940 resultados para globalised cities


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Cities are oftentimes seen as undergoing a process of "emergence" in the "new economy." However, this process has largely remained empirically underdetermined. This article examines the intra-city geography of emerging businesses in newly dominant sectors of the urban economy. The change in dominant sectors coincides with a shift towards small- and medium-sized businesses, creating new economic opportunities for urban residential areas. The residential neighborhood is introduced as a place where supply and demand side drivers operate to attract or limit such new economic activity. Allen Scott's perspective of the cognitive-cultural economy is used to analyze which neighborhoods are flourishing sites of the cognitive-cultural sectors. His perspective on industries that are on the rise in urban environments and their growth potential proves very valuable. Social demographic characteristics on the level of the neighborhood are used as predictors of the composition of the local economy. The analyses show that in particular wealthy, gentrified neighborhoods are more prone than others to becoming "hubs" of the cognitive-cultural economy. However, disadvantaged neighborhoods may under certain conditions serve as incubators for business start-ups as they offer low-rent office spaces. This has important consequences for their future economic growth potential as well as the distribution of successful businesses in the city. © 2013 Urban Affairs Association.


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Mobile communication and networking infrastructures play an important role in the development of smart cities, to support real-time information exchange and management required in modern urbanization. Mobile WiFi devices that help offloading data traffic from the macro-cell base station and serve the end users within a closer range can significantly improve the connectivity of wireless communications between essential components including infrastructural and human devices in a city. However, this offloading function through interworking between LTE and WiFi systems will change the pattern of resource distributions operated by the base station. In this paper, a resource allocation scheme is proposed to ensure stable service coverage and end-user quality of experience (QoE) when offloading takes place in a macro-cell environment. In this scheme, a rate redistribution algorithm is derived to form a parametric scheduler to meet the required levels of efficiency and fairness, guided by a no-reference quality assessment metric. We show that the performance of resource allocation can be regulated by this scheduler without affecting the service coverage offered by the WLAN access point. The performances of different interworking scenarios and macro-cell scheduling policies are also compared.


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A KRAFT-index: Kreatív városok – fenntartható vidék egy komplex mutatórendszer, amely a fejlődési tendenciát, hálózatosodást, a fontosabb szereplők együttműködési készségét és kapacitását, kreativitási potenciálját, valamint a szereplők szinergiáiból fakadó belső energiákat és lehetőségeiket jelzi. A város- és vidékfejlesztés sikerének zálogaként előtérbe állítja és méri az ún. „puha” tényezőket, úgymint a kreativitást, innovációs képességet, új tudás létrehozását, tudástranszfert, együttműködési készséget, bizalmat, kollektív kompetenciákat. A társadalmi, gazdasági és tudományos kapcsolatok és hálózatok sűrűsége, minősége és dinamizmusa a sikeres fejlődés és fejlesztés kulcsai: ezek ma már fontosabb tényezők, mint a fizikai távolság, az adminisztratív jogi határok vagy az ún. „kemény” indikátorok. Az index értékeli egy térség lehetőségeit arra, hogy az ott élők, dolgozók, alkotók és letelepedni kívánók életminőségét, a vállalatok minőségi munkaerő iránti igényét és a fenntarthatósági szempontokat egyaránt figyelembe véve fejlessze gazdaságát és versenyképességét. Három tulajdonságcsoportot mér: 1. kreativitiási és innovációs potenciál, az új tudás létrehozásának képessége, 2. társadalmi és kapcsolati tőke, hálózati potenciál és „összekapcsoltság”, valamint 3. fenntarthatósági potenciál. _____ The KRAFT Index: Creative Cities – Sustainable Regions is a complex indicator system to measure development tendencies, ‘networkedness’, cooperation inclination and capacity, creativity potential and possibilities arising from the synergies among actors. It highlights and gauges ‘soft’ factors, such as creativity, innovation capacity, knowledge production, knowledge transfer, willingness for cooperation, trust, and collective competences and perceives effective regional cooperation among economic and social actors as the measure of successful urban and rural development. The density, quality and dynamism of social, economic and academic networks are more important factors than physical distance, administrative legal barriers or ‘hard’ indicators. The index evaluates the potential of a region to develop its economy and competitiveness by considering the quality of life of its inhabitants, workers, producers and immigrants, the quality workforce requirements of companies and sustainability. It measures three groups of qualities: 1. creativity and innovation potential, the ability of knowledge production; 2. social and connection capital, network potential and connectedness; and 3. sustainability potential.


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The official cooperation between the Hungarian and the Belarusian geography began to be outlined in a sunny afternoon of June 2010 in the Minsk building of the Geographic Faculty of the Belarusian State University, four years ago. Then we reviewed the potential frames of cooperation with Professor Ekaterina Antipova. It was supported by the academican Károly Kocsis, member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, director of the Geographical Research Institute, and we could also win the support of the dean Ivan Pirozhnik and the academician Vladimir Loginov from the Belarusian State University and the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, respectively. This informal cooperation became official in the autumn of 2010 in the frame of the Academic Mobility Agreement Project between the Hungarian and the Belarusian academies of sciences. Since then several publications have appeared about Hungary and Belarus in the geographic journals of both countries, however, this is the first, long awaited, significant common publication. Besides the project-based co-operations like e. g. the EastMig (www.eastmig.mtafki.hu) and the ReSEP-CEE (www.mtafki.hu/ReSEP_CEE_Be.html) supported by the Visegrad Fund, a vivid student exchange program was also launched from the autumn of 2010 between the Geographic Research Institute of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, and the Geographic Faculty of the Belarusian State University with the scholarship program of the Visegrad Fund. Later the Department of Economic Geography of the Corvinus University of Budapest, headed by István Tózsa became also an active partner of the cooperation. The publishing expenses of this book are also fully financed by the Department of Economic Geography.


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The idea of comparative performance assessment is crucial. Recent study findings show that in South Florida the use by most municipalities of external benchmarks for performance comparison is virtually non-existent. On one level this study sought to identify the factors impacting resident perceptions of municipal service quality. On a different and more practical level, this study sought to identify a core set of measures that could serve for multi jurisdictional comparisons of performance. ^ This study empirically tested three groups of hypotheses. Data were collected via custom designed survey instruments from multiple jurisdictions, representing diverse socioeconomic backgrounds, and across two counties. A second layer of analysis was conducted on municipal budget documents for the presence of performance measures. A third layer of analysis was conducted via face-to-face interviews with residents at the point of service delivery. Research questions were analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistic methodologies. ^ Results of survey data yielded inconsistent findings. In absolute aggregated terms, the use of sociological determinants to guide inquiry failed to yield conclusive answers regarding the factors impacting resident perceptions of municipal service quality. At disaggregated community levels, however, definite differences emerged but these had weak predictive ability. More useful were the findings of performance measures reporting via municipal budget documents and analyses of interviews with residents at the point of service delivery. Regardless of socio-economic profile, neighborhood characteristics, level of civic engagement or type of community, the same aspects were important to citizens when making assessments of service quality. For parks and recreation, respondents most frequently cited maintenance, facility amenities, and program offerings as important while for garbage collection services timely and consistent service delivery mattered most. Surprisingly municipalities participating in the study track performance data on items indicated as important by citizen assessments but regular feed back from residents or reporting to the same is rarely done. ^ The implications of these findings suggest that endeavors, such as the one undertaken in this study, can assist in determining a core set of measures for cross jurisdictional comparisons of municipal service quality, improving municipal delivery of services, and to communicate with the public. ^


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This study examines how public management practitioners in small and medium-sized Florida cities perceive globalization and its impact on public management practice. Using qualitative analysis, descriptive statistics and factor analysis methods, data obtained from a survey and semi-structured interviews were studied to comprehend how public managers view the management and control of their municipalities in a time of globalization. The study shows that the public managers’ perceptions of globalization and its impact on public management in Florida’s small-medium cities are nuanced. Whereas some public managers feel that globalization has significant impacts on municipalities’ viability, others opine that globalization has no local impact. The study further finds that globalization processes are perceived as altering the public management functions of decision-making, economic development and service delivery in some small-medium cities in Florida as a result of transnational shifts, rapidly changing technologies, and municipalities’ heightened involvement in the global economy. The study concludes that the globalization discourse does not resonate among some public managers in Florida’s small-medium cities in ways implied in extant literature.


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Presentation made by Jamie Rogers and John Nemmers at the Society of Florida Archivists annual meeting in Tallahassee, Florida. Jamie Rogers presented the "Coral Gables - Virtual Historic City" project at Florida International University. John Nemmers presented the "Unearthing St. Augustine’s Colonial Heritage" project at the University of Florida


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Chenjerai Hove, world-renowned Zimbabwean author, presents a lecture on the subject of his experiences as an exiled author in the United States. Event held at the Graham Center, Modesto Maidique Campus, Florida International University on October 28,2013.


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World-renowned poet Edwidge Danticat gives a lecture on how one's exile experiences can shape their creative oeuvre.Lecture held at the Graham Center, Modesto Maidique Campus, Florida International University on February 11, 2013.


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Lo scopo di questo studio è la comprensione della dinamica dello strato limite urbano per città dell’Emilia Romagna tramite simulazioni numeriche. In particolare, l’attenzione è posta sull’ effetto isola di calore, ovvero sulla differenza di temperatura dell’aria in prossimità del suolo fra zone rurali e urbane dovuta all’urbanizzazione. Le simulazioni sono state effettuate con il modello alla mesoscala "Weather Research and Forecasting" (WRF), accoppiato con le parametrizzazioni urbane "Building Effect Parametrization" (BEP) e "Building Energy Model" (BEM), che agiscono a vari livelli verticali urbani. Il periodo di studio riguarda sei giorni caldi e senza copertura nuvolosa durante un periodo di heat wave dell’anno 2015. La copertura urbana è stata definita con il "World Urban Databes and Access Portal Tools" (WUDAPT), un metodo che permette di classificare le aree urbane in dieci "urban climate zones" (UCZ), attraverso l’uso combinato di immagini satellitari e "training areas" manualmente definite con il software Google Earth. Sono state svolte diverse simulazioni a domini innestati, con risoluzione per il dominio più piccolo di 500 m, centrato sulla città di Bologna. Le differenze fra le simulazioni riguardano la presenza o l’assenza delle strutture urbane, il metodo di innesto e tipo di vegetazione rurale. Inoltre, è stato valutato l’effetto dovuto alla presenza di pannelli fotovoltaici sopra i tetti di ogni edificio e le variazioni che i pannelli esercitano sullo strato limite urbano. Per verificare la bontà del modello, i dati provenienti dalle simulazioni sono stati confrontati con misure provenienti da 41 stazioni all’interno dell’area di studio. Le variabili confrontate sono: temperatura, umidità relativa, velocità e direzione del vento. Le simulazioni sono in accordo con i dati osservativi e riescono a riprodurre l’effetto isola di calore: la differenza di temperatura fra città e zone rurali circostanti è nulla durante il giorno; al contrario, durante la notte l’isola di calore è presente, e in media raggiunge il massimo valore di 4°C alle 1:00. La presenza dei pannelli fotovoltaici abbassa la temperatura a 2 metri dell’aria al massimo di 0.8°C durante la notte, e l’altezza dello strato limite urbano dell’ordine 200mrispetto al caso senza pannelli. I risultati mostrano come l’uso di pannelli fotovoltaici all’interno del contesto urbano ha molteplici benefici: infatti, i pannelli fotovoltaici riescono a ridurre la temperatura durante un periodo di heat wave, e allo stesso tempo possono parzialmente sopperire all’alto consumo energetico, con una conseguente riduzione del consumo di combustibili fossili.


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Date of Acceptance: 10/07/2015 The Chief Scientist Office of the Scottish Government Health and Social Care Directorates funds HERU. The survey was jointly funded by NHS Health Scotland and the Glasgow Centre for Population Health. The views expressed in this paper are those of the authors only and not those of the funding bodies. The investigator team for the overall survey comprises David Walsh, Gerry McCartney, Sarah McCullough, Marjon van der Pol, Duncan Buchanan and Russell Jones.


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Date of Acceptance: 10/07/2015 The Chief Scientist Office of the Scottish Government Health and Social Care Directorates funds HERU. The survey was jointly funded by NHS Health Scotland and the Glasgow Centre for Population Health. The views expressed in this paper are those of the authors only and not those of the funding bodies. The investigator team for the overall survey comprises David Walsh, Gerry McCartney, Sarah McCullough, Marjon van der Pol, Duncan Buchanan and Russell Jones.