946 resultados para infrared-LED
In SSL general illumination, there is a clear trend to high flux packages with higher efficiency and higher CRI addressed with the use of multiple color chips and phosphors. However, such light sources require the optics provide color mixing, both in the near-field and far-field. This design problem is specially challenging for collimated luminaries, in which diffusers (which dramatically reduce the brightness) cannot be applied without enlarging the exit aperture too much. In this work we present first injection molded prototypes of a novel primary shell-shaped optics that have microlenses on both sides to provide Köhler integration. This shell is design so when it is placed on top of an inhomogeneous multichip Lambertian LED, creates a highly homogeneous virtual source (i.e, spatially and angularly mixed), also Lambertian, which is located in the same position with only small increment of the size (about 10-20%, so the average brightness is similar to the brightness of the source). This shell-mixer device is very versatile and permits now to use a lens or a reflector secondary optics to collimate the light as desired, without color separation effects. Experimental measurements have shown optical efficiency of the shell of 95%, and highly homogeneous angular intensity distribution of collimated beams, in good agreement with the ray-tracing simulations.
Two quasi-aplanatic free-form solid V-groove collimators are presented in this work. Both optical designs are originally designed using the Simultaneous Multiple Surface method in three dimensions (SMS 3D). The second optically active surface in both free-form V-groove devices is designed a posteriori as a grooved surface. First two mirror (XX) design is designed in order to clearly show the design procedure and working principle of these devices. Second, RXI free-form design is comparable with existing RXI collimators; it is a compact and highly efficient design made of polycarbonate (PC) performing very good colour mixing of the RGGB LED sources placed off-axis. There have been presented rotationally symmetric non-aplanatic high efficiency collimators with colour mixing property to be improved and rotationally symmetric aplanatic devices with good colour mixing property and efficiency to be improved. The aim of this work was to design a free-form device in order to improve colour mixing property of the rotationally symmetric nonaplanatic RXI devices and the efficiency of the aplanatic ones.
El enfriamiento tradicional de los LEDs, mediante disipadores térmicos, se ve muchas veces comprometido al tener que disponer estos elementos refrigeradores justo en el punto de generación de la luz. Para evitar, en la medida de lo posible, este hecho, se presenta como una de las posibles alternativas el empleo de los ?Heat Pipes?. Los Heat Pipes son unos dispositivos autónomos, que permiten refrigerar los focos calientes, trasladando el calor generado por ellos a disipadores térmicos situados en zonas más accesibles y menos comprometidas. Los Heat Pipe, basados en técnicas termodinámicas, tienen un uso muy extendido en la tecnología aeroespacial. Son actualmente la solución ideal en aplicaciones de bombeo de calor y refrigeración de componenetes electricos y electrónicos. Con tamaños reducidos, pueden alcanzar flujos de refrigeración de 300 - 400 W/cm2. En esta comunicación se presenta y analiza este tipo de refrigeración aplicada a LED¿s utilizados en iluminación y alumbrado. La refrigeración de LEDs propuesta está compuesta por el Heat Pipe adosado por un extremo a la cara posterior del diodo LED, y por el otro, a una cierta distancia, al disipador térmico. La temperatura alcanzada por el LED dependerá del tipo y características del Heat Pipe así como de las cualidades del disipador térmico utilizado. También se utilizan en combinación con refrigeradores termoeléctricos (células de Peltier) cuando se desea controlar la temperatura de los dispositivos por debajo de la temperatura ambiental.
So far, the majority of reports on on-line measurement considered soil properties with direct spectral responses in near infrared spectroscopy (NIRS). This work reports on the results of on-line measurement of soil properties with indirect spectral responses, e.g. pH, cation exchange capacity (CEC), exchangeable calcium (Caex) and exchangeable magnesium (Mgex) in one field in Bedfordshire in the UK. The on-line sensor consisted of a subsoiler coupled with an AgroSpec mobile, fibre type, visible and near infrared (vis–NIR) spectrophotometer (tec5 Technology for Spectroscopy, Germany), with a measurement range 305–2200 nm to acquire soil spectra in diffuse reflectance mode. General calibration models for the studied soil properties were developed with a partial least squares regression (PLSR) with one-leave-out cross validation, using spectra measured under non-mobile laboratory conditions of 160 soil samples collected from different fields in four farms in Europe, namely, Czech Republic, Denmark, Netherland and UK. A group of 25 samples independent from the calibration set was used as independent validation set. Higher accuracy was obtained for laboratory scanning as compared to on-line scanning of the 25 independent samples. The prediction accuracy for the laboratory and on-line measurements was classified as excellent/very good for pH (RPD = 2.69 and 2.14 and r2 = 0.86 and 0.78, respectively), and moderately good for CEC (RPD = 1.77 and 1.61 and r2 = 0.68 and 0.62, respectively) and Mgex (RPD = 1.72 and 1.49 and r2 = 0.66 and 0.67, respectively). For Caex, very good accuracy was calculated for laboratory method (RPD = 2.19 and r2 = 0.86), as compared to the poor accuracy reported for the on-line method (RPD = 1.30 and r2 = 0.61). The ability of collecting large number of data points per field area (about 12,800 point per 21 ha) and the simultaneous analysis of several soil properties without direct spectral response in the NIR range at relatively high operational speed and appreciable accuracy, encourage the recommendation of the on-line measurement system for site specific fertilisation.
Resumen El diseño de sistemas ópticos, entendido como un arte por algunos, como una ciencia por otros, se ha realizado durante siglos. Desde los egipcios hasta nuestros días los sistemas de formación de imagen han ido evolucionando así como las técnicas de diseño asociadas. Sin embargo ha sido en los últimos 50 años cuando las técnicas de diseño han experimentado su mayor desarrollo y evolución, debido, en parte, a la aparición de nuevas técnicas de fabricación y al desarrollo de ordenadores cada vez más potentes que han permitido el cálculo y análisis del trazado de rayos a través de los sistemas ópticos de forma rápida y eficiente. Esto ha propiciado que el diseño de sistemas ópticos evolucione desde los diseños desarrollados únicamente a partir de la óptica paraxial hasta lo modernos diseños realizados mediante la utilización de diferentes técnicas de optimización multiparamétrica. El principal problema con el que se encuentra el diseñador es que las diferentes técnicas de optimización necesitan partir de un diseño inicial el cual puede fijar las posibles soluciones. Dicho de otra forma, si el punto de inicio está lejos del mínimo global, o diseño óptimo para las condiciones establecidas, el diseño final puede ser un mínimo local cerca del punto de inicio y lejos del mínimo global. Este tipo de problemática ha llevado al desarrollo de sistemas globales de optimización que cada vez sean menos sensibles al punto de inicio de la optimización. Aunque si bien es cierto que es posible obtener buenos diseños a partir de este tipo de técnicas, se requiere de muchos intentos hasta llegar a la solución deseada, habiendo un entorno de incertidumbre durante todo el proceso, puesto que no está asegurado el que se llegue a la solución óptima. El método de las Superficies Múltiples Simultaneas (SMS), que nació como una herramienta de cálculo de concentradores anidólicos, se ha demostrado como una herramienta también capaz utilizarse para el diseño de sistemas ópticos formadores de imagen, aunque hasta la fecha se ha utilizado para el diseño puntual de sistemas de formación de imagen. Esta tesis tiene por objeto presentar el SMS como un método que puede ser utilizado de forma general para el diseño de cualquier sistema óptico de focal fija o v afocal con un aumento definido así como una herramienta que puede industrializarse para ayudar al diseñador a afrontar de forma sencilla el diseño de sistemas ópticos complejos. Esta tesis está estructurada en cinco capítulos: El capítulo 1, es un capítulo de fundamentos donde se presentan los conceptos fundamentales necesarios para que el lector, aunque no posea una gran base en óptica formadora de imagen, pueda entender los planteamientos y resultados que se presentan en el resto de capítulos El capitulo 2 aborda el problema de la optimización de sistemas ópticos, donde se presenta el método SMS como una herramienta idónea para obtener un punto de partida para el proceso de optimización. Mediante un ejemplo aplicado se demuestra la importancia del punto de partida utilizado en la solución final encontrada. Además en este capítulo se presentan diferentes técnicas que permiten la interpolación y optimización de las superficies obtenidas a partir de la aplicación del SMS. Aunque en esta tesis se trabajará únicamente utilizando el SMS2D, se presenta además un método para la interpolación y optimización de las nubes de puntos obtenidas a partir del SMS3D basado en funciones de base radial (RBF). En el capítulo 3 se presenta el diseño, fabricación y medidas de un objetivo catadióptrico panorámico diseñado para trabajar en la banda del infrarrojo lejano (8-12 μm) para aplicaciones de vigilancia perimetral. El objetivo presentado se diseña utilizando el método SMS para tres frentes de onda de entrada utilizando cuatro superficies. La potencia del método de diseño utilizado se hace evidente en la sencillez con la que este complejo sistema se diseña. Las imágenes presentadas demuestran cómo el prototipo desarrollado cumple a la perfección su propósito. El capítulo 4 aborda el problema del diseño de sistemas ópticos ultra compactos, se introduce el concepto de sistemas multicanal, como aquellos sistemas ópticos compuestos por una serie de canales que trabajan en paralelo. Este tipo de sistemas resultan particularmente idóneos para él diseño de sistemas afocales. Se presentan estrategias de diseño para sistemas multicanal tanto monocromáticos como policromáticos. Utilizando la novedosa técnica de diseño que en este capítulo se presenta el diseño de un telescopio de seis aumentos y medio. En el capítulo 5 se presenta una generalización del método SMS para rayos meridianos. En este capítulo se presenta el algoritmo que debe utilizarse para el diseño de cualquier sistema óptico de focal fija. La denominada optimización fase 1 se vi introduce en el algoritmo presentado de forma que mediante el cambio de las condiciones iníciales del diseño SMS que, aunque el diseño se realice para rayos meridianos, los rayos skew tengan un comportamiento similar. Para probar la potencia del algoritmo desarrollado se presenta un conjunto de diseños con diferente número de superficies. La estabilidad y potencia del algoritmo se hace evidente al conseguirse por primera vez el diseño de un sistema de seis superficies diseñado por SMS. vii Abstract The design of optical systems, considered an art by some and a science by others, has been developed for centuries. Imaging optical systems have been evolving since Ancient Egyptian times, as have design techniques. Nevertheless, the most important developments in design techniques have taken place over the past 50 years, in part due to the advances in manufacturing techniques and the development of increasingly powerful computers, which have enabled the fast and efficient calculation and analysis of ray tracing through optical systems. This has led to the design of optical systems evolving from designs developed solely from paraxial optics to modern designs created by using different multiparametric optimization techniques. The main problem the designer faces is that the different optimization techniques require an initial design which can set possible solutions as a starting point. In other words, if the starting point is far from the global minimum or optimal design for the set conditions, the final design may be a local minimum close to the starting point and far from the global minimum. This type of problem has led to the development of global optimization systems which are increasingly less sensitive to the starting point of the optimization process. Even though it is possible to obtain good designs from these types of techniques, many attempts are necessary to reach the desired solution. This is because of the uncertain environment due to the fact that there is no guarantee that the optimal solution will be obtained. The Simultaneous Multiple Surfaces (SMS) method, designed as a tool to calculate anidolic concentrators, has also proved useful for the design of image-forming optical systems, although until now it has occasionally been used for the design of imaging systems. This thesis aims to present the SMS method as a technique that can be used in general for the design of any optical system, whether with a fixed focal or an afocal with a defined magnification, and also as a tool that can be commercialized to help designers in the design of complex optical systems. The thesis is divided into five chapters. Chapter 1 establishes the basics by presenting the fundamental concepts which the reader needs to acquire, even if he/she doesn‟t have extensive knowledge in the field viii of image-forming optics, in order to understand the steps taken and the results obtained in the following chapters. Chapter 2 addresses the problem of optimizing optical systems. Here the SMS method is presented as an ideal tool to obtain a starting point for the optimization process. The importance of the starting point for the final solution is demonstrated through an example. Additionally, this chapter introduces various techniques for the interpolation and optimization of the surfaces obtained through the application of the SMS method. Even though in this thesis only the SMS2D method is used, we present a method for the interpolation and optimization of clouds of points obtained though the SMS3D method, based on radial basis functions (RBF). Chapter 3 presents the design, manufacturing and measurement processes of a catadioptric panoramic lens designed to work in the Long Wavelength Infrared (LWIR) (8-12 microns) for perimeter surveillance applications. The lens presented is designed by using the SMS method for three input wavefronts using four surfaces. The powerfulness of the design method used is revealed through the ease with which this complex system is designed. The images presented show how the prototype perfectly fulfills its purpose. Chapter 4 addresses the problem of designing ultra-compact optical systems. The concept of multi-channel systems, such as optical systems composed of a series of channels that work in parallel, is introduced. Such systems are especially suitable for the design of afocal systems. We present design strategies for multichannel systems, both monochromatic and polychromatic. A telescope designed with a magnification of six-and-a-half through the innovative technique exposed in this chapter is presented. Chapter 5 presents a generalization of the SMS method for meridian rays. The algorithm to be used for the design of any fixed focal optics is revealed. The optimization known as phase 1 optimization is inserted into the algorithm so that, by changing the initial conditions of the SMS design, the skew rays have a similar behavior, despite the design being carried out for meridian rays. To test the power of the developed algorithm, a set of designs with a different number of surfaces is presented. The stability and strength of the algorithm become apparent when the first design of a system with six surfaces if obtained through the SMS method.
El objetivo de este proyecto es el de determinar, a través de una serie de medidas, los tiempos de vida y causas de fallo de diodos LED. Para ello, se someterá a los dispositivos a condiciones extremas de temperatura y humedad dentro de una cámara climática, con el objetivo de acelerar su edad, su tiempo de uso, hecho que provocará la aparición de los fallos mucho antes que en condiciones normales de funcionamiento. Se tomarán medidas tanto de su tensión y corriente para el análisis de las gráficas I-V, dentro y fuera de la cámara, como de las potencias luminosas de cada uno de ellos. Estas medidas se realizarán en dos ocasiones al día, en intervalos de no menos de 6 horas. Para las medidas de tensión y corriente se utilizará un programa desarrollado en el entorno de LabView, tanto para las medidas en el interior de la cámara, lo que nos permite un seguimiento específico del estado de los dispositivos en cada momento, como para las medidas fuera de ella. Para las medidas de la potencia luminosa de cada LED se utilizará un medidor de potencia óptica. Cada ensayo constará de 15 dispositivos LED, que se evaluarán en las mismas condiciones de temperatura y humedad. El resumen de los 8 ensayos realizados es el que sigue: - Ensayo 1: 140ºC 85% HUMEDAD a 10 mA. - Ensayo 2: 140ºC 70% HUMEDAD a 10 mA. - Ensayo 3: 120ºC 85% HUMEDAD a 10 mA. - Ensayo 4: 120ºC 85% HUMEDAD a 30 mA. - Ensayo 5: 140ºC 70% HUMEDAD a 30 mA. - Ensayo 6: 140ºC 85% HUMEDAD a 30 mA. - Ensayo 7: 140ºC 60% HUMEDAD a 30 mA. - Ensayo 8: 140ºC 85% HUMEDAD a 20 mA. Una vez tomadas las medidas, se analizarán los datos, de cara a obtener una ley de degradación del LED a través del análisis de Weibull y se estudiarán las diferentes causas de fallo. ABSTRACT. The aim of this Project is to determine, based on several measures, the lifetime and the causes of LED’s failures. The devices will be tested under extreme both temperature and humidity conditions in a Pressure Cooker, attempting to make faults to appear earlier. Voltage and current measures will be taken, inside and also outside the Pressure cooker, in order to use them in I-V graphs. In addition, luminous power measures for each LED will be taken. All those measures will be obtained twice a day, with 6 hours delay between both of them. A program based on LabView environment will be used to take voltage and current measures, inside and outside the pressure cooker, which allow us to follow the performance of the LED at each moment. The luminous power of each LED will be taken by a measurer. Each test consists of 15 LED devices, which will be evaluated under the same conditions each time. The 8 tests are as follows - Test 1: 140ºC 85% relative humidity at 10 mA. - Test 2: 140ºC 70% relative humidity at 10 mA. - Test 3: 120ºC 85% relative humidity at 10 mA. - Test 4: 120ºC 85% relative humidity at 30 mA. - Test 5: 140ºC 70% relative humidity at 30 mA. - Test 6: 140ºC 85% relative humidity at 30 mA. - Test 7: 140ºC 60% relative humidity at 30 mA. - Test 8: 140ºC 85% relative humidity at 20 mA. When the measures are completely taken, data will be analyzed, in order to obtain a LED’s degradation law using Weibull’s distribution. Also the causes of the failures will be evaluated.
En este proyecto fin de carrera se ha diseñado y construido un equipo de medida automático que permite realizar la medida de la constante de Planck utilizando los principios de Funcionamiento de los diodos LED. El equipo de medida es totalmente automático gracias a la utilización de una placa controladora Arduino MEGA 2560, que se encarga de realizar la iluminación secuencial de cada LED, medir sus tensiones de funcionamiento, y de realizar los cálculos necesarios para hallar la constante de Planck. Todos los datos se muestran por una pantalla LCD de 16 caracteres por 2 lineas. Para comprender el funcionamiento del sistema de medida automático se ha realizado un estudio detallado de cada uno de los sistemas que componen el equipo de medida. Se ha explicado el funcionamiento teórico de los diodos LED y el funcionamiento de los semiconductores. Se ha explicando los diversos tipos de semiconductores que se utilizan para los LED y las modificaciones que se les aplica para mejorar su eficiencia. Para poder comprender en qué consiste la constante de Planck se ha explicado los principios teóricos en que se basa, y se ha realizado una pequeña demostración de su cálculo. Una vez visto todos los principios teóricos se ha pasado a realizar la explicación de cada uno de los grandes bloques que componen el sistema de medida automático. Estos bloques son la placa controladora Arduino, el sistema de iluminación LED, el sistema de control mecánico de LEDs, la pantalla LCD, el sistema de interrupciones y el sistema de alimentación. Para poder observar el espectro de emisión de cada uno de los LED se ha utilizado un analizador de espectros óptico (OSA), el cual ha sido explicado con detenimiento. El código de programación de Arduino ha sido explicado en forma de diagrama de flujo para una mayor facilidad de comprensión. Se ha desarrollado un manual de usuario para facilitar el uso del sistema a cualquier usuario, en el que se ha introducido un ejemplo completo de funcionamiento. ABSTRACT. In this final Project has designed and built an automatic measuring equipment which is able to measure the Planck`s constant using the operation principles of the LEDs. The measuring equipment is fully automated thanks to the use of an Arduino Mega 2560 controller board, which is responsible for conducting sequential illumination of each LED, measure their operating voltages, and perform the necessary calculations of find the Planck constant. All data is displayed by a LCD screen 16 character by 2 lines. To understand the operation of the automatic measuring system has been made a detailed study of each of the systems that make the measurement equipment. It develops the theoretical performance of the LED and the operation of semiconductors. It explains the different types of semiconductors that are used for LEDs and the changes applied to improve efficiency. In order to understand what is the Planck constant has been explained the theoretical principles in which it is based, and a small demonstration of its calculation has been performed. After seeing all the theoretical principles has been made the explanation of each of the main blocks that compose the automatic measuring system. These blocks are the Arduino controller board, LED lighting system, the mechanical control system LEDs, LCD screen, the interrupt system and feeding system. To observe the emission spectrum of each of the LED has been used optical spectrum analyzer (OSA), which has been explained in detail. The Arduino programming code has been explained in flowchart form for an easy understanding. It has developed a manual to facilitate the use of system to any user, which has introduced a complete example of operation.
Increasing attention is being paid to the possible development of non-invasive tests for the assessment of the quality of Fruits. We propose a novel non-destructive method for the measurement of the internal optical properties of fruits and vegetables by means of lime-resolved reflectance spectroscopy in the visible and NIR range. A Fully automated instrumentation for time-resolved reflectance measurements was developed. It is based on mode-locked laser sources and electronics for time-correlated single photon counting, and provides a time-resolution of 120-160 ps. The system was used to probe the optical properties of several species and varieties of Fruits and vegetables in the red and NIR range (650-1000 nm). In most Fruits, the absorption line shape is dominated by the absorption peak of water, centred around 970 nm. Generally, the absorption spectra also show the spectral features typical of chlorophyll, with maximum at 675 nm. In particular, for what concerns apples, variations in peak intensity are observed depending on the variety, the degree of ripeness as well as the position on the apple. For all the species and varieties considered, the transport scattering coefficient decreases progressively upon increasing the wavelength.
Highly correlated ab initio calculations (CCSD(T)) are used to compute gas phase spectroscopic parameters of three isotopologues of the methyl acetate (CH3COOCH3, CD3COOCH3, and CH3COOCD3), searching to help experimental assignments and astrophysical detections. The molecule shows two conformers cis and trans separated by a barrier of 4457 cm−1. The potential energy surface presents 18 minima that intertransform through three internal rotation motions. To analyze the far infrared spectrum at low temperatures, a three-dimensional Hamiltonian is solved variationally. The two methyl torsion barriers are calculated to be 99.2 cm−1 (C–CH3) and 413.1 cm−1 (O–CH3), for the cis-conformer. The three fundamental torsional band centers of CH3COOCH3 are predicted to lie at 63.7 cm−1 (C–CH3), 136.1 cm−1 (O–CH3), and 175.8 cm−1 (C–O torsion) providing torsional state separations. For the 27 vibrational modes, anharmonic fundamentals and rovibrational parameters are provided. Computed parameters are compared with those fitted using experimental data.
Low-cost, plastic-injected optics mix light from different color LED dies without a significant decrease in average brightness, simplifying luminaire design both optically and electronically. In solid-state lighting, high-flux and high-color rendering index (CRI) light engines may be achieved by arraying and mixing the light from different color dies or phosphors, or a combination of the two, in the LED package. However, these nonhomogeneous sources, when combined with luminaire optics, tend to produce patterns with undesirable artifacts such as spatial and angular nonuniformities and color separation.
The interest in LED lighting has been growing recently due to the high efficacy, lifelime and ruggedness that this technology offers. However the key element to guarantee those parameters with these new electronic devices is to keep under control the working temperature of the semiconductor crystal. This paper propases a LED lamp design that fulfils the requ irements of a PV lighting systems, whose main quality criteria is reliability. It uses directly as a power supply a non·stabilized constant voltage source, as batteries. An electronic control architecture is used to regulate the current applied to the LEO matri)( according to their temperature and the voltage output value of the batteries with two pulse modulation signals (PWM) signals. The first one connects and disconnects the LEOs to the power supply and the second one connects and disconnects several emitters to the electric circuit changing its overall impedance. A prototype of the LEO lamp has been implemented and tested at different temperaturas and battery voltages.
With the consolidation of the new solid state lighting LEOs devices, te5t1n9 the compliance 01 lamps based on this technology lor Solar Home Systems (SHS) have been analyzed. The definition of the laboratory procedures to be used with final products 15 a necessary step in arder to be able to assure the quality of the lamps prior to be installed [1]. As well as with CFL technology. particular attention has been given to simplicity and technical affordability in arder to facilitate the implementation of the test with basie and simple laboratory too15 even on the same SHS electrification program locations. The block of test procedures has been applied to a set of 14 low-cost lamps. They apply to lamp resistance, reliability and performance under normal, extreme and abnormal operating conditions as a simple but complete quality meter tool 01 any LEO bulb.
When aqueous suspensions of gold nanorods are irradiated with a pulsing laser (808 nm), pressure waves appear even at low frequencies (pulse repetition rate of 25 kHz). We found that the pressure wave amplitude depends on the dynamics of the phenomenon. For fixed concentration and average laser current intensity, the amplitude of the pressure waves shows a trend of increasing with the pulse slope and the pulse maximum amplitude.We postulate that the detected ultrasonic pressure waves are a sort of shock waves that would be generated at the beginning of each pulse, because the pressure wave amplitude would be the result of the positive interference of all the individual shock waves.
We have analyzed the spectral sub-bandgap photoresponse of silicon (Si) samples implanted with vanadium (V) at different doses and subsequently processed by pulsed-laser melting. Samples with V concentration clearly above the insulator-metal transition limit show an important increase of the photoresponse with respect to a Si reference sample. Their photoresponse extends into the far infrared region and presents a sharp photoconductivity edge that moves towards lower photon energies as the temperature decreases. The increase of the value of the photoresponse is contrary to the classic understanding of recombination centers action and supports the predictions of the insulator-metal transition theory.
Measuring skin temperature (TSK) provides important information about the complex thermal control system and could be interesting when carrying out studies about thermoregulation. The most common method to record TSK involves thermocouples at specific locations; however, the use of infrared thermal imaging (IRT) has increased. The two methods use different physical processes to measure TSK, and each has advantages and disadvantages. Therefore, the objective of this study was to compare the mean skin temperature (MTSK) measurements using thermocouples and IRT in three different situations: pre-exercise, exercise and post-exercise. Analysis of the residual scores in Bland-Altman plots showed poor agreement between the MTSK obtained using thermocouples and those using IRT. The averaged error was -0.75 °C during pre-exercise, 1.22 °C during exercise and -1.16 °C during post-exercise, and the reliability between the methods was low in the pre- (ICC = 0.75 [0.12 to 0.93]), during (ICC = 0.49 [-0.80 to 0.85]) and post-exercise (ICC = 0.35 [-1.22 to 0.81] conditions. Thus, there is poor correlation between the values of MTSK measured by thermocouples and IRT pre-exercise, exercise and post-exercise, and low reliability between the two forms of measurement.