990 resultados para exalbuminous seeds
The work had as objective the physico-chemical characterization of yellow mangosteen fruits. Six samples of 25 fruits were harvested in yellow mangosteen plants of the Active Germoplasm Bank of São Paulo State University and characterized by evaluation of length and width, weight, percentage and number of seeds per fruit, peel and pulp percentage, soluble solid (SS), titratable acidity (TA), vitamin C and SS/TA rate. Yellow mangosteen fruit is an intermediate vitamin C source with an average content 120.33 mg/100g of fresh fruit and has good technological quality.
Se presenta una síntesis de los resultados obtenidos en los estudios de semillas y frutos realizados durante los últimos años en la Cataluña Occidental (especialmente en el llamado Llano Occidental Catalán) en yacimientos del II y I milenio a.n.e. Entre las plantas cultivadas destacan claramente los cereales, sobre todo la cebada vestida (Hordeum vulgare) y el trigo común/duro (Triticum aestivum/durum), con escasa presencia de leguminosas, siendo las más representadas la lenteja (Lens culinaris) y el guisante (Pisum sativum). Nuevos cultivos como los mijos (Panicum miliaceum y Setaria italica) o el lino (Linum usitatissimum) se detectan ya desde mediados del II milenio, mientras que otros como la avena (Avena sativa) se introducen en época ibérica. Se han recuperado también testimonios de recolección, como las bellotas (Quercus sp.) o la uva silvestre (Vitis vinifera ssp. sylvestris), así como de la vegetación arvense, principalmente el raygrás (Lolium sp.).
La contribución de los análisis de semillas y frutos a la reconstrucción paleoambiental es más reducida que la de otras disciplinas paleobotánicas, aunque su aportación es fundamental ya que permite identificar a nivel de especie numerosas plantas. No obstante, los problemas en su interpretación son múltiples, lo que hace muy compleja su interpretación paleoecológica. La principal dificultad deriva del hecho de que la mayor parte de los restos provienen de yacimientos arqueológicos, a los cuales han llegado como resultado directo o indirecto de una actividad antrópica. Los de plantas silvestres -mejores indicadoras del entorno de las zonas de hábitat- se conservan principalmente en condiciones anaeróbicas, siendo, pues, los yacimientos de medio húmedo los idóneos para el estudio paleoambiental.
Este trabajo ilustra cómo el análisis de la composición isotópica del carbono en restos arqueobotánicos aporta información sobre las condiciones climáticas y de cultivo en el pasado. Tras una introducción metodológica, se presentan distintos ejemplos que utilizan semillas carbonizadas (trigo y cebada) y/o carbones de especies forestales (pino carrasco, encina, etc.), ambos tipos de restos recuperados en yacimientos de la cuenca mediterránea. Mientras la composición isotópica en cereales proporciona inferencias sobre la disponibilidad hídrica de los cultivos, el análisis de carbones ayuda a cuantificar la precipitación. La combinación de ambas fuentes permite hipotetizar sobre la implementación de prácticas agronómicas específicas encaminadas a incrementar la disponibilidad hídrica de los cultivos en el pasado.
A partir de un extracto metanólico de semillas de Melia azedarach se han aislado los compuestos responsables de su actividad biológica como agentes inhibidores de la alimentación y reguladores del desarrollo sobre Sesamia nonagrioides. Las pruebas biológicas de actividad se han realizado incorporando cada fracción a la dieta, hojas de maíz o dieta sintética, de larvas de 2°estadio del insecto. La técnica de cromatografía líquida de alta resolución a escala semipreparativa, utilizando un cartucho de fase reversa, ha permitido separar dos componentes con cantidad y pureza suficientes para poder ser analizados con posterioridad mediante técnicas espectroscópicas.
Apparently, there are no custard apple cultivars defined for the northeastern region of Brazil. The establishment of breeding programs aimed at the selection of types from productive locations for later cloning is desirable. This work's objective was to evaluate the yield (during the first three crops) and quality (first crop) of fruits from 20 half-sibling custard apple tree progenies, selected from home orchards. An additional objective was to estimate genetic parameters for the traits evaluated. A micro sprinkling-irrigated experiment was conducted in Mossoró-RN, Brazil, as random blocks with five replications. In characteristics evaluated for periods longer than a year (diameter, height and mean weight of fruits, number of fruits ha-1 and fruit yield (kg ha-1), and a split-plot design was adopted, with progenies considered as plots and annual cropping seasons as subplots. The best progenies in terms of fruit yield (A3 and A4) are not necessarily the best for fruit dimensions and fruit mean weight (A2, FE4, JG1, JG2, SM1, SM7, and SM8). These progenies show great potential to be used in future studies on crosses or on vegetative propagation. In this regard, progeny JG2 should be highlighted as promising in terms of yield and fruit size. The progenies are not different with regard to percentages (in relation to mean fruit mass) of pericarp, endocarp, seeds, and receptacle, in the fruit, and fruit volume, number of seeds/fruit, and total soluble solids content in the fruit pulp, but progeny FE4 presents higher total titratable acidity in the fruit pulp. Narrow-sense heritability estimates were relatively high for all characteristics in which there was variability between progenies, with higher values for number of fruits ha-1 (80 %) and fruit yield (78 %). Relatively high coefficients of genotypic variation (around 20%) were observed for number of fruits ha-1 and fruit yield, with lower values for the other characteristics. There were positive genotypic and phenotypic correlations between fruit diameter (FD) and fruit height, FD and mean fruit weight, and number of fruits ha-1 and fruit yield.
In the specific case of the quince trees, there is lack of information about the emergency of their seedlings, development and time of production of rootstocks to reach the point of the grafting, as well as development of the grafts. Therefore, the objective of the present research was to study the Cydonia and Chaenomeles genera, as well as the development of the grafts during the nursery phase. Seeds of the quince tree cultivars 'Mendoza Inta-37', 'Provence', ' Portugal' and 'Japonês' were obtained from ripe fruits and submitted to cold stratification during 20 days. Soon after, the seeds were sowed in 72-cell polystyrene trays (120 cm³ of capacity/cell) containing vermiculite as substrate. After 60 days, the seedlings were put in plastic bags (3 liters of capacity) filled with a substrate containing soil: sand: manure (1:1:1 v/v). The seedlings were kept in a 50% of shadow nursery and periodically irrigated. After 180 days, the seedlings were grafted by the cleft grafting method, during the winter, using scion sticks from quince 'Portugal'. After 60 days, the percentage of alive and sprouted grafts was evaluated. The length and diameter of the grafts were measured every 30 days, a total of four times. The quince 'Japonês' showed the best performance among all the rootstocks in this experiment, being an excellent alternative as rootstock for quince trees. 'Japonês' and 'Mendoza Inta-37' were also the rootstocks that promoted the best development of the grafts.
The aim of this work was to determine the sugar, organic acid and mineral compositions of the whole fruit and fractions (skin, pulp and seed) of the Paulista (Plinia cauliflora) and Sabará (Plinia jaboticaba) jabuticaba tree genotypes, as well as the oil compositions of their skin and seeds. High levels of sugar, especially fructose, followed by glucose and sucrose, were encountered in the fruit. In the Paulista genotype, higher levels of total and reducing sugars were found in the pulp and skin, which was not observed when comparing the whole fruit of both genotypes. Five organic acids were found in the whole fruit and in the fractions of the two jabuticaba genotypes in quantitative order: citric acid > succinic acid > malic acid > oxalic acid > acetic acid. Potassium was the most abundant mineral found. This fruit was also shown to be rich in magnesium, phosphorus, calcium and copper. The seed oil had nearly the same constitution as the oil extracted from the skin in both genotypes and the major compounds were an unidentified phytosterol, palmitic, linoleic and oleic acids, and squalene.
Choosing a substrate is the determinant factor for the seedling producer; thus, the aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of different types of substrates on the emergence of "araticum-de-terra-fria" (Annona emarginata (Schltdl.) H. Rainer) seedlings. The experiment was carried out in a greenhouse and the experimental design was in randomized blocks, with three treatments and five replicates of 72 seeds per plot. The treatments consisted of the following substrates: coconut fiber, vermiculite and Plantmax® Citrus. The number of emerged seedlings was weekly counted for 105 days. Data regarding seedling height were obtained, and the emergence velocity index and mean time, besides total emergence percentage and that over time were calculated. Results from total mean emergence percentage, seedling height, emergence velocity index (EVI), and mean emergence time (MET) were subjected to analysis of variance and means were compared by the Tukey's test at 5% significance. The curves concerning the emergence percentage over time were fit by the logistic growth equation for each treatment and the means of each parameter (A, B, C) were compared by the Duncan's test at 5% significance. The substrates vermiculite led to the highest values of emergence percentage differing from the PlantMax® Citrus, but not of the coconut fiber, however the vermiculite promoted seedling height in a shorter time; therefore, this substrate is recommended for the initial development of "araticum-de-terra-fria" (Annona emarginata (Schltdl.) H. Rainer) seedlings.
Different solvents were evaluated for the extraction of jabuticaba anthocyanin pigments, identifying, quantifying and verifying the stability of the anthocyanins, as well as the conduction of three antioxidant activity assays and determination of the vitamin C levels. The maceration with ethanol acidified with HCl 1.5 mol L-1 (85:15) provides better pigment extraction and stability. The skin is anthocyanin rich, presenting 1.59 and 2.06 g 100 g-1 of dry matter in the Paulista and Sabará varieties, respectively. Cyanidin 3-glucoside is the majority pigment of the skins, followed by delphinidin 3-glucoside. The highest level of vitamin C was found in the skins and seeds of both varieties. It was verified that the skins, presented more antioxidant activity, in free radical capture, as well as in retarding the lipid oxidation process.
Araucaria angustifolia is an endangered conifer species of South America that has been over exploited for timber. To incentivize Araucaria angustifolia planting is essential and may play a key role on the conservation of this species and the ecosystems that depend on it. Hence, techniques that allow the production of seedlings with attributes that may entice farmers to plant A. angustifolia trees are very important. Grafting may permit the selection of female trees and the production of precocious plants that will produce high quality seeds. The aim of this study was to determine the best season of the year to graft. Three-year-old seedlings were used as rootstock and orthotropic branches of young plants were used for scion collection. The technique used for the grafting was the bark patch. This procedure was carried out in the beginning of each season in 2007 and 2008, with a total of 160 grafted plants. Grafting carried out in the beginning of autumn had a 50 % success rate. Grafting success was negligible for all remaining seasons. In conclusion, grafting through bark patching is a viable technique for the production of A. angustifolia seedlings. Future research should be carried out to produce grafted seedlings in large-scale.
Target identification for tractography studies requires solid anatomical knowledge validated by an extensive literature review across species for each seed structure to be studied. Manual literature review to identify targets for a given seed region is tedious and potentially subjective. Therefore, complementary approaches would be useful. We propose to use text-mining models to automatically suggest potential targets from the neuroscientific literature, full-text articles and abstracts, so that they can be used for anatomical connection studies and more specifically for tractography. We applied text-mining models to three structures: two well-studied structures, since validated deep brain stimulation targets, the internal globus pallidus and the subthalamic nucleus and, the nucleus accumbens, an exploratory target for treating psychiatric disorders. We performed a systematic review of the literature to document the projections of the three selected structures and compared it with the targets proposed by text-mining models, both in rat and primate (including human). We ran probabilistic tractography on the nucleus accumbens and compared the output with the results of the text-mining models and literature review. Overall, text-mining the literature could find three times as many targets as two man-weeks of curation could. The overall efficiency of the text-mining against literature review in our study was 98% recall (at 36% precision), meaning that over all the targets for the three selected seeds, only one target has been missed by text-mining. We demonstrate that connectivity for a structure of interest can be extracted from a very large amount of publications and abstracts. We believe this tool will be useful in helping the neuroscience community to facilitate connectivity studies of particular brain regions. The text mining tools used for the study are part of the HBP Neuroinformatics Platform, publicly available at http://connectivity-brainer.rhcloud.com/.
The objective was to evaluate the percentage of emergency plantlets and lipid peroxidation in seeds of 29 half-sib progenies of yellow passion fruit (Passiflora edulis Sims.) after 24 months under storage. The experimental design was completely randomized, with four replications of 50 seeds each, from which the treatments were the progenies (1-29). The evaluation of the percent plantlet emergency was accomplished at 14 and 28 days after sowing. The lipid peroxidation of the seeds was expressed as malondialdehyde (MDA) content that was determined by the TBARS method. Approximately 21% of those half-sib progenies maintained the viability of their seeds for twenty-four months under storage. The results point out a remarkable genetic variability for vigor and emergency of the yellow passion fruit plantlets, with occurrence of individuals with high and other ones with low capacity to maintaining the physiologic quality of their seeds after storage.
This study aimed to evaluate different proportions of organic compost and soil as a substrate for the guavira emergence and seedling formation under different protected environments, in the high Pantanal region of the state of Mato Grosso do Sul. The seeds were placed in polyethylene bags (15 x 25 centimeters) filled with four percentages of organic compost (0%, 20%, 80%, and 100% of total volume) mixed with soil. These substrates were tested in agro-nurseries covered with black screen and 50% thermo-reflecting shade cloths. The substrate with 20% soil and 80% organic compost and the black screen shade cloth promote the best performance in the seedling production.
We demonstrate the value of high-resolution magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in diagnosing, staging, and follow-up of retinoblastoma during eye-saving treatment. We have included informative retinoblastoma cases scanned on a 3T MRI system from a retrospective retinoblastoma cohort from 2009 through 2013. We show that high-resolution MRI has the potential to detect small intraocular seeds, hemorrhage, and metastatic risk factors not visible with fundoscopy (e.g., optic nerve invasion and choroidal invasion), and treatment response. Unfortunately, however, the diagnostic accuracy of high-resolution MRI is not perfect, especially for subtle intraocular seeds or minimal postlaminar optic nerve invasion. The most important application of MRI is the detection of metastatic risk factors, as these cannot be found by fundoscopy and ultrasound.