987 resultados para labor market models


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El Desarrollo Local Territorial es un proceso endógeno de construcción social que apunta a la generación de capacidades locales aprovechando los recursos territoriales para fortalecer el entramado socio-institucional y el sistema económico-productivo y movilizarlos para mejorar la calidad de vida de una comunidad. Un aspecto relevante, de cara al Desarrollo Local, es conocer la estructura y evolución de la población, el perfil del mercado de trabajo, así como los principales problemas de empleo en la zona en consideración. La Región de Cuyo, integrada históricamente por las provincias de Mendoza, San Juan y San Luis, presenta singularidades tanto en sus perfiles productivos como en su desarrollo económico. En particular, la Provincia de San Luis se caracteriza fuertemente por la aplicación de una sostenida política pública de reducción de los efectos de desempleo e inequidad que se manifestaron profundamente desde la devaluación de la moneda. En ese sentido, este trabajo -que continúa y actualiza la línea de un estudio previo relacionado con la Región Centro Ampliada, elaborado con datos provisorios del Censo 2010- pretende aportar al estudio del mercado laboral de la Región Cuyo y su relación con el desarrollo territorial, elaborando un diagnóstico de las provincias involucradas. Como fuente principal de información, se utiliza la Base de Microdatos de la eph, que releva y publica el indec, para el período comprendido entre 2003 y 2011 y datos definitivos del Censo Nacional de Población, Hogares y Viviendas 2010


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El propósito del presente trabajo es analizar los cambios y las continuidades en el proceso de formación del mercado de trabajo en la provincia de Mendoza a comienzos del siglo XX. La incorporación de un número significativo de inmigrantes a finales del siglo XIX junto a un proceso de reorganización productiva asociado al desarrollo de la industria vitivinícola, implicó cambios en las relaciones sociales y en las condiciones de vida de amplios sectores de la población mendocina. Iniciado el siglo XX, la vitivinicultura se convirtió en la principal actividad productiva de la provincia y la más importante en su rubro a nivel nacional. Los viñateros, productores agroindustriales, industriales bodegueros, contratistas de viñas , etc., fueron constituyéndose en parte de una sociedad cada vez más heterogénea y diversa, producto del desarrollo capitalista que experimentó la región desde el último tercio del siglo XIX y que se insertó en el proceso de incorporación de la economía Argentina al mercado mundial. Este período resulta de suma importancia porque se determinó un sistema productivo en torno a la actividad vitivinícola de la provincia que dio forma al mercado de trabajo regional. En este contexto, la inserción de los trabajadores se dio de una manera muy dispar en el proceso productivo, caracterizado por una alta estacionalidad y una escasa especialización de la mano de obra requerida.


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In dem Beitrag wird der Frage nachgegangen, welchen Einfluss die Inanspruchnahme frühkindlicher Bildungs- und Betreuungsangebote auf den späteren Schulbesuch von Kindern hat und wie sich dies längerfristig auf die zu erwartenden Lebenseinkommen und damit einhergehend den langfristigen volkswirtschaftlichen Nutzen auswirkt. Untersucht werden Kinder in Deutschland der Jahrgänge 1990 bis 1995. Die Datengrundlage liefert das Sozio-oekonomische Panel (SOEP). Der Schwerpunkt der Analysen liegt auf der Bestimmung des Effekts des Krippenbesuchs auf die spätere Einstufung in die verschiedenen Schultypen in Abhängigkeit der sozialen Herkunft und des Migrationshintergrunds der Kinder. Ausgehend von diesen Schätzungen werden dann die zu erwartenden, über den Bildungsabschluss vermittelten Auswirkungen des Krippenbesuchs auf das spätere Lebenseinkommen bestimmt, um einen Eindruck der langfristigen volkswirtschaftlichen Folgen vorschulischer Kinderbetreuung zu erhalten. Der Beitrag zeigt, dass der Krippenbesuch die Wahrscheinlichkeit einer Einstufung ins Gymnasium nach Kontrolle relevanter Drittvariablen im Schnitt um rund 14 Prozentpunkte erhöht. Dieser Einfluss entspricht einem erwarteten Lebenseinkommenszuwachs von rund 27000 Euro. Wird dieser Ertrag auf den Zeitpunkt des Krippenbesuchs abdiskontiert und den Kosten eines durchschnittlichen Krippenbesuchs in der Höhe von rund 8000 Euro gegenübergestellt, so ergibt sich ein Kosten-Nutzen-Verhältnis von 1 zu 2.7. (DIPF/Orig.).


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The involvement of members of owners' families in the running of large family businesses in Mexico is decreasing. Although family members still hold key posts such as that of CEO, other executive posts tend to be delegated to professional salaried managers. Top managers, including family members, share some common characteristics. They are young compared with managers in other developed countries, their quality as human resources is high, and many of them are graduates of overseas MBA courses. Most of them are sufficiently experienced. Improvement of quality among top managers is a recent phenomenon in Mexico, and has been encouraged mainly by the following two factors. First, globalization of business activities was promoted by intense competition among firms under conditions of market liberalization. In order to equip themselves with the ability to cope with the globalization of their operations, large family businesses tried hard to improve the quality of top management, by training and educating existing managers, and/or by recruiting managers in the outside labor market. Second, developments in the Mexican economy during the 1990s led to a growth in the labor market for top managers Thus, business restructuring caused by bankruptcy, as well as mergers and acquisitions, privatization and so on, led to the dismissal of business managers who then entered the labor market in large numbers. The increasing presence of these managers in the labor market helped family businesses to recruit well-qualified senior executives.


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We examine the effects of learning by migrating on the productivity of migrants who move to a "megalopolis" from rural areas using the Thailand Labor Force Survey. The main contribution is to the development a simple framework to test for self-selection on migration decisions and learning by migrating into the urban labor market, focusing on experimental evidence in the observational data. The role of the urban labor market is examined. In conclusion, we find significant evidence for sorting: the self-selection effects test (1) is positive among new entrants from rural areas to the urban labor market; and (2) is negative among new exits that move to rural areas from the urban labor market. Further, estimated effects of learning by migrating into a "megalopolis" have a less significant impact. These results suggest the existence of a natural selection (i.e. survival of the fittest) mechanism in the urban labor market in a developing economy.


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This paper will analyze the Menem administration's social policy reforms during the 1990s. Neo-liberal reforms in Argentina are well-known both in the economy and in the social arena, but in the latter we can discern the presence of tripartite negotiations. The form of such negotiations, the type of agreements reached as a result, and the background to those agreements will be discussed. We also pay attention to the concept of competitive corporatism, which was established under the increase in market competition brought about by globalization.


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The establishment of Export Processing Zones (EPZs) is a strategy for economic development that was introduced almost fifty years ago and is nowadays employed in a large number of countries. While the number of EPZs including several variants such as Special Economic Zone (SEZs) has increased continuously, general interest in EPZs has declined over the years in contrast to earlier heated debates regarding the efficacy of the strategy and its welfare effects especially on women workers. This article re-evaluates the historical trajectories and outstanding labour and gender issues of EPZs on the basis of the experiences of South Korea, Bangladesh and India. The findings suggest the necessity of enlarging our analytical scope with regard to EPZs, which are inextricably connected with external employment structures, whether outside the EPZ but within the same country, or outside the EPZ and its host country altogether.


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This paper analyzes the causes of earnings inequality in urban China from 1988 to 2002. Earnings inequality in urban China continuously increased, even when adjusting for regional price differences. This paper reveals how the causes of earnings inequality changed between the periods 1988-1995 and 1995-2002 by reflecting labor-related institutional reform in China. Contrary to the situation from 1988 to 1995, between 1995 and 2002, employment status became the largest disequalizer, and the decline of inter-provincial inequality contributed to a reduction in entire earnings inequality. Individual ability, represented by education and occupation, received much greater rewards. Throughout the period from 1988 to 2002, a large part of the explained inequality increase was due to change in price (valuation of each individual's attributes) and not due to change in quantity (composition of individual attributes).


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This paper examines the degree to which supply and demand shift across skill groups contributed to the earnings inequality increase in urban China from 1988 to 2002. Product demand shift contributed to an equalizing of earnings distribution in urban China from 1988 to 1995 by increasing the relative product for the low educated. However, it contributed to enlarging inequality from 1995 to 2002 by increasing the relative demand for the highly educated. Relative demand was continuously higher for workers in the coastal region and contributed to a raising of interregional inequality. Supply shift contributed essentially nothing or contributed only slightly to a reduction in inequality. Remaining factors, the largest disequalizer, may contain skill-biased technological and institutional changes, and unobserved supply shift effects due to increasing numbers of migrant workers.


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This paper presents issues affecting the movement of rural labour in Myanmar, by examining the background, purpose and earned income of labourers migrating to fishing villages in southern Rakhine. A broad range of socioeconomic classes, from poor to rich, farmers to fishermen, is migrating from broader areas to specific labour-intensive fishing subsectors, such as anchovy fishing. These labourers are a mixed group of people whose motives lie either in supplementing their household income or accumulating capital for further expansion of their economic activities. The concentration of migrating labourers with different objectives in this particular unstable, unskilled employment opportunity suggests an insufficiently developed domestic labour market in rural Myanmar. There is a pressing need to create stable labour-intensive industries to meet this demand.


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This paper empirically examines the different comparative advantages of two emerging economic giants, China and India, in relation to the different skill distribution patterns in each country. By utilizing industry export data on China and India from 1983 to 2000, we find that a country with a greater dispersion of skills (i.e., India, especially in the earlier years) has higher exports in industries with shorter production chains, whereas a country with a more equal dispersion of skills (i.e., China, especially in the later years) is found to have higher exports in industries with longer production chains. The causal relationship is fairly robust across different specifications. This empirical evidence supports our assumption that the likely mechanism for these results is the negative impact of low-skilled workers on input quality, which accumulates and becomes larger as the length of production chains and the proportion of low-skilled workers in the economy increase.