency of 1.0 Hz under a load from 0 to 250 N. The images were then analyzed with specialist software to determine the direct (horizontal) and shear strains along the model. Not splinting the crowns resulted in higher stress transfer to the supporting implants when the second molar replica was absent. The presence of a second molar and an effective interproximal contact contributed to lower stress transfer to the supporting structures even for non-splinted restorations. Shear strains were higher in the region between the molars when the second molar was absent, regardless of splinting. The opposite was found for the region between the implants, which had higher shear strain values when the second molar was present. When an effective distal contact is absent, non-splinted implant-supported restorations introduce higher direct strains to the supporting structures under loading. Shear strains appear to be dependent also on the region within the model, with different regions showing different trends in strain changes in the absence of an effective distal contact. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Cobalt is one of the main components of cast metal alloys broadly used in dentistry. It is the constituent of 45 to 70% of numerous prosthetic works. There are evidences that metal elements cause systemic and local toxicity. The purpose of the present study was to evaluate the effects of cobalt on the junctional epithelium and reduced enamel epithelium of the first superior molar in rats, during lactation. To do this, 1-day old rats were used, whose mothers received 300mg of cobalt chloride per liter of distilled water in the drinker, during lactation. After 21 days, the rat pups were killed with an anesthetic overdose. The heads were separated, fixed in ""alfac"", decalcified and embedded in paraffin. Frontal sections stained with hematoxylin and eosin were employed. Karyometric methods allowed to estimate the following parameters: biggest, smallest and mean diameters, D/d ratio, perimeter, area, volume, volume/area ratio, eccentricity, form coefficient and contour index. Stereologic methods allow to evaluate: cytoplasm/nucleus ratio, cell and cytoplasm volume, cell number density, external surface/basal membrane ratio, thickness of the epithelial layers and surface density. All the collected data were subjected to statistic analysis by the non-parametric Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney test. The nuclei of the studied tissues showed smaller values after karyometry for: diameters; perimeter, area, volume and volume/area ratio. Stereologically, it was observed, in the junctional epithelium and in the reduced enamel epithelium, smaller cells with scarce cytoplasm, reflected in the greater number of cells per mm3 of tissue. In this study, cobalt caused epithelial atrophy, indicating a direct action on the junctional and enamel epithelium.
We investigate the formation of ferrihydrite nanoparticles (NPs) by hydrolysis of the Fe(III) alkoxide Fe(O(t)Bu)(3). Controlled amounts of water, up to 3.0 vol%, were added to the precursor solution yielding a series of hydrolyzed samples ranging from P0.0 (the unreacted precursor) to P3.0. X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis evidenced the formation of high-crystalline ferrihydrite NP in sample P3.0, with grain size estimate of about 3.2 nm. The transition from the molecular precursor to the formation of crystalline magnetic NPs was followed through magnetization measurements M(T) and M(H), as well as Mossbauer spectroscopy (MS). M(T) measurements indicate a paramagnetic (PM) behavior for sample P0.0, characteristic of binuclear Fe-O-Fe units, which evolves to a superparamagnetic (SPM) behavior, with an energy barrier for the blocking process estimated for sample P3.0 as E(a) = 4.9 x 10(-21) J (E(a)/k(B) = 355 K), resulting in a high effective anisotropy constant K(eff) = 290 kJ/m(3). Magnetization loops at 5 K progressively change from PM-like to ferromagnetic-like shape upon increasing the hydrolysis process, although hysteresis (H(c) approximate to 500 Oe) only is apparent for P2.0 and higher. MS spectra at room temperature are PM/SPM doublets for all samples, while the MS spectra at T = 4.2 K reveal increasingly well-defined magnetic ordering as hydrolysis of the precursor stepwise progresses until well-crystallized ferrihydrite particles are formed. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Thin zirconium nitride films were prepared on Si(l 00) substrates at room temperature by ion beam assisted deposition with a 2 keV nitrogen ion beam. Arrival rate ratios ARR(N/Zr) used were 0.19, 0.39, 0.92, and 1.86. The chemical composition and bonding structure of the films were analyzed with X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). Deconvolution results for Zr 3d, Zr 3p(3/2), N 1s, O 1s, and C 1s XPS spectra indicated self-consistently the presence of metal Zr-0, nitride ZrN, oxide ZrO2, oxymnide Zr2N2O, and carbide ZrC phases, and the amounts of these compounds were influenced by ARR(N/Zr). The chemical composition ratio N/Zr in the film increased with increasing ARR(N/Zr) until ARR(N/Zr) reached 0.92, reflecting the high reactivity of nitrogen in the ion beam, and stayed almost constant for ARR(N/Zr) >= 1, the excess nitrogen being rejected from the growing film. A considerable incorporation of contaminant oxygen and carbon into the depositing film was attributed to the getter effect of zirconium. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
This study is focused on the analysis of an accumulation of inorganic elements in muscles, liver and gonad of seven fish species from Sao Francisco River located in the Parana state of Brazil. Concentrations of the elements were determined using the SR-TXRF technique. In the muscles of fish species, negative length dependent relationships were observed for chromium and zinc ion absorption. The obtained results showed that accumulated Cr ions values are above the limits defined in the Brazilian legislative norm on food. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd All rights reserved.
When a multilayered material is analyzed by means of energy-dispersive X-ray fluorescence analysis, then the X-ray ratios of K alpha/K beta, or L alpha/L beta and L alpha/L gamma, for an element in the multilayered material, depend on the composition and thickness of the layer in which the element is situated, and on the composition and thickness of the superimposed layer (or layers). Multilayered samples are common in archaeometry, for example, in the case of pigment layers in paintings, or in the case of gilded or silvered alloys. The latter situation is examined in detail in the present paper, with a specific reference to pre-Columbian alloys from various museums in the north of Peru. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Langmuir-Blodgett (LB) and layer-by-layer films (LbL) of a PPV (p-phenylenevinylene) derivative, an azo compound and tetrasulfonated phthalocyanines were successfully employed as transducers in an ""electronic tongue"" system for detecting trace levels of phenolic compounds in water. The choice of the materials was based on their distinct electrical natures, which enabled the array to establish a fingerprint of very similar liquids. Impedance spectroscopy measurements were taken in the frequency range from 10 Hz to 1 MHz, with the data analysed with principal component analysis (PCA). The sensing units were obtained from five-layer LB films of (poly[(2-methoxy-5-n-hexyloxy)-p-phenylenevinylene]), OC(1)OC(18)-PPV (poly(2-methoxy,5-(n-octadecyl)-p-phenylenevinylene)), DR (HEMA-co-DR13MA (poly-(hydroxyethylmethacrylate-co-[4`-[[2-(methacryloyloxy)-ethyl]ethylamino]-2-chloro-4-nitroazobenzene]))) and five-bilayer LbL films of tetrasulfonated metallic phthalocyanines deposited onto gold interdigitated electrodes. The sensors were immersed into phenol, 2-chloro-4-methoxyphenol, 2-chlorophenol and 3-chlorophenol (isomers) solutions at 1 x 10(-9) mol L(-1), with control experiments carried out in ultra pure water. Samples could be distinguished if the principal component analysis (PCA) plots were made with capacitance values taken at 10(3) Hz, which is promising for detection of trace amounts of phenolic pollutants in natural water.
A series of new ruthenium-iron based derivatives [Ru(eta(5)-Cp)(dppf)Cl] (1), [Ru(eta(5)-Cp)(dppf)Br] (2), [Ru(eta(5)-Cp)(dppf)I] (3) and [Ru(eta(5)-Cp)(dppf)N(3)] (4) were obtained by reactions of [Ru(eta(5)-Cp)(PPh(3))(2)Cl] with 1,1`-bis(diphenylphosphino) ferrocene (dppf) and characterized by IR, NMR ((1)H, (13)C and (31)P), (57)Fe Mossbauer spectroscopy and cyclic voltammetry. Additionally, the compound (3) was structurally characterized by X-ray crystallography, and the results were as follows: orthorhombic, Pbca, a = 18.2458(10), b = 20.9192(11), c = 34.4138(19) a""<<, alpha = beta = gamma = 90A degrees, V = 13135.3(12) a""<<(3) and Z = 16.
A series of palladium(II) thiosaccharinates with triphenylphosphane (PPh(3)), bis(diphenylphosphanyl)methane (dppm), and bis(diphenylphosphanyl)ethane (dppe) have been prepared and characterized. From mixtures of thiosaccharin, Htsac, and palladium(II) acetylacetonate, Pd(acac)(2), the palladium(II) thiosaccharinate, Pd(tsac)(2) (tsac: thiosaccharinate anion) (1) was prepared. The reaction of I with PPh(3), dppm, and dppe leads to the mononuclear species Pd(tsac)(2)(PPh(3))(2)center dot MeCN (2), [Pd(tsac)(2)(dppm)] (3), Pd(tsac)(2)(dppm)(2) (4), and [Pd(tsac)(2)(dppe)]center dot MeCN (5). Compounds 2, 4, and 5 have been prepared also by the reaction of Pd(acac)(2) with the corresponding phosphane and Htsac. All the new complexes have been characterized by chemical analysis, UV/Vis, IR, and Raman spectroscopy. Some of them have been also characterized by NMR spectroscopy. The crystalline structures of complexes 3, and 5 have been studied by X-ray diffraction techniques. Complex 3 crystallizes in the monoclinic space group P2(1)/n with a = 16.3537(2), b = 13.3981(3), c = 35.2277(7) angstrom, beta = 91.284(1)degrees, and Z = 8 molecules per unit cell, and complex 5 in P2(1)/n with a = 10.6445(8), b = 26.412(3), c = 15.781(2) angstrom, beta = 107.996(7)degrees, and Z = 4. In compounds 3 and 5, the palladium ions are in a distorted square planar environment. They are closely related, having two sulfur atoms of two thiosaccharinate anions, and two phosphorus atoms of one molecule of dppm or dppe, respectively, bonded to the Pd(II) atom. The molecular structure of complex 3 is the first reported for a mononuclear Pd(II)-dppm-thionate system.
355 nm light irradiation of fac-[Mn(CO)(3)(phen)(imH)](+) (fac-1) produces the mer-1 isomer and a long lived radical which can be efficiently trapped by electron acceptor molecules. EPR experiments shows that when excited, the manganese(I) complex can be readily oxidized by one-electron process to produce Mn(II) and phen(.-). In the present study, DFT calculations have been used to investigated the photochemical isomerization of the parent Mn(I) complex and to characterize the electronic structures of the long lived radical. The theoretical calculations have been performed on both the fac-1 and mer-1 species as well as on their one electron oxidized species fac-1+ and mer-1+ for the lowest spin configurations (S = 1/2) and fac-6 and mer-6 (S = 5/2) for the highest one to characterize these complexes. In particular, we used a charge decomposition analysis (CDA) and a natural bonding orbital (NBO) to have a better understanding of the chemical bonding in terms of the nature of electronic interactions. The observed variations in geometry and bond energies with an increasing oxidation state in the central metal ion are interpreted in terms of changes in the nature of metal-ligand bonding interactions. The X-ray structure of fac-1 is also described. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.