866 resultados para fruit colour


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Se desarrolló un nuevo método para la valoración objetiva del color en las aceitunas, mediante el análisis de la intensidad de la reflexión de los colores primarios (rojo, verde y azul) que componen la luz blanca. Se trabajó con programas informáticos para el análisis de imágenes digitales color tipo BMP de 24 bits. Este método es rápido, objetivo, no destructivo y puede ser muy útil cuando se requiere una técnica eficiente para determinar el grado de madurez de las aceitunas o de otros alimentos.


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El cultivar de damascos Modesto es de introducción relativamente reciente en Mendoza (Argentina). El objetivo del trabajo fue evaluar las siguientes características de interés agronómico: la época de floración y la calidad de los frutos en cosecha y en postcosecha. El estudio se realizó en un monte comercial durante 2007 y 2008. Se registraron tres estados fenológicos: "D" (corola visible), "F" (flor abierta) y "H" (fruto cuajado). Se estableció el inicio de la floración, la plena floración y el fin de la misma. En los frutos las evaluaciones y mediciones se realizaron en el momento de la recolección y después del período de maduración de la fruta conservada en cámara frigorífica. Se determinó: color de fondo, peso, diámetro, firmeza de pulpa, contenido de sólidos solubles, pH, acidez titulable, presencia de hongos y desórdenes fisiológicos. Los resultados muestran que el cultivar Modesto florece en una época intermedia en la zona E de la provincia de Mendoza. La fecha de plena floración en los dos años del estudio fue el 8 de setiembre. En los estados de madurez evaluados los frutos reúnen los atributos de calidad demandados por el consumidor: alto CSS, color anaranjado en la madurez, buena firmeza de pulpa; sin embargo, el rápido, descenso de la firmeza durante la maduración en poscosecha obliga a una comercialización acelerada. Después del almacenamiento en cámara frigorífica durante treinta días y un período de maduración de dos días, la futa presentó el desorden harinosidad con una incidencia superior al 60%; esto señala que el cv. Modesto no puede almacenarse por un período tan prolongado.


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The aim of this work was to evaluate changes in growth and productivity parameters of different precocious hybrids and a naturalized variety of papaya under both greenhouse and field cultivation in a temperate climate (the center of the province of Santa Fe, Argentina). In view of the aforesaid, the purpose of our research was to identify further genotypes better suited for the cultivation of this species in temperate climates and demonstrate the need for the use of semi-controlled systems to make possible the cultivation of these promising genotypes in middle latitudes. The average yield was 291% higher in greenhouse than in the field. The average productivity for hybrid genotypes compared with the naturalized variety more than doubled in both environments. Considering behavior in height, leaf area index and yield parameters, hybrids H2 (principally), and H4 showed a great adaptation for use in semi-forced systems. The use of greenhouse and short stature papaya hybrids allows its feasible and surely profitable cultivation in non- tropical climates.


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The Antarctic Polar Front is an important biogeochemical divider in the Southern Ocean. Laminated diatom mat deposits record episodes of massive flux of the diatom Thalassiothrix antarctica beneath the Antarctic Polar Front and provide a marker for tracking the migration of the Front through time. Ocean Drilling Program Sites 1091, 1093 and 1094 are the only deep piston cored record hitherto sampled from the sediments of the circumpolar biogenic opal belt. Mapping of diatom mat deposits between these sites indicates a glacial-interglacial front migration of up to 6 degrees of latitude in the early/mid Pleistocene. The mid-Pleistocene transition marks a stepwise minimum 7° northward migration of the locus of the Polar Front sustained for about 450 kyr until an abrupt southward return to a locus similar to its modern position and further south than any mid-Pleistocene locus. This interval from a "900 ka event" that saw major cooling of the oceans and a d13C minimum through to the 424 ka Mid-Brunhes Event at Termination V is also seemingly characterised by 1) sustained decreased carbonate in the sub-tropical south Atlantic, 2) reduced strength of Antarctic deep meridional circulation, 3) lower interglacial temperatures and lower interglacial atmospheric CO2 levels (by some 30 per mil) than those of the last 400 kyr, evidencing less complete deglaciation. This evidence is consistent with a prolonged period lasting 450 kyr of only partial ventilation of the deep ocean during interglacials and suggests that the mechanisms highlighted by recent hypotheses linking mid-latitude atmospheric conditions to the extent of deep ocean ventilation and carbon sequestration over glacial-interglacial cycles are likely in operation during the longer time scale characteristic of the mid-Pleistocene transition. The cooling that initiated the "900 ka event" may have been driven by minima in insolation amplitude related to eccentricity modulation of precession that also affected low latitude climates as marked by threshold changes in the African monsoon system. The major thresholds in earth system behaviour through the mid-Pleistocene transition were likely governed by an interplay of the 100 kyr and 400 kyr eccentricity modulation of precession.


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We combine environmental magnetism, geochemical measurements and colour reflectance to study two late Quaternary sediment cores: GeoB 4905-4 at 2° 30 N off Cameroon and GeoB 4906-3 at 0° 44 N off Gabon. This area is suitable for investigating precipitation changes over Central and West Africa because of its potential to record input of aeolian and fluvial sediments. Three magnetozones representing low and high degree of alteration of the primary rock magnetic signals were identified. The magnetic signature is dominated by fine-grained magnetite, while residual haematite prevails in the reduced intervals, showing increase in concentration and fine grain size at wet intervals. Our records also show millennial-scale changes in climate during the last glacial and interglacial cycles. At the northern location, the past 5.5 ka are marked by high-frequency oscillations of Ti and colour reflectance, which suggests aeolian input and hence aridity. The southern location remains under the influence of the Intertropical Convergence Zone and thus did not register aeolian signals. The millennial-scale climatic signals indicate that drier and/or colder conditions persisted during the late Holocene and are synchronous with the 900 a climatic cycles observed in Northern Hemisphere ice core records.