963 resultados para indirizzo :: 912 :: Macchine a fluido


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There are substantial evidences that the period experienced by humanity globally is unprecedented and is heading towards a major transformation that results from the Globalization. Totally conditioned to the addictions of the dominant and predatory capitalism, humanity has, for decades, exhausted natural resources, disregarded the nature of its own social existence and walked away from its humanity. It is notable, however, an impressive flow of factors that dialogue and support each other as trends that go towards sustainable development, based on the harmonious integration between Technology, Culture, Society, Environment and Economy. This emerging moment can be seen from the perspectives of the Creative Economy as economic paradigm centered on the subjectivity and the human capacity to undertake innovative services, products and solutions guided by social values. Within this fluid and dynamic global context, initiatives that legitimately intend to act sustainably are gaining space. This socioeconomic moment fosters and is fostered by new kinds of work and organization guided by the Collaboration and social structuring on Network Patterns. These new social models significantly transform the understanding and insights about the Communication flows. The HUB São Paulo, as creative and social organization that operates under the logic of Collaboration through a Network Structure, was the subject of a case study used to sustain the defense of this emerging scenario and also to perform an analysis on the new role of Communication, at perspectives of transformation of mental paradigms towards sustainability and establishment of meaningful connections


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Fluidization consists in a bed of solid particles acquire fluid behavior by using a fluid (in this case air) flowing through the solid particles. Because of this, it can be a good mix of these materials, as well as to show increased rates of heat and mass transport. The fluid flowing through the spaces between the particles gives an interstitial velocity, that if is too low does not cause movement of the particulates. The gradual increase in speed will generate small vibrations between the particles promotes its fluidization. Our study focus in the fluid state of solid bed , when the fluid velocity reaches a state where the drag forces are sufficient to support the weight of the solid particles making these solids behave like fluids . Knowledge of the minimum velocity required to fluidize that particles is of great importance since below this speed there is no fluidization, and far above it, the solids are carried out of the bed. The fluidized bed reactor is widely used in physics and engineering, particularly in gas-solid fluidization, with emphasis on thermochemical processes


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The Lavra Velha gold prospect is located in Ibitiara city, in the Espinhaço Setentrional physiographic domain, on the west edge of Chapada Diamantina – central part of Bahia. It is inserting on Gavião Block, a compartment of São Francisco Cráton (Almeida, 1977). The Lavra Velha gold dump is formed by an association of hydrothermal breccia lodged in acid and intermediate rocks, classifying in tonalite, granodiorite and diorite, with high alteration, cut off by a vein and venules system constituted by hydrothermal association composed by hematite, tourmaline, quarz and sericite, located in the north limit of Ibitiara granite. In the regional geological context the area is represented by Archaean rocks (Paramirim Complex) and Paleoproterozoic rocks (Ibitiara granitoid and Matinos Granite) constituted the basement, following by paleo to mesozoic pluton-vulcanic-sedimentary association of Rio dos Remédios Group, intruded by mafic rocks. It was used geochemistry and petrographic analysis compiling to field works data to characterize the rocks where the gold mineralization is inserting. Previously these rocks were classifying in volcanic rocks of Novo Horizonte Formation. Developing this monograph’s work the petrogenetic characteristics suggesting that these rocks called volcanic actually belong to Ibitiara granitoid as a portion more metamorphosed. The green schist is the predominant metamorphism in the area with low deformation, associated to high concentration of fluid circulating. The hydrothermal alteration is the process responsible for rocks modifications and strong sericitization generalize


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The non-ferrous materials have got so many mechanical, physical and chemical advantageous properties so that is provided to them consolidated position in industry. In this context, aluminium alloys have been seen a lot on many applications of engineering areas – specially on automotive, aeronautical and aerospace due to their main properties such as low density, high corrosion resistance, favorable structure weight / material resistance relation, among others characteristics that are mencioned through this study. This study aims to analyze the aluminium alloys behavior on a general context when they are used on turning process, taking for examples the 6262 and 7050 aluminium alloys. In this way, the analysis studies the datas obtained during the turning tests realized on 3 steps each one; those datas are concerning the medium and total rugosities – obtained with the assistance of a portable Surface Roughness Finish Tester, as well as the chips obtained during the tests - visual analysis, and the cutting tools wear – with the assistance of an optical microscope, under different conditions of application of cutting fluids (dry machining, application of coolant in abundance and MQL – Minimum Quantity of Lubricant). The results concerning this study show detailed information about influence of cutting fluids on the machining by turning of the aluminium alloys related on this work and also about aluminium alloys in general when they are used on turning processes with different conditions from one another. By this way, it was evident the MQL technique is the best one for the 6262 alloy. However, for 7050 alloy, it was evident that the dry machining is responsible for the best results


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O desenvolvimento de sistemas de liberação de fármacos tem sido muito utilizado com o intuito de melhorar as propriedades biofarmacêuticas de fármacos. Sistemas de liberação controlada oferecem inúmeras vantagens quando comparados aos sistemas convencionais, o que os tornam candidatos promissores para a melhora da terapia de diversas doenças. Para o desenvolvimento destes sistemas, várias estratégias utilizam polímeros para modificar as propriedades farmacotécnicas das substâncias e partículas, com o objetivo de melhorar o direcionamento dos fármacos, bem como sua ação e toxicidade. Dentre estes polímeros, os mais utilizados são os polissacarídeos, por serem amplamente disponíveis e de baixo custo. São encontrados na natureza, em fontes diversas, como plantas, algas, microorganismos e animais. O dextrano, um polímero produzido por microorganismos, bem como seus derivados, têm recebido bastante atenção devido às suas características, como baixa toxicidade e alta degradabilidade enzimática, as quais o torna viável para o carreamento de fármacos. Com o dextrano é possível preparar sistemas de liberação controlada, uma vez que é possível se obter hidrogéis a partir dele, sem a utilização de reticulantes químicos. Hidrogéis são redes poliméricas tridimensionais hidrofílicas, que absorvem grande quantidade de água ou fluido biológico sem se dispersarem, o que denota a capacidade de intumescimento. Em sistemas de liberação baseados em hidrogéis, o perfil de intumescimento é uma característica de grande importância, pois pode modificar a propriedade de transporte do fármaco. Neste contexto, o presente trabalho tem o objetivo de avaliar a possibilidade da produção de hidrogéis de dextrano de diferentes pesos moleculares, para modular a liberação do fármaco praziquantel, utilizado no tratamento da esquistossomose... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)


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The Aquidauana Formation is characterized by sandstones of variable granulation, mudstones and diamectites abundant in clay, typical colors like brick red (vermelho tijolo) of glacial, fluvial and lacustrine origin. It’s chronostratigraphic equivalent to the Itarará group from the Neo Carboniferous age, that under the exploratory view, such units represent important intervals in the basin, occurring together with them minerals as well as energy resources as petroleum, underground water and coal – what requires a great paleogeography and stratigraphy knowledge for its exploration. By gathering information from the columnar sections of the area, it was possible to characterize the sedimentary facies, the stacking pattern as well as the association. It was also made an attempt of stratigraphic correlation, which showed great difficulties since glacial environments present a great lateral discontinuity of the facies besides the complex relationship process of formation. As a result, it was obtained 8 sedimentary facies, the lateral and vertical relations and genesis process. It is proposed that the sedimentary environment in the study area is the fluvio glacial, characterized by alluvial systems formed by defrosted water which transport the sediments that are deposited in plains in front of the glacier (distal outwash). Petrographic thin section analysis showed that the transportation process was ineffective. The grains present punctual to lobular contacts, characterizing good porosity and permeability to the rock, varying these qualities according to more or less existence of matrix. The presence of Iron Oxide deposited between the recrystallization border and feldspathic mineral indicates that this rock has possibly presented a primary rubefaction, intensified by alkaline fluid percolation


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The growing demand for quality at competitive prices and fast production process put to the test function in the industrial Maintenance. The need for equipment with high availability to fit this fierce competitiveness makes maintenance becomes essentially reliable. Despite this current context, many companies still have an old view of maintenance, focused only on corrective services, and proposals for change are often neglected due to the sense of urgency day to day. Thus, this study aims to demonstrate through theoretical applicability of simple tool, but of great value in increasing reliability within the maintenance sector of an industry, applying the concepts of Reliability Centered Maintenance – RCM and Analysis tool Failure Modes and Effects – FMEA in equipment of a chemical company directly involved in the manufacturing process of the brake fluid, which this product is used in vehicles around the country. That way, you can identify the types, occurrence and criticality of each failure and evaluate assertively decision making for each device, avoiding unnecessary downtime and potential failures of the same


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On the field of the projects of hydraulic systems exists a lot of worries when we talk about the calculate of hydraulic pumps. In this case some facts must be considerate: length of tubes, fluid characteristics, height gauge, temperature, pressure, characteristics of tubes, flow required and others. For that mathematic calculates must be developed with the objective to optimize hydraulic pumps and agree to find an ideal machine (that don't requires more energy than necessary or less energy than it requires; that is the more critical case, cause exists the risk that the fluid pumped do not agree to become in your destiny). The wrong calculate of this machine can super-size its, bringing an excessive energy consumption. Actually it's an important subject because we are in the age of lack of energy what turn it more expensive. So the correct sizing of a hydraulic pump is connected with the fact that you have to uses the enough energy resources avoiding waste. The calculate of ideal pump in the pumping system is studied during years and a lot of specialists in this subject develop equations and theories to calculate its. Some researches study about this subject and all of them become to the same conclusion: to find the ideal pump we have to know the characteristics of fluid (cinematic viscosity), the required flow , overall yield (overall of motor x overall of pump) the high gauge or discharge pressure and the loss of repression. The pressure drop can be calculated with different theories: using Hazen-Williams, Darcy e Weisbach or Chézy (1775 - that starts the researches to calculate the pressure drop). Although the most used theory and what is most near to reality is the Darcy's equation. So, in this job the Darcy's equation were choice to calculate the drop pressure that consider what kind of flow we are studying: laminar or turbulent. The determination of the best pump to be used in the ... ( complete abstract click eletronic access below)


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Atualmente o uso indiscriminado e não criterioso de antibióticos está causando um aumento alarmante de resistência bacteriana chegando a ser considerado um problema de saúde pública. Nesse contexto, a utilização do peptídeo antimicrobiano (PAM) Hylina-a1 proveniente de uma rã da fauna brasileira está sendo estudado. Sua atuação na membrana celular dificulta a ocorrência de resistência bacteriana. No entanto, o uso de PAMs ainda apresenta problemas principalmente relacionados à disponibilidade, eficácia e toxicidade. A fim de contornar esses problemas, este trabalho teve como objetivo principal avaliar a incorporação deste peptídeo a um sistema líquido cristalino nanoestruturado com capacidade de regular a liberação e proteger os peptídeos da degradação química e física mantendo a bioatividade. O sistema líquido cristalino foi preparado com fosfatidilcolina de soja (FS), oleato de sódio (OS) e Tween 20 (TW), colesterol (CHO) e tampão fosfato, sendo que alguns pontos apresentaram fases líquido-cristalinas do tipo lamelar. Para os estudos posteriores foi escolhido um ponto com características visuais de viscosidade apropriadas ao uso tópico e a este se incorporou o peptídeo. A obtenção do peptídeo por meio da SPFS foi viável, obtendo-se materiais com alto índice de pureza. No ensaio de reologia a formulação apresentou-se como fluido pseudoplástico não–Newtoniano, com a presença de tixotropia; sendo possível também confirmar a incorporação do peptídeo ao sistema. A espectroscopia UV e a CLAE comprovaram que a maior parte do peptídeo é incorporada à fase líquido-cristalina do sistema. Os ensaios biológicos mostraram que o sistema líquido-cristalino possui atividade contra bactérias muito menor que o peptídeo livre. Este fato foi atribuído à baixa liberação do peptídeo pelo sistema


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O acetato de dexametasona (DXM) é um glicocorticoide com eficácia antiinflamatória e imunossupressora, sendo utilizado nas doenças autoimunes. Sua ação antiinflamatória advém da inibição do acúmulo de células (macrófagos, linfócitos e neutrófilos) na área da inflamação, inibindo também a liberação de mediadores da inflamação como interferon-γ e TNF-α. Já a atividade imunossupressora é alcançada com a redução do concentrado de linfócitos e inibição da síntese e/ou liberação de interleucinas. Porém o uso contínuo do DXM ocasiona uma série de efeitos colaterais sistêmicos, sendo interessante sua aplicação tópica para viabilizar a promoção do aumento da liberação e a estabilização dos níveis plasmáticos do fármaco. Sistemas nanoestruturados como microemulsões (ME) e os cristais líquidos (CL) vêm sendo estudados como novos sistemas de liberação, pois além de se comportarem como reservatórios de fármacos também possibilitam o aumento da estabilidade e da solubilidade dos princípios ativos. Os objetivos deste trabalho foram desenvolver e caracterizar sistemas micro e nanoestruturados, com intuito de incorporar DXM e avaliar sua permeação cutânea in vitro. Foram desenvolvidos sistemas utilizando água, silicone (DC® 193C fluido) e polioxietileno-20-oleil éter (Brij® 98). Os 36 pontos do diagrama de fases foram avaliados, sendo elaboradas formulações com diferentes proporções de água, óleo e tensoativo, sendo possível delimitar regiões como: sistemas transparentes de alta viscosidade (STAV), sistemas transparentes de baixa viscosidade (STBV), sistemas líquido-transparentes (SLT), emulsão viscosa (EV) e emulsão líquida (EL). Três formulações foram selecionadas para os ensaios de caracterização, fixando-se a concentração de tensoativo (T) em 40% e variando-se as concentrações de água e de silicone, denominadas A, B e C. As análises de microscopia de luz polarizada ...


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Aquaporins (AQPs) are membrane protein channels expressed in a wide variety of cells and tissues that are involved in the transport of water. In the male excurrent duct, the movement of fluid and solutes across the epithelium is essential for establishing the proper luminal environment in which sperm mature and are stored. The initial aim of the present propose is to localize AQP 2 e 9 in epithelium of the initial segment, caput, corpus and cauda epididymidis in Mongolian gerbil during postnatal development (10, 30, 60, 120 and 300 days), observing possible changes in the pattern of expression of the AQPs along the postnatal development. The animals will be killed by inhalation of carbon dioxide. After euthanasia, the epididymis will be removed and the different regions will be isolated. The biological material obtained will be processed in accordance with the routines of histological techniques and imunnohistochemistry to study the expression and localization of the AQPs 2 and 9. The results obtained will be analyzed and photographed in conventional light microscope


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This paper is proposed the usage of an Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC) along with waste heat recovery from an inconstant heat source. This method of waste heat recovery with intermittent heat source is part of a technical viability study. This paper also brings up the usage of thermal energy storage as heat source for the ORC. This paper is based on a heat treatment company study in which a natural gas furnace is explored. Data such as mass flow, temperature and specific waste gas heat from this furnace are used through calculations. Calculations are made also based on furnace cycles. This viability study considers a series of working fluids such as ammonia, benzene, R113 and R134a. Results point out that ORC with out thermal storage and using refrigerant fluid ammonia is the best alternative


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The growing interest in the use of groundwater resources is directly related to the economic advantages that the groundwater exploitation offers when compared to surface waters. This happens especially in large urban centers, such as the city of Americana / SP, where the rivers are increasingly contaminated by household and industrial waste. Therefore, this study aimed to characterize the Tubarão Aquifer System, in the city of Americana, to identify and evaluate the spatial distribution of different hydrogeochemical facies as well as understand the rock-fluid interaction through the construction of a conceptual hydrogeochemical model. This study was made based on the recognition of the possible chemical reactions that print the chemical characteristics of groundwater in the area. To do the job, there were two water sampling campaigns of all deep wells used by the City of Americana public water supply. From the results of hydrochemical, classification of water was made by Piper and Stiff diagrams as well as geostatistical data using cluster analysis of principal components. Based on information from the profiles obtained from the survey SIAGAS as well as in geological profiles provided by the city of Americana, we sought to detail the subsurface geology of the Subgroup Itararé in the city of Americana. The results obtained allowed the identification of three hydrochemical types in the study area: Bicarbonated calcium-sodium (1), bicarbonate sodium (2) and sodium chloride (3). The waters have bicarbonate alkaline pH to alkaline and can be considered weakly saline, with electrical conductivity values of around 161 mS / cm. Samples classified as sodium bicarbonate average of 174.99 mS / cm. The pH values ranging from 6.74 to 7.99, averaging 7.52. For the group of waters classified as sodium chloride, conductivity average is 164.32 mS / cm and pH values ranging... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)


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The purpose of this work was to define the processes through which the cooling of thermoplastics parts occur inside the mold cavity in an injection process. The plastic materials have become more widespread in the automobile industry and, among its manufacturing processes, injection moulding develops quickly, allowing the manufacturing of quality parts in great volumes. Data was collected from the injection of Volkswagen Gol NF 23X (Gol Generation 5). Using approximated methods for calculation for the heat Exchange inside the mould, in the cooling system, the required water flow was determined to properly cool the parts. Comparing the obtained value with Project specifications, it was verified that the method, in spite of incurring in some mistakes, is efficient in determining the flow of cooling fluid and serves as a verification tool for the parameters defined on project, and can be applied to simple projects. The definition of the cooling system, in practice, is dependent on innumerable variables and each case must be approached in itself, since the parameters for one product may not be ideal for another