993 resultados para horizons d’attente


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Sparse to moderately abundant foraminiferal assemblages from Oligocene and Lower Miocene sediments in the CRP-2/2A drillhole contain C.27 genera and 42 species of calcareous benthic foraminifera. No planktic or agglutinated taxa were observed. On the basis of their faunal characteristics, four Foraminiferal Units are defined in drillhole succession: Foraminiferal Unit I (26.91-193.95 mbsf), mostly sparse assemblages with Elphidium magellanicum and Cribroelphidium sp.; Foraminiferal Unit II (193.95-342.42 mbsf), mostly moderately abundant assemblages with Cassidulinoides aequilatera and Eponides bradyi; Foraminiferal Unit III (342.42-486.19 mbsf), moderately abundant to sparse assemblages characterised by Cassidulinoides chapmani and Stainforthia sp.; and Foraminiferal Unit IV, Improverished (486.19-624.15, total depth, mbsf), with mostly barren residues, but with large Milioliidae recorded in situ at various horizons in the drill core. Foraminiferal Units I-IV lack taxa allowing correlation to standard zonal schemes. Inspection of faunal records from CIROS-1 and DSDP 270 indicates that, although the faunas show an overall similarity, CRP-2/2A Foraminiferal Units I-IV are not identifiable at these sites. The units are therefore most likely to reflect local environmental changes, and probably will prove useful for local correlation, but their lateral extent is undetermined. All four assemblages apparently represent various glacially-influenced shelf environments, and appear to reflect a long term deepening trend from Units IV to II, from perhaps inner to mid or outer-shelf depths, followed by a return to shallower, inner shelf, conditios for Unit I.


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The organic carbon isotopic record of the sapropels(S1 and S3-S10) and intercalated marl oozes has been determined in a 12-m piston core from the eastern Mediterranean. The d13C_organic values are systematically lighter (mean=-21.0±0.82 per mil) in all sapropels and heavier (mean=-18.8±1.07 per mil) in the marl oozes. These differences are not due to variable marine and terrestrial organic matter mixtures because all values are heavier than modern plankton in the Mediterranean, there is no relationship between the C_organic/N ratios and the isotopic values, and published information on the abundance and distribution of organic biomarkers shows that terrestrial material constitutes a minor fraction of the total organic matter. Temperature effects on isotope fractionation are also discounted because the change in d13C_organic values between glacial and interglacial horizons is in the opposite sense. Diagenesis, which can produce relatively small changes in the carbon isotopic composition of sedimentary organic matter under certain circumstances, is unlikely to have caused the observed differences because this mechanism would cause an enrichmet in 12C, implying that all values were even heavier originally, and there is no secular trend in the d13C_organic record. The observed differences in d13C_organic between the two lithologies are probably produced by changes in the isotopic composition and the concentration of dissolved CO2. First, freshwater flooding during the formation of the sapropels caused the isotopic composition of the dissolved inorganic carbon in the surface waters of the Mediterranean to become lighter because of the 13C deficiency in fresh waters. Hence photosynthesis would have produced isotopically lighter organic material. Second, changes in atmospheric pCO2 between glacial and interglacial periods, as shown by the Vostok ice core, caused marked changes in the concentration of free dissolved CO2 in the mixed layer; lower values during glacial maxima caused a smaller fractionation of the carbon isotopes by phytoplankton, whereas levels were less limiting during the interglacials. Concentrations of dissolved CO2 could also have been much higher during the deposition of the sapropels because of the supply of regenerated CO2 to the mixed layer by upwelling, and this could have further lightened the d13C_organic values in the sapropels themselves. Carbon isotope records may provide an alternative method for estimating atmospheric pCO2 levels over longer time periods than can be obtained from ice cores.


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Gabbroic rocks and their late differentiates recovered at Site 735 represent 500 m of oceanic layer 3. The original cooling of a mid-ocean ridge magma chamber, its penetration by ductile shear zones and late intrusives, and the subsequent penetration of seawater through a network of cracks and into highly permeable magmatic hydrofracture horizons are recorded in the metamorphic stratigraphy of the core. Ductile shear zones are characterized by extensive dynamic recrystallization of primary phases, beginning in the granulite facies and continuing into the lower amphibolite facies. Increasing availability of seawater during dynamic recrystallization is reflected in depletions in 18O, increasing abundance of amphibole of variable composition and metamorphic plagioclase of intermediate composition, and more complete coronitic or pseudomorphous static replacement of magmatic minerals. Downcore correlation of synkinematic assemblages, bulk-rock oxygen isotopic compositions, and vein abundance suggest that seawater is introduced into the crust by way of small cracks and veins that mark the end of the ductile phase of deformation. This "deformation-enhanced" metamorphism dominates the upper 180 and the lower 100 m of the core. In the lower 300 m of the core, mineral assemblages of greenschist and zeolite facies are abundant within or adjacent to brecciated zones. Leucocratic veins found in these zones and adjacent host rock contain diopside, sodic plagioclase, epidote, chlorite, analcime, thomsonite, natrolite, albite, quartz, actinolite, sphene, brookite, and sulfides. The presence of zircon, Cl-apatite, sodic plagioclase, sulfides, and diopside in leucocratic veins having local magmatic textures suggests that some of the veins originated from late magmas or from hydrothermal fluids exsolved from such magmas that were subsequently replaced by (seawater-derived) hydrothermal assemblages. The frequent association of these late magmatic intrusive rocks within the brecciated zones suggests that they are both artifacts of magmatic hydrofracture. Such catastrophic fracture and hydrothermal circulation could produce episodic venting of hydrothermal fluids as well as the incorporation of a magmatically derived hydrothermal component. The enhanced permeability of the brecciated zones produced lower temperature assemblages because of larger volumes of seawater that penetrated the crust. The last fractures were sealed either by these hydrothermal minerals or by late carbonate-smectite veins, resulting in the observed low permeability of the core.


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Strontium isotope stratigraphy was used to date 5 discrete horizons within the CRP-3 drillhole. A single in situ modiolid bivalve fragment at 10.88 mbsf gives an age of 30.9 (±0.8) Ma for the associated sediment. The four remaining well preserved fragments recovered from 29.94-190.31 mbsf are within error of this age, indicating a high sedimentation rate and suggesting little time is missing in disconformities. The diagenetic alteration of carbonate macrofossils by continental fluids (and possibly seawater) is a common feature to 320 mbsf.


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Cryosols are permafrost-affected soils whose genesis is dominated by cryogenic processes, resulting in unique macromorphologies, micromorphologies, thermal characteristics, and physical and chemical properties. In addition, these soils are carbon sinks, storing high amounts of organic carbon collected for thousands of years. In the Canadian soil classification, the Cryosolic Order includes mineral and organic soils that have both cryogenic properties and permafrost within 1 or 2 m of the soil surface. This soil order is divided into Turbic, Static and Organic great groups on the basis of the soil materials (mineral or organic), cryogenic properties and depth to permafrost. The great groups are subdivided into subgroups on the basis of soil development and the resulting diagnostic soil horizons. Cryosols are commonly associated with the presence of ground ice in the subsoil. This causes serious problems when areas containing these soils are used for agriculture and construction projects (such as roads, town sites and airstrips). Therefore, where Cryosols have high ice content, it is especially important either to avoid these activities or to use farming and construction methods that maintain the negative thermal balance.


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Qualitative petrographic study of selected clastic horizons within the Eocene section of Hole 516F has revealed the presence of abundant fine-grained lithic fragments, probably volcanic, along with coarser fragments of quartz and feldspar apparently derived from a nearby plutonic terrain. In detail, poor sorting, presence of graded bedding, and an abundance of clay suggest these are turbidite horizons locally derived from a mixed volcanic/plutonic terrain, possibly with some direct contribution from contemporary volcanic ash falls. A progressive increase in plutonic versus volcanic components with time is, however, more consistent with an erosional origin for most of this material. Unusual euhedral dark biotite is abundant in several of the lower clastic horizons; it is most easily interpreted as microphenocrysts weathered in situ out of alkalic volcanic ash. Biotite separated from Sample 516F-76-4,107-115 cm, has been dated by the K-Ar method at about 46 Ma. Alkaline volcanoes active on the Rio Grande Rise in the middle Eocene would be the most probable source of this ash and would be consistent with other evidence for potassic, alkaline volcanism along the Rio Grande Rise and at the Tristan da Cunha hot spot.


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Planktonic foraminifers were studied from 213 samples collected during Leg 112 at 10 sites located on the continental shelf and slope off Peru. Because planktonic foraminifers occur discontinuously downcore, detailed biostratigraphic zonation was not defined. However, it was possible to distinguish early and middle Eocene, early and late Miocene, Pliocene, and Pleistocene sediments on the basis of the planktonic foraminifers. The oldest sediments of Zone P6 of early Eocene age were obtained from the basal part of Hole 688E, which was penetrated to 779.0 m below seafloor (bsf). A biosiliceous facies of the area predominates above the N6-N7 zonal interval of early Miocene age. All sites are within the present coastal upwelling area off Peru, and many of the late Pliocene and Pleistocene assemblages are similar to those that are characteristic of modern upwelling areas. The core samples differ, however, by having a predominance of cold-water elements, such as Neogloboquadrina incompta and N. pachyderma. Warm-water species are prevalent at some horizons in the cores, suggesting shifts of the coastal upwelling centers or warmer climatic events.


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Mineralogical and H, O, Sr, and Nd isotope compositions have been analyzed on a set of representative samples from the 17-m.y. section in ODP Leg 116 Holes 717C and 718C. Based on the mineralogical composition of the fraction <2 µm together with the lithogenic-biogenic composition of the fraction >63 µm, the whole section can be subdivided into three major periods of sedimentation. Between 17.1 and 6 m.y., and between 0.8 m.y. to present, the sediments are characterized by sandy and silty turbiditic inputs with a high proportion of minerals derived from a gneissic source without alteration. In the fraction <2 µm, illite and chlorite are dominant over smectite and kaolinite. The granulometric fraction >63 µm contains quartz, muscovite, biotite, chlorite, and feldspars. The 6-to 0.8-m.y. period is represented by an alternation of sandy/silty horizons, muds, and calcareous muds rich in smectite, and kaolinite (50% to 85% of the fraction <2 µm) and bioclastic material. The presence of smectite and kaolinite, as well as the 18O/16O and the 87Sr/86Sr ratios of the fraction <2 µm, imply an evolution in a soil environment and exchanges with meteoric ground water. The ranges of isotopic compositions are limited throughout the section: d18O quartz = 11.7 to 13.3 per mil, 87Sr/86Sr = 0.733 to 0.760 and epsilon-Nd (0) = -17.4 to -13.8. These values are within those of the High Himalaya Crystalline series, and they are considered to reflect this source region. The data imply that, since 17 Ma, this formation has supplied the major part of the eroded material.


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One hundred thirty-one marker horizons relating to the distinct and traceable layers were described for the Owen Ridge and Oman Margin sites. The correlations incorporated the calculations of true depth, corrected for coring disturbance and gas expansion. Intersite correlation of marker horizons has been improved based on color density data, measured with video densitometer, and oxygen isotope stratigraphic data. Distinct hiatuses were detected by the intersite correlation of the marker horizons in the Owen Ridge. The hiatuses are related to submarine slides induced by increasing gravitational instability for the accumulation of the pelagic sediments on the top of the Owen Ridge. The large amount of sediment supply with variable lithofacies during the glacial stages is represented by layer-bylayer correlation in the Oman Margin. The color density patterns with glacial-interglacial cycles are controlled by the balance of organic carbon content, increasing in the interglacial stages with strong upwelling induced by the southwest monsoon, and flux of terrigenous matter, increasing in the glacial stages. The present distinct climatic cycle relating to the southwest monsoon has been developed since Stage 8, 250 ka. The large amount of sediment supply in the glacial stages can be assumed as fluvial in origin from the humid Arabian Peninsula, relating to the weakened Tropical Easterly Jet, which is induced by the counter-current of the southwest monsoon and maintains the present arid climate in the north Africa and Arabian Peninsula.


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In the collective monograph results of geological and geophysical studies in the Tadjura Rift carried out by conventional outboard instruments and from deep/sea manned submersibles "Pisces" in winter 1983-1984 are reported. Main features of rift tectonics, geology, petrology, and geochemistry of basalts from the rift are under consideration. An emphasis is made on lithology, stratigraphy, and geochemistry of bottom sediments. Roles of terrigenous, edafogenic, biogenic, and hydrothermal components in formation of bottom sediments from the rift zone are shown.


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Horizons of several types of Upper Jurassic to Lower Cretaceous manganese nodules occur locally in sequences of radiolarian cherts within the Nicoya Ophiolite Complex (NW Costa Rica). Field studies, X-ray diffraction analysis, petrographic, chemical and experimental studies give evidence of a sedimentary, early diagenetic origin of the nodules, in contrast to earlier suggestions. Smooth, discoidal, compact and very dense nodules with diameters of some mm to 9 cm dominate. They are characterized by braunite, hollandite, pyrolusite and quartz as well as 39-61% Mn, 0.9-1.6% Fe, 5-26% SiO2, 1.3-1.9% Al2O3, 1.5-3.0% Ba, 460-5400 ppm Cu, 85-340 ppm Ni and 40-130 ppm Co, among others. It is suggested that the original mineralogy (todorokite?) was altered during thermometamorphic (braunite) and hydrothermal (hollandite. pyrolusite) events. Petrographic similarities between the fossil nodules and modern deep-sea nodules are striking. Using standard hydrothermal techniques in an experimental study it is shown that under special conditions, braunite can be produced from modern nodule material.


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Vast areas on the Tibetan Plateau are covered by alpine sedge mats consisting of different species of the genus Kobresia. These mats have topsoil horizons rich in rhizogenic organic matter which creates turfs. As the turfs have recently been affected by a complex destruction process, knowledge concerning their soil properties, age and pedogenesis are needed. In the core area of Kobresia pygmaea mats around Nagqu (central Tibetan Plateau, ca. 4500 m a.s.l.), four profiles were subjected to pedological, paleobotanical and geochronological analyses concentrating on soil properties, phytogenic composition and dating of the turf. The turf of both dry K. pygmaea sites and wet Kobresia schoenoides sites is characterised by an enrichment of living (dominant portion) and dead root biomass. In terms of humus forms, K. pygmaea turfs can be classified as Rhizomulls mainly developed from Cambisols. Wet-site K. schoenoides turfs, however, can be classified as Rhizo-Hydromors developed from Histic Gleysols. At the dry sites studied, the turnover of soil organic matter is controlled by a non-permafrost cold thermal regime. Below-ground remains from sedges are the most frequent macroremains in the turf. Only a few pollen types of vascular plants occur, predominantly originating from sedges and grasses. Large amounts of microscopic charcoal (indeterminate) are present. Macroremains and pollen extracted from the turfs predominantly have negative AMS 14C ages, giving evidence of a modern turf genesis. Bulk-soil datings from the lowermost part of the turfs have a Late Holocene age comprising the last ca. 2000 years. The development of K. pygmaea turfs was most probably caused by an anthropo(zoo)-genetically initiated growth of sedge mats replacing former grass-dominated vegetation ('steppe'). Thus the turfs result from the transformation of pre-existing topsoils comprising a secondary penetration and accumulation of roots. K. schoenoides turfs, however, are characterised by a combined process of peat formation and penetration/accumulation of roots probably representing a (quasi) natural wetland vegetation.


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The Ontong Java Plateau in the western equatorial Pacific contains a deposition record of biserial planktonic foraminifers concentrated in the Paleogene, in which frequencies up to 67% of the planktonic foraminifers are reported, and in the late Neogene, in which a maximum frequency of 48% is reported. Biserial planktonic foraminifers are rare or absent in the latest Oligocene and early Miocene, an interval characterized by warm bottom water and low temperature gradients. These conditions supported a surface assemblage rather than the biserial planktonic foraminifers, whose Neogene species inhabited the oxygen minimum at intermediate depths in the upper water column. Biserial planktonic foraminifers tend to be of high frequency during high sea stands and low frequency during low sea level, presumably in response to the strengthening or weakening of the oxygen minimum. Species extinction and evolution events occur during low sea stands in the Neogene and sometimes correspond to strong reflection horizons of the plateau's seismic stratigraphy. The biserial species are useful biostratigraphic indexes in the plateau section. The last occurrence (LO) of Streptochilus martini corresponds with the Eocene/Oligocene boundary; S. subglobigerum without Neogloboquadrina acostaensis indicates Zone N15; S. latum occurs from the middle of Zone N16 to near the top of Zone N17; S. globigerum ranges from near the top of Zone N17 to the middle of Zone N19/N20; and the S. globulosum continuous range begins just before the first left-to-right coiling change of Pulleniatina, but the species becomes rare in the Pleistocene section.


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A paleomagnetic study was made on the highly vesiculated basaltic tuff breccia (the basaltic mousse) drilled by Ocean Drilling Program Leg 126 from the Izu-Bonin backarc, Sumisu Rift, to estimate the mode of its emplacement. Thirty-four 10-cm**3 minicore samples were collected from almost all the horizons of the basaltic mousse. Stepwise thermal and alternating-field demagnetization experiments show that the natural remanent magnetizations of many samples are mainly composed of a single stable component. Although remanence inclinations are not expected to be disturbed by rotary drilling, the measured inclinations of remanence show a random directional distribution as a whole. The remanence inclinations, however, show directional consistency on a smaller scale. High-density sampling and measurements from a limited interval of drilled cores, and the measurement of small disks cut from a single minicore sample show that there is directional consistency over several centimeters. Strong and stable remanent magnetization, the existence of remanence direction consistency, and the fresh lithology of the samples suggest the thermal origin of remanence. Combining the paleomagnetic results with other geological, petrographical, and paleontological characters, the Hole 791B basaltic mousse can be interpreted as a subaqueous explosion breccia produced by deep-sea pyroclastic fountaining.


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This study focuses on the vertical distribution of authigenic carbonates (aragonite and high Mg-calcite) in the form of finely disseminated precipitates as well as massive carbonate concretions present in and above gas hydrate bearing sediments of the Northern Congo Fan. Analyses of Ca, Mg, Sr and Ba in pore water, bulk sediments and authigenic carbonates were carried out on gravity cores taken from three pockmark structures (Hydrate Hole, Black Hole and Worm Hole). In addition, a background core was retrieved from an area not influenced by fluid seepage. Pore water Sr/Ca and Mg/Ca ratios are used to reveal the current depths of carbonate formation as well as the mineralogy of the authigenic precipitates. The Sr/Ca and Mg/Ca ratios of bulk sediments and massive carbonate concretions were applied to infer the presence and depth distribution of authigenic aragonite and high Mg-calcite, based on the approach presented by Bayon et al. [Bayon et al. (2007). Sr/Ca and Mg/Ca ratios in Niger Delta sediments: Implications for authigenic carbonate genesis in cold seep environments. Marine Geology 241(1-4), 93-109, doi:10.1016/j.margeo.2007.03.007]. We show that the approach developed by Bayon et al. (2007) for sediments of cold seeps of the Niger Delta is also suitable to identify the mineralogy of authigenic carbonates in pockmark sediments of the Congo Deep-Sea Fan. We expand this approach by combining interstitial with solid phase Sr/Ca and Mg/Ca ratios, which demonstrate that high Mg-calcite is the predominant authigenic carbonate that currently forms at the sulfate/methane reaction zone (SMRZ). This is the first study which investigates both solid phase and pore water signatures typical for either aragonite or high Mg-calcite precipitation for the same sediment cores and thus is able to identify active and fossil carbonate precipitation events. At all investigated pockmark sites fossil horizons of the SMRZ were deduced from high Mg-calcite located above and below the current depths of the SMRZ. Additionally, aragonite enrichments typical for high seepage rates were detected close to the sediment surface at these sites. However, active precipitation of aragonite as indicated by pore water characteristics only occurs at the Black Hole site. Dissolved and solid phase Ba concentrations were used to estimate the time the SMRZ was fixed at the current depths of the diagenetic barite fronts. The combined pore water and solid phase elemental ratios (Mg/Ca, Sr/Ca) and Ba concentrations allow the reconstruction of past changes in methane seepage at the investigated pockmark sites. At the Hydrate Hole and Worm Hole sites the time of high methane seepage was estimated to have ceased at least 600 yr BP. In contrast, a more recent change from a high flux to a more dormant stage must have occurred at the Black Hole site as evidenced by active aragonite precipitation at the sediment surface and a lack of diagenetic Ba enrichments.