958 resultados para historical structures assessment FEM experimental techniques


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Workshop of COST Actions TU0601 and E55 September 21-22 2009, Ljubljana, Slovenia


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ABSTRACT – Background: According to the Report on Carcinogens, formaldehyde ranks 25th in the overall U.S. chemical production, with more than 5 million tons produced each year. Given its economic importance and widespread use, many people are exposed to formaldehyde environmentally and/or occupationally. Presently, the International Agency for Research on Cancer classifies formaldehyde as carcinogenic to humans (Group 1), based on sufficient evidence in humans and in experimental animals. Manyfold in vitro studies clearly indicated that formaldehyde can induce genotoxic effects in proliferating cultured mammalian cells. Furthermore, some in vivo studies have found changes in epithelial cells and in peripheral blood lymphocytes related to formaldehyde exposure. Methods: A study was carried out in Portugal, using 80 workers occupationally exposed to formaldehyde vapours: 30 workers from formaldehyde and formaldehyde-based resins production factory and 50 from 10 pathology and anatomy laboratories. A control group of 85 non-exposed subjects was considered. Exposure assessment was performed by applying simultaneously two techniques of air monitoring: NIOSH Method 2541 and Photo Ionization Detection equipment with simultaneously video recording. Evaluation of genotoxic effects was performed by application of micronucleus test in exfoliated epithelial cells from buccal mucosa and peripheral blood lymphocytes. Results: Time-weighted average concentrations not exceeded the reference value (0.75 ppm) in the two occupational settings studied. Ceiling concentrations, on the other hand, were higher than reference value (0.3 ppm) in both. The frequency of micronucleus in peripheral blood lymphocytes and in epithelial cells was significantly higher in both exposed groups than in the control group (p < 0.001). Moreover, the frequency of micronucleus in peripheral blood lymphocytes was significantly higher in the laboratories group than in the factory workers (p < 0.05). A moderate positive correlation was found between duration of occupational exposure to formaldehyde (years of exposure) and micronucleus frequency in peripheral blood lymphocytes (r = 0.401; p < 0.001) and in epithelial cells (r = 0.209; p < 0.01). Conclusions: The population studied is exposed to high peak concentrations of formaldehyde with a long-term exposure. These two aspects, cumulatively, can be the cause of the observed genotoxic endpoint effects. The association of these cytogenetic effects with formaldehyde exposure gives important information to risk assessment process and may also be used to assess health risks for exposed worker


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As ligações adesivas têm sido utilizadas em áreas como a indústria aeroespacial, aeronáutica, de defesa, automóvel, da construção civil e das madeiras. As juntas adesivas têm vindo a substituir métodos como a soldadura, e ligações parafusadas e rebitadas, devido à facilidade de fabricação, maiores cadências de produção, menores custos, facilidade em unir materiais diferentes, melhor resistência à fadiga, entre outras razões. Como tal, também se utilizam reparações adesivas para restituição da resistência de estruturas danificadas, cujas técnicas mais comuns são a sobreposição simples, sobreposição dupla e remendo embebido. As reparações por remendo embebido, que são as mais eficientes, consistem na realização de um furo cónico na zona danificada e colagem de um remendo com a forma complementar do furo, de tal forma que não é alterada a forma inicial do componente. Neste trabalho pretende-se estudar experimental e numericamente reparações adesivas por remendo embebido, nomeadamente o efeito da utilização de reforços exteriores (em um ou nos dois lados da estrutura), para diferentes ângulos de inclinação. Foi considerado um adesivo dúctil (Araldite® 2015) e outro frágil (Araldite® AV138), o que permitiu abranger processos de rotura bastante distintos. O estudo experimental é acompanhado por outro numérico no software ABAQUS®, usando modelos coesivos para a previsão numérica da resistência das reparações. O trabalho numérico permitiu o estudo das distribuições de tensões, o que possibilitou a análise detalhada dos resultados obtidos. Foi também realizado um estudo numérico de otimização das reparações por alteração da espessura dos reforços e utilização de chanfro nas extremidades dos mesmos. Nos resultados obtidos, constatou-se a adequabilidade do método numérico na previsão fiável da resistência, e também que a utilização dos reforços aumenta consideravelmente o rendimento das reparações (até 530 % e 340 % para os adesivos Araldite® 2015 e AV138, respetivamente), o que poderá justificar a sua utilização em aplicações industriais em que a perturbação aerodinâmica causada por esta alteração não seja relevante.


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A engenharia civil, rege-se pela garantia de segurança e de funcionalidade das obras que projeta e executa. Para cumprir tais requisitos, é necessário durante a sua vida útil, no final da construção, reforço ou reabilitação, proceder à avaliação da conformidade entre o comportamento real da estrutura e os pressupostos subjacentes ao projeto. Esta dissertação tem como objetivo a compreensão e análise do comportamento estrutural da Ponte sobre o Rio Sorraia, através da realização de ensaios de carga apoiados pela conceção de um modelo numérico devidamente calibrado, capaz de simular a resposta da estrutura, o mais próximo possível do observável na realidade. Para alcançar o objetivo pré definido elencam-se as metodologias relevantes, descrevem-se os tipos de ensaios de carga realizados em pontes/viadutos e faz-se referência aos aparelhos de medição que estão na base da instrumentação aplicada em obras. Esta introdução foca-se ainda na modelação numérica, permitindo o conhecimento básico necessário para a criação e atualização de modelos numéricos de pontes. Relativamente ao caso de estudo expõe-se a realização do ensaio de carga, descrevendo todo o processo, bem como os resultados obtidos ao nível das grandezas de medição estudadas. Aqui é concebido um modelo numérico base da ponte, alvo de discussão ao nível do comportamento estrutural, baseada na validação dos resultados obtidos por via experimental, através da comparação com os obtidos por via numérica. Por fim, o estudo e seleção de diversos parâmetros da modelação, facultando a calibração do modelo numérico da ponte. Os resultados obtidos neste modelo comprovam o seu elevado potencial, no apoio à observação e compreensão do comportamento de estruturas através da realização de ensaios de carga. O sucesso da realização de uma análise do comportamento de estruturas, através de ensaios de carga, depende assim fundamentalmente, da correta execução do ensaio, da correta conceção e atualização do modelo numérico e da interligação entre os resultados experimentais e numéricos.


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The project started in 2009 with the support of DAAD in Germany and CRUP in Portugal under the “Collaborative German-Portuguese University Actions” programme. One central goal is the further development of a theory of technology assessment applied to robotics and autonomous systems in general that reflects in its methodology the changing conditions of knowledge production in modern societies and the emergence of new robotic technologies and of associated disruptive changes. Relevant topics here are handling broadened future horizons and new clusters of science and technology (medicine, engineering, interfaces, industrial automation, micro-devices, security and safety), as well as new governance structures in policy decision making concerning research and development (R


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This work is a contribution to the definition and assessment of structural robustness. Special emphasis is given to reliability of reinforced concrete structures under corrosion of longitudinal reinforcement. On this communication several authors’ proposals in order to define and measure structural robustness are analyzed and discussed. The probabilistic based robustness index is defined, considering the reliability index decreasing for all possible damage levels. Damage is considered as the corrosion level of the longitudinal reinforcement in terms of rebar weight loss. Damage produces changes in both cross sectional area of rebar and bond strength. The proposed methodology is illustrated by means of an application example. In order to consider the impact of reinforcement corrosion on failure probability growth, an advanced methodology based on the strong discontinuities approach and an isotropic continuum damage model for concrete is adopted. The methodology consist on a two-step analysis: on the first step an analysis of the cross section is performed in order to capture phenomena such as expansion of the reinforcement due to the corrosion products accumulation and damage and cracking in the reinforcement surrounding concrete; on the second step a 2D deteriorated structural model is built with the results obtained on the first step of the analysis. The referred methodology combined with a Monte Carlo simulation is then used to compute the failure probability and the reliability index of the structure for different corrosion levels. Finally, structural robustness is assessed using the proposed probabilistic index.


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RESUMO: Relevância e Objectivos: O objectivo deste estudo consistiu em verificar a eficácia e segurança de uma técnica de higiene brônquica – Active Cycle breathing technique (ACBT), na remoção de secreções e desinsuflação em crianças asmáticas. É uma técnica recente, que ainda não foi estudada nesta população. Metodologia: A amostra foi constituída por um total de 14 crianças, com idades compreendidas entre os 6 e 18 anos, com o diagnóstico de asma. Foi dividida em dois grupos: grupo de controlo, constituído por asmáticos estáveis e grupo experimental constituído por asmáticos pós-crise. Ambos receberam o mesmo tratamento, que consistiu numa única sessão de ACBT. Realizaram um exame da função respiratória (variáveis FEV1, PEF, MEF75%, RV e FRC) antes e após a aplicação da técnica. Mediu-se a Saturação de O2 antes, a meio e no fim da aplicação da técnica. Por último, pesaram-se as secreções recolhidas durante a sessão de tratamento. Resultados: Como resultados, quando omparamos o antes e após aplicação do ACBT, obtivemos diferenças significativas no RV (p <0,05) e FRC (p <0,05); muito significativa na Sa02 (p <0,01) e peso de secreções, nos asmáticos pós crise. Ocorreu uma melhoria significativa da saturação (p <0,05) em asmáticos estáveis, não havendo secreções. Não houve efeitos adversos nem broncoespasmo em ambos os grupos.Conclusão: O ACBT é uma técnica que promove a remoção de secreções e diminuição da insuflação na população de asmáticos.--------------------ABSTRACT:Relevance and Goals: the goal of this study was to verify the efficiency and security of a bronchial hygienic technique - Active Cycle Breathing Technique (ACBT) – in the obstruction and insufflation of asthmatic children. This is a new technique that has not yet been studied in this population. Procedures: The subjects were 14 children aged between 6 and 18 years old with asthma diagnosis. They were divided in two groups: the control group with stable asthmatics and the experimental group with post-crisis asthmatics. Both received the same treatment that was a single session of ACBT. They made a lung function test before and after the application of the technique (variables FEV1, PEF, MEF75%, RV and FRC). The level of O2 saturation was measured before, during and after the procedure. In the end, the secretions collected during the treatment were weighted. Results: We observed a significant difference on RV (p ˂0,05), FRC (p ˂0,05), Sa02 (p ˂0,01) and in the weight of the secretions in the post-crisis asthmatics after ACBT. There was a significant improvement of saturation (p ˂0,05) only in the stable asthmatics. There were no adverse effects or bronchospasm in both groups.


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Robotica 2012: 12th International Conference on Autonomous Robot Systems and Competitions April 11, 2012, Guimarães, Portugal


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As ligações adesivas são frequentemente utilizadas na fabricação de estruturas complexas que não poderiam ou não seriam tão fáceis de ser fabricadas numa só peça, a fim de proporcionar uma união estrutural que, teoricamente, deve ser pelo menos tão resistente como o material de base. As juntas adesivas têm vindo a substituir métodos como a soldadura, e ligações parafusadas e rebitadas, devido à facilidade de fabricação, menor custo, facilidade em unir materiais diferentes, melhor resistência, entre outras características. Os materiais compósitos reforçados com fibra de carbono são amplamente utilizados em muitas indústrias, tais como de construção de barcos, automóvel e aeronáutica, sendo usados em estruturas que requerem elevada resistência e rigidez específicas, o que reduz o peso dos componentes, mantendo a resistência e rigidez necessárias para suportar as diversas cargas aplicadas. Embora estes métodos de fabricação reduzam ao máximo as ligações através de técnicas de fabrico avançadas, estas ainda são necessárias devido ao tamanho dos componentes, limitações de projecto tecnológicas e logísticas. Em muitas estruturas, a combinação de compósitos com metais tais como alumínio ou titânio traz vantagens de projecto. Este trabalho tem como objectivo estudar, experimentalmente e por modelos de dano coesivo (MDC), juntas adesivas em L entre componentes de alumínio e compósito de carbono epóxido quando solicitados a forças de arrancamento, considerando diferentes configurações de junta e adesivos de ductilidade distinta. Os parâmetros geométricos abordados são a espessura do aderente de alumínio (tP2) e comprimento de sobreposição (LO). A análise numérica permitiu o estudo da distribuição das tensões, evolução do dano, resistência e modos de rotura. Os testes experimentais validam os resultados numéricos e fornecem mecanismos de projecto para juntas em L. Foi mostrado que a geometria do aderente em L (alumínio) e o tipo de adesivo têm uma influência directa na resistência de junta.


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The use of solid wastes and natural fibres to the production of innovative composites is now a matter of environmental need. A set of hybrid composites constituted of waste rubber particles and sugarcane bagasse fibres into a thermoset composite material are drilled to determine the effect of rubber particle addition and size, sugarcane fibre addition and length and fibre chemical treatment on damage extension and related mechanical properties. Damage extension is determined by enhanced radiography for further damage measurement – diameter and areas – and correlated with mechanical test results — bearing test. The results demonstrated significant effect of the rubber and fibre additions on mechanical properties of the composites.


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Glass fibre-reinforced plastics (GFRP), nowadays commonly used in the construction, transportation and automobile sectors, have been considered inherently difficult to recycle due to both the cross-linked nature of thermoset resins, which cannot be remoulded, and the complex composition of the composite itself, which includes glass fibres, polymer matrix and different types of inorganic fillers. Hence, to date, most of the thermoset based GFRP waste is being incinerated or landfilled leading to negative environmental impacts and additional costs to producers and suppliers. With an increasing awareness of environmental matters and the subsequent desire to save resources, recycling would convert an expensive waste disposal into a profitable reusable material. In this study, the effect of the incorporation of mechanically recycled GFRP pultrusion wastes on flexural and compressive behaviour of polyester polymer mortars (PM) was assessed. For this purpose, different contents of GFRP recyclates (0%, 4%, 8% and 12%, w/w), with distinct size grades (coarse fibrous mixture and fine powdered mixture), were incorporated into polyester PM as sand aggregates and filler replacements. The effect of the incorporation of a silane coupling agent was also assessed. Experimental results revealed that GFRP waste filled polymer mortars show improved mechanical behaviour over unmodified polyester based mortars, thus indicating the feasibility of GFRP waste reuse as raw material in concrete-polymer composites.


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5th International Conference of Fire Effects on Soil Properties


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We aimed to investigate the feasibility of an experimental system for simultaneous transcranial DC stimulation(tDCS) and EEG recording in human epilepsy. We report tolerability of this system in a cross-over controlled trial with 15 healthy subjects and preliminary effects of its use, testing repeated tDCS sessions, in two patients with drug-refractory Continuous Spike-Wave Discharges During Slow Sleep (CSWS). Our system combining continuous recording of the EEG with tDCS allows detailed evaluation of the interictal activity during the entire process. Stimulation with 1 mA was well‐tolerated in both healthy volunteers and patients with refractory epilepsy. The large reduction in interictal epileptiform EEG discharges in the two subjects with epilepsy supports further investigation of tDCS using this combined method of stimulation and monitoring in epilepsy. Continuous monitoring of epileptic activity throughout tDCS improves safety and allows detailed evaluation of epileptic activity changes induced by tDCS in patients.


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BACKGROUND: Musicians are a prone group to suffer from working-related musculoskeletal disorder (WRMD). Conventional solutions to control musculoskeletal pain include pharmacological treatment and rehabilitation programs but their efficiency is sometimes disappointing. OBJECTIVE: The aim of this research is to study the immediate effects of Tuina techniques on WRMD of professional orchestra musicians from the north of Portugal. DESIGN, SETTING, PARTICIPANTS AND INTERVENTIONS: We performed a prospective, controlled, single-blinded, randomized study. Professional orchestra musicians with a diagnosis of WRMD were randomly distributed into the experimental group (n=39) and the control group (n=30). During an individual interview, Chinese diagnosis took place and treatment points were chosen. Real acupoints were treated by Tuina techniques into the experimental group and non-specific skin points were treated into the control group. Pain was measured by verbal numerical scale before and immediately after intervention. RESULTS: After one treatment session, pain was reduced in 91.8% of the cases for the experimental group and 7.9% for the control group. CONCLUSION: Although results showed that Tuina techniques are effectively reducing WRMD in professional orchestra musicians of the north of Portugal, further investigations with stronger measurements, double-blinding designs and bigger simple sizes are needed.


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Objectives: To assess induced labor-associated perinatal infection risk at Hospital D.Estefânia from January to June of 2010 at Hospital de D. Estefânia’s delivery rooms, reviewing the indications for inducing labor as well as the techniques used. Material and Methods: Performing an historical prospective study searching the clinical processes as well as the mother and newborn’s computer database from January to June of 2010. An exposed and an unexposed group were created; the first group comprises pregnant women and their newborns whose labor was induced. The unexposed group is constituted by newborns and pregnant women whose labor was spontaneous. Labor induction was performed using intra-vaginal prostaglandins in women who didn’t start it spontaneously; perinatal infection was defined either clinically or using blood tests. The gestational age was ≥ 37 weeks for both groups. 19 variables were studied for both groups. Results: A total of 190 mother-newborn pairs were included: 55 in the exposed group and 135 in the unexposed group. 3 cases of perinatal infection were reported, two in the exposed group and one in the unexposed group. Preliminary data resulted in a perinatal infection rate of 3.6% in the exposed group and 0.7% in the unexposed group; preliminary data suggest that the risk of perinatal infection may be increased in up to 5-fold when labor is inducted. Conclusions: A larger series of patients and a multivariable analysis using logistic regression are both necessary in order to perform a more thorough assessment of labor induction’s role in perinatal infection risk. One must also try to distinguish labor inducing- and clinical practicesrelated factors.