957 resultados para lantibiotic, synthetic, biology, nisin, cinnamycin, chimeric, leader, peptide


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C16H20N204, monoclinic, P21, a = 6.270 (1),b= 11.119(3),c= ll.640(4)A, fl= 100.7 (2)°,Dm = 1-27 (flotation), Dc = 1-26 Mg m -3, Z = 2. The structure has been refined to a final R value of 0.041 for 1584 independent counter-measured reflections. The oxazolone ring in the molecule is nearly planar. The exocyclic O atom is 0.065 A out of the plane defined by the other four atoms in the ring belonging to the lactone group. The difference in length between the two adjacent C-O bonds in the ring is small, but significant. The crystal structure is stabilized by van der Waals interactions and a N--H... N hydrogen bond.


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Horticultural industries are Queensland’s second largest primary producer, with a total gross value of more than $1.9 billion in 2008. Queensland’s diverse geography and climate supports the production of more than 120 horticultural products. With a growing worldwide demand for quality, nutritious food Queensland Primary Industries and Fisheries continues to focus its activities on accelerating growth within the sector. The conference, sponsored by the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) and DPI&F is the first of its kind to examine the latest knowledge on the health properties of tropical fruits. Organising committee member and DPI&F science leader Dr Roger Stanley said the conference would develop international networks to accelerate research in the area.


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Root-lesion nematodes (Pratylenchus thornei Sher and Allen and P. neglectus (Rensch) Filipijev and Schuurmans Stekhoven) cause substantial yield loss to wheat crops in the northern grain region of Australia. Resistance to P. thornei for use in wheat breeding programs was sought among synthetic hexaploid wheats (2n= 6x = 42, AABBDD) produced through hybridisations of Triticum turgidum L. subsp. durum (Desf.) Husn (2n= 4x = 28, AABB) with Aegilops tauschii Coss. (2n= 2x = 14, DD). Resistance was determined for the synthetic hexaploid wheats and their durum and Ae. tauschii parents from the numbers of nematodes in the roots of plants grown for 16 weeks in pots of pasteurised soil inoculated with P. thornei. Fifty-nine (32%) of 186 accessions of synthetic hexaploid wheats had lower numbers of nematodes than Gatcher Selection 50a (GS50a), a partially resistant bread wheat. Greater frequencies of partial resistance were present in the durum parents (72% of 39 lines having lower nematode numbers than GS50a) and in the Ae. tauschii parents (55% of 53 lines). The 59 synthetic hexaploids were re-tested in a second experiment along with their parents. In a third experiment, 11 resistant synthetic hexaploid wheats and their F-1 hybrids with Janz, a susceptible bread wheat, were tested and the F(1)s were found to give nematode counts intermediate between the respective two parents. Synthetic hexaploid wheats with higher levels of resistance resulted from hybridisations where both the durum and Ae. tauschii parents were partially resistant, rather than where only one parent was partially resistant. These results suggest that resistance to P. thornei in synthetic hexaploid wheats is polygenic, with resistances located both in the D genome from Ae. tauschii and in the A and/or B genomes from durum. Five synthetic hexaploid wheats were selected for further study on the basis of (1) a high level of resistance to P. thornei of the synthetic hexaploid wheats and of both their durum and Ae. tauschii parents, (2) being representative of both Australian and CIMMYT (International Maize and Wheat Improvement Centre) durums, and (3) being representative of the morphological subspecies and varieties of Ae. tauschii. These 5 synthetic hexaploid wheats were also shown to be resistant to P. neglectus, whereas GS50a and 2 P. thornei-resistant derivatives were quite susceptible. Results of P. thornei resistance of F(1)s and F(2)s from a half diallel of these 5 synthetic hexaploid wheats, GS50a, and Janz from another study indicate polygenic additive resistance and better general combining ability for the synthetic hexaploid wheats than for GS50a. Published molecular marker studies on a doubled haploid population between the synthetic hexaploid wheat with best general combining ability (CPI133872) and Janz have shown quantitative trait loci for resistance located in all 3 genomes. Synthetic hexaploid wheats offer a convenient way of introgressing new resistances to P. thornei and P. neglectus from both durum and Ae. tauschii into commercial bread wheats.


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A novel, concise, stereocontrolled approach to nine-membered carbasugar analogues (cyclononitols) from a bicyclo[4.3.1]deca-2,4-dien-10-one scaffold, harbouring a `locked' cyclononane ring and latent functionalities, is described.


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Formation of fibril-type nanostructures of the Alzheimer's beta-amyloid diphenylalanine (L-Phe-L-Phe, FF) at the organic-aqueous interface and the factors affecting their structures have been investigated. Such nanostructures are also formed by bovine serum albumin and bovine pancreas insulin. The concentration of the precursor taken in the aqueous layer plays an important role in determining the morphology of the nanostructures, The addition of curcumin to the organic layer changes the structure of the self-assembled one-dimensional aggregates of diphenylalanine. By coating the diphenylalanine dipeptide fibrils with appropriate precursors followed by calcination in air, it has been possible to obtain one-dimensional nanostructures of inorganic materials.


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This paper is the first of a series which will describe the development of a synthetic plant volatile-based attracticide for noctuid moths. It discusses potential sources of volatiles attractive to the cotton bollworm, Helicoverpa armigera (Hubner), and an approach to the combination of these volatiles in synthetic blends. We screened a number of known host and non-host (for larval development) plants for attractiveness to unmated male and female moths of this species, using a two-choice olfactometer system. Out of 38 plants tested, 33 were significantly attractive to both sexes. There was a strong correlation between attractiveness of plants to males and females. The Australian natives, Angophora floribunda and several Eucalyptus species were the most attractive plants. These plants have not been recorded either as larval or oviposition hosts of Helicoverpa spp., suggesting that attraction in the olfactometer might have been as nectar foraging rather than as oviposition sources. To identify potential compounds that might be useful in developing moth attractants, especially for females, collections of volatiles were made from plants that were attractive to moths in the olfactometer. Green leaf volatiles, floral volatiles, aromatic compounds, monoterpenes and sesquiterpenes were found. We propose an approach to developing synthetic attractants, here termed 'super-blending', in which compounds from all these classes, which are in common between attractive plants, might be combined in blends which do not mimic any particular attractive plant.


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In response to student requests, a peer leader led revision skills workshop was run just prior to a mid-semester exam in pharmacology. This skills workshop was well attended and received by equal percentages of both accelerated and traditional students (who were in their 4th semester at university). This suggests that both accelerated and traditional students can benefit from peer led revision skills workshops.


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Fruit drop in lychee can cause major yield losses in Australia, the severity varying with cultivar and season. Research in China, South Africa and Israel has demonstrated the potential for synthetic auxins used as foliar sprays to reduce fruit drop in lychee. Trials were initiated in Australia to test the efficacy of the synthetic auxin, 3-5-6 Trichloro-2-phridyl-oxyacetic acid (3-5-6 TPA) at 50 ppm on the cultivars Tai So, Fay Zee Sui and Kwai Mai Pink. Results indicate that in most cases the TPA reduced natural fruit drop however the size of the fruit at the time of application affects the response and the ideal application time varies with cultivar; approximately 13 mm fruit length in 'Kwai Mai Pink', 20 mm in 'Fay Zee Sui' and 27 mm in 'Tai So'. If applied too early in 'Tai So', it caused an increase in fruit drop. The TPA was most effective when natural fruit drop was high, reducing fruit drop from 74.7 to 34.9% in 'Kwai Mai Pink' and least effective when natural fruit drop was low. An increase in the percentage of fruit with poorly developed (chicken tongue) seed and slightly larger fruit size was also observed in treated trees.


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The present study aims to elucidate the modifications in the structure and functionality of the phospholipid matrix of biological membranes brought about by free radical-mediated oxidative damage of its molecular constituents. To this end, the surface properties of two oxidatively modified phospholipids bearing an aldehyde or carboxyl function at the end of truncated sn-2 acyl chain were studied using a Langmuir balance. The results obtained reveal both oxidized species to have a significant impact on the structural dynamics of phospholipid monolayers, as illustrated by the progressive changes in force-area isotherms with increasing mole fraction of the oxidized lipid component. Moreover, surface potential measurements revealed considerable modifications in the electric properties of oxidized phospholipid containing monolayers during film compression, suggesting a packing state-controlled reorientation of the intramolecular electric dipoles of the lipid headgroups and acyl chains. Based on the above findings, a model describing the conformational state of oxidized phospholipid molecules in biological membranes is proposed, involving the protrusion of the acyl chains bearing the polar functional groups out from the hydrocarbon phase to the surrounding aqueous medium. Oxidative modifications alter profoundly the physicochemical properties of unsaturated phospholipids and are therefore readily anticipated to have important implications for their interactions with membrane-associating molecules. Along these lines, the carboxyl group bearing lipid was observed to bind avidly the peripheral membrane protein cytochrome c. The binding was reversed following increase in ionic strength or addition of polyanionic ATP, thus suggesting it to be driven by electrostatic interactions between cationic residues of the protein and the deprotonated lipid carboxyl exposed to the aqueous phase. The presence of aldehyde function bearing oxidized phospholipid was observed to enhance the intercalation of four antimicrobial peptides into phospholipid monolayers and liposomal bilayers. Partitioning of the peptides to monolayers was markedly attenuated by the aldehyde scavenger methoxyamine, revealing it to be mediated by the carbonyl moiety possibly through efficient hydrogen bonding or, alternatively, formation of covalent adduct in form of a Schiff base between the lipid aldehydes and primary amine groups of the peptide molecules. Lastly, both oxidized phospholipid species were observed to bind with high affinity three small membrane-partitioning therapeutic agents, viz. chlorpromazine, haloperidol, and doxorubicin. In conclusion, the results of studies conducted using biomimetic model systems support the notion that oxidative damage influences the molecular architecture as well as the bulk physicochemical properties of phospholipid membranes. Further, common polar functional groups carried by phospholipids subjected to oxidation were observed to act as molecular binding sites at the lipid-water interface. It is thus plausible that oxidized phospholipid species may elicit cellular level effects by modulating integration of various membrane-embedded and surface-associated proteins and peptides, whose conformational state, oligomerization, and functionality is known to be controlled by highly specific lipid-protein interactions and proper physical state of the membrane environment.


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The spotted gum species complex represents a group of four eucalypt hardwood taxa that have a native range that spans the east coast of Australia, with a morphological cline from Victoria to northern Queensland. Of this group, Corymbia citriodora subsp. variegata (CCV) is widespread in south-eastern Queensland and northern New South Wales. It is currently the most commonly harvested native hardwood in Queensland. However, little basic knowledge of the reproductive biology of the species is available to inform genetic improvement and resource management programmes. Here we take an integrative approach, using both field and molecular data, to identify ecological factors important to mating patterns in native populations of CCV. Field observation of pollinator visitation and flowering phenology of 20 trees showed that foraging behaviour of pollinator guilds varies depending on flowering phenology and canopy structure. A positive effect of tree mean flowering effort was found on insect visitation, while bat visitation was predicted by tree height and by the number of trees simultaneously bearing flowers. Moreover, introduced honeybees were observed frequently, performing 73% of detected flower visits. Conversely, nectar-feeding birds and mammals were observed sporadically with lorikeets and honeyeaters each contributing to 11% of visits. Fruit bats, represented solely by the grey-headed flying fox, performed less than 2% of visits. Genotyping at six microsatellite markers in 301 seeds from 17 families sampled from four of Queensland's native forests showed that CCV displays a mixed-mating system that is mostly outcrossing (tm = 0.899 ± 0.021). Preferential effective pollination from near-neighbours was detected by means of maximum-likelihood paternity analysis with up to 16% of reproduction events resulting from selfing. Forty to 48% of fertilising pollen was also carried from longer distance (>60 m). Marked differences in foraging behaviour and visitation frequency between observed pollinator guilds suggests that the observed dichotomy of effective pollen movement in spotted gums may be due to frequent visit from introduced honeybees favouring geitonogamy and sporadic visits from honeyeaters and fruit bats resulting in potential long-distance pollinations.


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We investigated the effect of maize residues and rice husk biochar on biomass production, fertiliser nitrogen recovery (FNR) and nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions for three different subtropical cropping soils. Maize residues at two rates (0 and 10 t ha−1) combined with three rates (0, 15 and 30 t ha-1) of rice husk biochar were added to three soil types in a pot trial with maize plants. Soil N2O emissions were monitored with static chambers for 91 days. Isotopic 15N-labelled urea was applied to the treatments without added crop residues to measure the FNR. Crop residue incorporation significantly reduced N uptake in all treatments but did not affect overall FNR. Rice husk biochar amendment had no effect on plant growth and N uptake but significantly reduced N2O and carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions in two of the three soils. The incorporation of crop residues had a contrasting effect on soil N2O emissions depending on the mineral N status of the soil. The study shows that effects of crop residues depend on soil properties at the time of application. Adding crop residues with a high C/N ratio to soil can immobilise N in the soil profile and hence reduce N uptake and/or total biomass production. Crop residue incorporation can either stimulate or reduce N2O emissions depending on the mineral N content of the soil. Crop residues pyrolysed to biochar can potentially stabilise native soil C (negative priming) and reduce N2O emissions from cropping soils thus providing climate change mitigation potential beyond the biochar C storage in soils. Incorporation of crop residues as an approach to recycle organic materials and reduce synthetic N fertiliser use in agricultural production requires a thorough evaluation, both in terms of biomass production and greenhouse gas emissions.


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Biodiversity of sharks in the tropical Indo-Pacific is high, but species-specific information to assist sustainable resource exploitation is scarce. The null hypothesis of population genetic homogeneity was tested for scalloped hammerhead shark (Sphyrna lewini, n = 237) and the milk shark (Rhizoprionodon acutus, n = 207) from northern and eastern Australia, using nuclear (S. lewini, eight microsatellite loci; R. acutus, six loci) and mitochondrial gene markers (873 base pairs of NADH dehydrogenase subunit 4). We were unable to reject genetic homogeneity for S. lewini, which was as expected based on previous studies of this species. Less expected were similar results for R. acutus, which is more benthic and less vagile than S. lewini. These features are probably driving the genetic break found between Australian and central Indonesian R. acutus (F-statistics; mtDNA, 0.751–0.903, respectively; microsatellite loci, 0.038–0.047 respectively). Our results support the spatially homogeneous monitoring and management plan for shark species in Queensland, Australia.


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Body fat distribution is a heritable trait and a well-established predictor of adverse metabolic outcomes, independent of overall adiposity. To increase our understanding of the genetic basis of body fat distribution and its molecular links to cardiometabolic traits, here we conduct genome-wide association meta-analyses of traits related to waist and hip circumferences in up to 224,459 individuals. We identify 49 loci (33 new) associated with waist-to-hip ratio adjusted for body mass index (BMI), and an additional 19 loci newly associated with related waist and hip circumference measures (P < 5 × 10−8). In total, 20 of the 49 waist-to-hip ratio adjusted for BMI loci show significant sexual dimorphism, 19 of which display a stronger effect in women. The identified loci were enriched for genes expressed in adipose tissue and for putative regulatory elements in adipocytes. Pathway analyses implicated adipogenesis, angiogenesis, transcriptional regulation and insulin resistance as processes affecting fat distribution, providing insight into potential pathophysiological mechanisms.