989 resultados para frequency dependence


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During V(D)J recombination, RAG (recombination-activating gene) complex cleaves DNA based on sequence specificity. Besides its physiological function, RAG has been shown to act as a structure-specific nuclease. Recently, we showed that the presence of cytosine within the single-stranded region of heteroduplex DNA is important when RAGs cleave on DNA structures. In the present study, we report that heteroduplex DNA containing a bubble region can be cleaved efficiently when present along with a recombination signal sequence (RSS) in cis or trans configuration. The sequence of the bubble region influences RAG cleavage at RSS when present in cis. We also find that the kinetics of RAG cleavage differs between RSS and bubble, wherein RSS cleavage reaches maximum efficiency faster than bubble cleavage. In addition, unlike RSS, RAG cleavage at bubbles does not lead to cleavage complex formation. Finally, we show that the ``nonamer binding region,'' which regulates RAG cleavage on RSS, is not important during RAG activity in non-B DNA structures. Therefore, in the current study, we identify the possible mechanism by which RAG cleavage is regulated when it acts as a structure-specific nuclease. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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This paper presents the results of seismic response analysis of layered ground in Ahmedabad City during the earthquake in Bhuj on 26(th) January 2001. An attempt has been made to understand the reasons for the failure of multistoreyed buildings founded on soft alluvial deposits in Ahmedabad. Standard Penetration test at a site very close to the Sabarmati river belt was carried out for geotechnical investigations. The program SHAKE91, widely used in the field of earthquake engineering for computing the seismic response of horizontally layered soil deposits, was used to analyse the soil profile at the selected site considering the ground as one dimensional layered elastic system. The ground accelerations recorded at the ground floor of the Regional Passport Staff Quarters building, which is very close to the investigated site, was used as input motion. Also, Finite Element Analysis was carried out for different configurations of multistorey building frames for evaluating their natural frequencies and is compared with the predominant frequency of the layered soil system. The results reveal that the varying degree of damage to multistorey buildings in the close proximity of Sabarmati river area was essentially due to the large amplification of the ground and the near resonance condition.


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We address the problem of estimating instantaneous frequency (IF) of a real-valued constant amplitude time-varying sinusoid. Estimation of polynomial IF is formulated using the zero-crossings of the signal. We propose an algorithm to estimate nonpolynomial IF by local approximation using a low-order polynomial, over a short segment of the signal. This involves the choice of window length to minimize the mean square error (MSE). The optimal window length found by directly minimizing the MSE is a function of the higher-order derivatives of the IF which are not available a priori. However, an optimum solution is formulated using an adaptive window technique based on the concept of intersection of confidence intervals. The adaptive algorithm enables minimum MSE-IF (MMSE-IF) estimation without requiring a priori information about the IF. Simulation results show that the adaptive window zero-crossing-based IF estimation method is superior to fixed window methods and is also better than adaptive spectrogram and adaptive Wigner-Ville distribution (WVD)-based IF estimators for different signal-to-noise ratio (SNR).


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High voltage power supplies for radar applications are investigated, which are subjected to pulsed load (125 kHz and 10% duty cycle) with stringent specifications (<0.01% regulation, efficiency>85%, droop<0.5 V/micro-sec.). As good regulation and stable operation requires the converter to be switched at much higher frequency than the pulse load frequency, transformer poses serious problems of insulation failure and higher losses. Few converter topologies are proposed to tackle these problems. A study is made regarding the beat frequency oscillations that may exist with pulsed loading. It is illustrated with respect to the proposed converter topologies. Methods are proposed to eliminate or minimize these oscillations.


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Several surfactant molecules self-assemble in solution to form long, flexible wormlike micelles which get entangled with each other, leading to viscoelastic gel phases. We discuss our recent work on the rheology of such a gel formed in the dilute aqueous solutions of a surfactant CTAT. In the linear rheology regime, the storage modulus G′(ω) and loss modulus G″(ω) have been measured over a wide frequency range. In the nonlinear regime, the shear stress σ shows a plateau as a function of the shear rate math above a certain cutoff shear rate mathc. Under controlled shear rate conditions in the plateau regime, the shear stress and the first normal stress difference show oscillatory time-dependence. The analysis of the measured time series of shear stress and normal stress has been done using several methods incorporating state space reconstruction by embedding of time delay vectors. The analysis shows the existence of a finite correlation dimension and a positive Lyapunov exponent, unambiguously implying that the dynamics of the observed mechanical instability can be described by that of a dynamical system with a strange attractor of dimension varying from 2.4 to 2.9.


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Pyrochlore phase free [Pb0.94Sr0.06] [(Mn1/3Sb2/3)(0.05)(Zr0.53Ti0.47)(0.95)] O-3 ceramics has been synthesized with pure Perovskite phase by semi-wet route using the columbite precursor method. The field dependences of the dielectric response and the conductivity have been measured in a frequency range from 50 Hz to 1 MHz and in a temperature range from 303 K to 773 K. An analysis of the real and imaginary parts of the dielectric permittivity with frequency has been performed, assuming a distribution of relaxation times. The scaling behavior of the dielectric loss spectra suggests that the distribution of the relaxation times is temperature independent. The SEM photographs of the sintered specimens present the homogenous structures and well-grown grains with a sharp grain boundary. The material exhibits tetragonal structure. When measured at frequency (100 Hz), the polarization shows a strong field dependence. Different piezoelectric figures of merit (k(p), d(33) and Q(m)) of the material have also been measured obtaining their values as 0.53, 271 pC/N and 1115, respectively, which are even higher than those of pure PZT with morphotropic phase boundary (MPB) composition. Thus the present ceramics have the optimal overall performance and are promising candidates for the various high power piezoelectric applications. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Studies on the diffusion of methane in a zeolite structure type LTA (as per IZA nomenclature) have indicated that different types of methane zeolite potentials exist in the literature in which methane is treated within the united-atom model. One set of potentials, referred to as model A, has a methane oxygen diameter of 3.14 angstrom, while another set of potential parameters, model B, employs a larger value of 3.46 angstrom. Fritzsche and co-workers (1993) have shown that these two potentials lead to two distinctly different energetic barriers for the passage of methane through the eight-ring window in the cation-free form of zeolite A. Here, we compute the variation of the self-diffusivity (D) with loading (c) for these two types of potentials and show that this slight variation in the diameter changes the concentration dependence qualitatively: thus, D decreases monotonically with c for model A, while D increases and goes through a maximum before finally decreasing for model B. This effect and the surprising congruence of the diffusion coefficients for both models at high loadings is examined in detail at the molecular level. Simulations for different temperatures reveal the Arrhenius behaviour of the self-diffusion coefficient. The apparent activation energy is found to vary with the loading. We conclude that beside the cage-to-cage jumps, which are essential for the migration of the guest molecules, at high concentrations migration within the cage and guest guest interactions with other molecules become increasingly dominant influences on the diffusion coefficient and make the guest zeolite interaction less important for both model A and model B.


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Experimental studies have observed significant changes in both structure and function of lysozyme (and other proteins) on addition of a small amount of dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) in aqueous solution. Our atomistic molecular dynamic simulations of lysozyme in water-DMSO reveal the following sequence of changes on increasing DMSO concentration. (i) At the initial stage (around 5% DMSO concentration) protein's conformational flexibility gets markedly suppressed. From study of radial distribution functions, we attribute this to the preferential solvation of exposed protein hydrophobic residues by the methyl groups of DMSO. (ii) In the next stage (10-15% DMSO concentration range), lysozome partially unfolds accompanied by an increase both in fluctuation and in exposed protein surface area. (iii) Between 15-20% concentration ranges, both conformational fluctuation and solvent accessible protein surface area suddenly decrease again indicating the formation of an intermediate collapse state. These results are in good agreement with near-UV circular dichroism (CD) and fluorescence studies. We explain this apparently surprising behavior in terms of a structural transformation which involves clustering among the methyl groups of DMSO. (iv) Beyond 20% concentration of DMSO, the protein starts its final sojourn towards the unfolding state with further increase in conformational fluctuation and loss in native contacts. Most importantly, analysis of contact map and fluctuation near the active site reveal that both partial unfolding and conformational fluctuations are centered mostly on the hydrophobic core of active site of lysozyme. Our results could offer a general explanation and universal picture of the anomalous behavior of protein structure-function observed in the presence of cosolvents (DMSO, ethanol, tertiary butyl alcohol, dioxane) at their low concentrations. (C) 2012 American Institute of Physics. [http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.3694268]


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Black carbon aerosols absorb solar radiation and decrease planetary albedo, and thus can contribute to climate warming. In this paper, the dependence of equilibrium climate response on the altitude of black carbon is explored using an atmospheric general circulation model coupled to a mixed layer ocean model. The simulations model aerosol direct and semi-direct effects, but not indirect effects. Aerosol concentrations are prescribed and not interactive. It is shown that climate response of black carbon is highly dependent on the altitude of the aerosol. As the altitude of black carbon increases, surface temperatures decrease; black carbon near the surface causes surface warming, whereas black carbon near the tropopause and in the stratosphere causes surface cooling. This cooling occurs despite increasing planetary absorption of sunlight (i.e. decreasing planetary albedo). We find that the trend in surface air temperature response versus the altitude of black carbon is consistent with our calculations of radiative forcing after the troposphere, stratosphere, and land surface have undergone rapid adjustment, calculated as ``regressed'' radiative forcing. The variation in climate response from black carbon at different altitudes occurs largely from different fast climate responses; temperature dependent feedbacks are not statistically distinguishable. Impacts of black carbon at various altitudes on the hydrological cycle are also discussed; black carbon in the lowest atmospheric layer increases precipitation despite reductions in solar radiation reaching the surface, whereas black carbon at higher altitudes decreases precipitation.


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The propagation of axial waves in hyperelastic rods is studied using both time and frequency domain finite element models. The nonlinearity is introduced using the Murnaghan strain energy function and the equations governing the dynamics of the rod are derived assuming linear kinematics. In the time domain, the standard Galerkin finite element method, spectral element method, and Taylor-Galerkin finite element method are considered. A frequency domain formulation based on the Fourier spectral method is also developed. It is found that the time domain spectral element method provides the most efficient numerical tool for the problem considered.


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Investigations into the variation of self-diffusivity with solute radius, density, and degree of disorder of the host medium is explored. The system consists of a binary mixture of a relatively smaller sized solute, whose size is varied and a larger sized solvent interacting via Lennard-Jones potential. Calculations have been performed at three different reduced densities of 0.7, 0.8, and 0.933. These simulations show that diffusivity exhibits a maximum for some intermediate size of the solute when the solute diameter is varied. The maximum is found at the same size of the solute at all densities which is at variance with the prediction of the levitation effect. In order to understand this anomaly, additional simulations were carried out in which the degree of disorder has been varied while keeping the density constant. The results show that the diffusivity maximum gradually disappears with increase in disorder. Disorder has been characterized by means of the minimal spanning tree. Simulations have also been carried out in which the degree of disorder is constant and only the density is altered. The results from these simulations show that the maximum in diffusivity now shifts to larger distances with decrease in density. This is in agreement with the changes in void and neck distribution with density of the host medium. These results are in excellent agreement with the predictions of the levitation effect. They suggest that the effect of disorder is to shift the maximum in diffusivity towards smaller solute radius while that of the decrease in density is to shift it towards larger solute radius. Thus, in real systems where the degree of disorder is lower at higher density and vice versa, the effect due to density and disorder have opposing influences. These are confirmed by the changes seen in the velocity autocorrelation function, self part of the intermediate scattering function and activation energy. (C) 2012 American Institute of Physics. http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.3701619]


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We study the quenching dynamics of a many-body system in one dimension described by a Hamiltonian that has spatial periodicity. Specifically, we consider a spin-1/2 chain with equal xx and yy couplings and subject to a periodically varying magnetic field in the (z) over cap direction or, equivalently, a tight-binding model of spinless fermions with a periodic local chemical potential, having period 2q, where q is a positive integer. For a linear quench of the strength of the magnetic field (or chemical potential) at a rate 1/tau across a quantum critical point, we find that the density of defects thereby produced scales as 1/tau(q/(q+1)), deviating from the 1/root tau scaling that is ubiquitous in a range of systems. We analyze this behavior by mapping the low-energy physics of the system to a set of fermionic two-level systems labeled by the lattice momentum k undergoing a nonlinear quench as well as by performing numerical simulations. We also show that if the magnetic field is a superposition of different periods, the power law depends only on the smallest period for very large values of tau, although it may exhibit a crossover at intermediate values of tau. Finally, for the case where a zz coupling is also present in the spin chain, or equivalently, where interactions are present in the fermionic system, we argue that the power associated with the scaling law depends on a combination of q and the interaction strength.


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Thin films were thermally evaporated from the bulk glasses of As40Se60-xSbx (with x = 0, 5, 10, 15 at.%) under high vacuum. We have characterized the deposited films by Fourier Transform Infrared spectroscopy. The relationship between the structural and optical properties and the compositional variation has been investigated. Increasing Sb content was found to affect the thermal and optical properties of these films. Non-direct electronic transition was found to be responsible for the photon absorption inside the investigated films. It was found that, the optical band gap E-o decreases while the width of localized states (Urbach energy) E-e increases. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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CuFe2O4 nanograins have been prepared by the chemical co-precipitation technique and calcined in the temperature range of 200-1200 degrees C for 3 h. A wide range of grain sizes has been observed in this sintering temperature range, which has been determined to be 4 to 56 nm. Formation of ferrite has also been confirmed by FTIR measurement through the presence of wide band near 600 and 430 cm(-1) for the samples in the as-dried condition. Systematic variation of wave number has been observed with the variation of the calcination temperature. B-H loops exhibit transition from superparamagnetic to ferrimagnetic state above the calcination temperature of 900 degrees C. Coercivity of the samples at lower calcination temperature of 900 degrees C reduces significantly and tends towards zero coercivity, which is suggestive of superparamagnetic transition for the samples sintered below this temperature. Frequency spectrum of the real and imaginary part of complex initial permeability have been measured for the samples calcined at different temperature, which shows wide range of frequency stability. Curie temperature, T-c has been measured from temperature dependence initial permeability at a fixed frequency of 100 kHz. Although there is small variation of T-c with sintering temperature, the reduction of permeability with temperature drastically reduce for lower sintering temperature, which is in conformity with the change of B-H loops with the variation of sintering temperatures.


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We determine the nature of coupled phonons and magnetic excitations in AlFeO3 using inelastic light scattering from 5 to 315 K covering a spectral range from 100 to 2200 cm(-1) and complementary first-principles density functional theory-based calculations. A strong spin-phonon coupling and magnetic ordering-induced phonon renormalization are evident in (1) anomalous temperature dependence of many modes with frequencies below 850 cm(-1), particularly near the magnetic transition temperature T-c approximate to 250 K, and (2) distinct changes in band positions of high-frequency Raman bands between 1100 and 1800 cm(-1); in particular, a broad mode near 1250 cm(-1) appears only below T-c, attributed to the two-magnon Raman scattering. We also observe weak anomalies in the mode frequencies similar to 100 K due to a magnetically driven ferroelectric phase transition. Understanding of these experimental observations has been possible on the basis of first-principles calculations of the phonons' spectrum and their coupling with spins.