906 resultados para growing up in Waterville


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Transplantation is the treatment of choice for many different organ failures. Despite growing experience in surgery and immunosuppression protocols, the long-term mortality of the procedure remains much higher than in the general population. Second only to cardiovascular diseases as the cause of death in organ transplant recipients, cancer is now known to be at least partly related to the immunosuppression regimen. Nevertheless, if calcineurin inhibitors have a demonstrated pro-oncogenic effect, other classes, such as mTOR inhibitors, are antiproliferative, and even demonstrated as an efficient therapy in some advanced oncological situations. Therefore, the adaptation of the therapy protocol evolves now towards an individualized medicine based on the risk factors of each transplant recipient in terms of cardiovascular, infectious and oncological diseases. As the first organ involved by tumor is the skin, many different guidelines have been published to try and adapt the therapy to the occurrence of a new lesion. If, for example, limited actinic keratosis or the first episode of a non-melanoma skin cancer usually requires no change of the immunosuppressive therapy, but a local specialized care and frequent clinical controls, more advanced lesions imply the adaptation of the drug regimen. In any case, the collaboration between general practitioners, dermatologists and the transplantation team is mandatory.


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Metabolomics as one of the most rapidly growing technologies in the "-omics" field denotes the comprehensive analysis of low molecular-weight compounds and their pathways. Cancer-specific alterations of the metabolome can be detected by high-throughput mass-spectrometric metabolite profiling and serve as a considerable source of new markers for the early differentiation of malignant diseases as well as their distinction from benign states. However, a comprehensive framework for the statistical evaluation of marker panels in a multi-class setting has not yet been established. We collected serum samples of 40 pancreatic carcinoma patients, 40 controls, and 23 pancreatitis patients according to standard protocols and generated amino acid profiles by routine mass-spectrometry. In an intrinsic three-class bioinformatic approach we compared these profiles, evaluated their selectivity and computed multi-marker panels combined with the conventional tumor marker CA 19-9. Additionally, we tested for non-inferiority and superiority to determine the diagnostic surplus value of our multi-metabolite marker panels. Compared to CA 19-9 alone, the combined amino acid-based metabolite panel had a superior selectivity for the discrimination of healthy controls, pancreatitis, and pancreatic carcinoma patients [Formula: see text] We combined highly standardized samples, a three-class study design, a high-throughput mass-spectrometric technique, and a comprehensive bioinformatic framework to identify metabolite panels selective for all three groups in a single approach. Our results suggest that metabolomic profiling necessitates appropriate evaluation strategies and-despite all its current limitations-can deliver marker panels with high selectivity even in multi-class settings.


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This study describes the sociolinguistic situation of the indigenous Hungarian national minorities in Slovakia (c. 600,000), Ukraine (c. 180,000), Romania (c. 2,000,000), Yugoslavia (c. 300,000), Slovenia (c. 8,000) and Austria (c. 6,000). Following the guidelines of Hans Goebl et al, the historical sociolinguistic portrait of each minority is presented from 1920 through to the mid-1990s. Each country's report includes sections on geography and demography, history, politics, economy, culture and religion, language policy and planning, and language use (domains of minority and/or majority language use, proficiency, attitudes, etc.). The team's findings were presented in the form of 374 pages of manuscripts, articles and tables, written in Hungarian and English. The core of the team's research results lies in the results of an empirical survey designed to study the social characteristics of Hungarian-minority bilingualism in the six project countries, and the linguistic similarities and differences between the six contact varieties of Hungarian and Hungarian in Hungary. The respondents were divided by age, education, and settlement group - city vs. village and local majority vs. local minority. The first thing to be observed is that Hungarian is tending to be spoken less to children than to parents and grandparents, a familiar pattern of language shift. In contact varieties of Hungarian, analytic constructions may be used where monolingual Hungarians would use a more synthetic form. Mr Kontra gives as an example the compound tagdij, which in Standard Hungarian means "membership fee" but which is replaced in contact Hungarian by the two-word phrase tagsagi dij. Another similar example concerns the synthetic verb hegedult "played the violin" and the analytic expression hegedun jatszott. The contrast is especially striking between the Hungarians in the northern Slavic countries, who use the synthetic form frequently, and those in the southern Slavic countries, who mainly use the analytic form. Mr. Kontra notes that from a structural point of view, there is no immediate explanation for this, since Slovak or Ukrainian are as likely to cause interference as is Serbian. He postulates instead that the difference may be attributable to some sociohistoric cause, and points out that the Turkish occupation of what is today Voivodina caused a discontinuity of the Hungarian presence in the region, with the result that Hungarians were resettled in the area only two and a half centuries ago. However, the Hungarians in today's Slovakia and Ukraine have lived together with Slavic peoples continuously for over a millennium. It may be, he suggests, that 250 years of interethnic coexistence is less than is needed for such a contact-induced change to run its course. Next Mr. Kontra moved on to what he terms "mental maps and morphology". In Hungarian, the names of cities and villages take the surface case (eg. Budapest-en "in Budapest") whereas some names denoting Hungarian settlements and all names of foreign cities take the interior case (eg. Tihany-ban "in Tihany" and Boston-ban "in Boston). The role of the semantic feature "foreign" in suffix-choice can be illustrated by such minimal pairs as Velence-n "in Velence, a village in Hungary" versus Velence-ben "in Velence [=Venice], a city in Italy", and Pecs-en "in Pecs, a city in Hungary" vs. Becs-ben "in Becs, ie. Vienna". This Hungarian vs. foreign distinction is often interpreted as "belonging to historical (pre-1920) Hungary" vs. "outside historical Hungary". The distinction is also expressed in the dichotomy "home" vs. "abroad'. The 1920 border changes have had an impact on both majority and minority Hungarians' mental maps, the maps which govern the choice of surface vs. interior cases with placenames. As there is a growing divergence between the mental maps of majority and minority Hungarians, so there will be a growing divergence in their use of the placename suffixes. Two placenames were chosen to scratch the surface of this complex problem: Craiova (a city in Oltenia, Romania) and Kosovo (Hungarian Koszovo) an autonomous region in southeast Yugoslavia. The assumption to be tested was that both placenames would be used with the inessive (interior) suffixes categorically by Hungarians in Hungary, but that the superessive suffix (showing "home") would be used near-categorically by Hungarians in Romania and Yugoslavia (Voivodina). Minority Hungarians in countries other than Romania and Yugoslavia would show no difference from majority Hungarians in Hungary. In fact, the data show that, contrary to expectation, there is considerable variation within Hungary. And although Koszovo is used, as expected, with the "home" suffix by 61% of the informants in Yugoslavia, the same suffix is used by an even higher percentage of the subjects in Slovenia. Mr. Kontra's team suggests that one factor playing a role in this might be the continuance of the former Yugoslav mentality in the Hungarians of Slovenia, at least from the geographical point of view. The contact varieties of Hungarian show important grammatical differences from Hungarian in Hungary. One of these concerns the variable use of Null subjects (the inclusion or exclusion of the subject of the verb). When informants were asked to insert either megkertem or megkertem ot - "I asked her" - into a test sentence, 54.9% of the respondents in the Ukraine inserted the second phrase as opposed to only 27.4% in Hungary. Although Mr. Kontra and his team concentrated more on the differences between Contact Hungarian and Standard Hungarian, they also discovered a number of similarities. One such similarity is demonstrable in the distribution of what Mr. Kontra calls an ongoing syntactic merger in Hungarian in Hungary. This change means effectively that two possibilities merge to form a third. For instance, the two sentences Valoszinuleg kulfoldre fognak koltozni and Valoszinu, hogy kulfoldre fognak koltozni merge to form the new construction Valszinuleg, hogy kulfoldre fognak koltozni ("Probably they will move abroad."). When asked to choose "the most natural" of the sentences, one in four chose the new construction, and a chi-square test shows homogeneity in the sample. In other words, this syntactic change is spreading across the entire Hungarian-speaking region in the Carpathian Basin Mr. Kontra believes that politicians, educators, and other interested parties now have reliable and up-to-date information about each Hungarian minority. An awareness of Hungarian as a pluricentric language is being developed which elevates the status of contact varieties of Hungarian used by the minorities, an essential process, he believes, if minority languages are to be maintained.


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The main goal of this project was to propose appropriate methods of analysing the effects of the privatisation of state-owned enterprises, methods which were then tested on a limited sample of 16 Polish and 8 German enterprises privatised in 1992. A considerable amount of information was collected relating to the six-year period 1989-1994 relating to most aspects of the companies' activities. The effects of privatisation were taken to be those changes within the enterprises which were the result of privatisation, in such areas as production, the productivity of labour and fixed assets, investments and innovations, employment and wages, economic incentives (especially for top managers), financing (internal and external sources), bad debts and economic effects (financial analysis). A second important goal was to identify the main factors which represent methodological obstacles in surveys of the effects of privatisation during a period of fundamental transformation of the entire economic system. The list of enterprises for the research was compiled in such a way as to allow for the differentiation of ownership structures of privatised firms and to permit (at least to a certain extent) the empirical verification of some hypotheses regarding the privatisation process. The enterprises selected were divided into the following three groups representing (as far as possible) various types of ownership structures or types of control: (1) enterprises control by strategic investors (domestic or foreign), (2) enterprises controlled by employees (employee-owned companies), (3) enterprises controlled by managers. Formal methods such as econometric models with varying parameters were used to separate pure privatisation effects from other factors which influence various aspects of an enterprise's working, including policies on the productivity of labour and capital, average wages, the remuneration of top managers, etc. While the group admits that their findings and conclusions cannot be treated as representative of all privatised enterprises in Poland and Germany, they found considerable convergence with their findings and those of other surveys conducted on a wider scale. The main hypotheses that were confirmed included that privatisation (especially in companies controlled by large investors and managers) leads to a significant increase in the effectiveness of these production process, growing pay differentials between different employee groups (e.g. between executives and rank-and-file employees) and between different jobs and positions within particular professional groups. They also confirmed the growing importance in incentives to top executives of incentives linked with the company's economic effects (particularly profit-related incentives), long-term incentives and the capital market.


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The present report describes the clinical signs, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) findings, surgical procedure, pathological findings and follow-up in four cats with multiple meningiomas; three castrated male and one spayed female domestic shorthair indoor cats, ranging in age from 11 to 14 years. In three of four cats, clinical signs at presentation were suggestive of a focal lesion. Three cats had two meningiomas and one had four meningiomas. Most of the tumours were supratentorial, one arose from the tentorium and one was infratentorial. The duration of presenting signs before surgery ranged from 10 days to 11 months. Postoperative MRI revealed complete gross tumour removal in three cases. In one cat with two cranial fossa meningiomas, subtotal excision with a small basal remnant (2 x 2 mm) of the ventral part of one meningioma lying on the floor of the skull, was observed. Based on histopathological architecture, six tumours revealed features of a transitional subtype meningioma, and four of a meningotheliomatous meningioma. In each cat, the multiple meningiomas were all assigned to the same histopathological group. The preoperative presenting signs had resolved by the follow-up examinations 4 weeks after surgery in two cats. Long-term follow-up evaluation revealed that surgically-induced or exacerbated neurological deficits in two cats had completely or almost completely resolved within 8 weeks of surgery. All patients are still alive 12 to 21 months after surgery and no clinical signs of recurrence could be detected at that time.


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BACKGROUND: Highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) is being scaled up in developing countries. We compared baseline characteristics and outcomes during the first year of HAART between HIV-1-infected patients in low-income and high-income settings. METHODS: 18 HAART programmes in Africa, Asia, and South America (low-income settings) and 12 HIV cohort studies from Europe and North America (high-income settings) provided data for 4810 and 22,217, respectively, treatment-naive adult patients starting HAART. All patients from high-income settings and 2725 (57%) patients from low-income settings were actively followed-up and included in survival analyses. FINDINGS: Compared with high-income countries, patients starting HAART in low-income settings had lower CD4 cell counts (median 108 cells per muL vs 234 cells per muL), were more likely to be female (51%vs 25%), and more likely to start treatment with a non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor (NNRTI) (70%vs 23%). At 6 months, the median number of CD4 cells gained (106 cells per muL vs 103 cells per muL) and the percentage of patients reaching HIV-1 RNA levels lower than 500 copies/mL (76%vs 77%) were similar. Mortality was higher in low-income settings (124 deaths during 2236 person-years of follow-up) than in high-income settings (414 deaths during 20,532 person-years). The adjusted hazard ratio (HR) of mortality comparing low-income with high-income settings fell from 4.3 (95% CI 1.6-11.8) during the first month to 1.5 (0.7-3.0) during months 7-12. The provision of treatment free of charge in low-income settings was associated with lower mortality (adjusted HR 0.23; 95% CI 0.08-0.61). INTERPRETATION: Patients starting HAART in resource-poor settings have increased mortality rates in the first months on therapy, compared with those in developed countries. Timely diagnosis and assessment of treatment eligibility, coupled with free provision of HAART, might reduce this excess mortality.


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BACKGROUND: Highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) for the treatment of HIV infection was introduced a decade ago. We aimed to examine trends in the characteristics of patients starting HAART in Europe and North America, and their treatment response and short-term prognosis. METHODS: We analysed data from 22,217 treatment-naive HIV-1-infected adults who had started HAART and were followed up in one of 12 cohort studies. The probability of reaching 500 or less HIV-1 RNA copies per mL by 6 months, and the change in CD4 cell counts, were analysed for patients starting HAART in 1995-96, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, and 2002-03. The primary endpoints were the hazard ratios for AIDS and for death from all causes in the first year of HAART, which were estimated using Cox regression. RESULTS: The proportion of heterosexually infected patients increased from 20% in 1995-96 to 47% in 2002-03, and the proportion of women from 16% to 32%. The median CD4 cell count when starting HAART increased from 170 cells per muL in 1995-96 to 269 cells per muL in 1998 but then decreased to around 200 cells per muL. In 1995-96, 58% achieved HIV-1 RNA of 500 copies per mL or less by 6 months compared with 83% in 2002-03. Compared with 1998, adjusted hazard ratios for AIDS were 1.07 (95% CI 0.84-1.36) in 1995-96 and 1.35 (1.06-1.71) in 2002-03. Corresponding figures for death were 0.87 (0.56-1.36) and 0.96 (0.61-1.51). INTERPRETATION: Virological response after starting HAART improved over calendar years, but such improvement has not translated into a decrease in mortality.


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BACKGROUND: This paper describes the study protocol, the recruitment, and base-line data for evaluating the success of randomisation of the PRO-AGE (PRevention in Older people-Assessment in GEneralists' practices) project. METHODS/DESIGN: A group of general practitioners (GPs) in London (U.K.), Hamburg (Germany) and Solothurn (Switzerland) were trained in risk identification, health promotion, and prevention in older people. Their non-disabled older patients were invited to participate in a randomised controlled study. Participants allocated to the intervention group were offered the Health Risk Appraisal for Older Persons (HRA-O) instrument with a site-specific method for reinforcement (London: physician reminders in electronic medical record; Hamburg: one group session or two preventive home visits; Solothurn: six-monthly preventive home visits over a two-year period). Participants allocated to the control group received usual care. At each site, an additional group of GPs did not receive the training, and their eligible patients were invited to participate in a concurrent comparison group. Primary outcomes are self-reported health behaviour and preventative care use at one-year follow-up. In Solothurn, an additional follow-up was conducted at two years. The number of older persons agreeing to participate (% of eligible persons) in the randomised controlled study was 2503 (66.0%) in London, 2580 (53.6%) in Hamburg, and 2284 (67.5%) in Solothurn. Base-line findings confirm that randomisation of participants was successful, with comparable characteristics between intervention and control groups. The number of persons (% of eligible) enrolled in the concurrent comparison group was 636 (48.8%) in London, 746 (35.7%) in Hamburg, and 1171 (63.0%) in Solothurn. DISCUSSION: PRO-AGE is the first large-scale randomised controlled trial of health risk appraisal for older people in Europe. Its results will inform about the effects of implementing HRA-O with different methods of reinforcement.


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BACKGROUND: Recurrent acute respiratory tract infections (ARTI) are a common problem in childhood. Some evidence suggests a benefit regarding the prevention of ARTI in children treated with the immunomodulator OM-85 BV (Bronchovaxom). METHODS: We summarised the evidence on the effectiveness of the immunomodulator OM-85 BV in the prevention of ARTI in children. We searched randomised comparisons of oral purified bacterial extracts against inactive controls in children with respiratory tract diseases in nine electronic databases and reference lists of included studies. We extracted salient features of each study, calculated relative risks (RR) or weighted mean differences (WMD) and performed meta-analyses using random-effects models. RESULTS: Thirteen studies (2,721 patients) of low to moderate quality tested OM-85 BV. Patients and outcomes differed substantially, which impeded pooling results of more than two trials. Two studies (240 patients) reporting on the number of patients with less than three infections over 6 month of follow-up in children not in day care showed a trend for benefit RR 0.82 (95% CI, 0.65-1.02). One out of two studies examining the number of children not in day care without infections over 4-6 month reported a significant RR of 0.42 (95% CI, 0.21-0.82) whereas the smaller, second study did not [RR 0.92 (95% CI, 0.58-1.46)]. Two studies reporting the number of antibiotic courses indicated a benefit for the intervention arm [WMD 2.0 (95% CI, 1.7-2.3)]. Two out of the three studies showed a reduction of length of episodes of 4-6 days whereas a third study showed no difference between the two groups. CONCLUSION: Evidence in favour of OM-85 BV in the prevention of ARTI in children is weak. There is a trend for fewer and shorter infections and a reduction of antibiotic use.


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BACKGROUND: Little information on the management and long-term follow-up of patients with biallelic mutations in the chloride channel gene CLCNKB is available. METHODS: Long-term follow-up was evaluated from 5.0 to 24 years (median, 14 years) after diagnosis in 13 patients with homozygous (n = 10) or compound heterozygous (n = 3) mutations. RESULTS: Medical treatment at last follow-up control included supplementation with potassium in 12 patients and sodium in 2 patients and medical treatment with indomethacin in 9 patients. At the end of follow-up, body height was 2.0 standard deviation score or less in 6 patients; 2 of these patients had growth hormone deficiency. Body weight (in 6 patients) significantly increased (P < 0.05) at the end of follow-up in comparison to values at diagnosis. Nonpostural persistent proteinuria was present in 6 patients, and 4 patients had a glomerular filtration rate less than 75 mL/min/1.73 m(2) (<1.25 mL/s). CONCLUSION: These data show that some patients with biallelic mutations in the chloride channel gene CLCNKB tend to present with pathological proteinuria and impaired kidney function after a median follow-up of 14 years, and growth retardation is common and sometimes related to growth hormone deficiency in these patients.


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BACKGROUND: Due to the high risk of RPE tears PDT is usually not performed in eyes with serous RPE detachments (sRPED). For this reason this subform of exudative AMD was so far untreatable. PATIENTS AND METHODS: We report on a prospective uncontrolled observational case series. 20 eyes of 20 patients with subfoveal sRPED demonstrated by OCT were treated between June 2005 and April 2006 with intravitreal triamcinolone acetonide (IVTA). In 15 cases there was a primary sRPED, in 5 cases it had developed after one or more sessions of photodynamic therapy with Visudyne. RESULTS: There was a trend for better average visual acuity in the group with primary sRPED from 0.73 logMAR (0.19 Snellen equivalent) at baseline (n = 15) to 0.68 logMAR (0.21 Snellen) after one month (n = 15) (p = 0.19) and to 0.60 logMAR (0.25 Snellen) after three months (n = 14) (p = 0.41). The maximal height of sRPED decreased to an average of 35.3 % after one month (n = 15) and increased again to 56.9 % after 3 months (n = 14). One patient was lost to follow-up. In the group of eyes with sRPED after PDT, one eye developed an RPE tear with severe vision loss two weeks after IVTA. In the remaining four eyes average visual acuity improved from 0.90 logMAR (0.13 Snellen) at baseline to 0.73 logMAR (0.19 Snellen) after one month and to 0.80 logMAR (0.16 Snellen) after 3 months. Complete resolution of sRPED was observed in 8/20 eyes (4/5 eyes with sRPED after PDT and 4/15 eyes with primary sRPED). CONCLUSIONS: IVTA seems to be a therapeutic option in otherwise untreatable eyes with sRPED.


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BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Data suggest that atorvastatin may be nephroprotective. This subanalysis of the Treating to New Targets study investigated how intensive lipid lowering with 80 mg of atorvastatin affects renal function when compared with 10 mg in patients with coronary heart disease. DESIGN, SETTING, PARTICIPANTS, ; MEASUREMENTS: A total of 10,001 patients with coronary heart disease and LDL cholesterol levels of <130 mg/dl were randomly assigned to double-blind therapy with 10 or 80 mg/d atorvastatin. Estimated GFR using the Modification of Diet in Renal Disease equation was compared at baseline and at the end of follow-up in 9656 participants with complete renal data. RESULTS: Mean estimated GFR at baseline was 65.6 +/- 11.4 ml/min per 1.73 m2 in the 10-mg group and 65.0 +/- 11.2 ml/min per 1.73 m2 in the 80-mg group. At the end of follow-up (median time to final creatinine measurement 59.5 months), mean change in estimated GFR showed an increase of 3.5 +/- 0.14 ml/min per 1.73 m2 with 10 mg and 5.2 +/- 0.14 ml/min per 1.73 m2 with 80 mg (P < 0.0001 for treatment difference). In the 80-mg arm, estimated GFR improved to > or = 60 ml/min per 1.73 m2 in significantly more patients and declined to < 60 ml/min per 1.73 m2 in significantly fewer patients than in the 10-mg arm. CONCLUSIONS: The expected 5-yr decline in renal function was not observed. Estimated GFR improved in both treatment groups but was significantly greater with 80 mg than with 10 mg, suggesting this benefit may be dosage related.


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PURPOSE: To report the authors' initial experience with carotid artery stent-grafts in a comparatively large patient series for the treatment of acute bleeding and impending rupture or the prevention of distal embolization. MATERIALS AND METHODS: This retrospective study was approved by the institutional review boards and performed according to HIPPA standards. Twenty-five patients were treated with 27 carotid artery stent-grafts (Gore Viabahn, n = 10; Bard Fluency, n = 9; polytetrafluoroethylene-covered Palmaz, n = 5; and Wallgraft, n = 3). Thirteen stent-grafts were placed in patients with carotid blow-out syndrome (including three patients with carotid-airway fistula), 12 in patients with either pseudoaneurysm (n = 9) or true aneurysm (n = 3), and two in patients with intractable high-grade bare stent restenosis. RESULTS: The technical success rate was 100% (27 of 27 cases). No acute procedural transient ischemic attacks or strokes occurred. Procedural dissections occurred in two of the 27 cases (7.4%). Short-term complications occurred in three of the 27 cases (11%) (repeat hemorrhage, n = 2; common carotid artery occlusion, n = 1). The overall patient mortality rate was 36% (nine of 25 patients, all with carotid blow-out syndrome). Six-month follow-up in 15 of the 16 living patients demonstrated widely patent stent-grafts. Two patients with pseudoaneurysm also demonstrated patent stents at 18- and 33-month follow-up. CONCLUSIONS: Stent-grafts may be useful in the treatment of carotid artery bleeding syndrome, aneurysm, and stenosis, with a high procedural success rate in selected cases. The results of mid-term follow-up are encouraging, but results of long-term follow-up must be evaluated in future studies.


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Interactions between follicular epithelial cells and extracellular matrix (ECM) are supposed to play an important role in the development and maintenance of thyroid tissue architecture. In the present study we have therefore investigated the synthesis of ECM components by a feline thyroid cell line which is able to form follicle-like structures in vitro, and also in v-ras-transfected and control-transfected sublines. Transfections were performed by lipofection with pZSR (viral Harvey ras gene; neo) and pSV2-neo (control, neo only) plasmids. We have adapted a semisolid culture system composed exclusively of polymerized alginate and therefore devoid of ECM components. Feline cells embedded in alginate gels as single cells and cultured for up to 90 days formed cell clusters within 10 days. Follicle-like structures were formed in the original cell lines and also in the v-ras- and control-transfected cells. Differences in proliferation rates were observed, the v-ras-transfected cells growing up to two to three times faster than the non-transfected cells. Immunostaining was done using rabbit first antibodies directed against mouse collagen IV, human fibronectin, laminin (tumor Engelbreth-Holm-Swarm laminin), perlecan and other ECM components. For comparison, immunostaining was also performed on cryosections of nodular goiters of six hyperthyroid cats. The cell lines and their transfected clones stained strongly positive for collagen IV and fibronectin, and positively but less strongly for laminin and perlecan. The cat goiter tissue stained positively for collagen IV, laminin, perlecan, and fibronectin, and positive staining for S-laminin (containing the beta2-chain) was seen in blood vessel walls in this tissue. In conclusion, cat cell lines grow three-dimensionally in alginate beads over several weeks, they form follicle-like structures and express the same ECM components as the native cat goiter tissue. Transfection with v-ras does increase proliferation rate, but does not fundamentally alter formation of follicle-like structures and ECM expression. Alginate gel culture is a promising new tool for the study of follicular morphogenesis, polarity, the expression pattern of ECM components and of the interaction between thyrocytes and ECM. It avoids interference caused by gels composed of ECM components.