951 resultados para international postgraduate students


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The declining popularity of Economics courses, evident in the last decade, has fuelled a debate on the nature of Economics units and the way in which they are taught in tertiary institutions. The effectiveness of traditional teaching methods has been questioned as lecturers search for alternative ways of presenting material and engaging students. In recent times, workshop-based/cooperative tutorials have become more popular in promoting deeper learning. This paper assesses the application of such an approach at a large tertiary institution. It evaluates student perceptions of this tutorial method in an Introductory Macroeconomics first-year unit. An anonymous questionnaire was used. Whilst the sample size is small (n = 56), the results are important in that this is the first such study in Macroeconomics. Students found workshop-based tutorials useful, preferred them over lecture style tutorials, and found that they fostered inclusivity. The importance of tutorials per se, is reiterated. Students state that tutorials are an important adjunct to lectures. This study also looks at students' study habits: finding that on average they spend less than one hour per week studying Economics and most prepare only occasionally for tutorials. The sample studied indicates that there are notable differences in the perceptions of tutorials and teaching methods between the genders and between local and international students. This may impact on the way in which tutorials are conducted effectively.


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A project was undertaken in a Hong Kong primary school to investigate the role of music notation software in leaching music composition. The project was divided into three stages. During the first stage, appropriate hardware equipment and software applications were installed in the school music room, and four teaching plans were developed on the models and strategies derived from findings in the local and international literature. During the second stage, these teaching plans were implemented in Grade One, Grade Three, Grade Five and Grade Six classes of the school. During the third stage, the effectiveness of these teaching activities was evaluated by comparing the experiences from the second stage to the corresponding findings from similar projects undertaken in other Hong Kong primary schools, as well as to findings from the international literature. The results demonstrated that tile visual and audio stimulation created by computer"based technology can motivate students to successfully engage in music composition. Moreover, computer"based technology provides an opportunity for students to compose music in an atonal idiom. However, a large number of students were unable to demonstrate the concept of structural design in their musical products, and one of the findings from this investigation was that teachers need to be more purposeful in their teaching by directing students to employ the technique of repetition of interesting musical fragments or phrases in order to achieve a sense of unity in their pieces.


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This study examines student perceptions of the usefulness of Computer-Assisted Learning (CAL) packages in learning accounting concepts in terms of the influence on academic performance. Various additional factors  affecting academic performance [such as gender, prior studies of  accounting, and computer systems, together with entry background] are incorporated in the development of a multiple regression model, together with perceptions of CAL. The study uses a sample of 280 second-year undergraduate accounting students from an Australian university to test the model. In contrast to prior studies (e.g. Lane and Porch, 2002, Accounting Education: an international journal, 11(3), pp. 217-233), this study showed that positive perceptions of the usefulness of CAL significantly influenced performance. Additionally, it was found that international students, many of whom enter university at the second year level having obtained advanced standing credits, had significantly poorer performance than local students. The findings show that gender, prior studies of accounting and computing systems were not significant influences on academic performance. Overall, the results have implications for accounting educators utilising CAL in courses as a means of improving students' understanding of accounting concepts and academic performance.


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Until recently, the author was in Scotland, where professional registration in social work extends to students and involves criminal record checks prior to acceptance into a course of study. She is now teaching at Deakin University in Australia, which places a high priority on making higher education available to persons and groups who have traditionally been excluded, both through the provision of courses through off campus (distance education) study mode and an innovative and culturally sensitive mode of provision for indigenous Australians. One result of our attempts to redress social exclusion is that, on occasion, we discover that some of our students are incarcerated. There are important logistical issues which may emerge as a consequence of accepting prisoners into a program of social work education. However, it would seem that the inclusion of prisoners is symbolic of a fundamental difference in philosophy with programmes of social work education in countries where there is a strong expectation that social work educators act as gatekeepers to the profession, especially in respect of students with criminal convictions. This in tum reflects an expectation among social work educators in Australia that it may be more appropriate for professional associations or registration bodies to determine whether or not a graduate with a criminal record is suitable for employment as a professional social worker. In some settings, a prior criminal record is not a barrier to being an effective service provider, as well as international differences in understandings of the social work role and employment
destinations of social work graduates.


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This paper reports on the introduction of a computer conferencing  component into a first year study unit in Technology Management at Deakin University, Australia. It was found that significant variations in computer  usage were correlated to student study mode, including source of computer access, source of Internet access, hours per week computer usage, regular use of email, regular use of the Internet, and number of times the conference was accessed. Other moderate differences were also noted. Following  exposure to the computer conference, on-campus students were more likely to agree computers could assist their learning, and off-campus students  were less likely to agree that learning from computers would be better than classes/lectures.


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A new unit named Information Systems in Construction was developed and taught for the first time in the School of Architecture and Building at Deakin University in Semester 1 2003 for first-year construction management students. This paper reports on key issues that arose during the unit development process and the implementation of teaching activities. Special consideration is given to the learners (first year students), the teaching environment (online teaching and learning), the unit background (information technology and information system), and the discipline (international construction). Several suggestions are outlined for improving the unit development and delivery in the next round.


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This study examines the factors affecting student performance in an undergraduate financial accounting course, utilising Computer Assisted Learning (CAL) and use of a commercial software package. Multiple regression analysis was undertaken to examine the influences of perceptions of CAL and QuickBooks Pro, together with background variables such as gender, entry pathway and prior knowledge had on student performance. The results show that perceptions of CAL together with entry pathway were significant predictors of student performance. However, perceptions of the ,usefulness of QuickBooks Pro, prior studies of accounting and computing, together with gender, were not significant influences on performance. In terms of entry pathway it was found that International students, many of whom entered the university at the second year level having obtained advanced standing credits, had significantly poorer performance than local students. This result may be attributed to transitional problems experienced by these students, given their different pathways to university study.

The results have implications for accounting educators utilising CAL in courses as a means of improving students understanding of accounting concepts. The study also provides reflections on the use of CAL and a commercial software package as a means of providing efficient and effective educational instruction to maximise learning outcomes in accounting.


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In the context of contemporary tertiary education immersed as such in internationalisation strategies and internationalised curricula, the cultivation and promotion of international awareness in Australian graduates can be expected to lead to desirable lifelong attributes. Consideration of the need to be prepared for a globalised professional and cultural climate is integral to sustaining and growing the future and the fortunes of many. For the architectural community, the combined phenomena of globalisation and internationalisation strategies herald implications for the education and professional preparation of architects which traverse academia and architectural practice. This paper presents the case for exploring potential benefits of establishing closer links between academia and architecture practice, discusses the relevance of international student practice experience for the twenty first century and looks at its role within an intemationalised curriculum in preparing graduates for the future. Analysis of a survey of work experience as a component of Australian architecture courses is used to gauge the extent of current programs that seek to integrate the academic curriculum with practice experience, and the Deakin study (a work in progress) of architecture students in international practice contexts is presented as a vehicle for exploring the degree to which the combination of professional practice education and cultural experience may be beneficial to architecture students, academia and the profession more generally.


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The use of mathematical games in primary classrooms is commonplace in Australia. This paper reports on key findings from a larger investigation exploring the impact of games on mathematical learning, student attitudes, and behaviours. 222 Grade 5 and 6 children were taught multiplication and division of decimal numbers using calculator games. This paper raises questions about the students’ attitudes towards games as a vehicle for learning mathematics. One aspect reported in this paper is an apparent difference between students’ attitudes to games usage when data were
collected quantitatively compared with qualitatively.


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This paper focuses on learning processes across the design curriculum of Deakin University School of Architecture and Building (Australia) through the recognition of the four learning styles - 'accommodating', 'diverging', 'assimilating' and 'converging' - that are defined in the Experiential Learning theory of Kolb. The research has been conducted to evaluate the effects of
learning style preferences on the performance of built environment students from diverse backgrounds and cultures in projects across a range of learning situations. The results of the research are being used to inform andragogical refinements that will be tested in design studio and technology lecture units studied by students of Architecture and Construction Management. The paper will focus on the results of a cross-curriculum learning style survey. The sUivey was conducted as part of a Strategic
Teaching and Learning Grant funded project currently running at Deakin as a reflexive research program aimed at resolving the learning difficulties of students collaborating in multi~disciplinary and multi~cultural team assignments. By addressing the issues of multidisciplinarity, cultural inclusiveness and the internationalisation of higher education, the research program aims ultimately at the education of graduates who are able to bring leadership to multidisciplinary design collaborations co-operating across international boundaries towards a global sustainable future.


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SEB421 Strategic Issues in Engineering is a final-year engineering management study unit at Deakin University in which the enrolled student population has grown to include significant numbers of international students. Given this change, it was considered timely to conduct a review of the unit, with regard to principles of international and culturally inclusive curricula. Despite the historically white Anglo-Saxon male culture of engineering education in Australia, there are a wide range of international and cultural aspects related to engineering education. A review of the literature reveals a diversity of interpretations of 'internationalisation' and 'cultural inclusiveness'. From a pragmatic perspective, it is noted that organisational policy can provide guidance for academic staff seeking to make courses more inclusive. From a review of the literature and relevant university policies, a list of 'international and culturally inclusive curricula' guidelines for engineering management education was developed. Comparing a prior audit of SEB421 with these guidelines revealed progress on international and culturally inclusive curricula, but identified opportunities for improvement. The guidelines were applied to the curriculum/syllabus, content/study materials, conduct and assessment of the unit, to identify further opportunities for improvement. A plan for improvement of the unit and an associated timetable for this work were developed. It was noted that some changes can be made immediately, while others are contingent upon the timetable imposed by university systems. It was further noted that issues of change within a single study unit intersect with wider issues of program curriculum, and, while pilot activities can provide a start, eventually the wider issue of international and culturally inclusive curricula across the entire undergraduate engineering program needs to be considered.


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‘The Melbourne Model’ is a new approach to university curriculum that has been adopted recently by the University of Melbourne, Australia. It incorporates elements of the 3+2+3 or three cycle structure identified in the Bologna Process, and of the objectives of ‘liberal education’ evident in undergraduate education in North America. The Melbourne curriculum model is internationally aligned, while simultaneously responsive to the particular context of Australian higher education policy. The new curriculum also incorporates interdisciplinarity of several variants in order that all students are exposed to and learn about alternative knowledge domains, methods of investigation and enquiry, and different ways of knowing. Interdisciplinary study in the Melbourne Model is ensured through a requirement that students study one quarter of their subjects outside their core curriculum, a requirement known as ‘breadth’. This paper examines two aspects of the Melbourne Model curriculum: its international nature and interdisciplinary character.


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Globalisation and technological development have simultaneously pressured universities to provide students with flexible and innovative learning options. Among the ways universities address these issues are by internationalising their curriculum and investing in educational technology. These changes have affected pedagogical and andragogical approaches and outcomes. Learning styles potentially affect the strategic approach of academics when utilising innovative technological tools in their teaching, which converges with internationalisation of the curriculum and a diverse student body to accentuate the issues of equity and access. The literature in this field is explored in context with the authors’ diverse experiences to provide policy makers, academics and other education stakeholders with a new perspective.


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Several recent studies have called for the breakdown of' arbitrary distinctions between virtual and "face-to-face" classrooms' (Comeaux & McKenna-Byington 2003: 348; see also McDonald 2002; Rosset, Douglis & Frazee 2003; Morse 2003). In 2004 the Professional and Creative Writing discipline at Deakin University added Editing and Publishing (which had previously been available as on-campus-only units at our institution) to an established list of online postgraduate writing units taught via the auspices of the new (to our university) WebCT technology. This paper describes and evaluates our experience of challenging the 'arbitrary distinctions' between our two cohorts of students by incorporating blended and collaborative learning strategies into our course via two specific projects.


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Many school-based research efforts require active parental consent for student participation. Maximizing rates of consent form return and agreement is an important issue, because sample representativeness may be compromised when these rates are low. This article compares two methods for obtaining active parental consent: return of consent forms in the mail versus return by students to their classrooms. The methods were tested in a pilot study of 46 schools (1,058 students), with half of the schools randomly allocated to each of the alternative methods. A hierarchical nonlinear model of consent form return and agreement rates suggests that the student delivered method is more successful at producing higher rates of consent form return and agreement to participate in the study, after controlling for school-level characteristics. The authors discuss the findings and their implications for other researchers engaged in school-based research with adolescents.