870 resultados para meta de inflação


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The research aimed two objectives: 1st) identifying and describing the metaphors of the inflation, in a corpus of 18 texts of economic journalism, from Joelmir Beting, written in the last trimester of 2002, at the moment of the government s transition of president Fernando Henrique Cardoso to Luiz Inácio Lula Da Silva. 2nd) verifying the recognition of the metaphors by the students of the basic education of a private school from Natal. 91 metaphors had been identified, analyzed in the perspective of the conceptual metaphor s theory, by Lakoff and Johnson (2002), on the basis of the distinction between conceptual metaphor and metaphoric expressions, and between domain-source/domain-target. 10 underlying conceptual metaphors had been inferred, being that the domains-source used more frequently to characterize the inflation had been those ones according to the human being and the animals and, of a less imaginable form, to the ways of transport (car, aircraft). These general conceptual metaphors had been unfolded in other s more specific ones ( animal specifying itself in lion , dragon , dog , etc.). Another result was the identification of metaphoric expressions with two or more meanings , with relation to more than one conceptual metaphor or explicit, in the same expression, two domains-source (for example: armored dragon ) and contributes, of a relevant form, for the semantic struturation of the text. The understanding of the metaphors was verified through an activity of domains-source s identification (10 metaphoric statements and fulfilling of the gap in the phrase the inflation is a/an ) applied in a group of 8th year of the basic education (12-13 years old, with 14 girls and 17 boys) from a school of good social and economic positions from Natal-RN. There weren t great difficulties on the part of the students in recognizing the domains-source involved: about 80% to the great majority of the statements


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The research aimed two objectives: 1st) identifying and describing the metaphors of the inflation, in a corpus of 18 texts of economic journalism, from Joelmir Beting, written in the last trimester of 2002, at the moment of the government s transition of president Fernando Henrique Cardoso to Luiz Inácio Lula Da Silva. 2nd) verifying the recognition of the metaphors by the students of the basic education of a private school from Natal. 91 metaphors had been identified, analyzed in the perspective of the conceptual metaphor s theory, by Lakoff and Johnson (2002), on the basis of the distinction between conceptual metaphor and metaphoric expressions, and between domain-source/domain-target. 10 underlying conceptual metaphors had been inferred, being that the domains-source used more frequently to characterize the inflation had been those ones according to the human being and the animals and, of a less imaginable form, to the ways of transport (car, aircraft). These general conceptual metaphors had been unfolded in other s more specific ones ( animal specifying itself in lion , dragon , dog , etc.). Another result was the identification of metaphoric expressions with two or more meanings , with relation to more than one conceptual metaphor or explicit, in the same expression, two domains-source (for example: armored dragon ) and contributes, of a relevant form, for the semantic struturation of the text. The understanding of the metaphors was verified through an activity of domains-source s identification (10 metaphoric statements and fulfilling of the gap in the phrase the inflation is a/an ) applied in a group of 8th year of the basic education (12-13 years old, with 14 girls and 17 boys) from a school of good social and economic positions from Natal-RN. There weren t great difficulties on the part of the students in recognizing the domains-source involved: about 80% to the great majority of the statements


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Purpose: to compare the efficacy of recombinant LH supplementation for controlled ovarian stimulation in recombinant FSH and GnRH-agonist protocol.Methods: Search strategies included on-line surveys of databases. The fixed effects model was used for odds ratio and effect size (weighted mean difference). Four trials fulfilled the inclusion criteria.Results: a fewer days of stimulation (p < 0.0001), a fewer total amount of r-FSH administered (p < 0.0001) and a higher serum estradiol levels on the day of hCG administration (p < 0.0001) were observed for the r-LH supplementation protocol. However, differences were not observed in number of oocyte retrieved, number of mature oocytes, clinical pregnancy per oocyte retrieval, implantation and miscarriage rates.Conclusions: more randomized controlled trials are necessary before evidence-based recommendations regarding exogenous LH supplementation in ovarian stimulation protocols with FSH and GnRH-agonist for assisted reproduction treatment can be provided.


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The objective of this meta-analysis was to investigate the influence of meiotic spindle visualization in human oocytes on intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) outcomes. Search strategies included on-line Surveys of databases (MEDLINE, em BASE, Science Citation Index, Cochrane Controlled Trials Register and Ovid). The fixed effect was used for odds ratio. Ten trials fulfilled the inclusion criteria comparing in-vitro and clinical ICSI outcomes with or without visualization of meiotic spindle in fresh and in-vivo matured oocytes. According to the meta-analysis, the results showed statistically significant higher fertilization rate (P < 0.0001) when the meiotic spindle was viewed than when it was not. Moreover, the percentage of pro-nuclear-stage embyros with good morphology (P = 0.003), cleavage rate (P < 0.0001), percentage of day-3 top-quality embryos (P = 0.003) and percentage of embryos that reached the blastocyst stage (P < 0.0001) were statistically significantly better among, embryos derived from oocytes in which meiotic spindle was viewed compared with those in which meiotic spindle was not observed. However, these differences were not observed in the clinical pregnancy or implantation rates. This observation has clinical relevance mainly in countries where there is a legal limit on the number of oocytes to be fertilized. However, additional controlled trials are needed to further confirm these results.


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Background: It has become an accepted procedure to transfer more than one embryo to the patient to achieve acceptable ongoing pregnancy rates. However, transfers of more than a single embryo increase the probability of establishing a multiple gestation. Single-embryo transfer can minimize twin pregnancies but may also lower live birth rates. This meta-analysis aimed to compare current data on single-embryo versus double-embryo transfer in fresh IVF/ICSI cycles with respect to implantation, ongoing pregnancy and live birth rates.Methods: Search strategies included on-line surveys of databases from 1995 to 2008. Data management and analysis were conducted using the Stats Direct statistical software. The fixed-effect model was used for odds ratio (OR). Fixed-effect effectiveness was evaluated by the Mantel Haenszel method. Seven trials fulfilled the inclusion criteria.Results: When pooling results under the fixed-effect model, the implantation rate was not significantly different between double-embryo transfer (34.5%) and single-embryo transfer group (34.7%) (P = 0.96; OR = 0.99, 95% CI 0.78, 1.25). on the other hand, double-embryo transfer produced a statistically significantly higher ongoing clinical pregnancy rate (44.5%) than single-embryo transfer (28.3%) (P < 0.0001; OR: 2.06, 95% CI = 1.64,2.60). At the same time, pooling results presented a significantly higher live birth rate when double-embryo transfer (42.5%) (P < 0.001; OR: 1.87, 95% CI = 1.44,2.42) was compared with single-embryo transfer (28.4%).Conclusion: Meta-analysis with 95% confidence showed that, despite similar implantation rates, fresh double-embryo transfer had a 1.64 to 2.60 times greater ongoing pregnancy rate and 1.44 to 2.42 times greater live birth rate than single-embryo transfer in a population suitable for ART treatment.


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Background: The effects of gonadotrophin-releasing hormone agonist (GnRH-a) administered in the luteal phase remains controversial. This meta-analysis aimed to evaluate the effect of the administration of a single-dose of GnRH-a in the luteal phase on ICSI clinical outcomes.Methods: The research strategy included the online search of databases. Only randomized studies were included. The outcomes analyzed were implantation rate, clinical pregnancy rate (CPR) per transfer and ongoing pregnancy rate. The fixed effects model was used for odds ratio. In all trials, a single dose of GnRH-a was administered at day 5/6 after ICSI procedures.Results: All cycles presented statistically significantly higher rates of implantation (P < 0.0001), CPR per transfer (P = 0.006) and ongoing pregnancy (P = 0.02) in the group that received luteal-phase GnRH-a administration than in the control group (without luteal-phase-GnRH-a administration). When meta-analysis was carried out only in trials that had used long GnRH-a ovarian stimulation protocol, CPR per transfer (P = 0.06) and ongoing pregnancy (P = 0.23) rates were not significantly different between the groups, but implantation rate was significant higher (P = 0.02) in the group that received luteal-phase-GnRH-a administration. on the other hand, the results from trials that had used GnRH antagonist multi-dose ovarian stimulation protocol showed statistically significantly higher implantation (P = 0.0002), CPR per transfer (P = 0.04) and ongoing pregnancy rate (P = 0.04) in the luteal-phaseGnRH- a administration group. The majority of the results presented heterogeneity.Conclusions: These findings demonstrate that the luteal-phase single-dose GnRH-a administration can increase implantation rate in all cycles and CPR per transfer and ongoing pregnancy rate in cycles with GnRH antagonist ovarian stimulation protocol. Nevertheless, by considering the heterogeneity between the trials, it seems premature to recommend the use of GnRH-a in the luteal phase. Additional randomized controlled trials are necessary before evidence-based recommendations can be provided.


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Background: Improved pregnancy, implantation, and birth rates have been reported after the use of reduced O2 concentration during embryo culture, mainly due to a reduction of the cumulative detrimental effects of reactive oxygen species. However, some studies have failed to report any positive effects. The objective of this meta-analysis was to evaluate the effect of a low-O2 environment on IVF/intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) outcomes.Methods: All available published and ongoing randomised trials that compared the effects of low (similar to 5%; OC similar to 5) and atmospheric (similar to 20%; OC similar to 20) oxygen concentrations on IVF/ICSI outcomes were included. Search strategies included online surveys of databases from 1980 to 2011. The outcomes measured were fertilisation rate, implantation rate and ongoing pregnancy rates. The fixed effects model was used to calculate the odds ratio.Results: Seven studies were included in this analysis. The pooled fertilisation rate did not differ significantly (P = 0.54) between the group of oocytes cultured at low O2 tension and the group at atmospheric O2 tension. Concerning all cycles, the implantation (P = 0.06) and ongoing pregnancy (P = 0.051) rates were not significantly different between the group receiving transferred sets containing only OC similar to 5 embryos and the group receiving transferred sets with only OC similar to 20 embryos. In a meta-analysis performed for only those trials in which embryos were transferred on day 2/3, implantation (P = 0.63) and ongoing pregnancy (P = 0.19) rates were not significantly different between the groups. In contrast, when a meta-analysis was performed using only trials in which embryos were transferred on days 5 and 6 (at the blastocyst stage), the group with transferred sets of only OC similar to 5 embryos showed a statistically significantly higher implantation rate (P = 0.006) than the group receiving transferred sets with only OC similar to 20 embryos, although the ongoing pregnancy (P = 0.19) rates were not significantly different between the groups.Conclusions: Despite some promising results, it seems too early to conclude that low O2 culture has an effect on IVF outcome. Additional randomised controlled trials are necessary before evidence-based recommendations can be provided. It should be emphasised that the present meta-analysis does not provide any evidence that low oxygen concentration is unnecessary.


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This study evaluated the efficacy of probiotic utilization as growth promoters in broiler chicken feeding using systematic literature review and meta-analysis. Thirty-five studies were recovered by the systematic review, 27 of which met the following criteria to be included in the meta-analysis: (1) Brazilian studies published between 1995 and 2005; (2) probiotics administered in the diet without growth promoter; (3) results included performance data with the respective coefficient of variation. Meta-analysis have shown that the probiotics promoted better weight gain and feed conversion than the negative control (no antimicrobial) in the initial phase (1 to 20-28 days); nevertheless, results were similar in the total period (1 to 35-48 days). Weight gain and feed conversion were similar between probiotics and the positive control (with antimicrobial) both in the initial and in the total periods. Viability in the total period improved with the use of probiotics in comparison to the negative or positive controls. Sensitivity analysis showed that the results of meta-analysis were coherent. The funnel plots and the Egger regression method evidenced that the studies published in Brazil do not present biased results. It is possible to conclude that the probiotics are a technically viable alternative to antimicrobial growth promoters in broiler feeding. Nevertheless, further studies are necessary to identify eventual differences among the probiotics commercially available in Brazil.


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar, por meio da meta-análise, o efeito da fitase e da xilanase sobre a digestibilidade ileal aparente (DIa) de aminoácidos, cálcio e fósforo, em suínos em fase de crescimento. A base de dados consistiu de 21 artigos publicados entre 1998 e 2009, no total de 82 tratamentos e 644 suínos. A meta-análise foi realizada por análise gráfica, de correlação, de variância-covariância. As concentrações de fósforo fítico e as frações fibra em detergente neutro, fibra em detergente ácido e lignina em detergente ácido, nas dietas, apresentaram correlações baixas e negativas com a DIa do cálcio, fósforo e aminoácidos. A adição de fitase às dietas aumentou em 2% a DIa da arginina, em 14% a do cálcio e em 34% a do fósforo. A DIa da arginina, fenilalanina, isoleucina e lisina foi 3,3% superior em suínos alimentados com dietas com xilanase, em relação às dietas sem a enzima. O fósforo fítico e as fibras, nas dietas, reduzem a DIa do cálcio, do fósforo e dos aminoácidos essenciais. O uso de fitase e xilanase, nas dietas, melhora o aproveitamento de cálcio, fósforo e alguns aminoácidos. No entanto, o excesso de cálcio e fósforo nas dietas reduz a ação da fitase sobre a digestibilidade ileal dos nutrientes.


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CONTEXTO E OBJETIVO: Urgências hipertensivas são definidas como elevações graves na pressão arterial sem evidência de danos agudos ou progressivos a órgãos-alvo. A necessidade de tratamento é considerada urgente, mas permite um controle gradual, utilizando-se drogas orais ou sublinguais. Se o aumento na pressão arterial não está associado a risco de vida ou danos a órgãos alvo, o controle pressórico deve ser feito lentamente durante 24 horas. em relação às urgências hipertensivas, não é conhecida qual a classe de drogas anti-hipertensivas que promove os melhores resultados e há controvérsia em relação a quando e quais as drogas devem ser utilizadas nestas situações. O objetivo desta revisão foi avaliar a efetividade e a segurança de drogas orais para urgências hipertensivas. METODOS: Esta revisão sistemática da literatura foi desenvolvida no Centro Cochrane do Brasil, e na Disciplina de Medicina de Urgência e Medicina Baseada em Evidências da Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) - Escola Paulista de Medicina (Unifesp-EPM), de acordo com a metodologia da Colaboração Cochrane. RESULTADOS: Os 16 ensaios clínicos aleatórios selecionados incluíram 769 participantes e demonstraram um efeito superior dos inibidores da enzima conversora de angiotensina no tratamento da urgência hipertensiva, avaliada em 223 participantes. Os efeitos adversos mais frequentes para os bloqueadores de canal de cálcio foram cefaleia (35/206), rubor (17/172) e alterações do ritmo cardíaco (14/189); para os inibidores da enzima conversora de angiotensina, o efeito colateral mais frequente foi disgeusia (25/38). CONCLUSÕES: Há evidências importantes a favor do uso de inibidores da enzima conversora da angiotensina para o tratamento de urgências hipertensivas, quando comparados aos bloqueadores dos canais de cálcio, devido a maior efetividade e à menor frequência de efeitos adversos, como cefaléia e rubor facial.


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OBJECTIVETo determine the current status of the literature regarding the clinical efficacy and complication rates of cryoablation vs radiofrequency ablation in the treatment of small renal tumours.METHODSA review of the literature was conducted. There was no language restriction. Studies were obtained from the following sources: MEDLINE, EMBASE and LILACS.Inclusion criteria were (i) case series design with more than one case reported, (ii) use of cryoablation or radiofrequency ablation, (iii) patients with renal cell carcinoma and, (iv) outcome reported as clinical efficacy.When available, we also quantified the complication rates from each included study.Proportional meta-analysis was performed on both outcomes with a random-effects model. The 95% confidential intervals were also calculated.RESULTSThirty-one case series (20 cryoablation, 11 radiofrequency ablation) met all inclusion criteria.The pooled proportion of clinical efficacy was 89% in cryoablation therapy from a total of 457 cases. There was a statistically significant heterogeneity between these studies showing the inconsistency of clinical and methodological aspects.The pooled proportion of clinical efficacy was 90% in radiofrequency ablation therapy from a total of 426 cases. There was no statistically significant heterogeneity between these studies.There was no statistically significant difference regarding complications rate between cryoablation and radiofrequency ablation.CONCLUSIONSThis review shows that both ablation therapies have similar efficacy and complication rates.There is urgency for performing clinical trials with long-term data to establish which intervention is most suitable for the treatment of small renal masses.


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The objective of this work was to estimate, by meta-analysis, the heritability (h(2)) and the genetic (r(g)) and phenotypic (r(f)) correlations of residual feed intake (RFI), and of its component traits in beef cattle from 19 breeds or genetic groups. Twenty-two scientific papers published from 1963 to 2011, from eight countries, totaling 52,637 cattle of ages from 28 days up to slaughter, were evaluated. The estimates of RFI, dry matter intake (DMI), average daily gain (ADG) and metabolic weight (BW0.75) were weighted by the inverse of sample variance. The variation between studies of h(2) for each trait was analyzed by weighted least squares. The effects of sex, country and breed were significant for h(2) of RFI, explaining 67% of variation between studies. For DMI, country and breed effects were significant and explained 96% of variation. Pooled estimates of h(2) were: 0.255+/-0.008, 0.278+/-0.012, 0.321+/-0.015, and 0.397+/-0.032 for RFI, DMI, ADG and BW0.75, respectively. Pooled estimates of genetic and phenotypic correlations were low between RFI and ADG and between RFI and BW0.75 (from -0.021+/-0.034 to 0.025+/-0.035), and moderate between RFI and DMI (0.636+/-0.035 and 0.698+/-0.041) and between DMI, ADG and BW0.75 (0.441+/-0.062 to 0.688+/-0.032). The trait RFI has lower heritability estimates than its components.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)