966 resultados para mass transfer velocity


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A generic LC-MS approach for the absolute quantification of undigested peptides in plasma at mid-picomolar levels is described. Nine human peptides namely, brain natriuretic peptide (BNP), substance P (SubP), parathyroid hormone 1-34 (PTH), C-peptide, orexines A and B (Orex-A and -B), oxytocin (Oxy), gonadoliberin-1 (gonadothropin releasing-hormone or luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone, LHRH) and α-melanotropin (α-MSH) were targeted. Plasma samples were extracted via a 2-step procedure: protein precipitation using 1vol of acetonitrile followed by ultrafiltration of supernatants on membranes with a MW cut-off of 30 kDa. By applying a specific LC-MS setup, large volumes of filtrates (e.g., 2×750 μL) were injected and the peptides were trapped on a 1mm i.d.×10 mm length C8 column using a 10× on-line dilution. Then, the peptides were back-flushed and a second on-line dilution (2×) was applied during the transfer step. The refocalized peptides were resolved on a 0.3mm i.d. C18 analytical column. Extraction recovery, matrix effect and limits of detection were evaluated. Our comprehensive protocol demonstrates a simple and efficient sample preparation procedure followed by the analysis of peptides with limits of detection in the mid-picomolar range. This generic approach can be applied for the determination of most therapeutic peptides and possibly for endogenous peptides with latest state-of-the-art instruments.


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The anti-diuretic neurohypophysial hormone Vasopressin (Vp) and its synthetic analogue Desmopressin (Dp, 1-desamino-vasopressin) have received considerable attention from doping control authorities due to their impact on physiological blood parameters. Accordingly, the illicit use of Desmopressin in elite sport is sanctioned by the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) and the drug is classified as masking agent. Vp and Dp are small (8-9 amino acids) peptides administered orally as well as intranasally. Within the present study a method to determine Dp and Vp in urinary doping control samples by means of liquid chromatography coupled to quadrupole high resolution time-of-flight mass spectrometry was developed. After addition of Lys-Vasopressin as internal standard and efficient sample clean up with a mixed mode solid phase extraction (weak cation exchange), the samples were directly injected into the LC-MS system. The method was validated considering the parameters specificity, linearity, recovery (80-100%), accuracy, robustness, limit of detection/quantification (20/50 pg mL(-1)), precision (inter/intra-day<10%), ion suppression and stability. The analysis of administration study urine samples collected after a single intranasal or oral application of Dp yielded in detection windows for the unchanged target analyte for up to 20 h at concentrations between 50 and 600 pg mL(-1). Endogenous Vp was detected in concentrations of approximately 20-200 pg mL(-1) in spontaneous urine samples obtained from healthy volunteers. The general requirements of the developed method provide the characteristics for an easy transfer to other anti-doping laboratories and support closing another potential gap for cheating athletes.


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The wound response prohormone jasmonic acid (JA) accumulates rapidly in tissues both proximal and distal to injury sites in plants. Using quantitative liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry after flash freezing of tissues, we found that JA accumulated within 30 s of injury in wounded Arabidopsis leaves (p = 3.5 e(-7)). JA augmentation distal to wounds was strongest in unwounded leaves with direct vascular connections to wounded leaves wherein JA levels increased significantly within 120 s of wounding (p = 0.00027). This gave conservative and statistically robust temporal boundaries for the average velocity of the long distance signal leading to distal JA accumulation in unwounded leaves of 3.4-4.5 cm min(-1). Like JA, transcripts of the JA synthesis gene LIPOXYGENASE2 (LOX2) and the jasmonate response gene JAZ10.3 also accumulated to higher levels in directly interconnected leaves than in indirectly connected leaves. JA accumulation in a lox2-1 mutant plant was initiated rapidly after wounding then slowed progressively compared with the wild type (WT). Despite this, JAZ10.3 expression in the two genotypes was similar. Free cyclopentenone jasmonate levels were similar in both resting WT and lox2-1. In contrast, bound cyclopentenone jasmonates (arabidopsides) were far lower in lox2-1 than in the WT. The major roles of LOX2 are to generate arabidopsides and the large levels of JA that accumulate proximal to the wound. LOX2 is not essential for some of the most rapid events elicited by wounding.


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A previously developed high performance liquid chromatography mass spectrometry (HPLC-MS) procedure for the simultaneous determination of antidementia drugs, including donepezil, galantamine, memantine, rivastigmine and its metabolite NAP 226-90, was transferred to an ultra performance liquid chromatography system coupled to a tandem mass spectrometer (UPLC-MS/MS). The drugs and their internal standards ([(2)H(7)]-donepezil, [(13)C,(2)H(3)]-galantamine, [(13)C(2),(2)H(6)]-memantine, [(2)H(6)]-rivastigmine) were extracted from 250μL human plasma by protein precipitation with acetonitrile. Chromatographic separation was achieved on a reverse phase column (BEH C18 2.1mm×50mm; 1.7μm) with a gradient elution of an ammonium acetate buffer at pH 9.3 and acetonitrile at a flow rate of 0.4mL/min and an overall run time of 4.5min. The analytes were detected on a tandem quadrupole mass spectrometer operated in positive electrospray ionization mode, and quantification was performed using multiple reaction monitoring. The method was validated according to the recommendations of international guidelines over a calibration range of 1-300ng/mL for donepezil, galantamine and memantine, and 0.2-50ng/mL for rivastimgine and NAP 226-90. The trueness (86-108%), repeatability (0.8-8.3%), intermediate precision (2.3-10.9%) and selectivity of the method were found to be satisfactory. Matrix effects variability was inferior to 15% for the analytes and inferior to 5% after correction by internal standards. A method comparison was performed with patients' samples showing similar results between the HPLC-MS and UPLC-MS/MS procedures. Thus, this validated UPLC-MS/MS method allows to reduce the required amount of plasma, to use a simplified sample preparation, and to obtain a higher sensitivity and specificity with a much shortened run-time.


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Time-resolved imaging is carried out to study the dynamics of the laser-induced forward transfer of an aqueous solution at different laser fluences. The transfer mechanisms are elucidated, and directly correlated with the material deposited at the analyzed irradiation conditions. It is found that there exists a fluence range in which regular and well-defined droplets are deposited. In this case, laser pulse energy absorption results in the formation of a plasma, which expansion originates a cavitation bubble in the liquid. After the further expansion and collapse of the bubble, a long and uniform jet is developed, which advances at a constant velocity until it reaches the receptor substrate. On the other hand, for lower fluences no material is deposited. In this case, although a jet can be also generated, it recoils before reaching the substrate. For higher fluences, splashing is observed on the receptor substrate due to the bursting of the cavitation bubble. Finally, a discussion of the possible mechanisms which lead to such singular dynamics is also provided.


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Molecular dynamics simulation is applied to the study of the diffusion properties in binary liquid mixtures made up of soft-sphere particles with different sizes and masses. Self- and distinct velocity correlation functions and related diffusion coefficients have been calculated. Special attention has been paid to the dynamic cross correlations which have been computed through recently introduced relative mean molecular velocity correlation functions which are independent on the reference frame. The differences between the distinct velocity correlations and diffusion coefficients in different reference frames (mass-fixed, number-fixed, and solvent-fixed) are discussed.


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This study proposes a new concept for upscaling local information on failure surfaces derived from geophysical data, in order to develop the spatial information and quickly estimate the magnitude and intensity of a landslide. A new vision of seismic interpretation on landslides is also demonstrated by taking into account basic geomorphic information with a numeric method based on the Sloping Local Base Level (SLBL). The SLBL is a generalization of the base level defined in geomorphology applied to landslides, and allows the calculation of the potential geometry of the landslide failure surface. This approach was applied to a large scale landslide formed mainly in gypsum and situated in a former glacial valley along the Rhone within the Western European Alps. Previous studies identified the existence of two sliding surfaces that may continue below the level of the valley. In this study. seismic refraction-reflexion surveys were carried out to verify the existence of these failure surfaces. The analysis of the seismic data provides a four-layer model where three velocity layers (<1000 ms(-1), 1500 ms(-1) and 3000 ms(-1)) are interpreted as the mobilized mass at different weathering levels and compaction. The highest velocity layer (>4000 ms(-1)) with a maximum depth of similar to 58 m is interpreted as the stable anhydrite bedrock. Two failure surfaces were interpreted from the seismic surveys: an upper failure and a much deeper one (respectively 25 and 50 m deep). The upper failure surface depth deduced from geophysics is slightly different from the results obtained using the SLBL, and the deeper failure surface depth calculated with the SLBL method is underestimated in comparison with the geophysical interpretations. Optimal results were therefore obtained by including the seismic data in the SLBL calculations according to the geomorphic limits of the landslide (maximal volume of mobilized mass = 7.5 x 10(6) m(3)).


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Mass spectrometry (MS) is currently the most sensitive and selective analytical technique for routine peptide and protein structure analysis. Top-down proteomics is based on tandem mass spectrometry (MS/ MS) of intact proteins, where multiply charged precursor ions are fragmented in the gas phase, typically by electron transfer or electron capture dissociation, to yield sequence-specific fragment ions. This approach is primarily used for the study of protein isoforms, including localization of post-translational modifications and identification of splice variants. Bottom-up proteomics is utilized for routine high-throughput protein identification and quantitation from complex biological samples. The proteins are first enzymatically digested into small (usually less than ca. 3 kDa) peptides, these are identified by MS or MS/MS, usually employing collisional activation techniques. To overcome the limitations of these approaches while combining their benefits, middle-down proteomics has recently emerged. Here, the proteins are digested into long (3-15 kDa) peptides via restricted proteolysis followed by the MS/MS analysis of the obtained digest. With advancements of high-resolution MS and allied techniques, routine implementation of the middle-down approach has been made possible. Herein, we present the liquid chromatography (LC)-MS/MS-based experimental design of our middle-down proteomic workflow coupled with post-LC supercharging.


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The use of herbicides in agriculture may lead to environmental problems, such as surface water pollution, with a potential risk for aquatic organisms. The herbicide glyphosate is the most used active ingredient in the world and in Switzerland. In the Lavaux vineyards it is nearly the only molecule applied. This work aimed at studying its fate in soils and its transfer to surface waters, using a multi-scale approach: from molecular (10-9 m) and microscopic scales (10-6 m), to macroscopic (m) and landscape ones (103 m). First of all, an analytical method was developed for the trace level quantification of this widely used herbicide and its main by-product, aminomethylphosphonic acid (AMPA). Due to their polar nature, their derivatization with 9-fluorenylmethyl chloroformate (FMOC-Cl) was done prior to their concentration and purification by solid phase extraction. They were then analyzed by ultra performance liquid chromatography coupled with tandem mass spectrometry (UPLC-MS/MS). The method was tested in different aqueous matrices with spiking tests and validated for the matrix effect correction in relevant environmental samples. Calibration curves established between 10 and 1000ng/l showed r2 values above 0.989, mean recoveries varied between 86 and 133% and limits of detection and quantification of the method were as low as 5 and 10ng/l respectively. At the parcel scale, two parcels of the Lavaux vineyard area, located near the Lutrive River at 6km to the east of Lausanne, were monitored to assess to which extent glyphosate and AMPA were retained in the soil or exported to surface waters. They were equipped at their bottom with porous ceramic cups and runoff collectors, which allowed retrieving water samples for the growing seasons 2010 and 2011. Results revealed that the mobility of glyphosate and AMPA in the unsaturated zone was likely driven by the precipitation regime and the soil characteristics, such as slope, porosity structure and layer permeability discrepancy. Elevated glyphosate and AMPA concentrations were measured at 60 and 80 cm depth at parcel bottoms, suggesting their infiltration in the upper parts of the parcels and the presence of preferential flow in the studied parcels. Indeed, the succession of rainy days induced the gradual saturation of the soil porosity, leading to rapid infiltration through macropores, as well as surface runoff formation. Furthermore, the presence of more impervious weathered marls at 100 cm depth induced throughflows, the importance of which for the lateral transport of the herbicide molecules was determined by the slope steepness. Important rainfall events (>10 mm/day) were clearly exporting molecules from the soil top layer, as indicated by important concentrations in runoff samples. A mass balance showed that total loss (10-20%) mainly occurred through surface runoff (96%) and, to a minor extent, by throughflows in soils (4%), with subsequent exfiltration to surface waters. Observations made in the Lutrive River revealed interesting details of glyphosate and AMPA dynamics in urbanized landscapes, such as the Lavaux vineyards. Indeed, besides their physical and chemical properties, herbicide dynamics at the catchment level strongly depend on application rates, precipitation regime, land use and also on the presence of drains or constructed channels. Elevated concentrations, up to 4970 ng/l, observed just after the application, confirmed the diffuse export of these compounds from the vineyard area by surface runoff during main rain events. From April to September 2011, a total load of 7.1 kg was calculated, with 85% coming from vineyards and minor urban sources and 15% from arable crops. Small vineyard surfaces could generate high concentrations of herbicides and contribute considerably to the total load calculated at the outlet, due to their steep slopes (~10%). The extrapolated total amount transferred yearly from the Lavaux vineyards to the Lake of Geneva was of 190kg. At the molecular scale, the possible involvement of dissolved organic matter (DOM) in glyphosate and copper transport was studied using UV/Vis fluorescence spectroscopy. Combined with parallel factor (PARAFAC) analysis, this technique allowed characterizing DOM of soil and surface water samples from the studied vineyard area. Glyphosate concentrations were linked to the fulvic-like spectroscopic signature of DOM in soil water samples, as well as to copper, suggesting the formation of ternary complexes. In surface water samples, its concentrations were also correlated to copper ones, but not in a significant way to the fulvic-like signature. Quenching experiments with standards confirmed field tendencies in the laboratory, with a stronger decrease in fluorescence intensity for fulvic-like fluorophore than for more aromatic ones. Lastly, based on maximum concentrations measured in the river, an environmental risk for these compounds was assessed, using laboratory tests and ecotoxicity data from the literature. In our case and with the methodology applied, the risk towards aquatic species was found negligible (RF<1).


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Research into the biomechanical manifestation of fatigue during exhaustive runs is increasingly popular but additional understanding of the adaptation of the spring-mass behaviour during the course of strenuous, self-paced exercises continues to be a challenge in order to develop optimized training and injury prevention programs. This study investigated continuous changes in running mechanics and spring-mass behaviour during a 5-km run. 12 competitive triathletes performed a 5-km running time trial (mean performance: ̴17 min 30 s) on a 200 m indoor track. Vertical and anterior-posterior ground reaction forces were measured every 200 m by a 5-m long force platform system, and used to determine spring-mass model characteristics. After a fast start, running velocity progressively decreased (- 11.6%; P<0.001) in the middle part of the race before an end spurt in the final 400-600 m. Stride length (- 7.4%; P<0.001) and frequency (- 4.1%; P=0.001) decreased over the 25 laps, while contact time (+ 8.9%; P<0.001) and total stride duration (+ 4.1%; P<0.001) progressively lengthened. Peak vertical forces (- 2.0%; P<0.01) and leg compression (- 4.3%; P<0.05), but not centre of mass vertical displacement (+ 3.2%; P>0.05), decreased with time. As a result, vertical stiffness decreased (- 6.0%; P<0.001) during the run, whereas leg stiffness changes were not significant (+ 1.3%; P>0.05). Spring-mass behaviour progressively changes during a 5-km time trial towards deteriorated vertical stiffness, which alters impact and force production characteristics.


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Diplomityössä tutkitaan kolmea erilaista virtausongelmaa CFD-mallinnuksella. Yhteistä näille ongelmille on virtaavana aineena oleva ilma. Lisäksi tapausten perinteinen mittaus on erittäin vaikeaa tai mahdotonta. Ensimmäinen tutkimusongelma on tarrapaperirainan kuivain, jonka tuotantomäärä halutaan nostaa kaksinkertaiseksi. Tämä vaatii kuivatustehon kaksinkertaistamista, koska rainan viipymäaika kuivausalueella puolittuu. Laskentayhtälöillä ja CFD-mallinnuksella tutkitaan puhallussuihkun nopeuden ja lämpötilan muutoksien vaikutusta rainan pinnan lämmön- ja massansiirtokertoimiin. Tuloksena saadaan varioitujen suureiden sekä massan- ja lämmönsiirtokertoimien välille riippuvuuskäyrät, joiden perusteella kuivain voidaan säätää parhaallamahdollisella tavalla. Toinen ongelma käsittelee suunnitteilla olevan kuparikonvertterin sekundaarihuuvan sieppausasteen optimointia. Ilman parannustoimenpiteitä käännetyn konvertterin päästöistä suurin osa karkaa ohi sekundaarihuuvan. Tilannetta tutkitaan konvertterissa syntyvän konvektiivisen nostevirtauksen eli päästöpluumin sekä erilaisten puhallussuihkuratkaisujen CFD-mallinnuksella. Tuloksena saadaan puhallussuihkuilla päästöpluumia poikkeuttava ilmaverho. Suurin osa nousevasta päästöpluumista indusoituu ilmaverhoon ja kulkeutuu poistokanavaan. Kolmas tutkittava kohde on suunnitteilla oleva kuparielektrolyysihalli, jossa ilmanvaihtoperiaatteena on luonnollinen ilmanvaihto ja mekaaninen happosumun keräysjärjestelmä. Ilmanvaihtosysteemin tehokkuus ja sisäilman virtaukset halutaan selvittää ennen hallin rakentamista. CFD-mallinnuksella ja laskentayhtälöillä tutkitaan lämpötila- ja virtauskentät sekä hallin läpi virtaava ilmamäärä ja ilmanvaihtoaste. Tulo- ja poistoilma-aukkojen mitoitukseen ja sijoitukseen liittyvät suunnitteluarvot varmennetaan sekä löydetään ilmanvaihdon ongelmakohdat. Ongelmakohtia tutkitaan ja niille esitetään parannusehdotukset.


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Työn teoriaosassa esitetään kirjallisuudessa esiintyviä teoreettisia ja kokeellisia yhtälöitä nesteen nopeuden, kaasun tilavuusosuuden, painehäviön ja lämmönsiirron laskemiseksi. Lisäksi käsitellään airlift-reaktoreiden toimintaa, rakennetta ja teollisia sovelluksia, sekä sekoitusta ja geometrian vaikutusta airlift-reaktoreiden hydrodynaamisiin ominaisuuksiin. Kokeellisessa osassa kuvataan käytetty koelaitteisto ja mittausmenetelmät sekä esitetään saadut koetulokset. Koelaitteisto on viidellä nousuputkella varustettu ulkoisen kierron airlift-reaktori. Kokeellisessa osassa pyritään ratkaisemaan tällaisessa reaktorissa mahdollisesti esiintyviä ongelmia, kuten "slug flown" muodostuminen nousuputkissa sekä fluidien epätasainen jakautuminen nousuputkiin. Lisäksi tutkitaan erilaisten muuttujien, kuten kaasun tilavuusvirran, nesteen viskositeetin, suutinkoon ja nesteen jakoputken rakenteen, vaikutusta kaasun tilavuusosuuteen ja nesteen nopeuteen nousuputkissa. Nesteen nopeudet mitataan merkkiainemenetelmällä ja kaasun tilavuusosuudet manometrimenetelmällä. Lämmönsiirtoa tutkitaan mittaamalla lämpötilaeroja nousuputkissa NiCr-Ni –termoelementeillä. Mittaustulosten perusteella muokataan korrelaatiot kaasun tilavuusosuudelle ja nesteen tyhjäputkinopeudelle. Korrelaatioista lasketut tulokset sopivat kohtuullisen hyvin yhteen mitattujen tulosten kanssa. "Slug flown" ei todettu muodostuvan ongelmaksi 2.5 mPa s pienemmillä viskositeetin arvoilla 2 metriä pitkissä ja 19 mm halkaisijaltaan olevissa putkissa. Lisäksi todettiin, että kaasu- ja nestefaasien jakautumisongelmat voidaan ratkaista rakenteellisesti.


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This thesis gathers knowledge about ongoing high-temperature reactor projects around the world. Methods for calculating coolant flow and heat transfer inside a pebble-bed reactor core are also developed. The thesis begins with the introduction of high-temperature reactors including the current state of the technology. Process heat applications that could use the heat from a high-temperature reactor are also introduced. A suitable reactor design with data available in literature is selected for the calculation part of the thesis. Commercial computational fluid dynamics software Fluent is used for the calculations. The pebble-bed is approximated as a packed-bed, which causes sink terms to the momentum equations of the gas flowing through it. A position dependent value is used for the packing fraction. Two different models are used to calculate heat transfer. First a local thermal equilibrium is assumed between the gas and solid phases and a single energy equation is used. In the second approach, separate energy equations are used for the phases. Information about steady state flow behavior, pressure loss, and temperature distribution in the core is obtained as results of the calculations. The effect of inlet mass flow rate to pressure loss is also investigated. Data found in literature and the results correspond each other quite well, considered the amount of simplifications in the calculations. The models developed in this thesis can be used to solve coolant flow and heat transfer in a pebble-bed reactor, although additional development and model validation is needed for better accuracy and reliability.


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This study illustrates the different types of plate heat exchangers that are commonly used in various domestic and industrial applications. The main purpose of this paper was to devise a methodology that is capable of calculating optimum number of plates in the design of a plate heat exchanger. To obtain the appropriate number of plates, typically several iterations must be made before a final acceptable design is completed, since plate amount depends on many factors such as, flow velocities, physical properties of the streams, flow channel geometry, allowable pressure drop, plate dimensions, and the gap between the plates. The methodology presented here can be used as a general guide for designing a plate heat exchanger. To investigate the effects of relevant parameters on the thermal-hydraulic design of a plate heat exchanger, several experiments were carried out for single-phase and counter flow arrangement with two brazed plate heat exchangers by varying the flow rates and the inlet temperatures of the fluid streams. The actual heat transfer coefficients obtained based on the experiment were nearly close to the calculated values and to improve the design, a correction factor was introduced. Besides, the effect of flow channel velocity on the pressure drop inside the unit is presented.


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Crystallization is a purification method used to obtain crystalline product of a certain crystal size. It is one of the oldest industrial unit processes and commonly used in modern industry due to its good purification capability from rather impure solutions with reasonably low energy consumption. However, the process is extremely challenging to model and control because it involves inhomogeneous mixing and many simultaneous phenomena such as nucleation, crystal growth and agglomeration. All these phenomena are dependent on supersaturation, i.e. the difference between actual liquid phase concentration and solubility. Homogeneous mass and heat transfer in the crystallizer would greatly simplify modelling and control of crystallization processes, such conditions are, however, not the reality, especially in industrial scale processes. Consequently, the hydrodynamics of crystallizers, i.e. the combination of mixing, feed and product removal flows, and recycling of the suspension, needs to be thoroughly investigated. Understanding of hydrodynamics is important in crystallization, especially inlargerscale equipment where uniform flow conditions are difficult to attain. It is also important to understand different size scales of mixing; micro-, meso- and macromixing. Fast processes, like nucleation and chemical reactions, are typically highly dependent on micro- and mesomixing but macromixing, which equalizes the concentrations of all the species within the entire crystallizer, cannot be disregarded. This study investigates the influence of hydrodynamics on crystallization processes. Modelling of crystallizers with the mixed suspension mixed product removal (MSMPR) theory (ideal mixing), computational fluid dynamics (CFD), and a compartmental multiblock model is compared. The importance of proper verification of CFD and multiblock models is demonstrated. In addition, the influence of different hydrodynamic conditions on reactive crystallization process control is studied. Finally, the effect of extreme local supersaturation is studied using power ultrasound to initiate nucleation. The present work shows that mixing and chemical feeding conditions clearly affect induction time and cluster formation, nucleation, growth kinetics, and agglomeration. Consequently, the properties of crystalline end products, e.g. crystal size and crystal habit, can be influenced by management of mixing and feeding conditions. Impurities may have varying impacts on crystallization processes. As an example, manganese ions were shown to replace magnesium ions in the crystal lattice of magnesium sulphate heptahydrate, increasing the crystal growth rate significantly, whereas sodium ions showed no interaction at all. Modelling of continuous crystallization based on MSMPR theory showed that the model is feasible in a small laboratoryscale crystallizer, whereas in larger pilot- and industrial-scale crystallizers hydrodynamic effects should be taken into account. For that reason, CFD and multiblock modelling are shown to be effective tools for modelling crystallization with inhomogeneous mixing. The present work shows also that selection of the measurement point, or points in the case of multiprobe systems, is crucial when process analytical technology (PAT) is used to control larger scale crystallization. The thesis concludes by describing how control of local supersaturation by highly localized ultrasound was successfully applied to induce nucleation and to control polymorphism in reactive crystallization of L-glutamic acid.