955 resultados para group size


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Polymethacrylate monoliths, specifically poly(glycidyl methacrylate-co-ethylene dimethacrylate) or poly(GMA-co-EDMA) monoliths, are a new generation of chromatographic supports and are significantly different from conventional particle-based adsorbents, membranes, and other monolithic supports for biomolecule purification. Similar to other monoliths, polymethacrylate monoliths possess large pores which allow convective flow of mobile phase and result in high flow rates at reduced pressure drop, unlike particulate supports. The simplicity of the adsorbent synthesis, pH resistance, and the ease and flexibility of tailoring their pore size to that of the target biomolecule are the key properties which differentiate polymethacrylate monoliths from other monoliths. Polymethacrylate monoliths are endowed with reactive epoxy groups for easy functionalization (with anion-exchange, hydrophobic, and affinity ligands) and high ligand retention. In this review, the structure and performance of polymethacrylate monoliths for chromatographic purification of biomolecules are evaluated and compared to those of other supports. The development and use of polymethacrylate monoliths for research applications have grown rapidly in recent times and have enabled the achievement of high through-put biomolecule purification on semi-preparative and preparative scales.


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Increasing numbers of preclinical and clinical studies are utilizing pDNA (plasmid DNA) as the vector. In addition, there has been a growing trend towards larger and larger doses of pDNA utilized in human trials. The growing demand on pDNA manufacture leads to pressure to make more in less time. A key intervention has been the use of monoliths as stationary phases in liquid chromatography. Monolithic stationary phases offer fast separation to pDNA owing to their large pore size, making pDNA in the size range from 100 nm to over 300 nm easily accessible. However, the convective transport mechanism of monoliths does not guarantee plasmid purity. The recovery of pure pDNA hinges on a proper balance in the properties of the adsorbent phase, the mobile phase and the feedstock. The effects of pH and ionic strength of binding buffer, temperature of feedstock, active group density and the pore size of the stationary phase were considered as avenues to improve the recovery and purity of pDNA using a methacrylate-based monolithic adsorbent and Escherichia coli DH5α-pUC19 clarified lysate as feedstock. pDNA recovery was found to be critically dependent on the pH and ionic strength of the mobile phase. Up to a maximum of approx. 92% recovery was obtained under optimum conditions of pH and ionic strength. Increasing the feedstock temperature to 80°C increased the purity of pDNA owing to the extra thermal stability associated with pDNA over contaminants such as proteins. Results from toxicological studies of the plasmid samples using endotoxin standard (E. coli 0.55:B5 lipopolysaccharide) show that endotoxin level decreases with increasing salt concentration. It was obvious that large quantities of pure pDNA can be obtained with minimal extra effort simply by optimizing process parameters and conditions for pDNA purification.


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Materials, methods and systems are provided for the purifn., filtration and​/or sepn. of certain mols. such as certain size biomols. Certain embodiments relate to supports contg. at least one polymethacrylate polymer engineered to have certain pore diams. and other properties, and which can be functionally adapted to for certain purifications, filtrations and​/or sepns. Biomols. are selected from a group consisting of: polynucleotide mols., oligonucleotide mols. including antisense oligonucleotide mols. such as antisense RNA and other oligonucleotide mols. that are inhibitory of gene function such as small interfering RNA (siRNA)​, polypeptides including proteinaceous infective agents such as prions, for example, the infectious agent for CJD, and infectious agents such as viruses and phage.


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In the current regulatory climate, there is increasing expectation that law schools will be able to demonstrate students’ acquisition of learning outcomes regarding collaboration skills. We argue that this is best achieved through a stepped and structured whole-of-curriculum approach to small group learning. ‘Group work’ provides deep learning and opportunities to develop professional skills, but these benefits are not always realised for law students. An issue is that what is meant by ‘group work’ is not always clear, resulting in a learning regime that may not support the attainment of desired outcomes. This paper describes different types of ‘group work', each associated with distinct learning outcomes. It suggests that ‘group work’ as an umbrella term to describe these types is confusing, as it provides little indication to students and teachers of the type of learning that is valued and is expected to take place. ‘Small group learning’ is a preferable general descriptor. Identifying different types of small group learning allows law schools to develop and demonstrate a scaffolded, sequential and incremental approach to fostering law students’ collaboration skills. To support learning and the acquisition of higherorder skills, different types of small group learning are more appropriate at certain stages of the program. This structured approach is consistent with social cognitive theory, which suggests that with the guidance of a supportive teacher, students can develop skills and confidence in one type of activity which then enhances motivation to participate in another.


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This article contributes to current debates about the appropriate role of group work in legal curricula by providing insights into the attitudes of Bachelor of Laws (‘LLB’) and Juris Doctor (‘JD’) students towards such tasks. It begins by reviewing arguments for incorporating group work in legal education, both as a result of the recognition of its educational benefits, and as a response to increasing regulatory expectations regarding student collaboration skills. The article then reports the findings of a UNSW Law School Student Assessment Survey designed to determine how law students perceive group work and its assessment in law. One of the most striking findings is that many of the law students surveyed recognise and appreciate the learning and skills development benefits of group tasks, but are resistant to summative assessment of group work. Moreover, there are marked differences in attitude between LLB and JD students, and across year cohorts within those degrees. These findings suggest that further thought needs to be directed towards the specific purposes underpinning the choice of group work as a pedagogical tool, and assessment that is congruent with those purposes, taking into account the varying needs and experiences of different cohorts of students. The article concludes by considering whether meaningful group work can exist without summative assessment.


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Focus groups are a popular qualitative research method for information systems researchers. However, compared with the abundance of research articles and handbooks on planning and conducting focus groups, surprisingly, there is little research on how to analyse focus group data. Moreover, those few articles that specifically address focus group analysis are all in fields other than information systems, and offer little specific guidance for information systems researchers. Further, even the studies that exist in other fields do not provide a systematic and integrated procedure to analyse both focus group ‘content’ and ‘interaction’ data. As the focus group is a valuable method to answer the research questions of many IS studies (in the business, government and society contexts), we believe that more attention should be paid to this method in the IS research. This paper offers a systematic and integrated procedure for qualitative focus group data analysis in information systems research.


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Long-term measurements of particle number size distribution (PNSD) produce a very large number of observations and their analysis requires an efficient approach in order to produce results in the least possible time and with maximum accuracy. Clustering techniques are a family of sophisticated methods which have been recently employed to analyse PNSD data, however, very little information is available comparing the performance of different clustering techniques on PNSD data. This study aims to apply several clustering techniques (i.e. K-means, PAM, CLARA and SOM) to PNSD data, in order to identify and apply the optimum technique to PNSD data measured at 25 sites across Brisbane, Australia. A new method, based on the Generalised Additive Model (GAM) with a basis of penalised B-splines, was proposed to parameterise the PNSD data and the temporal weight of each cluster was also estimated using the GAM. In addition, each cluster was associated with its possible source based on the results of this parameterisation, together with the characteristics of each cluster. The performances of four clustering techniques were compared using the Dunn index and Silhouette width validation values and the K-means technique was found to have the highest performance, with five clusters being the optimum. Therefore, five clusters were found within the data using the K-means technique. The diurnal occurrence of each cluster was used together with other air quality parameters, temporal trends and the physical properties of each cluster, in order to attribute each cluster to its source and origin. The five clusters were attributed to three major sources and origins, including regional background particles, photochemically induced nucleated particles and vehicle generated particles. Overall, clustering was found to be an effective technique for attributing each particle size spectra to its source and the GAM was suitable to parameterise the PNSD data. These two techniques can help researchers immensely in analysing PNSD data for characterisation and source apportionment purposes.


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Group membership is central to social interaction. Within peer groups, social hierarchies and affiliations are matters to which members seriously attend (Corsaro, 2014). Studies of peer groups highlight how status is achieved through oppositional actions. This paper examines the way in which competition and collaboration in a children’s peer group accomplishes status during the production and management of “second stories” (Sacks 1992). We present analysis of the interaction of young boys in a preparatory year playground who are engaged in a single instance of storytelling “rounds”. Analysis highlights the pivotal role of members’ contributions, assessments and receipts in a series of second stories that enact a simultaneously competitive and collaborative local order.


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Group interaction within crowds is a common phenomenon and has great influence on pedestrian behaviour. This paper investigates the impact of passenger group dynamics using an agent-based simulation method for the outbound passenger process at airports. Unlike most passenger-flow models that treat passengers as individual agents, the proposed model additionally incorporates their group dynamics as well. The simulation compares passenger behaviour at airport processes and discretionary services under different group formations. Results from experiments (both qualitative and quantitative) show that incorporating group attributes, in particular, the interactions with fellow travellers and wavers can have significant influence on passengers activity preference as well as the performance and utilisation of services in airport terminals. The model also provides a convenient way to investigate the effectiveness of airport space design and service allocations, which can contribute to positive passenger experiences. The model was created using AnyLogic software and its parameters were initialised using recent research data published in the literature.


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This paper critically evaluates the empirical evidence of 36 studies regarding the comparative cost-effectiveness of group and individual cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT) as a whole, and also for specific mental disorders (e.g. depression, anxiety, substance abuse) or populations (e.g. children). Methods of calculating costs, as well as methods of comparing treatment outcomes were appraised and criticized. Overall, the evidence that group CBT is more cost-effective than individual CBT is mixed, with group CBT appearing to be more cost effective in treating depression and children, but less cost effective in treating drugs and alcohol dependence, anxiety and social phobias. In addition, methodological weaknesses in the studies assessed are noted. There is a need to improve cost calculation methodology, as well as more solid and a greater number of empirical cost-effectiveness studies before a firm conclusion can be reached that group CBT is more cost effective then individual CBT.


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This report documents the findings of in-depth focus groups conducted with 17 young drivers. The main aim of these focus groups was to explore key themes related to the risky behaviour of young drivers (17-25 years) in Oman. Specifically the interviews explored the influence of parents and peers, who may serve as a source of imitation, reward and punishment. Additionally, the interviews explored the influence of policing and licensing on young driver behaviour.