952 resultados para hot-spot stress


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We herein report the case of a 36-year-old man who died suddenly after a fight with another man. Forensic investigations included unenhanced computed tomography, postmortem angiography, autopsy, histology, neuropathology, toxicology, and biochemistry and allowed a traumatic cause of death to be excluded. An electrocardiogram recorded some years prior to death revealed the presence of an early repolarization pattern. Based on the results of all investigations, the cause of death was determined to be cardiac arrhythmia and cardiac arrest during an emotionally stressful event associated with physical assault. Direct third party involvement, however, was excluded, and the manner of death was listed as natural. The case was not pursued any further by the public prosecutor.


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Objectif : Le monoxyde d'azote (NO) régule la pression artérielle en modulant le tonus vasculaire périphérique et l'activité sympathique vasoconstrictrice. La synthèse du NO est altérée dans plusieurs maladies cardiovasculaires importantes. La perte de l'effet vasodilatateur du NO et de son effet freinateur sur la décharge sympathique pourrait entraîner une réponse vasopressive exagérée au stress mental. Méthodes : Nous avons donc comparé les réponses sympathique (activité nerveuse musculaire sympathique) et hémodynamique au stress mental pendant une perfusion isotonique de NaCI et lors de l'administration d'un inhibiteur systémique de la NO- synthase (NG-monomethyl-L-arginine, L-NMMA). Résultats : Le résultat principal est que le stress mental qui pendant la perfusion saline augmente l'activité nerveuse sympathique d'environ 50% et la pression artérielle moyenne d'environ 15%, n'a eu aucun effet sympathoexcitateur et vasopresseur détectable lors de la perfusion de L-NMMA. Ces observations ne sont pas liées à une atteinte généralisée de la réponse hémodynamique et/ou sympathique lors de la perfusion de L-NMMA, car ces réponses étaient conservées lors de l'immersion de la main dans de l'eau glacée. Conclusions : Le stress mental induit des effets vasopresseurs et sympathoexcitateurs chez l'homme qui sont médiés par le NO. Ces résultats laissent penser que, contrairement à ce qui a été généralement supposé, le NO peut dans certaines circonstances augmenter la pression artérielle in vivo.


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The systemic response to injury or infection is often accompanied by significant alterations in host metabolism and glucose homeostasis. Within the liver, these changes include a decrease in glycogenesis and an increase in gluconeogenesis, and in peripheral tissues, the development of insulin resistance and the increased utilization of glucose by non-insulin-dependent pathways. Depending on the severity and the duration of the response, both hyper- and hypoglycemia can ensue and each can become a clinically important manifestation of the systemic inflammatory response. The protein known as macrophage migration inhibitory factor (MIF) has been identified recently to play a central role in host immunity and to regulate glucocorticoid effects on the immune and inflammatory systems. MIF is released in vivo from activated immune cells as well as by the anterior pituitary gland upon stimulation of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis. MIF also has been found to be secreted together with insulin from the pancreatic beta-cells and to act as an autocrine factor to stimulate insulin release. Since circulating MIF levels are elevated during stress or systemic inflammatory processes, this protein may play a central role in the control of insulin secretion during various disease states.


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Drosophila pauliceia sp. nov., a spot-thoraxed species closely related to Drosophila boraceia Vilela & Val, 2004, is described from flies collected in an urban remnant of the montane Atlantic Forest located at the Cidade Universitária "Armando de Salles Oliveira", São Paulo city, state of São Paulo, Brazil. The two forest-dwelling species can be externally distinguished mainly by having a different pattern of thoracic spots. A new group of spotted flies (peruensis group) is proposed to include them, in addition to Drosophila peruensis Wheeler, 1959, from Urubamba River, Peru, and Drosophila atalaia Vilela & Sene, 1982, from Brazil and Argentina. To facilitate comparisons, illustrations of the male and female terminalia of the new species and of some unpublished views of those of D. atalaia are included. Additionally, a new group of unspotted species (named caponei group) is proposed to include Drosophila caponei Pavan & Cunha, 1947 and D. neochracea Wheeler, 1959, both previously considered to be related to D. atalaia.


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O presente trabalho tem com objectivo explicar de forma breve, o stress ocupacional. Para isso descrevem-se as suas causas e consequências, recomendações de como prevenir e controlar o stress ocupacional, mostrando como pode influenciar a saúde dos colaboradores. Para a sua realização fez-se uma revisão bibliográfica sobre o stress, stress ocupacional, agentes estressores e formas de encará-los, trabalho docente e o stress ocupacional na Escola Salesiana de Artes e Ofícios (E.S.A.O.). Para atingir os objectivos fez-se estudo exploratório, a abordagem quantitativa, inquérito por questionário e análise documental. A revisão bibliográfica permitiu o enquadramento teórico do tema. O tratamento dos dados realizou-se através da análise pelo SPSS. A amostra foi constituída por 30 professores do ensino básico e secundário da E.S.A.O. De acordo com a revisão bibliográfica era de esperar uma relação entre o trabalho dos professores e o stress ocupacional assim como os efeitos psicossociais associados ao mesmo. Os resultados obtidos através da análise dos dados, não suportaram as hipóteses colocadas anteriormente e serão discutidos no capítulo referente às conclusões.


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Land plants are prone to strong thermal variations and must therefore sense early moderate temperature increments to induce appropriate cellular defenses, such as molecular chaperones, in anticipation of upcoming noxious temperatures. To investigate how plants perceive mild changes in ambient temperature, we monitored in recombinant lines of the moss Physcomitrella patens the activation of a heat-inducible promoter, the integrity of a thermolabile enzyme, and the fluctuations of cytoplasmic calcium. Mild temperature increments, or isothermal treatments with membrane fluidizers or Hsp90 inhibitors, induced a heat shock response (HSR) that critically depended on a preceding Ca(2+) transient through the plasma membrane. Electrophysiological experiments revealed the presence of a Ca(2+)-permeable channel in the plasma membrane that is transiently activated by mild temperature increments or chemical perturbations of membrane fluidity. The amplitude of the Ca(2+) influx during the first minutes of a temperature stress modulated the intensity of the HSR, and Ca(2+) channel blockers prevented HSR and the onset of thermotolerance. Our data suggest that early sensing of mild temperature increments occurs at the plasma membrane of plant cells independently from cytosolic protein unfolding. The heat signal is translated into an effective HSR by way of a specific membrane-regulated Ca(2+) influx, leading to thermotolerance.


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Objective: This pilot study aims at assessing Constructive Thinking in a sample of adolescent offenders and in a normative sample of adolescents. Method: 66 adolescent offenders (12-18 years) were compared to 540 control adolescents on the different subscales of the "Constructive Thinking Inventory". Results and Conclusion: Adolescent offenders show a less efficient Constructive Thinking: they show cognitive styles that may hamper their ability to take appropriate decisions when facing stressful situations, increasing self-defeating behaviors. Interventions may focus on improving adequate coping with stress.


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Being repeatedly confronted to very difficult situations since childhood influences the way indivuals will later respond to even mildly stressful events. The hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis (HPA) is a complex system implicated in regulating neuroendocrine responses to stress. Its activation produces among others the <stress hormonea, cortisol. However, the regulation of the physiological response to stress depends on psychological factors linked with the representations that individuals develop regarding their close relationships i.e. attachment. Furthermore, attachment representations seem to be associated with oxytocin, a hormone involved both in cortisol reduction and in positive social behaviours.


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Este trabalho é o resultado de uma investigação realizada junto dos enfermeiros do serviço de Urgência do Hospital Baptista de Sousa, onde tem-se como titulo “Stress e o Enfermeiro: Implicações do Stress na prestação de cuidados no Serviço de Urgência”. Tem como objectivo principal conhecer o processo de desenvolvimento do stress nos enfermeiros do Serviço de urgência do Hospital Dr. Baptista de Sousa, ou seja, tentar perceber junto dos enfermeiros deste serviço as causas e as consequências do stress no desempenho das suas actividades. A investigação foi desenvolvida a partir de uma revisão de literatura, sendo o estudo de cariz qualitativa e, para a recolha dos dados considerados relevantes foi necessário a realização de uma entrevista junto dos enfermeiros, semiestruturada, para além desta foi utilizado a técnica de observação participante e descritiva exploratória, como meio de obtenção de máxima informação dos enfermeiros sobre esta temática e tentar compreendê-la. A actuação do enfermeiro por si só já é considerada como stressante, lidando com vidas humanas que constantemente necessitam de cuidados, onde o mesmo tem que estar preparado tanto físico como psicologicamente para satisfazer as necessidades dos utentes. No entanto, quando não conseguem lidar com os problemas encontrados, pode haver um desequilíbrio psicológico, consequentemente o stress. O trabalho se encontra divido em partes, primeiro a introdução, onde está descrito o tema em questão e o propósito deste trabalho, seguidamente o primeiro capítulo, englobando a problemática e a justificação do tema como também os objectivos geral e específicos para dar resposta a pertinência em questão, neste mesmo capítulo está inserida também a concepção teórica. No segundo capítulo enquadra-se a explicação metodológica como também a análise de conteúdo. E por fim as considerações finais acerca deste trabalho, seguido das referências bibliográficas, utilizadas durante o desenrolar desta investigação.


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Active protein-disaggregation by a chaperone network composed of ClpB and DnaK + DnaJ + GrpE is essential for the recovery of stress-induced protein aggregates in vitro and in Escherichia coli cells. K-glutamate and glycine-betaine (betaine) naturally accumulate in salt-stressed cells. In addition to providing thermo-protection to native proteins, we found that these osmolytes can strongly and specifically activate ClpB, resulting in an increased efficiency of chaperone-mediated protein disaggregation. Moreover, factors that inhibited the chaperone network by impairing the stability of the ClpB oligomer, such as natural polyamines, dilution, or high salt, were efficiently counteracted by K-glutamate or betaine. The combined protective, counter-negative and net activatory effects of K-glutamate and betaine, allowed protein disaggregation and refolding under heat-shock temperatures that otherwise cause protein aggregation in vitro and in the cell. Mesophilic organisms may thus benefit from a thermotolerant osmolyte-activated chaperone mechanism that can actively rescue protein aggregates, correctly refold and maintain them in a native state under heat-shock conditions.


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The knowledge on Atlantic Forest scarab beetle fauna is quite limited. This biome is strongly degraded and these insects can be used as bioindicators since they are sensitive to forest destruction and show distinct organizational patterns in forest fragments or in areas that have been deteriorated by human activity. Thus, a study of the Scarabaeidae (sensu stricto) dung beetles fauna that inhabit Serra do Japi, São Paulo, Brazil (23º12'-23º22' S and 46º53'-47º03'W) was carried out; the monthly species richness was analyzed in six areas during one year and the vegetation's structural physiognomy was described. The areas included a conserved and a degraded valley, a northward and a southward hillside, a hilltop, and an area of secondary forest growing under eucalyptus trees. The specimens were collected using four pitfall traps baited with human feces, which remained at each spot during 48 hours. Between September, 1997 and August, 1998, 3524 individuals of 39 species were collected; the most abundant were: Canthidium trinodosum, Eurysternus cyanescens, Uroxys kratochvili, Scybalocanthon nigriceps, Uroxys lata, Canthonella sp., Dichotomius assifer, Deltochilum furcatum, Canthidium sp.2, Canthon latipes, Deltochilum rubripenne, Eurysternus sp., and Dichotomius sp.1. The number of individuals and species was greater in the hot, rainy season, when there was a correlation between the number of species and the mean annual temperature [r²= 0.69; p<0.01]. The lower winter richness was most pronounced in the conserved valley, while richness remained relatively constant in the degraded valley; abundance was much higher in the degraded valley. The cluster analysis showed that the valleys and hillsides are the most similar in relation to species composition and abundance, yet different from the secondary forest with eucalypts and the hilltop.


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This paper describes the influence of high environmental stress on evolutionary trends in some selected Mesozoic ammonite lineages and some protists. During extinction periods, many ammonoids are affected by drastic simplifications of their shell geometry, ornamentation and suture line. We observe that relatively tightly coiled ammonites can give rise to highly evolute forms or uncoiled heteromorphs with simple ornamentation and almost ceratitic suture line-a phenomenon called "proteromorphosis". Such simplifications often correspond to a reappearance of ancestral geometries (primitive ornamentation, evolute coiling or uncoiling) which suggest that the evolutionary clock of these organisms can be reinitialized by extreme, sublethal, environmental stress such as giant volcanism (including its consequences on diverse pollutions and on climatic changes) and major regressive events. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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BACKGROUND: Psychological stress negatively influences food intake and food choices, thereby contributing to the development of childhood obesity. Physical activity can also moderate eating behavior and influence calorie intake. However, it is unknown if acute physical activity influences food intake and overall energy balance after acute stress exposure in children. We therefore investigated the impact of acute physical activity on overall energy balance (food intake minus energy expenditure), food intake, and choice in the setting of acute social stress in normal weight (NW) and overweight/obese (OW/OB) children as well as the impact of psychological risk factors. METHOD: After receiving written consent from their parents, 26 NW (BMI < 90(th) percentile) and 24 7-to 11-year-old OW (n = 5)/OB (n = 19, BMI ≥ 90(th) percentile) children were randomly allocated using computer-generated numbers (1:1, after stratification for weight status) to acute moderate physical or to sedentary activity for 30 min. Afterwards, all children were exposed to an acute social stressor. Children and their parents completed self-report questionnaires. At the end of the stressor, children were allowed to eat freely from a range of 12 different foods (6 sweet/6 salty; each of low/high caloric density). Energy balance, food intake/choice and obesity-related psychological risk factors were assessed. RESULTS: Lower overall energy balance (p = 0.019) and a decreased choice of low density salty foods (p < 0.001) in NW children compared with OW/OB children was found after acute moderate physical activity but not sedentary activity. Independent of their allocation, OW/OB children ate more high density salty foods (104 kcal (34 to 173), p = 0.004) following stress. They scored higher on impulsive behavior (p = 0.005), restrained eating (p < 0.001) and parental corporal punishment (p = 0.03), but these psychological factors were not related to stress-induced food intake/choice. Positive parenting tended to be related to lower intake of sweet high density food (-132 kcal, -277 to 2, p = 0.054). CONCLUSIONS: In the setting of stress, acute moderate physical activity can address energy balance in children, a benefit which is especially pronounced in the OW/OB. Positive parenting may act as a protective factor preventing stress-induced eating of comfort food. TRIAL REGISTRATION: clinicaltrials.gov NCT01693926 The study was a pilot study of a project funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation (CRSII3_147673).


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Introduction: Les particules de HDL (High Density Lipoproteins) ont des fonctions très diverses notamment anti-inflamatoires, anti-apoptotiques ou anti-oxydatives. Chez les patients diabétiques, les niveaux de HDLs sont bas, les prédisposants ainsi à un risque élévé à développer une maladie cardiovasculaire. Sachant que le s HDLs ont également un effet protecteur sur la cellule beta, le but de cette étude est dinvestigué les mécanismes moléculaires de cette protection contre le stress du réticulum, stress qui contriubue au développement du diabéte de type 2. Résultats: La thapsigargine et la tunicamycine induisent lapoptose en induisant un stress dans le réticulum endoplasmique (RE) par un mauvais repliement des protéines dans le RE, ainsi que l'activation de l'UPR (Unfolded Protein Respons) avec trois voies communes de signalisation intracellulaire (IRE1, PREK et ATF6). Ces voix veillent tout d'abord à augmenter la capacité de repliement des protéines et le cas échéant à lapoptose. Nos résultats montrent que les HDLs sont capable d'inhuber lapoptose induite par la thapsigargine et la tunicamycine dans les MIN6. Dans le cas du traitement avec la thapsigargine, plusieurs marqueurs des voix UPR sont bloqués en présence des HDLs, suggérant que l'effet anti-apoptotiques des HDLs s'exerce au niveau ou en amont du RE. Les HDLS par contre ne bloquent par la sortie de calcium du RE induite par la thapsigargine ce qui indique que les HDLs n'interfèrent pas avec l'action de cette drogue sur sa cible (SERCA). Dans le cas de la la tunicamycine, les HDLs ne bloquent pas, ou très légèrement, l'activation des voix de l'UPR. La protection induite par les HDLs contre la mort engendrée par la tunicamycine s'sexerce dont apparement en aval de l'UPR et reste à être déterminer. Conclusions: Nos données suggérent que les HDLs sont capable de protéger la cellule beta contre le stress du réticulum mais apparement de façon différente selon les modalités d'inductions de ce stress.