881 resultados para fractal microstrip
Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-07
Over the last two centuries many major cities have undergone large-scale modernisation that has led to the growing sense of homogenisation associated with such locales across the globe. The fractal logic that is at the heart of so many urban settings, where the whole system is made up of parts that are identical to the whole, seems to serve in making anonymous everyday experiences. Public transport and its corresponding street furniture, if thoughtfully designed and planned, has the potential to form an integral element in the promotion of a sense of identity, interconnectedness and flow within a city. Furthermore, bus stops, benches, litter bins, curb-sides, posts and pavements, to mention a few, offer interesting cases to consider how people truly engage with contemporary urban spaces. These objects—part of routine and made familiar—are elements of daily lives that are ingredients towards visual and multi-modal experiences. In addition, these are places where individuals encounter sociality and materiality in ordinary and sometimes extraordinary ways. This paper uses a visual ethnographic approach towards exploring the human traces of routine activities that have an impact on the cityscape. An Investigation of these details found within the urban landscape lead us towards understanding how we engage with and navigate cities. This is essentially an urban archaeological study that looks to reveal how non-designed phenomenon in urban places can contribute to our image of a city, providing a reflection on homogeneity within the built environment. Our visual ethnography focuses on six major cities: two each in Britain, Europe and North America. The findings of this work illustrate through visual analyses three key characteristics: first, how urban spaces are transformed intentionally and unintentionally; second, how transformations are practical, functional, beautiful and sometimes ridiculous; third, how transformations reveal values around visual and multi-modal experiences inherent to people.
Brazil is home to one of the richest avifaunas the world, which is subject to high levels of environmental degradation, in particular forest fragmentation. The Atlantic Forest biome depicts this history of devastation and today remains as small isolated fragments on highly degraded landscapes. This project aimed to evaluate the effects of forest fragmentation in an area with Atlantic Forest remnants in northern Paraná (Brazil) on the distribution and the organization of assemblage of forest birds and tested the hypothesis that the structure of the assembly in the fragments is different than expected by chance. We did four qualitative samplings of birds in three sets of forest fragments in the landscape, each with three fragments: large, medium and small. The method applied in the sampling was point counts along transects, traveled randomly for four hours in each fragment. Samples were taken in two periods: from September to November / 2013, and between March and May / 2014. The structure of the meeting was assessed by rates of co-occurring species (Checkerboard and CScore) and α diversity patterns (wealth) and β (turnover of species), while the landscape structure was analyzed from the parameters: area, distance between fragments, fractal dimension, edge density, fragment shape index and nuclear area index. The null hypothesis of no structure in the assembly of birds in the landscape was tested with null models from the co-occurrence indexes. The effects of landscape structure on the assembly of the structure were analyzed by the Mantel test and principal component analysis (PCA). The assembly of the structure in the landscape showed a pattern of spatiotemporal organization significantly different from that expected by chance, revealing a structure most influenced by segregation of the species. The fragments showed significant differences in richness, unlike sets of fragments, indicating relative homogeneity in the landscape structure. The differences between the size and the distance between the fragments significantly influenced the patterns of organization of the meeting of forest birds in the landscape and patterns of α and β diversity, indicating that the higher the fragment and smaller distances between them, more the standard of species cooccurrence is different than expected by chance. Thus, the fragmented landscape of remnants of the northern Paraná Atlantic Forest still has availability of environmental resources and physical characteristics that allow a persistent organizational structure of the assembly of forest birds in space over time.
Os veículos aéreos não tripulados, mais conhecidos por drones, têm tomado atualmente uma posição importante na sociedade. Para além da sua importância no meio militar, têm sido cada vez mais utilizados para meios comerciais uma vez que o seu custo é relativamente baixo e podem ser utilizados para inúmeras aplicações. Devido à sua importância em missões de salvamento, reconhecimento de terreno e até mesmo de ataque, é fundamental uma boa comunicação entre a aeronave e a estação terrestre. Sendo a antena um dos principais elementos do sistema de comunicação, esta dissertação centrou-se no desenvolvimento de uma agregado de antenas a operar à frequência de 2.45GHz. Pretende-se que este agregado apresente polarização circular direita bem como um ganho e largura de banda elevados. Com o objetivo de se obter uma comunicação mais eficiente entre a aeronave e a estação terrestre, o agregado permitirá o redirecionamento do feixe principal do diagrama de radiação. Para tal, serão analisadas três abordagens distintas recorrendo a linhas de atraso e switches, permitindo que seja efetuado beamforming.
We propose a family of local CSS stabilizer codes as possible candidates for self-correcting quantum memories in 3D. The construction is inspired by the classical Ising model on a Sierpinski carpet fractal, which acts as a classical self-correcting memory. Our models are naturally defined on fractal subsets of a 4D hypercubic lattice with Hausdorff dimension less than 3. Though this does not imply that these models can be realized with local interactions in R3, we also discuss this possibility. The X and Z sectors of the code are dual to one another, and we show that there exists a finite temperature phase transition associated with each of these sectors, providing evidence that the system may robustly store quantum information at finite temperature.
Resonant tunnelling diode (RTD) is known to be the fastest electronics device that can be fabricated in compact form and operate at room temperature with potential oscillation frequency up to 2.5 THz. The RTD device consists of a narrow band gap quantum well layer sandwiched between two thin wide band gap barriers layers. It exhibits negative differential resistance (NDR) region in its current-voltage (I-V) characteristics which is utilised in making oscillators. Up to date, the main challenge is producing high output power at high frequencies in particular. Although oscillation frequencies of ~ 2 THz have been already reported, the output power is in the range of micro-Watts. This thesis describes the systematic work on the design, fabrication, and characterisation of RTD-based oscillators in microwave/millimetre-wave monolithic integrated circuits (MMIC) form that can produce high output power and high oscillation frequency at the same time. Different MMIC RTD oscillator topologies were designed, fabricated, and characterised in this project which include: single RTD oscillator which employs one RTD device, double RTDs oscillator which employs two RTD devices connected in parallel, and coupled RTD oscillators which combine the powers of two oscillators over a single load, based on mutual coupling and which can employ up to four RTD devices. All oscillators employed relatively large size RTD devices for high power operation. The main challenge was to realise high oscillation frequency (~ 300 GHz) in MMIC form with the employed large sized RTD devices. To achieve this aim, proper designs of passive structures that can provide small values of resonating inductances were essential. These resonating inductance structures included shorted coplanar wave guide (CPW) and shorted microstrip transmission lines of low characteristics impedances Zo. Shorted transmission line of lower Zo has lower inductance per unit length. Thus, the geometrical dimensions would be relatively large and facilitate fabrication by low cost photolithography. A series of oscillators with oscillation frequencies in the J-band (220 – 325 GHz) range and output powers from 0.2 – 1.1 mW have been achieved in this project, and all were fabricated using photolithography. Theoretical estimation showed that higher oscillation frequencies (> 1 THz) can be achieved with the proposed MMIC RTD oscillators design in this project using photolithography with expected high power operation. Besides MMIC RTD oscillators, reported planar antennas for RTD-based oscillators were critically reviewed and the main challenges in designing high performance integrated antennas on large dielectric constant substrates are discussed in this thesis. A novel antenna was designed, simulated, fabricated, and characterised in this project. It was a bow-tie antenna with a tuning stub that has very wide bandwidth across the J-band. The antenna was diced and mounted on a reflector ground plane to alleviate the effect of the large dielectric constant substrate (InP) and radiates upwards to the air-side direction. The antenna was also investigated for integration with the all types of oscillators realised in this project. One port and two port antennas were designed, simulated, fabricated, and characterised and showed the suitability of integration with the single/double oscillator layout and the coupled oscillator layout, respectively.
The faunal inventory of the macroinvertebrate community is important to the environmental assessment, since this biota is sensitive to human disturbance. The reservoir of Rio Verde, located on the first plateau of Paraná, is inserted into an agricultural region with several forest fragments Araucaria. The aim of this study was to evaluate the environmental integrity of the reservoir through ecological indexes of macroinvertebrate community benthic and associated with macrophytes. Five sampling points were defined in the study area, which comprise distinct microhabitats in the basin. There were four sampling campaigns, each by weather station: Spring (2014); Summer (2015); Autumn (2015) and Winter (2015). In each sample were measured abiotic various parameters in the field and be collected water samples for nutrient analysis in the laboratory. The macroinvertebrates were collected in triplicate at adapted Macan method using mesh sieve 1 mm and CPUE (catch per unit effort) for 20 minutes. In order to pellet sample was used a dredger model Petersen 2L. Still in the field, by season, samples were collected from macrophytes Myriophyllum aquaticum (Vell) Verdc. and Potamogeton montevidensis A. Benn. in triplicates in the fluvial region of the reservoir, to analyze the associated fractal dimension and macrofauna. For this we used a PVC sampler specific volume 0.025 m3. the following ecological descriptors were calculated in each case: abundance, wealth tax, wealth Margalef, Shannon-Wiener diversity, evenness evenness through the Past software. The index Biological Monitoring Working Party (BMWP) for monitoring sampling points was also calculated. Regarding the statistical analysis, we used the analysis of PERMANOVA to compare points and seasons and canonical correspondence analysis (CCoA) for variables. Regarding M. aquaticum and P. montevidensis it was not verified difference to the average associated macroinvertebrates. However there was a difference for abundance of organisms in the fractal dimension and biomass of specimens. M. aquaticum is more complex and took more macrofauna in relation to P. montevidensis. Regarding the monitoring of the reservoir, it showed up mesotrophic with moderate nutrient concentrations and within the regulatory limits. Benthic macrofauna showed statistical differences in relation to the reservoir region, sample point and temporal variation. The BMWP index showed that the river region has the highest biotic integrity (in all samples above 70 points), and the ecological descriptors of wealth and Margalef diversity of Shannon- Wiener higher. In point 4 (dam downstream) were recorded evidence of possible impacts due to lower wealth and BMWP index which resulted in a questionable quality water. New approaches are needed to focus on the aquatic community in the best understanding of this ecosystem and also with a view to environmental preservation of the Green River Basin.
Nitrogen (N) is an essential plant nutrient in maize production, and if considering only natural sources, is often the limiting factor world-wide in terms of a plant’s grain yield. For this reason, many farmers around the world supplement available soil N with synthetic man-made forms. Years of over-application of N fertilizer have led to increased N in groundwater and streams due to leaching and run-off from agricultural sites. In the Midwest Corn Belt much of this excess N eventually makes its way to the Gulf of Mexico leading to eutrophication (increase of phytoplankton) and a hypoxic (reduced oxygen) dead zone. Growing concerns about these types of problems and desire for greater input use efficiency have led to demand for crops with improved N use efficiency (NUE) to allow reduced N fertilizer application rates and subsequently lower N pollution. It is well known that roots are responsible for N uptake by plants, but it is relatively unknown how root architecture affects this ability. This research was conducted to better understand the influence of root complexity (RC) in maize on a plant’s response to N stress as well as the influence of RC on other above-ground plant traits. Thirty-one above-ground plant traits were measured for 64 recombinant inbred lines (RILs) from the intermated B73 & Mo17 (IBM) population and their backcrosses (BCs) to either parent, B73 and Mo17, under normal (182 kg N ha-1) and N deficient (0 kg N ha-1) conditions. The RILs were selected based on results from an earlier experiment by Novais et al. (2011) which screened 232 RILs from the IBM to obtain their root complexity measurements. The 64 selected RILs were comprised of 31 of the lowest complexity RILs (RC1) and 33 of the highest complexity RILs (RC2) in terms of root architecture (characterized as fractal dimensions). The use of the parental BCs classifies the experiment as Design III, an experimental design developed by Comstock and Robinson (1952) which allows for estimation of dominance significance and level. Of the 31 traits measured, 12 were whole plant traits chosen due to their documented response to N stress. The other 19 traits were ear traits commonly measured for their influence on yield. Results showed that genotypes from RC1 and RC2 significantly differ for several above-ground phenotypes. We also observed a difference in the number and magnitude of N treatment responses between the two RC classes. Differences in phenotypic trait correlations and their change in response to N were also observed between the RC classes. RC did not seem to have a strong correlation with calculated NUE (ΔYield/ΔN). Quantitative genetic analysis utilizing the Design III experimental design revealed significant dominance effects acting on several traits as well as changes in significance and dominance level between N treatments. Several QTL were mapped for 26 of the 31 traits and significant N effects were observed across the majority of the genome for some N stress indicative traits (e.g. stay-green). This research and related projects are essential to a better understanding of plant N uptake and metabolism. Understanding these processes is a necessary step in the progress towards the goal of breeding for better NUE crops.
This work presents the study of Bull's eye antenna designs, a type of leaky wave antenna (LWA), operating in the 60 GHz band. This band emerged as a new standard for specific terrestrial and space applications because the radio spectrumbecomes more congested up to the millimetre-wave band, starting at 30 GHz. Built on existing Bull's eye antenna designs, novel structures were simulated, fabricated and measured, so as to provide more exibility in the implementation of wireless solutions at this frequency. Firstly, the study of a 60 GHz Bull's eye antenna for straightforward integration onto a CubeSat is presented. An investigation of the design is carried out, from the description of the radiation mechanism supported by simulation results, to the radiation pattern measurement of a prototype which provides a gain of 19.1 dBi at boresight. Another design, based on a modified feed structure, uses a microstrip to waveguide transition to provide easier and inexpensive integration of a Bull's eye antenna onto a planar circuit. Secondly, the design of Bull's eye antennas capable of creating beam deflection and multi-beam is presented. In particular, a detail study of the deflection mechanism is proposed, followed by the demonstration of a Bull's eye antenna generating two separate beams at ±16° away from the boresight. In addition, a novel mechanically steerable Bull's eye antenna, based on the division of the corrugated area in paired sectors is presented. A prototype was fabricated and measured. It generated double beams at ±8° and ±15° from the boresight, and a single boresight beam. Thirdly, a Bull's eye antenna capable of generating two simultaneous orbital angular momentum (OAM) modes l = 3 is proposed. The design is based on a circular travelling wave resonator and would allow channel capacity increase through OAM multiplexing. An improved design based on two stacked OAM Bull's eye antennas capable of producing four orthogonal OAM modes l = (±3,±13) simultaneously is presented. A novel receiving scheme based on discretely sampled partial aperture receivers (DSPAR) is then introduced. This solution could provide a lower windage and a lower cost of implementation than current whole or partial continuous aperture.
The aim of this paper is to provide a comprehensive study of some linear non-local diffusion problems in metric measure spaces. These include, for example, open subsets in ℝN, graphs, manifolds, multi-structures and some fractal sets. For this, we study regularity, compactness, positivity and the spectrum of the stationary non-local operator. We then study the solutions of linear evolution non-local diffusion problems, with emphasis on similarities and differences with the standard heat equation in smooth domains. In particular, we prove weak and strong maximum principles and describe the asymptotic behaviour using spectral methods.
Este texto abarca temas como: superficies diferenciales, diferenciación e integración en superficies, formas fundamentales, Curvatura Gaussiana, teorema Egregio y teorema de Gauss-Bonnet. La colección de textos lecciones de matemáticas, iniciativa del departamento de Ciencias Básicas de la Universidad de Medellín (Medellín, Colombia) y su grupo de investigación SUMMA, incluye en cada número la exposición detallada de un tema matemático en particular, tratado con el rigor que muchas veces no es posible lograr en un curso regular de la disciplina. Las matemáticas incluyen diferentes áreas del saber matemático como: álgebra, trigonometría, cálculo, estadística y probabilidades, álgebra lineal, métodos lineales y numéricos, historia de las matemáticas, geometría, matemáticas puras y aplicadas, ecuaciones diferenciales y empelo de softwares matemáticos. Todas las carátulas de la colección vienen ilustradas, a manera de identificación, con diseños de la geometría fractal cuya fuente u origen se encuentra referenciada en las páginas interiores de los textos.
International audience
Métodos no paramétricos para el análisis de series de tiempo, es una continuación del trabajo que se realizó en la lección introducción a las Series de Tiempo: Métodos Paramétricos; la finalidad ahora, es proporcionarle al estudiante las herramientas que le permitan tomar decisiones, a través de la construcción de los modelos no paramétricos por eso el sentido, de esta nueva publicación, es guiar al estudia te en los aspectos del manejo básico de la construcción de dichos modelos para la realización de futuras aplicaciones en derivados financieros, teoría de portafolios y mercados de capitales, entre otros. La escritura de textos, incluida esta colección es un programa del Provecto Institucional Permanencia con Calidad - PIPC-, cuyo objetivo principal es intervenir los niveles de deserción perdida académica de los estudiantes de la Institución. Todas las carátulas de la colección vienen ilustradas, a manera de identificación, con diseños de la geometría fractal, cuya fuente u origen se encuentra referenciado en las páginas interiores de los textos.
Las Curvas convencionales, llamadas así porque su trazo se conoce con el solo nombre de la función, se clasifican en dos grandes grupos: Algebraicas y Trascendentes: al primero pertenece la familia de las funciones polinómicas, con la principal que es la cuadrática, también hacen parte de este grupo las funciones por tramos, con la función valor absoluto como la más representativa; la función algebraica propiamente dicha, las funciones irracionales representadas por la familia de las cónicas (circunferencia, parábola horizontal, elipse e hipérbola) y las funciones racionales que agrupan a las que tienen representación gráfica asintótica. Al grupo de las trascendentes pertenecen todas las funciones no algebraicas, es decís, la familia de las funciones trigonométricas y de las trigonométricas inversas, la primera se caracteriza porque sus gráficas son periódicas, lo que significa que su trazo se repite en cada subconjunto del dominio: otra familia de este grupo es la de las exponenciales y logarítmicas que son inversas entre sí; otra es la de las funciones hiperbólicas e hiperbólicas inversas, donde las primeras son una representación de las funciones exponenciales. La colección Lecciones de matemáticas, iniciativa del Departamento de Ciencias Básicas de la Universidad de Medellín y del grupo de investigación SUMMA, incluye en cada número la exposición detallada de un tema matemático, tratado con mayor profundidad que en un curso regular. Las temáticas incluyen: álgebra, trigonometría, cálculo, estadística y probabilidades, álgebra lineal, métodos lineales y numéricos, historia de las matemáticas, geometría, matemáticas puras y aplicadas, ecuaciones diferenciales y empleo de software para la enseñanza de las matemáticas. Todas las carátulas de la colección vienen ilustradas, a manera de identificación, con diseños de la geometría fractal cuya fuente u origen se encuentra referenciada en las páginas interiores de los textos.
Conjuntos numéricos y aritmética, plantea, de manera descriptiva, un recorrido por los diferentes conjuntos numéricos. La pretensión inicialmente, ha sido partir del planteamiento y definición del conjunto numérico más elemental como lo es el conjunto de los números naturales, hasta llegar a su ampliación, por necesidades de cálculo y solución de operaciones, al conjunto de los números complejos. Por esta vía se transita, entonces, pasando por el conjunto de los números enteros, racionales, irracionales y reales, sin abordar, en ningún momento, estos conjuntos con enfoques o análisis axiomáticos. La colección Lecciones de matemáticas, iniciativa del Departamento de Ciencias Básicas de la Universidad de Medellín y del grupo de investigación SUMMA, incluye en cada número la exposición detallada de un tema matemático, tratado con mayor profundidad que en un curso regular. Las temáticas incluyen: álgebra, trigonometría, cálculo, estadística y probabilidades, álgebra lineal, métodos lineales y numéricos, historia de las matemáticas, geometría, matemáticas puras y aplicadas, ecuaciones diferenciales y empleo de software para la enseñanza de las matemáticas. Todas las carátulas de la colección vienen ilustradas, a manera de identificación, con diseños de la geometría fractal cuya fuente u origen se encuentra referenciada en las páginas interiores de los textos.