934 resultados para few-cycle ultrashort laser pulses


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We report a 2 μm ultrafast solid-state Tm: Lu2O3 laser, mode-locked by single-layer graphene, generating transform-limited ∼ 410 fs pulses, with a spectral width ∼ 11.1 nm at 2067 nm. The maximum average output power is 270 mW, at a pulse repetition frequency of 110 MHz. This is a convenient high-power transform-limited ultrafast laser at 2 μm for various applications, such as laser surgery and material processing. © 2013 American Institute of Physics.


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We fabricate a saturable absorber mirror by coating a graphenefilm on an output coupler mirror. This is then used to obtain Q-switched mode-locking from a diode-pumped linear cavity channel waveguide laser inscribed in Ytterbium-doped Bismuthate Glass. The laser produces 1.06 ps pulses at ∼1039 nm, with a 1.5 GHz repetition rate, 48% slope efficiency and 202 mW average output power. This performance is due to the combination of the graphene saturable absorber and the high quality optical waveguides in the laser glass. © 2013 Optical Society of America.


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Bioethanol is the world's largest-produced alternative to petroleum-derived transportation fuels due to its compatibility within existing spark-ignition engines and its relatively mature production technology. Despite its success, questions remain over the greenhouse gas (GHG) implications of fuel ethanol use with many studies showing significant impacts of differences in land use, feedstock, and refinery operation. While most efforts to quantify life-cycle GHG impacts have focused on the production stage, a few recent studies have acknowledged the effect of ethanol on engine performance and incorporated these effects into the fuel life cycle. These studies have broadly asserted that vehicle efficiency increases with ethanol use to justify reducing the GHG impact of ethanol. These results seem to conflict with the general notion that ethanol decreases the fuel efficiency (or increases the fuel consumption) of vehicles due to the lower volumetric energy content of ethanol when compared to gasoline. Here we argue that due to the increased emphasis on alternative fuels with drastically differing energy densities, vehicle efficiency should be evaluated based on energy rather than volume. When done so, we show that efficiency of existing vehicles can be affected by ethanol content, but these impacts can serve to have both positive and negative effects and are highly uncertain (ranging from -15% to +24%). As a result, uncertainties in the net GHG effect of ethanol, particularly when used in a low-level blend with gasoline, are considerably larger than previously estimated (standard deviations increase by >10% and >200% when used in high and low blends, respectively). Technical options exist to improve vehicle efficiency through smarter use of ethanol though changes to the vehicle fleets and fuel infrastructure would be required. Future biofuel policies should promote synergies between the vehicle and fuel industries in order to maximize the society-wise benefits or minimize the risks of adverse impacts of ethanol.


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This paper reviews recent advances in superradiant (SR) emission in semiconductors at room temperature, a process which has been shown to enable the generation on demand of high power picosecond or subpicosecond pulses across a range of different wavelengths. The different characteristic features of SR emission from semiconductor devices with bulk, quantum-well, and quantum-dot active regions are outlined, and particular emphasis is placed on comparing the characteristic features of SR with those of lasing. Finally, potential applications of SR pulses are discussed. © 1995-2012 IEEE.


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Passive modelocking using carbon nanotubes is achieved in a linear cavity waveguide laser realized by ultrafast laser inscription in ytterbium doped bismuthate glass. The pulses observed under a Q-switched envelope have a repetition rate of 1.5 GHz. © 2012 OSA.


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We numerically modeled the spatio-temporal dynamics of Dicke superradiance in GaN/InGaN heterostructure quantum wells in a ridge waveguide cavity. Model predictions envisage ultrashort pulses of intensities superior to what can be obtained in mode-locked lasers. ©2010 IEEE.


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An analysis is made of the conditions for the generation of superfluorescence pulses in an inverted medium of electron-hole pairs in a semiconductor. It is shown that strong optical amplification in laser semiconductor amplifiers characterised by αL ≫ 1 leads to suppression of phase re-laxation of the medium during the initial stages of evolution of superfluorescence and to formation of a macroscopic dipole from electron-hole pairs. Cooperative emission of radiation in this system results in generation of a powerful ultrashort pulse of the optical gain, which interacts coherently with the semiconductor medium. It is shown that coherent pulsations of the optical field, observed earlier by the author in Q-switched semiconductor lasers, are the result of superfluorescence and of the coherent interaction between the optical field and the medium.


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An analysis is made of the conditions for the generation of superfluorescence pulses in an inverted medium of electron-hole pairs in a semiconductor. It is shown that strong optical amplification in laser semiconductor amplifiers characterised by αL ≫ 1 (α is the small-signal gain and L is the amplifier length) leads to suppression of phase relaxation of the medium during the initial stages of evolution of superfluorescence and to formation of a macroscopic dipole from electron - hole pairs. Cooperative emission of radiation in this system results in generation of a powerful ultrashort pulse of the optical gain, which interacts coherently with the semiconductor medium. It is shown that coherent pulsations of the optical field, observed earlier by the author in Q-switched semiconductor lasers, are the result of superfluorescence and of the coherent interaction between the optical field and the medium.


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The RF locking of a self-Q-switching diode laser is shown to reduce the jitter of a 2.48 GHz train of 1 W peak power picosecond pulses to less than 300 fs. By using direct modulation of the loss in the Q-switched laser, direct encoding of data has been achieved at rates in excess of 2 Gbit/s.


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High power bandwidth-limited picosecond pulses with peak powers in excess of 200 mW have been generated using multi-contact distributed feedback laser diodes for the first time. The pulses have widths typically less than 10 ps, time-bandwidth products of as little as 0·24, and can be generated on demand at generator limited repetition rates of up to 140 MHz.


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A mode-locked Raman laser, using 25 m of a GeO2 doped fiber as the gain medium, is reported employing carbon nanotubes. The oscillator generates 850 ps chirped pulses, which are externally compressed to 185 ps. © OSA 2012.


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We demonstrate a graphene based saturable absorber mode-locked Nd:YVO4 solid-state laser, generating ~14nJ pulses with ~1W average output power. This shows the potential for high-power pulse generation. © 2011 Optical Society of America.


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We demonstrate a graphene based saturable absorber mode-locked Nd:YVO4 solid-state laser, generating ~14nJ pulses with ~1W average output power. This shows the potential for high-power pulse generation. © 2011 Optical Society of America.


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We demonstrate passive mode-locking of a Raman fiber laser using a nanotube-based saturable absorber. The normal dispersion cavity generates highly-chirped 500 ps pulses that are compressed down to 2 ps, with 1.4 kW peak power. © OSA/ CLEO 2011.


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We demonstrate a graphene based saturable absorber mode-locked Nd:YVO4 solid-state laser, generating ~14nJ pulses with ~1W average output power. This shows the potential for high-power pulse generation. © 2011 Optical Society of America.