966 resultados para greater trochanteric pain syndrome


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Background, Cardiac complications occur commonly in vascular surgery patients. Diagnosis of cardiac complications is difficult because of the inaccuracies associated with traditional cardiac enzyme measurements. CTi, a highly sensitive and specific marker of myocardial injury, may be able to detect cardiac complications with greater ease and accuracy. Methods. The study prospectively examined 100 consecutive patients who underwent major vascular surgery between 6/7/98 and 31/12/98 at the Royal Brisbane Hospital. Daily measurements of cTi, creatine kinase (CK), creatine kinase MB (CKMB), CKMB index, renal function and haemoglobin were taken for three postoperative days. One postoperative electrocardiograph (ECC) was taken. An extensive cardiac history was taken. Intraoperative and postoperative events were recorded. Findings. There were 100 patients, 18 patients (18%) had a cTi elevation. On the basis of classical diagnostic criteria, 15 patients (15%) suffered one or more cardiac complication (either myocardial infarction, congestive cardiac failure, unstable angina or atrial fibrillation), One patient (1%) who had a cTi elevation died. CTI elevation occurred in five patients (5%) who were not diagnosed with cardiac complications based on traditional criteria. Despite not meeting specific diagnostic criteria for cardiac complications, all patients showed signs and symptoms that could be attributed to myocardial ischaemia, Every patient who developed congestive cardiac failure or atrial fibrillation had a cTi elevation. A Chi-square analysis revealed a significant association between cTi elevation and postoperative cardiac complications. Four variables contributed small but significant amounts of unique variance to the prediction of peak cTi on linear regression analysis. These were peak CKMB index, postoperative congestive cardiac failure, postoperative chest pain and postoperative cardiac complications. Conclusions. Routine cTi monitoring of postoperative vascular patients would be an effective and inexpensive way to detect patients with cardiac complications. The relationship between postoperative cTi elevation and significant coronary artery disease remains to be shown, (C) 2001 The international Society for Cardiovascular Surgery. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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We report on a patient with a severe premature calvarial synostosis and epidermal hyperplasia. The phenotype was consistent with that of a mild presentation of Beare-Stevenson syndrome but molecular analysis of the IgIII-transmembrane linker region and the transmembrane domain of the gene encoding the FGFR2 receptor, revealed wild-type sequence only. Subsequently, molecular analysis of the FGFR3 receptor gene identified a heterozygous P250R missense mutation in both the proposita and her mildly affected father. This communication extends the clinical spectrum of the FGFR3 P250R mutation to encompass epidermal hyperplasia and documents the phenomenon of activated FGFR receptors stimulating common downstream developmental pathways, resulting in overlapping clinical outcomes. (C) 2001 Wiley-Liss, Inc.


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Objective: To describe the associations between hand osteoarthritis (OA), pain and disability in males and females and to further validate the Australian/Canadian CA hand index (AUSCAN LK3.0). Design: Cross-sectional study of 522 subjects from 101 Tasmanian families (males N=174, females N=348). Hand OA was assessed by two observers using the Altman atlas for joint space narrowing and osteophytes at distal interphalangeal and first carpometacarpal joints as well as a score for Heberden's nodes based on hand photography. Hand pain and function were assessed by the AUSCAN LK3.0 and grip strength by dynamometry in both hands on two occasions. Results: The prevalence of hand CA was high in this sample at 44-71% (depending on site). Pain and dysfunction increased with age while grip strength decreased (all P <0.001). All three measures were markedly worse in women, even after taking the severity of arthritis into account. Hand CA explained 5.7-10% of the variation in function, grip strength and pain scores, even after adjustment for age and sex. Further adjustment suggested that the osteoarthritic associations with function and grip strength were largely mediated by pain. Severity of disease was more strongly associated with these scores than presence or absence. Lastly, the AUSCAN LK3.0 showed a comparable association to grip strength with structural damage providing further evidence of index validity. Conclusions: Hand CA at these two sites makes substantial contributions to hand function, strength and pain. The associations with function and strength measures appear mediated by pain. Gender differences in all three measures persist after adjustment for variation in age and CA severity indicating that factors apart from radiographic disease are responsible. (C) 2001 OsteoArthritis Research Society International.


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Background: Codeine is frequently added to paracetamol to treat post-operative dento-alveolar pain; studies have shown effectiveness in relief of post-operative pain at high doses but at the expense of central nervous and gastrointestinal side effects. There has been no trial to compare the efficacy and safety of paracetamol 1000mg with paracetamol 1000mg combined with codeine 30mg. Method. A randomized, single centre, double-blind prospective parallel group trial was performed to compare paracetamol 1000mg with paracetamol 1000mg with codeine 30mg for the relief of pain following surgical removal of impacted third molars, and analysed on an intention-to-treat (ITT) basis. Eighty-two patients were assigned randomly to receive either drug for a maximum of three doses. Patients recorded their pain intensity one hour after surgery and hourly thereafter for 12 hours. Results: The average increase in pain intensity over 12 hours was significantly less in patients receiving paracetamol plus codeine than in those receiving paracetamol alone (p=0.03) -1.81cm/h compared with 0.45cm/h - a difference of 1.13cm/h (95 per cent Cl: 0.18 to 2.08). Of the patients who received the paracetamol codeine combination, 62 per cent used escape medication compared with 75 per cent of those on paracetamol alone (p=0.20). There was no significant difference between the two groups in the proportion of patients experiencing adverse events (P=0.5). Conclusion: A combination of 1000mg paracetamol and 30mg codeine was significantly more effective in controlling pain for 12 hours following third molar removal, with no significant difference of side effects during the 12 hour period studied.


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The efficacy of psychological treatments emphasising a self-management approach to chronic pain has been demonstrated by substantial empirical research. Nevertheless, high drop-out and relapse rates and low or unsuccessful engagement in self-management pain rehabilitation programs have prompted the suggestion that people vary in their readiness to adopt a self-management approach to their pain. The Pain Stages of Change Questionnaire (PSOCQ) was developed to assess a patient's readiness to adopt a self-management approach to their chronic pain. Preliminary evidence has supported the PSOCQ's psychometric properties. The current study was designed to further examine the psychometric properties of the PSOCQ, including its reliability, factorial structure and predictive validity. A total of 107 patients with an average age of 36.2 years (SD = 10.63) attending a multi-disciplinary pain management program completed the PSOCQ, the Pain Self-Efficacy Questionnaire (PSEQ) and the West Haven-Yale Multidimensional Pain Inventory (WHYMPI) pre-admission and at discharge from the program. Initial data analysis found inadequate internal consistencies of the precontemplation and action scales of the PSOCQ and a high correlation (r = 0.66, P < 0.01) between the action and maintenance scales. Principal component analysis supported a two-factor structure: 'Contemplation' and 'Engagement'. Subsequent analyses revealed that the PSEQ was a better predictor of treatment outcome than the PSOCQ scales. Discussion centres upon the utility of the PSOCQ in a clinical pain setting in light of the above findings, and a need for further research. (C) 2002 International Association for the Study of Pain. Published by Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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If a dental patient develops chest pain it must always be managed promptly and properly, i.e., the practitioner immediately stops the procedure and, being aware of the patients's medical history, questions the patient regarding the nature of the pain to help determine the likely diagnosis. It will most likely be a manifestation of coronary artery disease (synonymous with ischaemic heart disease), i.e., angina pectoris or acute myocardial infarction, most usually the former. Angina will usually resolve with proper intervention whereas up to about one-half of myocardial infarction cases will develop cardiac arrest, mostly in the first few hours, and this will be fatal in up to two-thirds of cases. As health care professions, dental practitioners have an inherent duty of care to be able to initiate appropriate care if such a medical emergency occurs.


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Background Diagnosis of the HIV-associated lipodystrophy syndrome is based on clinical assessment, in lack of a consensus about case definition and reference methods. Three bedside methods were compared in their diagnostic value for lipodystrophy. Patients and Methods. Consecutive HIV-infected outpatients (n = 278) were investigated, 128 of which also had data from 1997 available. Segmental bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA) and waist, hip and thigh circumferences were performed. Changes in seven body regions were rated by physicians and patients using linear analogue scale assessment (LASA). Diagnostic cut-off values were searched by receiver operator characteristics. Results. Lipodystrophy was diagnosed in 85 patients (31%). BIA demonstrated higher fat-free mass in patients with lipodystrophy but not after controlling for body mass index and sex. Segmental BIA was not superior to whole body BIA in detecting lipodystrophy. Fat-free mass increased from 1997 to 1999 independent from lipodystrophy. Waist-hip and waist-thigh ratios were higher in patients with lipodystrophy. BIA, anthropometry and LASA did not provide sufficient diagnostic cut-off values for lipodystrophy. Agreement between methods, and between patient and physician rating, was poor. Conclusion: These methods do not fulfil the urgent need for quantitative diagnostic tools for lipodystrophy. BIA estimates of fat free mass may be biased by lipodystrophy, indicating a need for re-calibration in HIV infected populations. (C) 2001 Harcourt Publishers Ltd.


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Image : To assess the potential for sucralfate administered rectally to reduce the risk of late rectal morbidity in patients undergoing nonconformal radiotherapy (RT) for carcinoma of the prostate and to study the variables potentially contributing to late rectal morbidity and particularly to explore the relationship between acute and late toxicity. Image : Eighty-six patients with localized prostate carcinoma were randomized in a double-blind, placebo-controlled study to a daily enema of 3 g of sucralfate in a 15-mL suspension or the same suspension without sucralfate. The enema began the first day of RT and was continued for 2 weeks after treatment completion. The primary end point of the study was acute Radiation Therapy Oncology Group (RTOG)/European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer (EORTC) toxicity; however, the patients were followed for an additional 5 years on a 6-month basis. The evaluation included late RTOG/EORTC toxicity and a patient self-assessment questionnaire. Image : With a median follow-up of 5 years, the Kaplan-Meier probability of late Grade 2 RTOG/EORTC toxicity was 12% (95% confidence interval [CI] 2–22%) for placebo and 5% (95% CI 0–12%) for sucralfate (p = 0.26). The probability of late rectal bleeding was 59% (95% CI 45–73%) for placebo and 54% (95% CI 40–68%) for sucralfate. No statistically significant difference was found between the treatment arms for the peak incidence of any of the other patient self-assessment variables. Cox proportional hazards modeling indicated acute RTOG/EORTC toxicity of Grade 2 or greater was associated with a hazard ratio of 2.74 (95% CI 1.31–5.73) for the development of late toxicity of Grade 1 or greater. Substituting the patient self-assessment variables for acute RTOG/EORTC toxicity revealed that rectal pain of a moderate or severe grade during RT was the best predictor of the subsequent development of late toxicity, with a hazard ratio of 3.44 (95% CI 1.68–7). Image : The results of this study do not support the use of sucralfate administered rectally as a method for reducing the late toxicity of nonconformal RT for prostate cancer. There appears to be an association between the development of acute and subsequent late toxicity, although the nature of this association remains to be determined


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The application of tape to deload soft tissue is used in the management of thoracic spine pain. A reported clinical feature of this treatment is reduced tenderness of the spine during postero-anterior mobilizations. A randomized, single blind, placebo controlled, repeated measures design study was employed to investigate the effects of deloading tape on pressure pain threshold measurements at the level of the T7 spinous process in an asymptomatic group of 24 subjects. Pressure pain thresholds were assessed prior to and following the application of deloading tape, placebo sham tape and no-tape control conditions. All subjects received all three conditions in a randomized order on three separate days. Differences between the pre- and post-measurements were used as indicators of change in a subject's pressure pain threshold. No significant change in pressure pain threshold measurements was found between conditions. In summary, this study demonstrated that deloading tape applied to the level of the T7 spinous process did not significantly change pressure pain threshold measurements in asymptomatic subjects, raising the possibility that any pain relieving effect may well be conditional upon pain being present. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Objectives: To determine (i) factors which predict whether patients hospitalised with acute myocardial infarction (AMI) receive care discordant with recommendations of clinical practice guidelines; and (ii) whether such discordant care results in worse outcomes compared with receiving guideline-concordant care. Design: Retrospective cohort study. Setting: Two community general hospitals. Participants: 607 consecutive patients admitted with AMI between July 1997 and December 2000. Main outcome measures: Clinical predictors of discordant care; crude and risk-adjusted rates of inhospital mortality and reinfarction, and mean length of hospital stay. Results: At least one treatment recommendation for AMI was applicable for 602 of the 607 patients. Of these patients, 411(68%) received concordant care, and 191 (32%) discordant care. Positive predictors at presentation of discordant care were age > 65 years (odds ratio [OR], 2.5; 95% Cl, 1.7-3.6), silent infarction (OR, 2.7; 95% Cl, 1.6-4.6), anterior infarction (OR, 2.5; 95% Cl, 1.7-3.8), a history of heart failure (OR, 6.3; 95% Cl, 3.7-10.7), chronic atrial fibrillation (OR, 3.2; 95% Cl, 1.5-6.4); and heart rate greater than or equal to 100 beats/min (OR, 2.1; 95% Cl, 1.4-3.1). Death occurred in 12.0% (23/191) of discordant-care patients versus 4.6% (19/411) of concordant-care patients (adjusted OR, 2.42; 95% Cl, 1.22-4.82). Mortality was inversely related to the level of guideline concordance (P = 0.03). Reinfarction rates also tended to be higher in the discordant-care group (4.2% v 1.7%; adjusted OR, 2.5; 95% Cl, 0.90-7.1). Conclusions: Certain clinical features at presentation predict a higher likelihood of guideline-discordant care in patients presenting with AMI Such care appears to increase the risk of inhospital death.


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The purpose of this study was to examine attitudinal barriers to effective pain management in a consecutively recruited cohort of 114 cancer patients from four Australian hospitals. When surveyed, 48% of this sample reported experiencing pain within the previous 24 hours. Of these, 56% reported this pain to be distressing, horrible or excruciating, with large proportions indicating that this pain had affected their movement, sleep and emotional well-being. Three factors were identified as potentially impacting on patients responses to pain-poor levels of patient knowledge about pain, low perceived control over pain, and a deficit in communication about pain. A trend for older patients to experience more severe pain was also identified. These older patients reported being more willing to tolerate pain and perceive less control over their pain. Suggestions are made for developing patient education programs and farther research using concepts drawn from broader social and behavioral models. J Pain Symptom Manage 2002:23:393-405. (C) U.S. Cancer Pain Relief Committee, 2002.


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Recent reports indicate that several descriptors of pain sensations in the McGill Pain Questionnaire (MPQ) are difficult to classify within MPQ sensory subcategories because of incomprehension, underuse, or ambiguity of usage. Adopting the same methodology of recent studies, the present investigation focused on the affective and evaluative subcategories of the MPQ. A decision rule revealed that only 6 of 18 words met criteria for the affective category and 5 of 11 words met criteria for the evaluative category, thus warranting a reduced list of words in these categories. This reduction, however, led to negligible loss of information transmitted. Despite notable changes in classification, the intensity ratings of the retained words correlated very highly with those originally reported for the MPQ. In conclusion, although the intensity ratings of MPQ affective and evaluative descriptors need no revision, selective reduction and reorganization of these descriptors can enhance the efficiency of this approach to pain assessment. [copy ] 2001 by the American Pain Society