944 resultados para mean arterial pressure


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BACKGROUND: The postoperative assessment of volume status is not straightforward because of concomitant changes in intravascular volume and vascular tone. Hypovolemia and blood flow redistribution may compromise the perfusion of the intraabdominal organs. We investigated the effects of a volume challenge in different intra- and extraabdominal vascular beds. METHODS: Twelve pigs were studied 6 h after major intraabdominal surgery under general anesthesia when clinically normovolemic. Volume challenges consisted of 200 mL rapidly infused 6% hydroxyethyl starch. Systemic (continuous thermodilution) and regional (ultrasound Doppler) flows in carotid, renal, celiac trunk, hepatic, and superior mesenteric arteries and the portal vein were continuously measured. The acute and sustained effects of the challenge were compared with baseline. RESULTS: Volume challenge produced a sustained increase of 22% +/- 15% in cardiac output (P < 0.001). Blood flow increased by 10% +/- 9% in the renal artery, by 22% +/- 15% in the carotid artery, by 26% +/- 15% in the superior mesenteric artery, and by 31% +/- 20% in the portal vein (all P < 0.001). Blood flow increases in the celiac trunk (8% +/- 13%) and the hepatic artery (7% +/- 19%) were not significant. Increases in regional blood flow occurred early and were sustained. Mean arterial and central venous blood pressures increased early and decreased later (all P < 0.05). CONCLUSIONS: A volume challenge in clinically euvolemic postoperative animals was associated with a sustained increase in blood flow to all vascular beds, although the increase in the celiac trunk and the hepatic artery was very modest and did not reach statistical significance. Whether improved postoperative organ perfusion is accompanied by a lower complication rate should be evaluated in further studies.


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Hypertension is the most prevalent form of cardiovascular disease (CVD) in the world, and is known to increase the risk for developing other diseases. Recently, the American Heart Association introduced a new classification of blood pressure, prehypertension (PHT). The criteria for PHT include a systolic of 120-139 mmHg and/or a diastolic blood pressure of 80-89 mmHg. It has been observed that individuals with PHT have a higher risk of developing hypertension later in life. Therefore, it is important to understand the mechanisms contributing to PHT in order to possibly prevent hypertension. Omega-3 fatty acids found in fish oils have been suggested as a means of lowering blood pressure. However, little is known on the effects of fish oil in PHT humans. Therefore we conducted two studies. In Study 1 we investigated PHT and normotensive (NT) individuals during a mental stress task. Mental stress is known to contribute to the development of hypertension. In Study 2 PHT and NT subjects were placed in an eight week double-blind placebo controlled study in which subjects consumed 9g/day of either fish oil or placebo (olive oil) in addition to their regular diets. Subjects were tested during a resting baseline (seated and supine), 5 minutes of a mental stress task, and 5 minutes of recovery both pre and post supplementation. We measured arterial pressure (AP), heart rate (HR), muscle sympathetic nerve activity (MSNA), and forearm and calf vascular responses. In Study 1 PHT demonstrated augmented AP and blunted vasodilation during mental stress, but MSNA did not change. In Study 2, fish oil did not directly influence blood pressure, MSNA or vascular responses to mental stress. However, it became clear that fish oil had an effect on some but not all subjects (both PHT and NT). Specifically, subjects who experienced a reduced blood pressure response to fish oil also demonstrated a decrease in MSNA and HR during mental stress. Collectively, the investigations in this dissertation had several novel findings. First, PHT individuals demonstrate an augmented pressor and blunted vascular response to mental stress, a response that may be contributing to the development of hypertension. Second, fish oil does not consistently lower resting blood pressure, but the interindividual responses may be related to MSNA. Third, fish oil attenuated the heart rate and MSNA responses and to mental stress in both PHT and NT. In conclusion, we found that there are both similarities and differences in the way PHT and NT individuals respond to mental stress and fish oil.


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Ethanol-gasoline fuel blends are increasingly being used in spark ignition (SI) engines due to continued growth in renewable fuels as part of a growing renewable portfolio standard (RPS). This leads to the need for a simple and accurate ethanol-gasoline blends combustion model that is applicable to one-dimensional engine simulation. A parametric combustion model has been developed, integrated into an engine simulation tool, and validated using SI engine experimental data. The parametric combustion model was built inside a user compound in GT-Power. In this model, selected burn durations were computed using correlations as functions of physically based non-dimensional groups that have been developed using the experimental engine database over a wide range of ethanol-gasoline blends, engine geometries, and operating conditions. A coefficient of variance (COV) of gross indicated mean effective pressure (IMEP) correlation was also added to the parametric combustion model. This correlation enables the cycle combustion variation modeling as a function of engine geometry and operating conditions. The computed burn durations were then used to fit single and double Wiebe functions. The single-Wiebe parametric combustion compound used the least squares method to compute the single-Wiebe parameters, while the double-Wiebe parametric combustion compound used an analytical solution to compute the double-Wiebe parameters. These compounds were then integrated into the engine model in GT-Power through the multi-Wiebe combustion template in which the values of Wiebe parameters (single-Wiebe or double-Wiebe) were sensed via RLT-dependence. The parametric combustion models were validated by overlaying the simulated pressure trace from GT-Power on to experimentally measured pressure traces. A thermodynamic engine model was also developed to study the effect of fuel blends, engine geometries and operating conditions on both the burn durations and COV of gross IMEP simulation results.


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BACKGROUND: During orthopedic surgery, embolization of bone marrow fat can lead to potentially fatal, intra-operative cardiovascular deterioration. Vasoactive mediators may also be released from the bone marrow and contribute to these changes. Increased plasma levels of endothelin-1 (ET-1) have been observed after pulmonary air and thrombo-embolism. The role of ET-1 in the development of acute cardiovascular deterioration as a result of bone marrow fat embolization during vertebroplasty was therefore investigated. METHODS: Bone cement was injected into three lumbar vertebrae of six sheep in order to force bone marrow fat into the circulation. Invasive blood pressures and heart rate were recorded continuously until 60 min after the last injection. Cardiac output, arterial and mixed venous blood gas parameters and plasma ET-1 concentrations were measured at selected time points. Post-mortem, lung biopsies were taken for analysis of intravascular fat. RESULTS: Cement injections resulted in a sudden (within 1 min) and severe increase in pulmonary arterial pressure (>100%). Plasma concentrations of ET-1 started to increase after the second injection, but no significant changes were observed. Intravascular fat and bone marrow cells were present in all lung lobes. CONCLUSION: Cement injections into vertebral bodies elicited fat embolism resulting in subsequent cardiovascular changes that were characterized by an increase in pulmonary arterial pressure. Cardiovascular complications as a result of bone marrow fat embolism should thus be considered in patients undergoing vertebroplasty. No significant changes in ET-1 plasma values were observed. Thus, ET-1 did not contribute to the acute cardiovascular changes after fat embolism.


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The need to achieve adequate tissue oxygen delivery early in patients with septic shock is well established. However, it is less well recognized that tissue hypoperfusion can exist despite normalization of systemic hemodynamics. Efforts to resuscitate septic patients until adequate tissue perfusion has been achieved can potentially improve outcome. In a multicenter study, 130 patients with septic shock were resuscitated within 12 hours of diagnosis using a protocol including goals for mean arterial and pulmonary artery occluded pressures, urinary output, arterial pH, and hemoglobin goals. They were then randomly assigned to further resuscitation with either a cardiac index (>or= 3 l/minute per m2) or a gastric mucosal pH (>or= 7.32) target. The intensive care unit length of stay and 28-day mortality did not differ between groups, but more patients in the cardiac index group were in the target range, both at baseline and after resuscitation, as compared with the gastric mucosal pH group. In contrast to cardiac index, gastric mucosal pH at baseline and at 24 and 48 hours predicted mortality. Whether other targets for the chosen variables, or different and--in particular--earlier resuscitation efforts would have favored one group cannot be concluded from the data provided.


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OBJECTIVE This study tested the hypotheses that intermittent coronary sinus occlusion (iCSO) reduces myocardial ischaemia, and that the amount of ischaemia reduction is related to coronary collateral function. DESIGN Prospective case-control study with intraindividual comparison of myocardial ischaemia during two 2-min coronary artery balloon occlusions with and without simultaneous iCSO by a balloon-tipped catheter. SETTING University Hospital. PATIENTS 35 patients with chronic stable coronary artery disease. INTERVENTION 2-min iCSO. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES Myocardial ischaemia as assessed by intracoronary (i.c.) ECG ST shift at 2 min of coronary artery balloon occlusion. Collateral flow index (CFI) without iCSO, that is, the ratio between mean distal coronary occlusive (Poccl) and mean aortic pressure (Pao) both minus central venous pressure. RESULTS I.c. ECG ST segment shift (elevation in all) at the end of the procedure with iCSO versus without iCSO was 1.33±1.25 mV versus 1.85±1.45 mV, p<0.0001. Regression analysis showed that the degree of i.c. ECG ST shift reduction during iCSO was related to CFI, best fitting a Lorentzian function (r(2)=0.61). Ischaemia reduction with iCSO was greatest at a CFI of 0.05-0.20, whereas in the low and high CFI range the effect of iCSO was absent. CONCLUSIONS ICSO reduces myocardial ischaemia in patients with chronic coronary artery disease. Ischaemia reduction by iCSO depends on coronary collateral function. A minimal degree of collateral function is necessary to render iCSO effective. ICSO cannot manifest an effect when collateral function prevents ischaemia in the first place.


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OBJECTIVE To determine whether myocardial contrast echocardiography can be used to quantify collateral derived myocardial flow in humans. METHODS In 25 patients undergoing coronary angioplasty, a collateral flow index (CFI) was determined using intracoronary wedge pressure distal to the stenosis to be dilated, with simultaneous mean aortic pressure measurements. During balloon occlusion, echo contrast was injected into both main coronary arteries simultaneously. Echocardiography of the collateral receiving myocardial area was performed. The time course of myocardial contrast enhancement in images acquired at end diastole was quantified by measuring pixel intensities (256 grey units) within a region of interest. Perfusion variables, such as background subtracted peak pixel intensity and contrast transit rate, were obtained from a fitted gamma variate curve. RESULTS 16 patients had a left anterior descending coronary artery stenosis, four had a left circumflex coronary artery stenosis, and five had a right coronary artery stenosis. The mean (SD) CFI was 19 (12)% (range 0-47%). Mean contrast transit rate was 11 (8) seconds. In 17 patients, a significant collateral contrast effect was observed (defined as peak pixel intensity more than the mean + 2 SD of background). Peak pixel intensity was linearly related to CFI in patients with a significant contrast effect (p = 0.002, r = 0.69) as well as in all patients (p = 0.0003, r = 0.66). CONCLUSIONS Collateral derived perfusion of myocardial areas at risk can be demonstrated using intracoronary echo contrast injections. The peak echo contrast effect is directly related to the magnitude of collateral flow.


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BACKGROUND Osteochondral autograft transfer (OAT) aims at restoring normal articular cartilage surface geometry and articular contact mechanics. To date, no studies have evaluated the contact mechanics of the canine stifle following OAT. Additionally, there are no studies that evaluated the role of the meniscus in contact mechanics following OAT in human or canine femorotibial joints. The objective of this study was to measure the changes in femorotibial contact areas (CA), mean contact pressure (MCP) and peak contact pressure (PCP) before and after osteochondral autograft transplantation (OAT) of a simulated lateral femoral condylar cartilage defect with an intact lateral meniscus and following lateral meniscectomy. RESULTS With an intact lateral meniscus, creation of an osteochondral defect caused a decrease in MCP and PCP by 11% and 30%, respectively, compared to the intact stifle (p < 0.01). With an intact meniscus, implanting an osteochondral graft restored MCP and PCP to 96% (p = 0.56) and 92% (p = 0.41) of the control values. Lateral meniscectomy with grafting decreased CA by 54% and increased PCP by 79% compared to the intact stifle (p < 0.01). CONCLUSIONS OAT restored contact pressures in stifles with a simulated lateral condylar defect when the meniscus was intact. The lateral meniscus has a significant role in maintaining normal contact pressures in both stifles with a defect or following OAT. Meniscectomy should be avoided when a femoral condylar defect is present and when performing OAT.


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OBJECTIVE To expand the limited information on the prognostic impact of quantitatively obtained collateral function in patients with coronary artery disease (CAD) and to estimate causality of such a relation. DESIGN Prospective cohort study with long-term observation of clinical outcome. SETTING University Hospital. PATIENTS One thousand one hundred and eighty-one patients with chronic stable CAD undergoing 1771 quantitative, coronary pressure-derived collateral flow index measurements, as obtained during a 1-min coronary balloon occlusion (CFI is the ratio between mean distal coronary occlusive pressure and mean aortic pressure both subtracted by central venous pressure). Subgroup of 152 patients included in randomised trials on the longitudinal effect of different arteriogenic protocols on CFI. INTERVENTIONS Collection of long-term follow-up information on clinical outcome. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES All-cause mortality and major adverse cardiac events. RESULTS Cumulative 15-year survival rate was 48% in patients with CFI<0.25 and 65% in the group with CFI≥0.25 (p=0.0057). Cumulative 10-year survival rate was 75% in patients without arteriogenic therapy and 88% (p=0.0482) in the group with arteriogenic therapy and showing a significant increase in CFI at follow-up. By proportional hazard analysis, the following variables predicted increased all-cause mortality: age, low CFI, left ventricular end-diastolic pressure and number of vessels with CAD. CONCLUSIONS A well-functioning coronary collateral circulation independently predicts lowered mortality in patients with chronic CAD. This relation appears to be causal, because augmented collateral function by arteriogenic therapy is associated with prolonged survival.


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BACKGROUND The use of ultrathin Doppler angioplasty guidewires has made it possible to measure collateral flow quantitatively. Pharmacologic interventions have been shown to influence collateral flow and, thus, to affect myocardial ischaemia. METHODS Twenty-five patients with coronary artery disease undergoing PTCA were included in the present analysis. Coronary flow velocities were measured in the ipsilateral (n = 25) and contralateral (n = 6; two Doppler wires) vessels during PTCA with and without i.v. adenosine (140 microg/kg.min) before and 3 min after 5 mg metoprolol i.v., respectively. The ipsilateral Doppler wire was positioned distal to the stenosis, whereas the distal end of the contralateral wire was in an angiographically normal vessel. The flow signals of the ipsilateral wire were used to calculate the collateral flow index (CFI). CFI was defined as the ratio of flow velocity during balloon inflation divided by resting flow. RESULTS Heart rate and mean aortic pressure decreased slightly (ns) after i.v. metoprolol. The collateral flow index was 0.25+/-0.12 (one fourth of the resting coronary flow) during the first PTCA and 0.27+/-0.14 (ns versus first PTCA) during the second PTCA, but decreased with metoprolol to 0.16+/-0.08 (p<0.0001 vs. baseline) during the third PTCA. CONCLUSIONS Coronary collateral flow increased slightly but not significantly during maximal vasodilatation with adenosine but decreased in 23 of 25 patients after i.v. metoprolol. Thus, there is a reduction in coronary collateral flow with metoprolol, probably due to an increase in coronary collateral resistance or a reduction in oxygen demand.


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Objective To evaluate the effect of heart rate reduction by ivabradine on coronary collateral function in patients with chronic stable coronary artery disease (CAD). Methods This was a prospective randomised placebo-controlled monocentre trial in a university hospital setting. 46 patients with chronic stable CAD received placebo (n=23) or ivabradine (n=23) for the duration of 6 months. The main outcome measure was collateral flow index (CFI) as obtained during a 1 min coronary artery balloon occlusion at study inclusion (baseline) and at the 6-month follow-up examination. CFI is the ratio between simultaneously recorded mean coronary occlusive pressure divided by mean aortic pressure both subtracted by mean central venous pressure. Results During follow-up, heart rate changed by +0.2±7.8 beats/min in the placebo group, and by –8.1±11.6 beats/min in the ivabradine group (p=0.0089). In the placebo group, CFI decreased from 0.140±0.097 at baseline to 0.109±0.067 at follow-up (p=0.12); it increased from 0.107±0.077 at baseline to 0.152±0.090 at follow-up in the ivabradine group (p=0.0461). The difference in CFI between the 6-month follow-up and baseline examination amounted to −0.031±0.090 in the placebo group and to +0.040±0.094 in the ivabradine group (p=0.0113). Conclusions Heart rate reduction by ivabradine appears to have a positive effect on coronary collateral function in patients with chronic stable CAD.


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BACKGROUND The function of naturally existing internal mammary (IMA)-to-coronary artery bypasses and their quantitative effect on myocardial ischemia are unknown. METHODS AND RESULTS The primary end point of this study was collateral flow index (CFI) obtained during two 1-minute coronary artery balloon occlusions, the first with and the second without simultaneous distal IMA occlusion. The secondary study end point was the quantitatively determined intracoronary ECG ST-segment elevation. CFI is the ratio of simultaneously recorded mean coronary occlusive pressure divided by mean aortic pressure both subtracted by mean central venous pressure. A total of 180 pairs of CFI measurements were performed among 120 patients. With and without IMA occlusion, CFI was 0.110±0.074 and 0.096±0.072, respectively (P<0.0001). The difference of CFI obtained in the presence minus CFI obtained in the absence of IMA occlusion was highest and most consistently positive during left IMA with left anterior descending artery occlusion and during right IMA with right coronary artery occlusion (ipsilateral occlusions): 0.033±0.044 and 0.025±0.027, respectively. This CFI difference was absent during right IMA with left anterior descending artery occlusion and during left IMA with right coronary artery occlusion (contralateral occlusions): -0.007±0.034 and 0.001±0.023, respectively (P=0.0002 versus ipsilateral occlusions). The respective CFI differences during either IMA with left circumflex artery occlusion were inconsistently positive. Intracoronary ECG ST-segment elevations were significantly reduced during ipsilateral IMA occlusions but not during contralateral or left circumflex artery occlusions. CONCLUSION There is a functional, ischemia-reducing extracardiac coronary artery supply via ipsilateral but not via contralateral natural IMA bypasses. CLINICAL TRIAL REGISTRATION URL http://www.clinicaltrials.gov. Unique identifier: NCTO1676207.


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BACKGROUND It has been suggested that sleep apnea syndrome may play a role in normal-tension glaucoma contributing to optic nerve damage. The purpose of this study was to evaluate if optic nerve and visual field parameters in individuals with sleep apnea syndrome differ from those in controls. PATIENTS AND METHODS From the records of the sleep laboratory at the University Hospital in Bern, Switzerland, we recruited consecutive patients with severe sleep apnea syndrome proven by polysomnography, apnea-hypopnea index >20, as well as no sleep apnea controls with apnea-hypopnea index <10. Participants had to be unknown to the ophtalmology department and had to have no recent eye examination in the medical history. All participants underwent a comprehensive eye examination, scanning laser polarimetry (GDx VCC, Carl Zeiss Meditec, Dublin, California), scanning laser ophthalmoscopy (Heidelberg Retina Tomograph II, HRT II), and automated perimetry (Octopus 101 Programm G2, Haag-Streit Diagnostics, Koeniz, Switzerland). Mean values of the parameters of the two groups were compared by t-test. RESULTS The sleep apnea group consisted of 69 eyes of 35 patients; age 52.7 ± 9.7 years, apnea-hypopnea index 46.1 ± 24.8. As controls served 38 eyes of 19 patients; age 45.8 ± 11.2 years, apnea-hypopnea index 4.8 ± 1.9. A difference was found in mean intraocular pressure, although in a fully overlapping range, sleep apnea group: 15.2 ± 3.1, range 8-22 mmHg, controls: 13.6 ± 2.3, range 9-18 mmHg; p<0.01. None of the extended visual field, optic nerve head (HRT) and retinal nerve fiber layer (GDx VCC) parameters showed a significant difference between the groups. CONCLUSION Visual field, optic nerve head, and retinal nerve fiber layer parameters in patients with sleep apnea did not differ from those in the control group. Our results do not support a pathogenic relationship between sleep apnea syndrome and glaucoma.


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Sepsis is a significant cause for multiple organ failure and death in the burn patient, yet identification in this population is confounded by chronic hypermetabolism and impaired immune function. The purpose of this study was twofold: 1) determine the ability of the systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS) and American Burn Association (ABA) criteria to predict sepsis in the burn patient; and 2) develop a model representing the best combination of clinical predictors associated with sepsis in the same population. A retrospective, case-controlled, within-patient comparison of burn patients admitted to a single intensive care unit (ICU) was conducted for the period January 2005 to September 2010. Blood culture results were paired with clinical condition: "positive-sick"; "negative-sick", and "screening-not sick". Data were collected for the 72 hours prior to each blood culture. The most significant predictors were evaluated using logistic regression, Generalized Estimating Equations (GEE) and ROC area under the curve (AUC) analyses to assess model predictive ability. Bootstrapping methods were employed to evaluate potential model over-fitting. Fifty-nine subjects were included, representing 177 culture periods. SIRS criteria were not found to be associated with culture type, with an average of 98% of subjects meeting criteria in the 3 days prior. ABA sepsis criteria were significantly different among culture type only on the day prior (p = 0.004). The variables identified for the model included: heart rate>130 beats/min, mean blood pressure<60 mmHg, base deficit<-6 mEq/L, temperature>36°C, use of vasoactive medications, and glucose>150 mg/d1. The model was significant in predicting "positive culture-sick" and sepsis state, with AUC of 0.775 (p < 0.001) and 0.714 (p < .001), respectively; comparatively, the ABA criteria AUC was 0.619 (p = 0.028) and 0.597 (p = .035), respectively. SIRS criteria are not appropriate for identifying sepsis in the burn population. The ABA criteria perform better, but only for the day prior to positive blood culture results. The time period useful to diagnose sepsis using clinical criteria may be limited to 24 hours. A combination of predictors is superior to individual variable trends, yet algorithms or computer support will be necessary for the clinician to find such models useful. ^