913 resultados para high-intensity exercise


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A new method of measuring the thickness of GaN epilayers on sapphire (0 0 0 1) substrates by using double crystal X-ray diffraction was proposed. The ratio of the integrated intensity between the GaN epilayer and the sapphire substrate showed a linear relationship with the GaN epilayer thickness up to 2.12 mum. It is practical and convenient to measure the GaN epilayer thickness using this ratio, and can mostly eliminate the effect of the reabsorption, the extinction and other scattering factors of the GaN epilayers. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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Rapid ascent to high altitude causes illness and fatigue, and there is a demand for effective acute treatments to alleviate such effects. We hypothesized that increased oxygen delivery to the tissue using a combination of a hypertensive agent and an endothelin receptor A antagonist drugs would limit exercise-induced fatigue at simulated high altitude. Our data showed that the combination of 0.1 mg/kg ambrisentan with either 20 mg/kg ephedrine or 10 mg/kg methylphenidate significantly improved exercise duration in rats at simulated altitude of 4,267 m, whereas the individual compounds did not. In normoxic, anesthetized rats, ephedrine alone and in combination with ambrisentan increased heart rate, peripheral blood flow, carotid and pulmonary arterial pressures, breathing rate, and vastus lateralis muscle oxygenation, but under inspired hypoxia, only the combination treatment significantly enhanced muscle oxygenation. Our results suggest that sympathomimetic agents combined with endothelin-A receptor blockers offset altitude-induced fatigue in rats by synergistically increasing the delivery rate of oxygen to hypoxic muscle by concomitantly augmenting perfusion pressure and improving capillary conductance in the skeletal muscle. Our findings might therefore serve as a basis to develop an effective treatment to prevent high-altitude illness and fatigue in humans.


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RÉSUMÉ Suite à une centaine de publications sur la réduction de la PIO post-exercice, il est connu que parmi un grand nombre de programme d'exercices de différentes durées et intensités, les effets hypotenseurs de l'exercice sur la PIO sont atténués chez les sujets en bonne condition physique. Le mécanisme proposé est l'augmentation potentielle de l'efficacité du système parasympathique avec l'activité physique. Le principal objectif de cette thèse est d'identifier les facteurs contribuants à la réduction de la PIO post-exercice et d'élucider les différents mécanismes possibles. L'étude 1, une méta-analyse, a été menée afin de quantifier les contributions relatives de l'intensité et de la durée de l'effet de l'exercice sur la PIO et la mesure dans laquelle ces variables affectent les sujets sédentaires et normalement actifs. La tendance ressortant des résultats est que la diminution de la PIO suite à de l'exercice aérobie est plus élevée chez les sujets sédentaires que les sujets en bonne condition physique. (ES = -4.198 mm Hg et -2.340 mm Hg, respectivement). L'absence d'un contrôle des liquides ingérés avant l'activité physique est à souligné dans cette étude. L'hyperosmolarité (un effet secondaire de la déshydratation) est l'un des mécanismes proposés influant l'effet hypotenseur de l'exercice. L'étude 2 comparait la réduction de la PIO dans deux conditions, soit hypohydraté et hyperhydraté, avant, pendant et après un effort de 90 minutes sur un ergocycle. Après une diminution initiale pour les deux conditions, la PIO revient aux valeurs de départ pour la condition hypohydratée malgré une perte de poids significative et elle augmente pour la condition hyperhydratée (résultat du protocole d'hydratation). Étant donné le niveau élevé de participants en bonne condition physique dans l'étude 2, la troisième étude a été conçue afin de etude la relation entre la PIO et la condition physique. À l'aide d'analyses corrélationnelles il a été possible d'observer la relation entre le test de vo2max et la moyenne des mesures de PIO prises sur un intervalle de huit semaines. Une relation significative n'existait que pour les participants se situant dans la portion supérieure du continuum de la condition physique. Conclusion: Les résultats de la présente étude suggèrent que l'effet hypotenseur de l'exercice sur la PIO est probablement une réponse homéostatique à la dérégulation de l'humeur aqueuse causée par l'initiation de l'exercice et le protocole d'ingestion de fluides pré-exercice.


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As the technologies for the fabrication of high quality microarray advances rapidly, quantification of microarray data becomes a major task. Gridding is the first step in the analysis of microarray images for locating the subarrays and individual spots within each subarray. For accurate gridding of high-density microarray images, in the presence of contamination and background noise, precise calculation of parameters is essential. This paper presents an accurate fully automatic gridding method for locating suarrays and individual spots using the intensity projection profile of the most suitable subimage. The method is capable of processing the image without any user intervention and does not demand any input parameters as many other commercial and academic packages. According to results obtained, the accuracy of our algorithm is between 95-100% for microarray images with coefficient of variation less than two. Experimental results show that the method is capable of gridding microarray images with irregular spots, varying surface intensity distribution and with more than 50% contamination


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An increase in altitude leads to a proportional fall in the barometric pressure, and a decrease in atmospheric oxygen pressure, producing hypobaric hypoxia that affects, in different degrees, all body organs, systems and functions. The chronically reduced partial pressure of oxygen causes that individuals adapt and adjust to physiological stress. These adaptations are modulated by many factors, including the degree of hypoxia related to altitude, time of exposure, exercise intensity and individual conditions. It has been established that exposure to high altitude is an environmental stressor that elicits a response that contributes to many adjustments and adaptations that influence exercise capacity and endurance performance. These adaptations include in crease in hemoglobin concentration, ventilation, capillary density and tissue myoglobin concentration. However, a negative effect in strength and power is related to a decrease in muscle fiber size and body mass due to the decrease in the training intensity. Many researches aim at establishing how training or living at high altitudes affects performance in athletes. Training methods, such as living in high altitudes training low, and training high-living in low altitudes have been used to research the changes in the physical condition in athletes and how the physiological adaptations to hypoxia can enhanceperformance at sea level. This review analyzes the literature related to altitude training focused on how physiological adaptations to hypoxic environments influence performance, and which protocols are most frequently used to train in high altitudes.


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Animal models of acquired epilepsies aim to provide researchers with tools for use in understanding the processes underlying the acquisition, development and establishment of the disorder. Typically, following a systemic or local insult, vulnerable brain regions undergo a process leading to the development, over time, of spontaneous recurrent seizures. Many such models make use of a period of intense seizure activity or status epilepticus, and this may be associated with high mortality and/or global damage to large areas of the brain. These undesirable elements have driven improvements in the design of chronic epilepsy models, for example the lithium-pilocarpine epileptogenesis model. Here, we present an optimised model of chronic epilepsy that reduces mortality to 1% whilst retaining features of high epileptogenicity and development of spontaneous seizures. Using local field potential recordings from hippocampus in vitro as a probe, we show that the model does not result in significant loss of neuronal network function in area CA3 and, instead, subtle alterations in network dynamics appear during a process of epileptogenesis, which eventually leads to a chronic seizure state. The model’s features of very low mortality and high morbidity in the absence of global neuronal damage offer the chance to explore the processes underlying epileptogenesis in detail, in a population of animals not defined by their resistance to seizures, whilst acknowledging and being driven by the 3Rs (Replacement, Refinement and Reduction of animal use in scientific procedures) principles.


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To examine the influence of exercise intensity on the increases in vastus lateralis GLUT4 mRNA and protein after exercise, six untrained men exercised for 60 min at 39 ± 3% peak oxygen consumption (VO2 peak) (Lo) or 27 ± 2 min at 83 ± 2% VO2 peak (Hi) in counterbalanced order. Preexercise muscle glycogen levels were not different between trials (Lo: 408 ± 35 mmol/kg dry mass; Hi: 420 ± 43 mmol/kg dry mass); however, postexercise levels were lower (P < 0.05) in Hi (169 ± 18 mmol/kg dry mass) compared with Lo (262 ± 35 mmol/kg dry mass). Thus calculated muscle glycogen utilization was greater (P < 0.05) in Hi (251 ± 24 mmol/kg) than in Lo (146 ± 34). Exercise resulted in similar increases in GLUT4 gene expression in both trials. GLUT4 mRNA was increased immediately at the end of exercise (~2-fold; P < 0.05) and remained elevated after 3 h of postexercise recovery. When measured 3 h after exercise, total crude membrane GLUT4 protein levels were 106% higher in Lo (3.3 ± 0.7 vs. 1.6 ± 0.3 arbitrary units) and 61% higher in Hi (2.9 ± 0.5 vs. 1.8 ± 0.5 arbitrary units) relative to preexercise levels. A main effect for exercise was observed, with no significant differences between trials. In conclusion, exercise at ~40 and ~80% VO2 peak, with total work equal, increased GLUT4 mRNA and GLUT4 protein in human skeletal muscle to a similar extent, despite differences in exercise intensity and duration.


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It has been proposed that mitochondrial uncoupling protein 3 (UCP3) behaves as an uncoupler of oxidative phosphorylation. In a cross-sectional study, UCP3 protein levels were found to be lower in all fibre types of endurance-trained cyclists as compared to healthy controls. This decrease was greatest in the type I oxidative fibres, and it was hypothesised that this may be due to the preferential recruitment of these fibres during endurance training. To test this hypothesis, we compared the effects of 6 weeks of endurance (ETr) and sprint (STr) running training on UCP3 mRNA expression and fibre-type protein content using real-time PCR and immunofluorescence techniques, respectively. UCP3 mRNA and protein levels were downregulated similarly in ETr and STr (UCP3 mRNA: by 65 and 50 %, respectively; protein: by 30 and 27 %, respectively). ETr significantly reduced UCP3 protein content in type I, IIa and IIx muscle fibres by 54, 29 and 16 %, respectively. STr significantly reduced UCP3 protein content in type I, IIa and IIx muscle fibres by 24, 31 and 26 %, respectively. The fibre-type reductions in UCP3 due to ETr, but not STr, were significantly different from each other, with the effect being greater in type I than in type IIa, and in type IIa than in type IIx fibres. As a result, compared to STr, ETr reduced UCP3 expression significantly more in fibre type I and significantly less in fibre types IIx. This suggests that the more a fibre is recruited, the more it adapts to training by a decrease in its UCP3 expression. In addition, the more a fibre type depends on fatty acid beta oxidation and oxidative phosphorylation, the more it responds to ETr by a decrease in its UCP3 content.


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Purpose: Five days of a high-fat diet produce metabolic adaptations that increase the rate of fat oxidation during prolonged exercise. We investigated whether enhanced rates of fat oxidation during submaximal exercise after 5 d of a high-fat diet would persist in the face of increased carbohydrate (CHO) availability before and during exercise.

Methods: Eight well-trained subjects consumed either a high-CHO (9.3 g·kg-1·d-1 CHO, 1.1 g·kg-1·d-1 fat; HCHO) or an isoenergetic high-fat diet (2.5 g·kg-1·d-1 CHO, 4.3 g·kg-1·d-1 fat; FAT-adapt) for 5 d followed by a high-CHO diet and rest on day 6. On day 7, performance testing (2 h steady-state (SS) cycling at 70% peak O2 uptake [[latin capital V with dot above]O2peak] + time trial [TT]) of 7 kJ·kg-1) was undertaken after a CHO breakfast (CHO 2 g·kg-1) and intake of CHO during cycling (0.8 g·kg-1·h-1).

Results: FAT-adapt reduced respiratory exchange ratio (RER) values before and during cycling at 70% [latin capital V with dot above]O2peak; RER was restored by 1 d CHO and CHO intake during cycling (0.90 ± 0.01, 0.80 ± 0.01, 0.91 ± 0.01, for days 1, 6, and 7, respectively). RER values were higher with HCHO (0.90 ± 0.01, 0.88 ± 0.01 (HCHO > FAT-adapt, P < 0.05), 0.95 ± 0.01 (HCHO > FAT-adapt, P < 0.05)). On day 7, fat oxidation remained elevated (73 ± 4 g vs 45 ± 3 g, P < 0.05), whereas CHO oxidation was reduced (354 ± 11 g vs 419 ± 13 g, P < 0.05) throughout SS in FAT-adapt versus HCHO. TT performance was similar for both trials (25.53 ± 0.67 min vs 25.45 ± 0.96 min, NS).

Conclusion: Adaptations to a short-term high-fat diet persisted in the face of high CHO availability before and during exercise, but failed to confer a performance advantage during a TT lasting ~ 25 min undertaken after 2 h of submaximal cycling.


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We compared in human skeletal muscle the effect of absolute vs. relative exercise intensity on AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) signaling and substrate metabolism under normoxic and hypoxic conditions. Eight untrained males cycled for 30 min under hypoxic conditions (11.5% O2, 111 ± 12 W, 72 ± 3% hypoxia VO2 peak; 72% Hypoxia) or under normoxic conditions (20.9% O2) matched to the same absolute (111 ± 12 W, 51 ± 1% normoxia VO2 peak; 51% Normoxia) or relative (to VO2 peak) intensity (171 ± 18 W, 73 ± 1% normoxia VO2 peak; 73% Normoxia). Increases (P < 0.05) in AMPK activity, AMPK{alpha} Thr172 phosphorylation, ACCbeta Ser221 phosphorylation, free AMP content, and glucose clearance were more influenced by the absolute than by the relative exercise intensity, being greatest in 73% Normoxia with no difference between 51% Normoxia and 72% Hypoxia. In contrast to this, increases in muscle glycogen use, muscle lactate content, and plasma catecholamine concentration were more influenced by the relative than by the absolute exercise intensity, being similar in 72% Hypoxia and 73% Normoxia, with both trials higher than in 51% Normoxia. In conclusion, increases in muscle AMPK signaling, free AMP content, and glucose disposal during exercise are largely determined by the absolute exercise intensity, whereas increases in plasma catecholamine levels, muscle glycogen use, and muscle lactate levels are more closely associated with the relative exercise intensity.


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The maintenance of functional physical fitness across the lifespan depends upon the presence or absence of disease, injury, and the level of habitual physical activity. The prevalence of sedentariness rises with increasing age culminating in 31% of elderly women being classified as leading a sedentary lifestyle. Exercise prescription that involves easily accomplished physical activity may result in the maintenance of mobility into old age through a reduction in the risk of premature death and disablement from cardiovascular disease and a reduction in the risk of falls and injuries from falls. It may be that short bouts of physical activity are more appealing to the sedentary and to those in full time employment than longer bouts, and it may be that short bouts of exercise, performed three times per day, can improve physical fitness. The purpose of this study was therefore to examine the problem: Does exercise session duration, initial cardiovascular fitness, and age group effect changes in functional physical fitness in sedentary women training for strength, flexibility and aerobic fitness? Twenty-three, sedentary women aged between 19 and 54 years who were employed at a major metropolitan hospital undertook six weeks of moderate intensity physical activity in one of two training groups. Participants were randomly allocated to either short duration (3 x 10 minute), or long duration (30 minute), exercise groups. The 3 x 10 minute group (n=13), participated in three, 10 minute sessions per day separated by at least 2 hours, 3 days per week. The 30 minute group (n=10), participated in three 30 minute sessions per week. The total amount of work was similar, with an average of 129 and 148 kcal training day for the 3 x 10 minute and 30 minute groups, respectively. The training program incorporated three walking and stair climbing courses for aerobic conditioning, a series of eleven static stretches for joint flexibility, and isotonic and isometric strength exercises for lower and upper body muscular strength. Measures of functional strength, functional flexibility and cardiovascular fitness were assessed prior to training, and immediately following the six week exercise program. A two way analysis of variance (Group x Time) was used to examine the effect of training and group on the dependent variables. The level of significance, 0.05 was adopted for all statistical tests. Mean hand grip strength showed for both groups no significant change over time for the 3 x 10 minute group (30.7kg to 31.7kg) and 30 minute group (30.2kg to 32.4kg). Leg strength showed a trend for improvement (p=0.098) in both the 3 x 10 minute and 30 minute training groups representing a 15% and 18% improvement, respectively. Combined right and left neck rotation significantly improved in the 3 x 10 minute group (82.8° to 92.0°) and 30 minute group (82.5° to 91.5°). Wrist flexion and extension improved significantly in 3 out of the 4 measurements. Left wrist flexion improved significantly by an average of 7.0% for the 3 x 10 minute and 4.9% for the 30 minute group. Right and left wrist extension improved significantly in the 3 x 10 minute and 30 minute training groups (5.9% and 6.8%, respectively). Hip and spine flexibility improved 3.4cm (35.2cm to 38.6cm) in the 3 x 10 minute group, and 6.6cm (37.4cm to 44.0cm) in the 30 minute group. There was a significant improvement in cardiovascular fitness for both groups representing a 22% improvement in the 3 x 10 minute group (27.2 to 33.2 ml kg min), and a 25% improvement in the 30 minute group (27.5 to 34.4 ml -kg min). No significant difference was shown in the degree of improvement in cardiovascular fitness over six weeks of training for subjects of either low or moderate initial aerobic fitness. Grip strength showed no significant changes over time for either the young-aged (19-35 years) or middle-aged (36-54 years) groups. Leg strength showed a trend for improvement (p=0.093) in the young-aged group (63.5kg to 71.9kg) and middle-aged group (69.3kg to 85.8kg). Neck rotation flexibility improved a similar amount in both the young and middle aged groups representing an improvement of 9.9° and 8.0° respectively. There was significant improvement in two of the four measures of wrist flexibility. Hip and spine flexibility was significantly greater in the young-aged group compared to the middle-aged group (38.5cm and 30.7cm, respectively). There was a significant improvement in hip and spine flexibility over the six week training program representing an increase in reach of 6.5cm for the young age group and 4.9cm for the older group. The middle-aged subjects had significantly lower cardiovascular fitness than their younger peers, scoring 22.8 and 30.7 ml -kg min, respectively. Cardiovascular fitness improved a similar amount in both age groups representing a significant improvement of 23.8% and 28.1% for the younger-aged and middle-aged subjects, respectively. The findings of this study suggest that short bouts of exercise may be equally as effective as longer bouts of exercise for improving the flexibility and cardiovascular components of functional physical fitness in sedentary young and middle aged women. Additionally short bouts of exercise may be more attractive than longer bouts of exercise for the beginning exerciser as they may more easily fit into the busy lifestyle encountered by many people in today's society. Sedentary young and middle-aged women should benefit from static flexibility exercises designed to improve and/or maintain functional flexibility and thus maintain mobility and reduce the incidence of muscular injury. Regular, brisk walking, incorporating some stair climbing, is likely to be beneficial in improving cardiovascular health and perhaps also in improving leg strength, thereby helping to improve and maintain functional physical fitness for both young and middle-aged sedentary women.