993 resultados para hyperpolarisiertes, xenon, Polarisator, GE180, T1 xenon


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Touros jovens da raa Nelore (n=6) foram mantidos em pasto formado de Brachiaria brizantha desde a desmama em dietas com diferentes nveis de zinco. Foram formados aleatoriamente dois grupos que receberam diariamente, durante dois anos, diferentes concentraes de zinco no sal mineral: T1 (n=4), os animais no receberam suplemento com zinco e T2 (n=2), 60 mg/kg/dia de Zn inorgnico suplementar. A concentrao de Zn na pastagem variou de 17,8 (guas) a 12,8 mg/kg (seca), respectivamente. A partir dos 14 meses de idade, os animais foram submetidos quinzenalmente a exame de smen e colheita de sangue. A morfologia espermtica foi estimada, incluindo a mensurao da cabea espermtica a partir de esfregaos coradas pelo mtodo de Fuelgen, em imagens captadas digitalmente e processadas pelo software Kontron Eletronik Imaging System, KS 400-2.0. A concentrao de zinco no plasma foi dosada por spectrofotometria de absoro atmica. Os resultados mostraram que os touros do T1 tiveram qualidade seminal inferior (P<0,05) em relao ao T2. Observou-se variao das caractersticas seminais em funo da data da colheita, evidenciando efeito estacional sobre a qualidade do smen. Os defeitos mais encontrados foram de pea intermediria e cauda. A concentrao de Zinco (Zn) na circulao sangnea foi maior (P<0,01) no T1 em comparao ao T2 (0,72 0,01 x 0,66 0,01, respectivamente). A rea da cabea espermtica de espermatozides morfologicamente normais e com defeitos de cabea, pea intermediria e cauda foi maior (P<0,01) para os touros do T1 em relao aos do T2. Ademais, espermatozides com fragmentao nuclear apresentaram forma mais alongada quando comparados queles sem alteraes morfolgicas. As correlaes encontradas sugerem a importncia do Zn na qualidade seminal, especialmente pelos efeitos deletrios que sua deficincia (subclnica) causa na morfologia espermtica.


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O sistema de cultivo em consrcio de fruteiras com outras culturas, sejam anuais, semiperenes ou perenes, constitui uma boa alternativa para propriedades rurais e uma importante forma de recuperao de reas degradadas. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o comportamento de bananeira, cv. D'Angola, em monocultivo e consorciada com aaizeiro, Euterpe precatoria, em diferentes espaamentos, no primeiro ciclo de produo. Para tanto, foi instalado um experimento seguindo um delineamento em blocos casualizados completos com quatro repeties e seis plantas por parcela. Os tratamentos foram: T1 ? bananeira em 3 m x 3 m (1.111 plantas ha-1); T2 ? bananeira em 3 m x 2 m (1.666 plantas ha-1) com aaizeiro em 3 m x 4 m (833 plantas ha-1); T3 ? bananeira em 3 m x 3 m (1.111 plantas ha-1) com aaizeiro em 3 m x 4 m (833 plantas ha-1); T4 ? bananeira em 4 m x 2 m x 2 m (1.666 plantas ha-1) com aaizeiro em 6 m x 3 m (555 plantas ha-1) e T5 ? bananeira em 4 m x 2 m x 2 m (1.666 plantas ha-1) com aaizeiro em 4 m x 2 m x 3 m (1.111 plantas ha-1). O sistema de cultivo da bananeira terra consorciada com aaizeiro em diferentes espaamentos pode ser considerado como boa alternativa no primeiro ciclo, pois no apresentou interferncia nas caractersticas de desenvolvimento, de produo e qualidade fsica dos frutos. Os plantios mais adensados propiciaram maiores produtividades no primeiro ciclo da cultura.


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Wallace, Joanne, et al., 'Body composition and bone mineral density changes during a premier league season as measured by dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry', International Journal of Body Composition Research (2006) 4(2) pp.61-66 RAE2008


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Winter, Rudolf; Heitjans, P., (2001) 'Li+ Diffusion and its Structural Basis in the Nanocrystalline and Amorphous Forms of Two-dimensionally Ion-conducting LixTiS2', Journal of Physical Chemistry B 105(26) pp.6108-6115 RAE2008


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Recent empirical studies have shown that Internet topologies exhibit power laws of the form for the following relationships: (P1) outdegree of node (domain or router) versus rank; (P2) number of nodes versus outdegree; (P3) number of node pairs y = x^ within a neighborhood versus neighborhood size (in hops); and (P4) eigenvalues of the adjacency matrix versus rank. However, causes for the appearance of such power laws have not been convincingly given. In this paper, we examine four factors in the formation of Internet topologies. These factors are (F1) preferential connectivity of a new node to existing nodes; (F2) incremental growth of the network; (F3) distribution of nodes in space; and (F4) locality of edge connections. In synthetically generated network topologies, we study the relevance of each factor in causing the aforementioned power laws as well as other properties, namely diameter, average path length and clustering coefficient. Different kinds of network topologies are generated: (T1) topologies generated using our parametrized generator, we call BRITE; (T2) random topologies generated using the well-known Waxman model; (T3) Transit-Stub topologies generated using GT-ITM tool; and (T4) regular grid topologies. We observe that some generated topologies may not obey power laws P1 and P2. Thus, the existence of these power laws can be used to validate the accuracy of a given tool in generating representative Internet topologies. Power laws P3 and P4 were observed in nearly all considered topologies, but different topologies showed different values of the power exponent . Thus, while the presence of power laws P3 and P4 do not give strong evidence for the representativeness of a generated topology, the value of in P3 and P4 can be used as a litmus test for the representativeness of a generated topology. We also find that factors F1 and F2 are the key contributors in our study which provide the resemblance of our generated topologies to that of the Internet.


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The phosphorescence excitation spectra of two thiones, 4-H-1-xanthione (XT) and 4-H-1-pyrane-4-thione (PT), cooled in a supersonic jet were investigated. The vibronic lineshape of the T1z origin of PT measured by cavity ring-down spectroscopy is considered and the excited state rotational constants are calculated. For XT the 3A2(n* ) X1A1 phosphorescence excitation spectrum was investigated in the region 14900-17600 cm-1. The structure observed is shown to be due to the T1 S0 absorption and an assignment in terms of the vibronic structure of the band is proposed. A previous assignment of the S1 S0 origin is considered and the transition involved is shown to be most probably due to the absorption of a vibronic tiplet state T1z,v7. An alternative but tentative assignment of the S1,0 S0,0 transition is suggested. In the case of PT the phosphorescence excitation spectrum was investigated in the region of the 1A2(*) X1A1 absorption band between 27300 and 28800 cm-1. The spectrum exhibits complex features which are typical for the strong vibronic coupling case of two adjacent electronic states. The observed intermediate level structure was attributed to the coupling with a lower lying dark electronic state 1B1(n*2), whose origin was estimated to be ~ 825 - 1025 cm-1 below the origin of 1A2(*)0. Consequences of the vibronic coupling on the decay dynamics of 1A2(*) as well as tentative assignments of vibronic transitions 1A2(*)v X1A1 are also discussed. In the T1z S0 cavity ring-down absorption spectrum of PT, the vibronic lineshape of the T1z origin is analysed. As the T1z line is separated from the T1x,1y lines by a large zero-field splitting it is possible to use an Asyrot-like program to calculate the vibrational-rotational parameters determining the lineshape. It is shown that PT is non-planar in the first excited triplet state and the lineshape is composed of a mixture of A-type and C-type bandshapes. The non-planarity of PT is discussed.


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This longitudinal study tracked third-level French (n=10) and Chinese (n=7) learners of English as a second language (L2) during an eight-month study abroad (SA) period at an Irish university. The investigation sought to determine whether there was a significant relationship between length of stay (LoS) abroad and gains in the learners' oral complexity, accuracy and fluency (CAF), what the relationship was between these three language constructs and whether the two learner groups would experience similar paths to development. Additionally, the study also investigated whether specific reported out-of-class contact with the L2 was implicated in oral CAF gains. Oral data were collected at three equidistant time points; at the beginning of SA (T1), midway through the SA sojourn (T2) and at the end (T3), allowing for a comparison of CAF gains arising during one semester abroad to those arising during a subsequent semester. Data were collected using Sociolinguistic Interviews (Labov, 1984) and adapted versions of the Language Contact Profile (Freed et al., 2004). Overall, the results point to LoS abroad as a highly influential variable in gains to be expected in oral CAF during SA. While one semester in the TL country was not enough to foster statistically significant improvement in any of the CAF measures employed, significant improvement was found during the second semester of SA. Significant differences were also revealed between the two learner groups. Finally, significant correlations, some positive, some negative, were found between gains in CAF and specific usage of the L2. All in all, the disaggregation of the group data clearly illustrates, in line with other recent enquiries (e.g. Wright and Cong, 2014) that each individual learner's path to CAF development was unique and highly individualised, thus providing strong evidence for the recent claim that SLA is "an individualized nonlinear endeavor" (Polat and Kim, 2014: 186).


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Aims: In kidney transplant recipients (KTR), antibody (Ab) synthesis is hampered by AZA and CsA. We here report in a prospective cohort study, the effects of mycophenolate mofetil (MMF) associated to a calcineurin inhibitor on plasma levels of anti-tetanus anatoxin Ab (TAnAb) and anti-pneumococcal Ab (PnPsAb). Methods: Serum titers of the TAnAb and the PnPsAb against serotypes 14, 19F and 23F were measured in 94 KTR on Day 0 (T0) and 1 year (T12) after renal transplantation and in 49 healthy controls. Results: 1) At T0, TAnAb were detected in only 71% of patients vs. 98% of controls (p < 0.0001) and the titers were significantly lower in KTR (1.46 UI/ml vs. 2.74 in controls, p = 0.01); they further decreased between T0 and T12 (1.46 UI/ml to 0.31, p < 0.0001). The calculated half-life (t1/2) of TAnAb was 7.7 months, as compared to more than 10 years in a normal population. 2) In KTR, PnPsAb titers decreased significantly between T0 and T12 (p < 0.005); the t1/2 of the different PnPsAb ranged from 9.2 to 11.9 months. Conclusions: In KTR treated by MMF and CNI, the TAnAbs and PnPsAbs titers decrease significantly and profoundly during the first year. Immunization pre-transplantation should be encouraged to maintain adequate post-transplant Abs levels.


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Human lymphocytes are known to posessess a catecholamine-responsive adenylate cyclase which has typical beta-adrenergic specificity. To identify directly and to quantitate these beta-adenergic receptors in human lymphocytes, (-) [3H] alprenolol, a potent beta-adrenergic antagonist, was used to label binding sites in homogenates of human mononuclear leukocytes. Binding of (-) [3H] alprenolol to these sites demonstrated the kinetics, affinity, and stereospecificity expected of binding to adenylate cyclase-coupled beta-adrenergic receptors. Binding was rapid (t1/2 less than 30 s) and rapidly reversible (t1/2 less than 3 min) at 37 degrees C. Binding was a saturable process with 75 +/- 12 fmol (-) [3H] alprenolol bound/mg protein (mean +/- SEM) at saturation, corresponding to about 2,000 sites/cell. Half-maximal saturation occurred at 10 nM (-) [3H] alprenolol, which provides an estimate of the dissociation constant of (-) [3H] alprenolol for the beta-adrenergic receptor. The beta-adrenergic antagonist, (-) propranolol, potently competed for the binding sites, causing half-maximal inhibition of binding at 9 nM. beta-Adrenergic agonists also competed for the binding sites. The order of potency was (-) isoproterenol greater than (-) epinephrine greater than (-)-norepinephrine which agreed with the order of potency of these agents in stimulating leukocyte adenylate cyclase. Dissociation constants computed from binding experiments were virtually identical to those obtained from adenylate cyclase activation studies. Marked stereospecificity was observed for both binding and activation of adenylate cyclase. (-)Stereoisomers of beta-adrenergic agonists and antagonists were 9- to 300-fold more potent than their corresponding (+) stereoisomers. Structurally related compounds devoid of beta-adrenergic activity such as dopamine, dihydroxymandelic acid, normetanephrine, pyrocatechol, and phentolamine did not effectively compete for the binding sites. (-) [3H] alprenolol binding to human mononuclear leukocyte preparations was almost entirely accounted for by binding to small lymphocytes, the predominant cell type in the preparations. No binding was detectable to human erythrocytes. These results demonstrate the feasibility of using direct binding methods to study beta-adrenergic receptors in a human tissue. They also provide an experimental approach to the study of states of altered sensitivity to catecholamines at the receptor level in man.


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OBJECTIVE: To investigate relationships between institutional mistrust (systematic discrimination, organizational suspicion, and conspiracy beliefs), HIV risk behaviors, and HIV testing in a multiethnic sample of men who have sex with men (MSM), and to test whether perceived susceptibility to HIV mediates these relationships for White and ethnic minority MSM. METHOD: Participants were 394 MSM residing in Central Arizona (M age = 37 years). Three dimensions of mistrust were examined, including organizational suspicion, conspiracy beliefs, and systematic discrimination. Assessments of sexual risk behavior, HIV testing, and perceived susceptibility to HIV were made at study entry (T1) and again 6 months later (T2). RESULTS: There were no main effects of institutional mistrust dimensions or ethnic minority status on T2 risk behavior, but the interaction of systematic discrimination and conspiracy beliefs with minority status was significant such that higher levels of systematic discrimination and more conspiracy beliefs were associated with increased risk only among ethnic minority MSM. Higher levels of systematic discrimination were significantly related to lower likelihood for HIV testing, and the interaction of organizational suspicion with minority status was significant such that greater levels of organizational suspicion were related to less likelihood of having been tested for HIV among ethnic minority MSM. Perceived susceptibility did not mediate these relationships. CONCLUSION: Findings suggest that it is important to look further into the differential effects of institutional mistrust across marginalized groups, including sexual and ethnic minorities. Aspects of mistrust should be addressed in HIV prevention and counseling efforts.


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Prolonged exposure of cells or tissues to drugs or hormones such as catecholamines leads to a state of refractoriness to further stimulation by that agent, known as homologous desensitization. In the case of the beta-adrenergic receptor coupled to adenylate cyclase, this process has been shown to be intimately associated with the sequestration of the receptors from the cell surface through a cAMP-independent process. Recently, we have shown that homologous desensitization in the frog erythrocyte model system is also associated with increased phosphorylation of the beta-adrenergic receptor. We now provide evidence that the phosphorylation state of the beta-adrenergic receptor regulates its functional coupling to adenylate cyclase, subcellular translocation, and recycling to the cell surface during the process of agonist-induced homologous desensitization. Moreover, we show that the receptor phosphorylation is reversed by a phosphatase specifically associated with the sequestered subcellular compartment. At 23 degrees C, the time courses of beta-adrenergic receptor phosphorylation, sequestration, and adenylate cyclase desensitization are identical, occurring without a lag, exhibiting a t1/2 of 30 min, and reaching a maximum at approximately 3 hr. Upon cell lysis, the sequestered beta-adrenergic receptors can be partially recovered in a light membrane vesicle fraction that is separable from the plasma membranes by differential centrifugation. The increased beta-adrenergic receptor phosphorylation is apparently reversed in the sequestered vesicle fraction as the sequestered receptors exhibit a phosphate/receptor stoichiometry that is similar to that observed under basal conditions. High levels of a beta-adrenergic receptor phosphatase activity appear to be associated with the sequestered vesicle membranes. The functional activity of the phosphorylated beta-adrenergic receptor was examined by reconstituting purified receptor with its biochemical effector the guanine nucleotide regulatory protein (Ns) in phospholipid vesicles and assessing the receptor-stimulated GTPase activity of Ns. Compared to controls, phosphorylated beta-adrenergic receptors, purified from desensitized cells, were less efficacious in activating the Ns GTPase activity. These results suggest that phosphorylation of the beta-adrenergic receptor leads to its functional uncoupling and physical translocation away from the cell surface into a sequestered membrane domain. In the sequestered compartment, the phosphorylation is reversed thus enabling the receptor to recycle back to the cell surface and recouple with adenylate cyclase.


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DDT1 MF-2 cells, which are derived from hamster vas deferens smooth muscle, contain alpha 1-adrenergic receptors (54,800 +/- 2700 sites per cell) that are coupled to stimulation of inositol phospholipid metabolism. Incubation of these cells with tumor-promoting phorbol esters, which stimulate calcium- and phospholipid-dependent protein kinase, leads to a marked attenuation of the ability of alpha 1-receptor agonists such as norepinephrine to stimulate the turnover of inositol phospholipids. This turnover was measured by determining the 32P content of phosphatidylinositol and phosphatidic acid after prelabeling of the cellular ATP pool with 32Pi. These phorbol ester-treated cells also displayed a decrease in binding affinity of cellular alpha 1 receptors for agonists with no change in antagonist affinity. By using affinity chromatography on the affinity resin Affi-Gel-A55414, the alpha 1 receptors were purified approximately equal to 300-fold from control and phorbol ester-treated 32Pi-prelabeled cells. As assessed by NaDodSO4/polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, the Mr 80,000 alpha 1-receptor ligand-binding subunit is a phosphopeptide containing 1.2 mol of phosphate per mol of alpha 1 receptor. After phorbol ester treatment this increased to 3.6 mol of phosphate per mol of alpha 1 receptor. The effect of phorbol esters on norepinephrine-stimulated inositol phospholipid turnover and alpha 1-receptor phosphorylation showed the same rapid time course with a t1/2 less than 2 min. These results indicate that calcium- and phospholipid-dependent protein kinase may play an important role in regulating the function of receptors that are coupled to the inositol phospholipid cycle by phosphorylating and deactivating them.


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Nowadays, the idea of a reciprocal influence of physiological and psychological processes seems to be widely accepted. For instance, current theories of embodied emotion suggest that knowledge about an emotion concept involves simulations of bodily experienced emotional states relevant to the concept. In line with this framework, the present study investigated whether actual levels of physiological arousal interact with the processing of emotional words. Participants performed 2 blocks of an attentional blink task, once after a cycling session (increased arousal) and once after a relaxation session (reduced arousal). Concretely, participants were instructed to detect and report 2 target words (T1 and T2) presented among a series of nonword distractors. T1 and T2 were either neutral, high arousal, or low arousal words. Results revealed that increased physiological arousal led to improved reports of high arousal T2 words, whereas reduced physiological arousal led to improved reports of low arousal T2 words. Neutral T2 remained unaffected by the arousing conditions. These findings emphasize that actual levels of physiological arousal modulate the cognitive access to arousal (in-)congruent emotional concepts and suggest a direct grounding of emotion knowledge in our bodily systems of arousal.