935 resultados para high-temperature drying
The phase evolution of lead titanate processed by the polymeric precursor method was investigated by thermal analysis, X-ray diffraction, and high-resolution transmission electron microscopy. The results showed that the cubic perovskite PbTiO3 (PT) phase is formed from an inorganic amorphous precursor at a temperature of 444 °C. A gradual transition from cubic to tetragonal perovskite PT was observed with the increase of calcination time at this temperature. HRTEM results showed that the cubic PT particles have a size of around 5 nm. The identification of cubic PT as an intermediate phase supports the hypothesis that the chemical homogeneity was kept at the molecular level during the synthesis process, with no cation segregation.
The thermal behavior of blends of poly(vinylidene fluoride), or PVDF, and poly(o-methoxyaniline) doped with toluene sulfonic acid was studied by thermogravimetic analysis, electrical conductivity measurements, differential scanning calorimetry, X-ray diffraction and scanning electron microscopy. Blends with thermal and electrical conductivity stabler than the conductive polymer alone were obtained. Nevertheless, degradation occurs after a long period of time (500 h) at high temperatures. The possible association of the conductivity decay with dopant loss, degradation and structural and morphological changes of the blend is discussed. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science Ltd.
A Raman study of structural changes in the Zr-rich PbZr1-x TixO3 (PZT) system under hydrostatic pressures up to 5.0 GPa is presented. We observe that externally applied pressure induces several phase transitions in PZT ceramics among phases with orthorhombic (Ao), rhombohedral low-temperature (RLT), and rhombohedral high-temperature (RHT) symmetries (all found in PZT at ambient pressure and room temperature). Each of the compositions investigated (0.02 ≤ x ≤ 0.14) exhibits a high-pressure phase with orthorhombic (OI′) symmetry. We further report a detailed study of the pressure dependence of Raman frequencies to elucidate the phase transitions and to provide a set of pressure coefficients for the high-pressure phases.
The highly conserved eukaryotic translation initiation factor eIF5A has been proposed to have various roles in the cell, from translation to mRNA decay to nuclear protein export. To further our understanding of this essential protein, three temperature-sensitive alleles of the yeast TIF51A gene have been characterized. Two mutant eIF5A proteins contain mutations in a proline residue at the junction between the two eIFSA domains and the third, strongest allele encodes a protein with a single mutation in each domain, both of which are required for the growth defect. The stronger tif51A alleles cause defects in degradation of short-lived mRNAs, supporting a role for this protein in mRNA decay. A multicopy suppressor screen revealed six genes, the overexpression of which allows growth of a tif51A-1 strain at high temperature; these genes include PAB1, PKC1, and PKC1 regulators WSC1, WSC2, and WSC3. Further results suggest that eIFSA may also be involved in ribosomal synthesis and the WSC/PKC1 signaling pathway for cell wall integrity or related processes.
Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) in association with chemical analysis was applied to assess the maturity reached by the organic fraction of Municipal Solid Wastes (MSW) subjected to composting processes with manual and fixed aeration and sampled at different composting times. Thermograms showed that the difference in the treatments, i.e., the manual aeration and the fixed aeration, had no relevant effect on the stabilization and maturation of OM in the substrates. Common thermal effects observed were: a low temperature endotherm assigned to dehydration and/or loss of peripheral polysaccharides chains; a medium temperature exotherm assigned to loss of peptidic structures, and a high temperature exotherm assigned to oxydation and polycondensation of aromatic nuclei of the molecule. Results obtained suggest that in the experimental conditions used, a shorter time of composting (about 30 d) appears adequate, in order to limit the extended mineralization of OM, whereas a prolonged composting time (up to 132 d) would produce a compost of poor quality with high ash content and low OM content.
Study Objectives: To evaluate the effects of intraoperative skin-surface warming with and without 1 hour of preoperative warming, in preventing intraoperative hypothermia, and postoperative hypothermia, and shivering, and in offering good conditions to early tracheal extubation. Design: Prospective, randomized, blind study. Setting: Teaching hospital. Patients: 30 ASA physical status I and II female patients scheduled for elective abdominal surgery. Interventions: Patients received standard general anesthesia. In 10 patients, no special precautions were taken to avoid hypothermia. Ten patients were submitted to preoperative and intraoperative active warming. Ten patients were only warmed intraoperatively. Measurements and Main Results: Temperatures were recorded at 15-minute intervals. The patients who were warmed preoperatively and intraoperatively had core temperatures significantly more elevated than the other patients during the first two hours of anesthesia. All patients warmed intraoperatively were normothermic only at the end of the surgery. The majority of the patients warmed preoperatively and intraoperatively or intraoperatively only were extubated early, and none had shivering. In contrast, five unwarmed patients shivered. Conclusions: One hour of preoperative warning combined with intraoperative skin-surface warming, not simply intraoperative warming alone, avoided hypothermia caused by general anesthesia during the first two hours of surgery. Both methods prevented postoperative hypothermia and shivering and offered good conditions for early tracheal extubation. © 2003 by Elsevier B.V.
This paper describes the drawing, construction and optimization of a device, which can be used to obtain single crystals of different metallic materials with melting point from 550 to 1050°C. Components of ease obtaining and of low cost were used. The device was based on the modified Bridgman technique and it was used to obtain single crystals of copper-based alloys. The temperature axial profiles and a difference less then 1% in the temperature between the wall and the center of the ceramic tube in the critical region for obtaining single crystals of good quality indicated that the oven presents a good thermal stability. Single crystals of CuZnAl and CuAlAg alloys of good quality were growth and characterized using optical microscopy and Laüe X-ray back reflection.
A quantitative phase analysis was made of LixCoO2 powders obtained by two distinct chemical methodologies at different temperatures (from 400 to 700°C). A phase analysis was made using Rietveld refinements based on X-ray diffraction data, considering the Li xCoO2 powders as a multiphase system that simultaneously contained two main phases with distinct, layered and spinel-type structures. The results showed the coexistence of both structures in LixCoO 2 obtained at low temperature (400 and 500°C), although only the layered structure was detected at higher temperatures (600 and 700°C), regardless of the chemical powder process employed. The electrochemical performance, evaluated mainly by the cycling reversibility of Li xCoO2 in the form of cathode insertion electrodes, revealed that there is a close correlation between structural features and the electrochemical response, with one of the redox processes (3.3 v/3.9 v) associated only with the presence of the spinel-type structure. © 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The effect of protein or energy restriction during the second week post-hatching on body weight gain and femur development of broiler chickens reared at different environmental temperatures (18°C, 25°C and 33°C) was studied. From 1 to 7 days of age and after a restriction period broilers were fed on a control diet with 2850 kcal ME/kg and 20% crude protein. From 8 to 14 days of age, two groups of broilers were fed on restricted energy and protein diets with 2565kcal ME/kg and 20% of crude protein or 2850kcal ME/kg and 15% of crude protein, respectively. At 14, 21, 28, 35 and 42 days, the bones were weighed and the length and width of bones measured. The protein restriction reduced the body weight gain and the diameter of bone at second week of life. After 21 days of age no differences between treatments for these traits were observed. The body weight gain and femur growth were not affected by energy restriction. The high temperature (33°C) reduced weight gain and femur diameter from 21 to 42 days of age, and femur length at 42 days of age. The protein restriction at second week or the high environmental temperature after 21 st day of life decreased body weight gain and femur growth of broiler chickens.
Engineering ceramics have found use in many applications, such as engine parts, ball bearings, artificial bone and hip replacements and gyroscopes, because of their good chemical inertness, hardness, high temperature stability and excellent wear resistance. Oxide ceramic may meet these demands. Alumina (Al2O3) ceramics offer a high potential for many engineering applications, such as wear- and/or corrosion-resistant components, and as material for substrates or housings in microelectronic devices. Alumina is used among other things for seal ring, draw-cones, guides, water mixing tapes, bearing parts, medical prostheses and cutting tools. Measurements of the elastic energy loss and modulus (anelastic spectroscopy) as a function of temperature can distinguish among the different atomic jumps, which occurs in the various phases or at different local ordering. In this paper, it is reported anelastic relaxation measurements in Al2O3 samples using commercial starch. These measurements were carried out in a torsion pendulum operating in frequencies around 40 Hz. The results shown strongly influence of the type of forming in the elastic modulus obtained by anelastic relaxation measurements.
The steam reforming is one of most utilized process of hydrogen production because of its high production efficiencies and its technological maturity. The use of ethanol for this purpose is a interesting option because this is a renewable and less environmentally offensive fuel. The objective of this study is evaluate the physical-chemical, thermodynamic and environmental analyses of steam reforming of ethanol. whose objective is to produce 0.7 Nm3/h of hydrogen to be used by a PEMFC of l kW. In this physical-chemical analysis, a global reaction of ethanol was considered. That is, the superheated ethanol and steam, at high temperatures, react to produce hydrogen and carbon dioxide. Beyond it's the simplest form to study the steam reforming of ethanol to hydrogen production, it's the case where occurs the highest production of hydrogen (the product to be used by fuel cells) and carbon dioxide, to be eliminated. But this reaction isn't real and depends greatly on the thermodynamic conditions of reforming, technical features of reformer system and catalysts. Other products generally formed (but not investigated in this study) are methane, carbon monoxide, among others. It was observed that the products is commonly produced in the moment when the reaction attains temperatures about 206°C (below this temperature, the reaction trend to the reaetants, that is, from hydrogen and carbon dioxide to steam and ethanol) and the advance degree of this reaction increases when the temperature of reaction also increases and when its pressure decreases. It's suggested reactions at about 600°C or higher. However, when the temperature attains 700°C, the stability of this reaction is occurred, that is, the production of reaction productions attains to the limit, that is the highest possible production. In temperatures above 700°C, the use of energy is very high for produce more products, having higher costs of production that the suggested temperature. The indicated pressure is 1 atm., a value that allows a desirable economy of energy that would also be used for pressurization or depressurization of steam reformer. In exergetic analysis, it's seem that the lower irreversibililies occur when the pressure of reactions are lower. However, the temperature changes don't affect significantly the irreversibilites. Utilizing the obtained results from this analysis, it was concluded that the best thermodynamic conditions for steam reforming of ethanol is the same conditions suggested in the physical-chemical analysis. The exergetic and first law efficiencies are high on the thermodynamie conditions studied.
The Eastern Blue Ridge Province of the southern Appalachians contains, in part, remnants of an Ordovician accretionary wedge complex formed during subduction of an oceanic tract before mid-Ordovician accretion with Laurentia. The Eastern Blue Ridge Province consists of metapelite and amphibolite intruded by low-K plutons, high-temperature (T >750 °C) Ordovician eclogite, and other high-pressure metamafic and meta-ultramafic rocks. Felsic plutons in the Eastern Blue Ridge Province are important time markers for regional-scale tectonics, deformation, and metamorphism. Plutons were thought to be related to either Taconian (Ordovician) or Acadian (Devonian-Silurian) tectonothermal events. We dated five plutonic or metaplutonic rocks to constrain pluton crystallization ages better and thus the timing of tectonism. The Persimmon Creek gneiss yielded a protolith crystallization age of 455.7 ± 2.1 Ma, Chalk Mountain 377.7 ± 2.5 Ma, Mt. Airy 334 ± 3Ma, Stone Mountain 335.6 ± 1.0 Ma, and Rabun 335.1 ± 2.8 Ma. The latter four plutons were thought to be part of the Acadian Spruce Pine Suite, but instead our new ages indicate that Alleghanian (Carboniferous-Permian) plutonism is widespread and voluminous in the Eastern Blue Ridge Province. The Chattahoochee fault, which was considered an Acadian structure, cuts the Rabun pluton and thus must have been active during the Alleghanian orogeny. The new ages indicate that Persimmon Creek crystallized less than 3 m.y. after zircon crystallization in Eastern Blue Ridge eclogite and is nearly synchronous with nearby high-grade metamorphism and migmatization. The three phases of plutonism in the Eastern Blue Ridge Province correspond with established metamorphic ages for each of the three major orogenic pulses along the western flank of the southern Appalachians. © 2006 Geological Society of America.
In the work described in the present paper, an analytical solution of the general heat conduction equation was employed to assay the temperature profile inside a solid slab which is initially at room temperature and is suddenly plunged into a fluid maintained at a high temperature. The results were then extrapolated to a simulation of a hot modulus of rupture test of typical MgO-graphite refractory samples containing different amounts of graphite in order to evaluate how fast the temperature equilibrates inside the test specimens. Calculations indicated that, depending on the graphite content, the time to full temperature homogenization was in the range of 80 to 200 s. These findings are relevant to the high temperature testing of such refractories in oxidizing conditions in view of the graphite oxidation risks in the proper evaluation of the hot mechanical properties.
Anelastic spectroscopy (internal friction and the dynamic modulus) was measured by means of a torsion pendulum at 3-12 Hz, in the range of 100-300 K, for a KAP metaphosphate glass. Two thermally activated internal friction peaks appeared at ∼190 and ∼250 K. These peaks were attributed to the behavior of potassium ions (high temperature) and to hydrogen (low temperature). Dynamic modulus showed a gradual decrease with increasing temperature in the range studied for all compositions. © 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The martensite aging kinetics in the Cu-10 wt.%Al and Cu-10 wt.%Al-10 wt.%Ag alloys was studied using microhardness measurements, classical differential thermal analysis (DTA), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), energy dispersive X-ray analysis (EDX) and in-situ high-temperature X-ray diffractometry (XRD). The results for the Cu-10%Al alloy indicated a process dominated by the martensite ordering assisted by migration of quenched-in vacancies and followed by the consumption of the α phase. For the Cu-10%Al-10%Ag alloy the dominant process is the consumption of the α phase associated with a decrease in the ordering degree of the martensitic phase. © 2007 Springer Science+Business Media, LLC.