961 resultados para harmonic oscillators


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Novel switching sequences have been proposed recently for a neutral-point-clamped three-level inverter, controlled effectively as an equivalent two-level inverter. It is shown that the four novel sequences can be grouped into two pairs of sequences. Using each pair of sequences, a hybrid pulsewidth modulation (PWM) technique is proposed, which deploys the two sequences in appropriate spatial regions to reduce the current ripple. Further, a third hybrid PWM technique is proposed which uses all the five sequences (including the conventional sequence) in appropriate spatial regions. Each proposed hybrid PWM is shown, both analytically and experimentally, to outperform its constituent PWM methods in terms of harmonic distortion. In particular, the third proposed hybrid PWM reduces the total harmonic distortion considerably at low- and high-speed ranges of a constant volts-per-hertz induction motor drive, compared to centered space vector PWM.


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Voltage Source Inverter (VSI) fed induction motors are widely used in variable speed applications. For inverters using fixed switching frequency PWM, the output harmonic spectra are located at a few discrete frequencies. The ac motordrives powered by these inverters cause acoustic noise. This paper proposes a new variable switching frequency pwm technique and compares its performance with constant switching frequency pwm technique. It is shown that the proposed technique leads to spread spectra of voltages and currents. Also this technique ensures that no lower order harmonics are present and the current THD is comparable to that of fixed switching frequency PWM and is even better for higher modulation indices.


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Tetracene is an important conjugated molecule for device applications. We have used the diagrammatic valence bond method to obtain the desired states, in a Hilbert space of about 450 million singlets and 902 million triplets. We have also studied the donor/acceptor (D/A)-substituted tetracenes with D and A groups placed symmetrically about the long axis of the molecule. In these cases, by exploiting a new symmetry, which is a combination of C-2 symmetry and electron-hole symmetry, we are able to obtain their low-lying states. In the case of substituted tetracene, we find that optically allowed one-photon excitation gaps reduce with increasing D/A strength, while the lowest singlet triplet gap is only wealdy affected. In all the systems we have studied, the excited singlet state, S-i, is at more than twice the energy of the lowest triplet state and the second triplet is very close to the S-1 state. Thus, donor-acceptor-substituted tetracene could be a good candidate in photovoltaic device application as it satisfies energy criteria for singlet fission. We have also obtained the model exact second harmonic generation (SHG) coefficients using the correction vector method, and we find that the SHG responses increase with the increase in D/A strength.


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The role of elastic Taylor-Couette flow instabilities in the dynamic nonlinear viscoelastic response of an entangled wormlike micellar fluid is studied by large-amplitude oscillatory shear (LAOS) rheology and in situ polarized light scattering over a wide range of strain and angular frequency values, both above and below the linear crossover point. Well inside the nonlinear regime, higher harmonic decomposition of the resulting stress signal reveals that the normalized third harmonic I-3/I-1 shows a power-law behavior with strain amplitude. In addition, I-3/I-1 and the elastic component of stress amplitude sigma(E)(0) show a very prominent maximum at the strain value where the number density (n(v)) of the Taylor vortices is maximum. A subsequent increase in applied strain (gamma) results in the distortions of the vortices and a concomitant decrease in n(v), accompanied by a sharp drop in I-3 and sigma(E)(0). The peak position of the spatial correlation function of the scattered intensity along the vorticity direction also captures the crossover. Lissajous plots indicate an intracycle strain hardening for the values of gamma corresponding to the peak of I-3, similar to that observed for hard-sphere glasses.


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In this paper, we present a new multiscale method which is capable of coupling atomistic and continuum domains for high frequency wave propagation analysis. The problem of non-physical wave reflection, which occurs due to the change in system description across the interface between two scales, can be satisfactorily overcome by the proposed method. We propose an efficient spectral domain decomposition of the total fine scale displacement along with a potent macroscale equation in the Laplace domain to eliminate the spurious interfacial reflection. We use Laplace transform based spectral finite element method to model the macroscale, which provides the optimum approximations for required dynamic responses of the outer atoms of the simulated microscale region very accurately. This new method shows excellent agreement between the proposed multiscale model and the full molecular dynamics (MD) results. Numerical experiments of wave propagation in a 1D harmonic lattice, a 1D lattice with Lennard-Jones potential, a 2D square Bravais lattice, and a 2D triangular lattice with microcrack demonstrate the accuracy and the robustness of the method. In addition, under certain conditions, this method can simulate complex dynamics of crystalline solids involving different spatial and/or temporal scales with sufficient accuracy and efficiency. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We consider the rates of relaxation of a particle in a harmonic well, subject to Levy noise characterized by its Levy index mu. Using the propagator for this Levy-Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process (LOUP), we show that the eigenvalue spectrum of the associated Fokker-Planck operator has the form (n + m mu)nu where nu is the force constant characterizing the well, and n, m is an element of N. If mu is irrational, the eigenvalues are all nondegenerate, but rational mu can lead to degeneracy. The maximum degeneracy is shown to be 2. The left eigenfunctions of the fractional Fokker-Planck operator are very simple while the right eigenfunctions may be obtained from the lowest eigenfunction by a combination of two different step-up operators. Further, we find that the acceptable eigenfunctions should have the asymptotic behavior vertical bar x vertical bar(-n1-n2 mu) as vertical bar x vertical bar -> infinity, with n(1) and n(2) being positive integers, though this condition alone is not enough to identify them uniquely. We also assert that the rates of relaxation of LOUP are determined by the eigenvalues of the associated fractional Fokker-Planck operator and do not depend on the initial state if the moments of the initial distribution are all finite. If the initial distribution has fat tails, for which the higher moments diverge, one can have nonspectral relaxation, as pointed out by Toenjes et al. Phys. Rev. Lett. 110, 150602 (2013)].


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A new global stochastic search, guided mainly through derivative-free directional information computable from the sample statistical moments of the design variables within a Monte Carlo setup, is proposed. The search is aided by imparting to the directional update term additional layers of random perturbations referred to as `coalescence' and `scrambling'. A selection step, constituting yet another avenue for random perturbation, completes the global search. The direction-driven nature of the search is manifest in the local extremization and coalescence components, which are posed as martingale problems that yield gain-like update terms upon discretization. As anticipated and numerically demonstrated, to a limited extent, against the problem of parameter recovery given the chaotic response histories of a couple of nonlinear oscillators, the proposed method appears to offer a more rational, more accurate and faster alternative to most available evolutionary schemes, prominently the particle swarm optimization. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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High-power voltage-source inverters (VSI) are often switched at low frequencies due to switching loss constraints. Numerous low-switching-frequency PWM techniques have been reported, which are quite successful in reducing the total harmonic distortion under open-loop conditions at such low operating frequencies. However, the line current still contains low-frequency components (though of reduced amplitudes), which are fed back to the current loop controller during closed-loop operation. Since the harmonic frequencies are quite low and are not much higher than the bandwidth of the current loop, these are amplified by the current controller, causing oscillations and instability. Hence, only the fundamental current should be fed back. Filtering out these harmonics from the measured current (before feeding back) leads to phase shift and attenuation of the fundamental component, while not eliminating the harmonics totally. This paper proposes a method for on-line extraction of the fundamental current in induction motor drives, modulated with low-switching-frequency PWM. The proposed method is validated through simulations on MATLAB/Simulink. Further, the proposed algorithm is implemented on Cyclone FPGA based controller board. Experimental results are presented for an R-L load.


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Resonant sensors and crystal oscillators for mass detection need to be excited at very high natural frequencies (MHz). Use of such systems to measure mass of biological materials affects the accuracy of mass measurement due to their viscous and/or viscoelastic properties. The measurement limitation of such sensor system is the difficulty in accounting for the ``missing mass'' of the biological specimen in question. A sensor system has been developed in this work, to be operated in the stiffness controlled region at very low frequencies as compared to its fundamental natural frequency. The resulting reduction in the sensitivity due to non-resonant mode of operation of this sensor is compensated by the high resolution of the sensor. The mass of different aged drosophila melanogaster (fruit fly) is measured. The difference in its mass measurement during resonant mode of operation is also presented. That, viscosity effects do not affect the working of this non-resonant mass sensor is clearly established by direct comparison. (C) 2014 AIP Publishing LLC.


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Inverter dead-time, which is meant to prevent shoot-through fault, causes harmonic distortion and change in the fundamental voltage in the inverter output. Typical dead-time compensation schemes ensure that the amplitude of the fundamental output current is as desired, and also improve the current waveform quality significantly. However, even with compensation, the motor line current waveform is observed to be distorted close to the current zero-crossings. The IGBT switching transition times being significantly longer at low currents than at high currents is an important reason for this zero-crossover distortion. Hence, this paper proposes an improved dead-time compensation scheme, which makes use of the measured IGBT switching transition times at low currents. Measured line current waveforms in a 2.2 kW induction motor drive with the proposed compensation scheme are compared against those with the conventional dead-time compensation scheme and without dead-time compensation. The experimental results on the motor drive clearly demonstrate the improvement in the line current waveform quality with the proposed method.


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This paper demonstrates light-load instability in open-loop induction motor drives on account of inverter dead-time. The dynamic equations of an inverter fed induction motor, incorporating the effect of dead-time, are considered. A procedure to derive the small-signal model of the motor, including the effect of inverter dead-time, is presented. Further, stability analysis is carried out on a 100-kW, 415V, 3-phase induction motor considering no-load. For voltage to frequency (i.e. V/f) ratios between 0.5 and 1 pu, the analysis brings out regions of instability on the V-f plane, in the frequency range between 5Hz and 20Hz. Simulation and experimental results show sub-harmonic oscillations in the motor current in this region, confirming instability as predicted by the analysis.


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A multi phase, delay-locked loop (DLL) based frequency synthesizer is designed for harmonic rejection mixing in reconfigurable radios. This frequency synthesizer uses a 1 GHz input reference frequency, and achieves <= 20ns settling time by utilizing a wide loop bandwidth. The circuit has been designed in 0.13-mu m CMOS technology. It is designed for a frequency range of 500 MHz to 3 GHz with stuck/harmonic lock removal assist. Index Terms-stuck lock, harmonic lock, delay-locked loops, multi phase, phase detector, frequency synthesis


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Optimal switching angles for minimization of total harmonic distortion of line current (I-THD) in a voltage source inverter are determined traditionally by imposing half-wave symmetry (HWS) and quarter-wave symmetry (QWS) conditions on the pulse width modulated waveform. This paper investigates optimal switching angles with QWS relaxed. Relaxing QWS expands the solution space and presents the possibility of improved solutions. The optimal solutions without QWS are shown here to outperform the optimal solutions with QWS over a range of modulation index (M) between 0.82 and 0.94 for a switching frequency to fundamental frequency ratio of 5. Theoretical and experimental results are presented on a 2.3kW induction motor drive.


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Using Generalized Gradient Approximation (GGA) and meta-GGA density functional methods, structures, binding energies and harmonic vibrational frequencies for the clusters O-4(+), O-6(+), O-8(+) and O-10(+) have been calculated. The stable structures of O-4(+), O-6(+), O-8(+) and O-10(+) have point groups D-2h, D-3h, D-4h, and D-5h optimized on the quartet, sextet, octet and dectet potential energy surfaces, respectively. Rectangular (D-2h) O-4(+) has been found to be more stable compared to trans-planar (C-2h) on the quartet potential energy surface. Cyclic structure (D-3h) of CA cluster ion has been calculated to be more stable than other structures. Binding energy (B.E.) of the cyclic O-6(+) is in good agreement with experimental measurement. The zero-point corrected B.E. of O-8(+) with D4h symmetry on the octet potential energy surface and zero-point corrected B.E. of O-10(+) with D-5h symmetry on the dectet potential energy surface are also in good agreement with experimental values. The B.E. value for O-4(+) is close to the experimental value when single point energy is calculated by Brueckner coupled-cluster method, BD(T). (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We compute the instantaneous contributions to the spherical harmonic modes of gravitational waveforms from compact binary systems in general orbits up to the third post-Newtonian (PN) order. We further extend these results for compact binaries in quasielliptical orbits using the 3PN quasi-Keplerian representation of the conserved dynamics of compact binaries in eccentric orbits. Using the multipolar post-Minkowskian formalism, starting from the different mass and current-type multipole moments, we compute the spin-weighted spherical harmonic decomposition of the instantaneous part of the gravitational waveform. These are terms which are functions of the retarded time and do not depend on the history of the binary evolution. Together with the hereditary part, which depends on the binary's dynamical history, these waveforms form the basis for construction of accurate templates for the detection of gravitational wave signals from binaries moving in quasielliptical orbits.