905 resultados para eye gaze
Purpose: To assess the validity and repeatability of objective compared to subjective contact lens fit analysis. Methods: Thirty-five subjects (aged 22.0. ±. 3.0 years) wore two different soft contact lens designs. Four lens fit variables: centration, horizontal lag, post-blink movement in up-gaze and push-up recovery speed were assessed subjectively (four observers) and objectively from slit-lamp biomicroscopy captured images and video. The analysis was repeated a week later. Results: The average of the four experienced observers was compared to objective measures, but centration, movement on blink, lag and push-up recovery speed all varied significantly between them (p <. 0.001). Horizontal lens centration was on average close to central as assessed both objectively and subjectively (p > 0.05). The 95% confidence interval of subjective repeatability was better than objective assessment (±0.128. mm versus ±0.168. mm, p = 0.417), but utilised only 78% of the objective range. Vertical centration assessed objectively showed a slight inferior decentration (0.371. ±. 0.381. mm) with good inter- and intrasession repeatability (p > 0.05). Movement-on-blink was lower estimated subjectively than measured objectively (0.269. ±. 0.179. mm versus 0.352. ±. 0.355. mm; p = 0.035), but had better repeatability (±0.124. mm versus ±0.314. mm 95% confidence interval) unless correcting for the smaller range (47%). Horizontal lag was lower estimated subjectively (0.562. ±. 0.259. mm) than measured objectively (0.708. ±. 0.374. mm, p <. 0.001), had poorer repeatability (±0.132. mm versus ±0.089. mm 95% confidence interval) and had a smaller range (63%). Subjective categorisation of push-up speed of recovery showed reasonable differentiation relative to objective measurement (p <. 0.001). Conclusions: The objective image analysis allows an accurate, reliable and repeatable assessment of soft contact lens fit characteristics, being a useful tool for research and optimisation of lens fit in clinical practice.
Dry eye disease is a common clinical condition whose aetiology and management challenges clinicians and researchers alike. Practitioners have a number of dry eye tests available to clinically assess dry eye disease, in order to treat their patients effectively and successfully. This thesis set out to determine the most relevant and successful key tests for dry eye disease diagnosis/ management. There has been very little research on determining the most effective treatment options for these patients; therefore a randomised controlled study was conducted in order to see how different artificial treatments perform compared to each other, whether the preferred treatment could have been predicted from their ocular clinical assessment, and if the preferred treatment subjectively related to the greatest improvement in ocular physiology and tear film stability. This research has found: 1. From the plethora of ocular the tear tests available to utilise in clinical practice, the tear stability tests as measured by the non-invasive tear break (NITBUT) up time and invasive tear break up time (NaFL TBUT) are strongly correlated. The tear volume tests are also related as measured by the phenol red thread (PRT) and tear meniscus height (TMH). Lid Parallel Conjunctival Folds (LIPCOF) and conjunctival staining are significantly correlated to one another. Symptomology and osmolarity were also found to be important tests in order to assess for dry eye. 2. Artificial tear supplements do work for ocular comfort, as well as the ocular surface as observed by conjunctival staining and the reduction LIPCOF. There is no strong evidence of one type of artificial tear supplement being more effective than others, and the data suggest that these improvements are more due to the time than the specific drops. 3. When trying to predict patient preference for artificial tears from baseline measurements, the individual category of artificial tear supplements appeared to have an improvement in at least 1 tear metric. Undoubtedly, from the study the patients preferred artificial tear supplements’ were rated much higher than the other three drops used in the study and their subjective responses were statistically significant than the signs. 4. Patients are also willing to pay for a community dry eye service in their area of £17. In conclusion, the dry eye tests conducted in the study correlate with one another and with the symptoms reported by the patient. Artificial tears do make a difference objectively as well as subjectively. There is no optimum artificial treatment for dry eye, however regular consistent use of artificial eye drops will improve the ocular surface.
Sucrose is used as a cryo-preservation agent on large mammalian eyes post formalin fixation and is shown to reduce freezing artefacts allowing the collection of 12-μm thick sections from these large aqueous samples. The suitability of this technique for use in MALDI imaging experiments is demonstrated by the acquisition of the first images of lipid distributions within whole sagittal porcine eye sections. © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Congenital nystagmus (CN) is an ocular-motor disorder that appears at birth or during the first few months of life; it is characterised by involuntary, conjugated, bilateral to and fro ocular oscillations. Pathogenesis of congenital nystagmus is still unknown. Eye movement recording allow to extract and analyse nystagmus main features such as shape, amplitude and frequency; depending on the morphology of the oscillations nystagmus can be classified in different categories (pendular, jerk, horizontal unidirectional, bidirectional). In general, CN patient show a considerable decrease of the visual acuity: image fixation on the retina is disturbed by nystagmus continuous oscillations; however, image stabilisation is still achieved during the short foveation periods in which eye velocity slows down while the target image is placed onto the fovea. Visual acuity was found to be mainly dependent on foveation periods duration, but cycle-to-cycle foveation repeatability and reduction of retinal image velocities also contribute in increasing visual acuity. This study concentrate on cycle-to-cycle image position variation onto fovea, trying to characterise the sequences of foveation positions. Eye-movement (infrared oculographic or electro oculographic) recordings, relative to different gaze positions and belonging to more than 30 CN patients, were analysed. Preliminary results suggest that sequences of foveations show a cyclic pattern with a dominant frequency (around 0.3 Hz on average) much lower than that of the nystagmus (about 3.3 Hz on average). Sequences of foveations reveals an horizontal ocular swing of more than 2 degree on average, which can explain the low visual acuity of the CN patient. Current CN therapies, pharmacological treatment or surgery of the ocular muscles, mainly aim to increase the patient's visual acuity. Hence, it is fundamental to have an objective parameter (expected visual acuity) for therapy planning. The information about sequences of foveations can improve estimation of patient visual acuity. © 2008 Springer-Verlag.
We present a simplified model for a simple estimation of the eye-closure penalty for amplitude noise-degraded signals. Using a typical 40-Gbit/s return-to-zero amplitude-shift-keying transmission, we demonstrate agreement between the model predictions and the results obtained from the conventional numerical estimation method over several thousand kilometers.
An optical coherence tomography (OCT) system to produce both longitudinal and transversal images of the in vivo human eye is presented. For the first time, OCT transversal images collected from the living eye at 50-µm depth steps show details unobtainable with the state-of-the-art scanning laser ophthalmoscope. Images of up to 3×3?mm are produced from the retina in less than a second. For images larger than 1.6×1.6?mm, a path modulation is introduced by the galvanometric scanning mirror and is used as an effective phase modulation method.
Visual mental imagery is a process that draws on different cognitive abilities and is affected by the contents of mental images. Several studies have demonstrated that different brain areas subtend the mental imagery of navigational and non-navigational contents. Here, we set out to determine whether there are distinct representations for navigational and geographical images. Specifically, we used a Spatial Compatibility Task (SCT) to assess the mental representation of a familiar navigational space (the campus), a familiar geographical space (the map of Italy) and familiar objects (the clock). Twenty-one participants judged whether the vertical or the horizontal arrangement of items was correct. We found that distinct representational strategies were preferred to solve different categories on the SCT, namely, the horizontal perspective for the campus and the vertical perspective for the clock and the map of Italy. Furthermore, we found significant effects due to individual differences in the vividness of mental images and in preferences for verbal versus visual strategies, which selectively affect the contents of mental images. Our results suggest that imagining a familiar navigational space is somewhat different from imagining a familiar geographical space. © 2014 Elsevier Ireland Ltd.
Along with other diseases that can affect binocular vision, reducing the visual quality of a subject, Congenital Nystagmus (CN) is of peculiar interest. CN is an ocular-motor disorder characterized by involuntary, conjugated ocular oscillations and, while identified more than forty years ago, its pathogenesis is still under investigation. This kind of nystagmus is termed congenital (or infantile) since it could be present at birth or it can arise in the first months of life. The majority of CN patients show a considerable decrease of their visual acuity: image fixation on the retina is disturbed by nystagmus continuous oscillations, mainly horizontal. However, the image of a given target can still be stable during short periods in which eye velocity slows down while the target image is placed onto the fovea (called foveation intervals). To quantify the extent of nystagmus, eye movement recordings are routinely employed, allowing physicians to extract and analyze nystagmus main features such as waveform shape, amplitude and frequency. Use of eye movement recording, opportunely processed, allows computing "estimated visual acuity" predictors, which are analytical functions that estimate expected visual acuity using signal features such as foveation time and foveation position variability. Hence, it is fundamental to develop robust and accurate methods to measure both those parameters in order to obtain reliable values from the predictors. In this chapter the current methods to record eye movements in subjects with congenital nystagmus will be discussed and the present techniques to accurately compute foveation time and eye position will be presented. This study aims to disclose new methodologies in congenital nystagmus eye movements analysis, in order to identify nystagmus cycles and to evaluate foveation time, reducing the influence of repositioning saccades and data noise on the critical parameters of the estimation functions. Use of those functions extends the information acquired with typical visual acuity measurement (e.g., Landolt C test) and could be a support for treatment planning or therapy monitoring. © 2010 by Nova Science Publishers, Inc. All rights reserved.
Foveation time measure in Congenital Nystagmus through second order approximation of the slow phases
Congenital Nystagmus (CN) is an ocular-motor disorder characterised by involuntary, conjugated ocular oscillations, and its pathogenesis is still unknown. The pathology is de fined as "congenital" from the onset time of its arise which could be at birth or in the first months of life. Visual acuity in CN subjects is often diminished due to nystagmus continuous oscillations, mainly on the horizontal plane, which disturb image fixation on the retina. However, during short periods in which eye velocity slows down while the target image is placed onto the fovea (called foveation intervals) the image of a given target can still be stable, allowing a subject to reach a higher visual acuity. In CN subjects, visual acuity is usually assessed both using typical measurement techniques (e.g. Landolt C test) and with eye movement recording in different gaze positions. The offline study of eye movement recordings allows physicians to analyse nystagmus main features such as waveform shape, amplitude and frequency and to compute estimated visual acuity predictors. This analytical functions estimates the best corrected visual acuity using foveation time and foveation position variability, hence a reliable estimation of this two parameters is a fundamental factor in assessing visual acuity. This work aims to enhance the foveation time estimation in CN eye movement recording, computing a second order approximation of the slow phase components of nystag-mus oscillations. About 19 infraredoculographic eye-movement recordings from 10 CN subjects were acquired and the visual acuity assessed with an acuity predictor was compared to the one measured in primary position. Results suggest that visual acuity measurements based on foveation time estimation obtained from interpolated data are closer to value obtained during Landolt C tests. © 2010 IEEE.
Here we report the assessment and treatment of a 6-year-old boy (L.G.) who was referred to us for congenital prosopagnosia (CP). We investigated his performance using a test battery and eye movement recordings pre- and post-training. L.G. showed deficits in recognising relatives and learning new faces, and misrecognition of unfamiliar people. Eye movement recordings showed that L.G. focused on the lower part of stimuli in naming tasks based on familiar or unfamiliar incomplete or complete faces. The training focused on improving his ability to explore internal features of faces, to discriminate specific facial features of familiar and unfamiliar faces, and to provide his family with strategies to use in the future. At the end of the training programme L.G. no longer failed to recognise close and distant relatives and classmates and did not falsely recognise unknown people.
Purpose: In golf, the impact of eye-hand dominance on putting performance has long been debated. Eye-hand dominance is thought to impact how golfers judge the alignment of the ball with the target and the club with the ball, as well as how golfers visualize the line of the putt when making decisions about the force needed to hit the ball. Previous studies have all measured ocular dominance in primary gaze only, despite golfers spending a significant amount of their time in a putting stance (bent at the hips, head tilted down). Thus, the purpose of this study was to assess ocular dominance in both primary gaze (aligning the ball with the target) and putting gaze (addressing the ball and aligning the club). Methods: This study investigatedmeasuring pointing oculardominance in both primary and putting gaze positions on 31 golfers (14 amateur, 7 club professionals, and 10 top professionals). All playerswere right-handed golfers, although one reported having no hand dominance and one reported being strongly left hand dominant. Results: The results showed that (1) primary and putting gaze ocular dominances are not equal, nor are they predictive of each other; (2) themagnitude of putting ocular dominance is significantly less than themagnitude of primary gaze ocular dominance; (3) ocular dominance is not correlated with handedness in either primary or putting gaze; and (4) eye-hand dominance is not associated with increased putting skill, although ocular dominance may be associated with increased putting success. Conclusions: It is important that coaches assess golfers' ocular dominance in both primary and putting gaze positions to ensure they have the most accurate information upon which to base their vision strategy decisions.
Purpose: To investigate how initial HEMA and silicone-hydrogel (SiHy) contact lens fit on insertion, which informs prescribing decisions, reflect end of day fit. Methods: Thirty participants (aged 22.9. ±. 4.9 years) were fitted contralaterally with HEMA and SiHy contact lenses. Corneal topography and tear break-up time were assessed pre-lens wear. Centration, lag, post-blink movement during up-gaze and push-up recovery speed were recorded after 5,10,20. min and 8. h of contact lens wear by a digital slit-lamp biomicroscope camera, along with reported comfort. Lens fit metrics were analysed using bespoke software. Results: Comfort and centration were similar with the HEMA and SiHy lenses (p > 0.05), but comfort decreased with time (p <. 0.01) whereas centration remained stable (F = 0.036, p = 0.991). Movement-on-blink and lag were greater with the HEMA than the SiHy lens (p <. 0.01), but movement-on-blink decreased with time after insertion (F = 22.423, p <. 0.001) whereas lag remained stable (F = 1.967, p = 0.129). Push-up recovery speed was similar with the HEMA and the SiHy lens 5-20. min after insertion (p > 0.05), but was slower with SiHy after 8. h wear (p = 0.016). Lens movement on blink and push-up recovery speed was predictive of the movement after 8. h of wear after 10-20. min SiHy wear, but after 5 to 20. min of HEMA lens wear. Conclusions: A HEMA or SiHy contact lens with poor movement on blink/push-up after at least 10. min after insertion should be rejected.
The approach of all ophthalmologists, diabetologists and general practitioners seeing patients with diabetic retinopathy should be that good control of blood glucose, blood pressure and plasma lipids are all essential components of modern medical management. The more recent data on the use of fenofibrate in the Fenofibrate Intervention and Event Lowering in Diabetes (FIELD) and The Action to Control Cardiovascular Risk in Diabetes (ACCORD) Eye studies is reviewed. In FIELD, fenofibrate (200 mg/day) reduced the requirements for laser therapy and prevented disease progression in patients with pre-existing diabetic retinopathy. In ACCORD Eye, fenofibrate (160 mg daily) with simvastatin resulted in a 40% reduction in the odds of retinopathy progressing over 4 years, compared with simvastatin alone. This occurred with an increase in HDL-cholesterol and a decrease in the serum triglyceride level in the fenofibrate group, as compared with the placebo group, and was independent of glycaemic control. We believe fenofibrate is effective in preventing progression of established diabetic retinopathy in type 2 diabetes and should be considered for patients with pre-proliferative diabetic retinopathy and/or diabetic maculopathy, particularly in those with macular oedema requiring laser. © 2011 Macmillan Publishers Limited All rights reserved.
Aim: To assess whether the current starting age of 12 is suitable for diabetic retinopathy (DR) screening and whether diabetes duration should be taken into account when deciding at what age to start screening patients. Materials and methods: A retrospective analysis of 143 patients aged 12 years or younger who attended diabetic eye screening for the first time in the Birmingham, Solihull and Black Country Diabetic Eye Screening Programme was performed. Results: The mean age of the patients was 10.7 (7-12) years with 73 out of 143 aged below 12 years and 70 were 12 years of age. 98% had type 1 diabetes and mean diabetes duration was 5 (1 month-11 years) years. For those younger than 12 years, 7/73 (9.6%) had background DR (BDR), of these mean diabetes duration was 7 years (6-8). The youngest patient to present with DR was aged 8 years. In those aged 12 years, 5/70 (7.1%) had BDR; of these mean diabetes duration was 8 years (6-11). No patient developed DR before 6 years duration in either group. Conclusions: The results show that no patient younger than the age of 12 had sight-threatening DR (STDR), but BDR was identified. Based on the current mission statement of the Diabetic Eye Screening Programme to identify STDR, 12 years of age is confirmed as the right age to start screening, but if it is important to diabetic management to identify first development of DR, then screening should begin after 6 years of diabetes diagnosis.
This article provides an overview of the various eye-related causes of photophobia and the likely mechanisms responsible. Photophobia is an experience of discomfort affecting the eyes due to exposure to light. It has a variety of causes including the result of eye or brain disease, or it can be a side effect of various drugs or laser surgery. Photophobia can also be a symptom of a more serious disorder such as meningitis and therefore, requires appropriate investigation, diagnosis, and treatment. Trauma or disease affecting several structures of the eye are a common cause of photophobia and can be associated with: (1) the ocular adnexia, such as blepharitis and blepharospasm, (2) the cornea, including abrasion, ulcerative keratitis, and corneal dystrophy, (3) problems in eye development, such as aniridia, buphthalmos, coloboma, and aphakia, (4) various eye inflammations, including uveitis, and (5) retinal disorders, such as achromatopsia, retinal detachment, and retinal dystrophy. There may be two main explanations for eye-related photophobia: (1) direct stimulation of the trigeminal nerve due to damage, disease, or excessive light entering the eye and (2) overstimulation of the retina including a specific population of light-sensitive ganglion cells.