993 resultados para format
The goal of this study was to compare the quantity and purity of DNA extracted from biological tracesusing the QIAsymphony robot with that of the manual QIAamp DNA mini kit currently in use in ourlaboratory. We found that the DNA yield of robot was 1.6-3.5 times lower than that of the manualprotocol. This resulted in a loss of 8% and 29% of the alleles correctly scored when analyzing 1/400 and 1/800 diluted saliva samples, respectively. Specific tests showed that the QIAsymphony was at least 2-16times more efficient at removing PCR inhibitors. The higher purity of the DNA may therefore partlycompensate for the lower DNA yield obtained. No case of cross-contamination was observed amongsamples. After purification with the robot, DNA extracts can be automatically transferred in 96-wellsplates, which is an ideal format for subsequent RT-qPCR quantification and DNA amplification. Lesshands-on time and reduced risk of operational errors represent additional advantages of the robotic platform.
We previously introduced two new protein databases (trEST and trGEN) of hypothetical protein sequences predicted from EST and HTG sequences, respectively. Here, we present the updates made on these two databases plus a new database (trome), which uses alignments of EST data to HTG or full genomes to generate virtual transcripts and coding sequences. This new database is of higher quality and since it contains the information in a much denser format it is of much smaller size. These new databases are in a Swiss-Prot-like format and are updated on a weekly basis (trEST and trGEN) or every 3 months (trome). They can be downloaded by anonymous ftp from ftp://ftp.isrec.isb-sib.ch/pub/databases.
Aquest document mostra el procés de transformació d'un arxiu de Microsoft Word a un document PDF de la forma més accessible possible.
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En aquest document es presenta el procés que hem de seguir per realitzar una presentació amb PowerPoint de manera accessible.A més, s¿hi inclouen bones pràctiques a l¿hora de realitzar una presentació oral i de crear un document PowerPoint.
La guia consta d’un conjunt de documents en format pdf i d’una web (http://www.videoaccessible.udl.cat) que es complementen per donar pautes, recomanacions i exemples necessaris per poder mostrar informació en format vídeo digital accessible per a les persones amb diferents discapacitats
Aquest document és una introducció a la subtitulació amb eines gratuïtes. Concretament es tracten les eines CaptionTube, Subtitle Workshop, Universal Subtitles, vSync i, finalment es parla del format Timed Text.
Informe sobre l'evolució de les mesures de seguretat i sostenibilitat adoptades al Laboratori de fotografia de la Facultat de Belles Arts des de la seva creació i de la incidència i beneficis que el projecte d'innnovació docent ha suposat. La gestió integrada de la qualitat, el medi ambient i la seguretat en la docència experimental dels estudis de grau de les Facultats de Belles Arts A: VALLE MARTÍ, J. (coord.) et al. Els procediments normalitzats de treball en la gestió integrada de la qualitat, el medi ambient i la seguretat en la docència experimental de les facultats de belles arts. Vídeos i documents. Barcelona: Publicacions i Edicions de la UB, 2010. Format llibre i DVD. ISBN: 978-84-475-3477-7.
DELPHINIUM MONTANUM DC. IN LAM. & DC., FL. FR. 5: 641 (1815) - L'esperó de muntanya(Delphinium montanum, Ranunculaceae) és una espècie perenne, tetraploide, endèmica delsPirineus orientals, restringida a 9 poblacions (3 de les quals no s¿han tornat a trobar recentment) iamenaçada (vulnerable [VU] segons criteris de la UICN de 2001). Tàxon objecte d¿estudi per l¿equipdel BioC des de fa uns 25 anys, des del punt de vista taxonòmic (Blanché, 1991), de biologiareproductiva i diversitat genètica (Bosch, 1999; Simon et al., 2001) i de l¿origen de la tetraploïdia(López-Pujol et al., 2007). Ha format part de diversos projectes de recerca entre els quals destacaConservación de la biodiversidad en zonas sometidas a impacto del sector turístico y fragmentaciónde poblaciones. Bases para la gestión de especies amenazadas, finançat pel Plan Nacional de I+D del Ministeri d'Educació i Ciència.
DELPHINIUM MONTANUM DC. IN LAM. & DC., FL. FR. 5: 641 (1815) - L'esperó de muntanya(Delphinium montanum, Ranunculaceae) és una espècie perenne, tetraploide, endèmica delsPirineus orientals, restringida a 9 poblacions (3 de les quals no s¿han tornat a trobar recentment) iamenaçada (vulnerable [VU] segons criteris de la UICN de 2001). Tàxon objecte d¿estudi per l¿equipdel BioC des de fa uns 25 anys, des del punt de vista taxonòmic (Blanché, 1991), de biologiareproductiva i diversitat genètica (Bosch, 1999; Simon et al., 2001) i de l¿origen de la tetraploïdia(López-Pujol et al., 2007). Ha format part de diversos projectes de recerca entre els quals destacaConservación de la biodiversidad en zonas sometidas a impacto del sector turístico y fragmentaciónde poblaciones. Bases para la gestión de especies amenazadas, finançat pel Plan Nacional de I+D del Ministeri d'Educació i Ciència.
Researchers should continuously ask how to improve the models we rely on to make financial decisions in terms of the planning, design, construction, and maintenance of roadways. This project presents an alternative tool that will supplement local decision making but maintain a full appreciation of the complexity and sophistication of today’s regional model and local traffic impact study methodologies. This alternative method is tailored to the desires of local agencies, which requested a better, faster, and easier way to evaluate land uses and their impact on future traffic demands at the sub-area or project corridor levels. A particular emphasis was placed on scenario planning for currently undeveloped areas. The scenario planning tool was developed using actual land use and roadway information for the communities of Johnston and West Des Moines, Iowa. Both communities used the output from this process to make regular decisions regarding infrastructure investment, design, and land use planning. The City of Johnston case study included forecasting future traffic for the western portion of the city within a 2,600-acre area, which included 42 intersections. The City of West Des Moines case study included forecasting future traffic for the city’s western growth area covering over 30,000 acres and 331 intersections. Both studies included forecasting a.m. and p.m. peak-hour traffic volumes based upon a variety of different land use scenarios. The tool developed took goegraphic information system (GIS)-based parcel and roadway information, converted the data into a graphical spreadsheet tool, allowed the user to conduct trip generation, distribution, and assignment, and then to automatically convert the data into a Synchro roadway network which allows for capacity analysis and visualization. The operational delay outputs were converted back into a GIS thematic format for contrast and further scenario planning. This project has laid the groundwork for improving both planning and civil transportation decision making at the sub-regional, super-project level.
The IDPH Public Health Tracking Program is an excellent way to collect data related to various indicators for Iowans, but those looking for national statistics or data from other states may want to check out the Health Indicators Warehouse (healthindicators.gov). Run and maintained by the CDC’s National Center for Health Statistics, this site is a centralized source for national, state, and county data for a wide variety of indicators. The data is available to the public, and can be accessed either through the tables and charts directly on the website, or indicators can be downloaded to use in a spreadsheet. Once on the site, users are able to search for their desired data either by topic or geographic region. Filters can then be applied to the chosen field to narrow down the user’s search and obtain the preferred statistics. In addition, users are also able to search for indicators derived from state and federal health indicator initiatives: County Health Rankings, Community Health Status Indicators, Healthy People 2020, and CMS Community Indicators. The warehouse provides an overview of each indicator after the user has made their selection. This overview includes information on how the data was calculated and what characteristics are being represented. For example, percent of binge drinking adults is prefaced in the overview that data was based on the question: “Considering all types of alcoholic beverages, how many times during the past 30 days did you have [5 for men, 4 for women] or more drinks on an occasion?" Data is viewable either in the basic table format, chart format, or for some indicators it is possible to view it in terms of a national map. The Health Indicators Warehouse updates indicators as data becomes available, but the collection of years varies amongst the indicators. Nonetheless, this site is a useful resource to anyone looking for comparative indicators throughout the nation or is interested in one of the hundreds of indicators housed by the site. For more information or to check out what the warehouse has to offer visit: http://healthindicators.gov/
A part de l"ús del pretèrit perifràstic, format amb el verb ir + infinitiu (xistaví) o anar + infinitiu (català), els paral lelismes més interessants entre el xistaví i el català són de tipus lèxic. Tanmateix, sovint no resulta gens fàcil decidir si les formes compartides són préstecs directes o si constitueixen part d"un tresor comú. Determinades paraules com ara sep i boc, amb oclusiva final, i llesca, amb [ʎ] inicial, porten l"empremta d"identitat catalana, així com borde < bord, amb vocal de suport final en aragonès i en castellà, i cotón, sense l"article àrab aglutinat (però amb [n] final en aragonès). La forma mielsa és un catalanisme tan antic que presenta diftongació de la vocal radical en aragonès. A més a més, tancar, que és específic de l"Aragó oriental, sembla ser resultat de l"expansió del català a territoris dialectals veïns. En canvi, bachoca és tan generalitzat també es troba a Múrcia i València que no pot ésser considerat com el cas anterior. En aquest article intentem d"avaluar l"impacte del lèxic català en l"aragonès de Gistaín (xistaví).
The IDPH Public Health Tracking Program is an excellent way to collect data related to various indicators for Iowans, but those looking for national statistics or data from other states may want to check out the Health Indicators Warehouse (healthindicators.gov). Run and maintained by the CDC’s National Center for Health Statistics, this site is a centralized source for national, state, and county data for a wide variety of indicators. The data is available to the public, and can be accessed either through the tables and charts directly on the website, or indicators can be downloaded to use in a spreadsheet. Once on the site, users are able to search for their desired data either by topic or geographic region. Filters can then be applied to the chosen field to narrow down the user’s search and obtain the preferred statistics. In addition, users are also able to search for indicators derived from state and federal health indicator initiatives: County Health Rankings, Community Health Status Indicators, Healthy People 2020, and CMS Community Indicators. The warehouse provides an overview of each indicator after the user has made their selection. This overview includes information on how the data was calculated and what characteristics are being represented. For example, percent of binge drinking adults is prefaced in the overview that data was based on the question: “Considering all types of alcoholic beverages, how many times during the past 30 days did you have [5 for men, 4 for women] or more drinks on an occasion?" Data is viewable either in the basic table format, chart format, or for some indicators it is possible to view it in terms of a national map. The Health Indicators Warehouse updates indicators as data becomes available, but the collection of years varies amongst the indicators. Nonetheless, this site is a useful resource to anyone looking for comparative indicators throughout the nation or is interested in one of the hundreds of indicators housed by the site. For more information or to check out what the warehouse has to offer visit: http://healthindicators.gov/