999 resultados para geographic limits


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This article has been extracted from the results of a thesis entitled “Potential bioelectricity production of the Madrid Community Agricultural Regions based on rye and triticale biomass.” The aim was, first, to quantify the potential of rye (Secale Cereale L.) and triticale ( Triticosecale Aestivum L.) biomass in each of the Madrid Community agricultural regions, and second, to locate the most suitable areas for the installation of power plants using biomass. At least 17,339.9 t d.m. of rye and triticale would be required to satisfy the biomass needs of a 2.2 MW power plant, (considering an efficiency of 21.5%, 8,000 expected operating hours/year and a biomass LCP of 4,060 kcal/kg for both crops), and 2,577 ha would be used (which represent 2.79% of the Madrid Community fallow dry land surface). Biomass yields that could be achieved in Madrid Community using 50% of the fallow dry land surface (46,150 ha representing 5.75% of the Community area), based on rye and triticale crops, are estimated at 84,855, 74,906, 70,109, 50,791, 13,481, and 943 t annually for the Campiña, Vegas, Sur Occidental, Área Metropolitana, Lozoya-Somosierra, and Guadarrama regions. The latter represents a bioelectricity potential of 10.77, 9.5, 8.9, 6.44, 1.71, and 0.12 MW, respectively.


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Linked polyamides bind in the minor groove of double-stranded DNA in a partially sequence-specific manner. This report analyzes the theoretical limits of DNA sequence discrimination by linked polyamides composed of two to four different types of heterocyclic rings, determining (i) the optimal choice of base-binding specificity for each ring and (ii) the optimal design for a polyamide composed of these rings to target a given DNA sequence and designed to maximize the fraction of the total polyamide binding to the specified target sequence relative to all other sequences. The results show that, fortuitously, polyamides composed of pyrrole, a naturally occurring G-excluding element, and imidazole, a rationally designed G-favoring element, have features similar to the theoretical optimum design for polyamides composed of two different rings. The results also show that, in polyamides composed of two or three types of heterocyclic rings, choosing a nonspecific “placeholder” ring, which binds equally strongly to each of the four bases, along with one or two base-specific rings will often enhance sequence specificity over a polyamide composed entirely of base-specific rings.


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We would like to thank the animal house staff and all members of the Energetics group for their invaluable help at various stages throughout the project. This work was supported by Natural Environment Research Council grant (NERC, NE/C004159/1). YG was supported by a scholarship from the rotary foundation. LV was supported by a Rubicon grant from the Netherlands Scientific Organisation (NWO).


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Exon/intron architecture varies across the eukaryotic kingdom with large introns and small exons the rule in vertebrates and the opposite in lower eukaryotes. To investigate the relationship between exon and intron size in pre-mRNA processing, internally expanded exons were placed in vertebrate genes with small and large introns. Both exon and intron size influenced splicing phenotype. Intron size dictated if large exons were efficiently recognized. When introns were large, large exons were skipped; when introns were small, the same large exons were included. Thus, large exons were incompatible for splicing if and only if they were flanked by large introns. Both intron and exon size became problematic at ≈500 nt, although both exon and intron sequence influenced the size at which exons and introns failed to be recognized. These results indicate that present-day gene architecture reflects at least in part limitations on exon recognition. Furthermore, these results strengthen models that invoke pairing of splice sites during recognition of pre-mRNAs, and suggest that vertebrate consensus sequences support pairing across either introns or exons.


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The zinc metallopeptidase neurolysin is shown by x-ray crystallography to have large structural elements erected over the active site region that allow substrate access only through a deep narrow channel. This architecture accounts for specialization of this neuropeptidase to small bioactive peptide substrates without bulky secondary and tertiary structures. In addition, modeling studies indicate that the length of a substrate N-terminal to the site of hydrolysis is restricted to approximately 10 residues by the limited size of the active site cavity. Some structural elements of neurolysin, including a five-stranded β-sheet and the two active site helices, are conserved with other metallopeptidases. The connecting loop regions of these elements, however, are much extended in neurolysin, and they, together with other open coil elements, line the active site cavity. These potentially flexible elements may account for the ability of the enzyme to cleave a variety of sequences.


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The effect of low temperature on cell growth, photosynthesis, photoinhibition, and nitrate assimilation was examined in the cyanobacterium Synechococcus sp. PCC 6301 to determine the factor that limits growth. Synechococcus sp. PCC 6301 grew exponentially between 20°C and 38°C, the growth rate decreased with decreasing temperature, and growth ceased at 15°C. The rate of photosynthetic oxygen evolution decreased more slowly with temperature than the growth rate, and more than 20% of the activity at 38°C remained at 15°C. Oxygen evolution was rapidly inactivated at high light intensity (3 mE m−2 s−1) at 15°C. Little or no loss of oxygen evolution was observed under the normal light intensity (250 μE m−2 s−1) for growth at 15°C. The decrease in the rate of nitrate consumption by cells as a function of temperature was similar to the decrease in the growth rate. Cells could not actively take up nitrate or nitrite at 15°C, although nitrate reductase and nitrite reductase were still active. These data demonstrate that growth at low temperature is not limited by a decrease in the rate of photosynthetic electron transport or by photoinhibition, but that inactivation of the nitrate/nitrite transporter limits growth at low temperature.


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The extent to which new technological knowledge flows across institutional and national boundaries is a question of great importance for public policy and the modeling of economic growth. In this paper we develop a model of the process generating subsequent citations to patents as a lens for viewing knowledge diffusion. We find that the probability of patent citation over time after a patent is granted fits well to a double-exponential function that can be interpreted as the mixture of diffusion and obsolescense functions. The results indicate that diffusion is geographically localized. Controlling for other factors, within-country citations are more numerous and come more quickly than those that cross country boundaries.


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Cellular desensitization is believed to be important for growth control but direct evidence is lacking. In the current study we compared effects of wild-type and down-regulation-resistant mutant m3 muscarinic receptors on Chinese hamster ovary (CHO-K1) cell desensitization, proliferation, and transformation. We found that down-regulation of m3 muscarinic acetylcholine receptors was the principal mechanism of desensitization of receptor-activated inositol phosphate phospholipid hydrolysis in these cells. Activation of wild-type and mutant receptors inhibited anchorage-independent growth as assayed by colony formation in agar. However, the potency for inhibition of anchorage-independent growth was greater for cells expressing the mutant receptor. Activation of either receptor also initially inhibited anchorage-dependent cell proliferation in randomly growing populations. Rates of DNA synthesis and cell division were profoundly reduced by carbachol in cells expressing either receptor at early time points. Analysis of cell cycle parameters indicated that cell cycle progression was inhibited at transitions from G1 to S and G2/M to G1 phases. However, mutant receptor effects on anchorage-dependent growth were sustained, whereas wild-type receptor effects were transient. Thus, receptor down-regulation restored cell cycle progression. In contrast, activation of either receptor blocked entry into the cell cycle from quiescence, and this response was not reduced by receptor down-regulation. Therefore, activation of m3 muscarinic acetylcholine receptors inhibited CHO cell anchorage-dependent and -independent growth. In anchored cells carbachol inhibited the cell cycle at three distinct points. Inhibitions at two of these points were eliminated by wild-type receptor down-regulation while the other was not. These results directly demonstrate that desensitization mechanisms can act as principal determinants of cellular growth responses.


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Although the comparative ecology of primates has been relatively well studied and there have been a number of outstanding studies of individual primate communities, the factors determining primate species diversity on either a local or regional level are largely unexplored. Understanding the determinants of species abundance is an important aspect of biodiversity and is critical for interpreting the comparative ecology of these different communities and for designing effective strategies of conservation. Comparative analysis of species diversity in more than 70 primate communities from South America, Africa, Madagascar, and Asia shows that on major continental areas and large tropical islands, there is a high positive correlation between the number of primate species and the area of tropical forest. Within major continental areas, the species diversity at individual sites is highly correlated with mean annual rainfall for South America, Africa, and Madagascar, but not Asia.


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We present the first joint analysis of gamma-ray data from the MAGIC Cherenkov telescopes and the Fermi Large Area Telescope (LAT) to search for gamma-ray signals from dark matter annihilation in dwarf satellite galaxies. We combine 158 hours of Segue 1 observations with MAGIC with 6-year observations of 15 dwarf satellite galaxies by the Fermi-LAT. We obtain limits on the annihilation cross-section for dark matter particle masses between 10 GeV and 100 TeV – the widest mass range ever explored by a single gamma-ray analysis. These limits improve on previously published Fermi-LAT and MAGIC results by up to a factor of two at certain masses. Our new inclusive analysis approach is completely generic and can be used to perform a global, sensitivity-optimized dark matter search by combining data from present and future gamma-ray and neutrino detectors.


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Transnational artist Shahzia Sikander challenges the limitations of Edward Said's postcolonial emphasis on secular humanism by deploying the heterogeneous traditions of South Asian miniature painting while strategically drawing on tradition to critique contemporaneity. Through a palimpsest process of composition, Sikander reincorporates the unknown and silenced histories implicit in the tradition of miniature painting to create social imaginaries with motifs that draw on the diverse traditions of South Asian religions and aesthetics to create a subversive politics of remembering wherein alternative images of cosmopolitanism emerge. Through a sustained analysis, this dissertation demonstrates how these alternative traditions interrogate and critique the limitations of postcolonial theory. Particularly important to this critique are some recent approaches of Third World feminists that highlight the limitations of secular humanism implicit in much of postcolonial critique. Sikander's compositions mirror these approaches as her motifs of the feminine become an intervention into the spiritual emptiness and ethical confusions of contemporaneity. In effect, Sikander's work is an intervention, a warning, and a plea for the re-invention of positive alternatives as her images embody and facilitate a critical and daring consciousness that is necessary to both our social and spiritual well-being.


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Although some ingenious solutions have been proposed to the problems posed by Section 280E pf the federal tax code, the situation remains untenable. The only solution to this current conundrum is a change in federal law; so long as marijuana remains illegal under the Controlled Substances Act, state marijuana policy will inevitably be frustrated. This brief response to an article by Professor Leff identifies some of these frustrations and proposes a few modest federal solutions